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LGBT hate speech to be banned in Poland

jon357  72 | 23361  
10 Sep 2015 /  #91
Nope. Consistent political lobbying, enforced restriction of alcohol sales, blackmailing governments to compromise rights to abortion and other forms of family planning, public pronouncements against in-vitro and much much more. And yes, they have as much right as any other group to voice their opinion - providing they do not silence others.

Nobody tries to silence them or any other religious body, however you seem hell bent in your obsession to encourage that other groups should be denied a voice.

You even accuse some groups of 'infiltration'. And let us not forget the consistent lies and slander you have propagated here over a couple of dozen threads spanning the best part of a decade. Truly an obsession.

By the way, Pol3, what are your views on transvestitism within the family?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Sep 2015 /  #92
political lobbying, enforced restriction of alcohol sales, blackmailing governments to compromise rights to abortion and other forms of family planning, public pronouncements

Everyone is allowed to lobby for their cause and the LGBTQ certainly does quite a bit of it. Lobbying means trying to persuade the authorities to proceed in a certain way, so there is lobbying and counterlobbying. Tobacco producers lobby for their business interests and the anti-smoking group promotes its oppositon thereto. Decision-makers are swayed one way or the other depending on who's more convincing. In places were the abortionists hold away, baby butchery develops apace, elsewhere the right to life is more important. If the liquor lobby is more persuasive, closing time may be extended or done away with; if parents do not want an off-licence near their school and back their demands with a petition, the authorites may acquiesce. That's democracy. Enforcement by a lobbying group would be if the LGBTQ set up a thug squad to attack priests who preach the Bible and disagree with same-sex marriage. Public pronouncements? You must be joking! Every dogfood producer, politcian, the Michniks and Rydzyks of this world, your beloved pro-homo lobby and everybody else and his wife make public pronouncements round the clock. That's called freedom of speech.
jon357  72 | 23361  
13 Sep 2015 /  #93
Ans what about the Trans part of LGBT? It's part of the rainbow of diversity and there are certainly crossdressers around plac Zbawiciela.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Sep 2015 /  #94

Dunno about that but maybe the "I" in LGBTQI stands for "incest" or "incestuous". That segment of your diversity circus is reportedly organising in Germany, and as Germany goes....
jon357  72 | 23361  
13 Sep 2015 /  #95
Nope - it stands for Intersex.

You're dodging the question about that part of the rainbow of diversity and the area around plac Zbawiciela that is Transgender. I wonder why.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Sep 2015 /  #96
commissioned as artwork

I understand the lady that designed it didn't originally consider the homo connection. Only after all the hullabaloo did she decide she had effectively become a spox for that community, or so she claims.

The multi-coloured £owicz girls skirt would have probably been a better symbol of Polish culture.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
13 Sep 2015 /  #97
"the £owicz girl's skirt"!!!!! You are really into the rainbow stuff to think about that ;)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Sep 2015 /  #98
A. Grodzka

You won't believe me, but it didn't cross my mind although I had just written about her. I'm still under the spell of Angela Merkel's idiotic refugee behaviour, I reckon.

Trans part of LGBT

For days now you've been making allusions about cross-dressers ands chop-jobbers which I honestly do not catch. Say what you mean, man, er, um... What is the proper way of adressing one of your ilk?

Closed for cleaning
Just say NO  
16 Oct 2015 /  #99
Merged: Hate speech. Lèse-majesté - an offence against the dignity of a reigning monarch/president or against a state.

Many of the comments I see on polishforum constitute ' hate speech.' in my world Now I am not some social activist or hardened leftie, just a regular person going about their daily business. I decided to do a little research into hate speech and bigotry in Poland and this is what the law states.

The hate speech laws in Poland derive from its Constitution and from its Criminal Code. The laws discourage any conduct that foments racial, national, or sectarian hatred. The laws punish those who intentionally offend the feelings of the religious by e.g. disturbing services or creating public calumny. They also prohibit public expression that insults a person or a group on account of national, ethnic, racial, or religious affiliation or the lack of a religious affiliation.


According to the Batory Foundation, Poland has a problem with hate speech, with Polish teens particularly exposed to it.
"We're targeting young people aged 15-18, and the reason we did that is because last year, we published the first nationwide report, called "Hate Speech in Poland," which indicated that young people are more likely to accept hate speech to specific minority groups than adults," she said.

The BF "Stop Hate Speech" campaign was launched on September 14. With the following video.


Polishforum also have a problem with hate speech especially against the Catholic church, Jews, LGBT and minorities. What could be done to control and stop the bigots?

Sources- wikepedia, Polish constitution, Polish criminal code., Batory Foundation.

"What could be done to control and stop the bigots?"
One way will be to ban users who post under multiple names, like yourself.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
9 Apr 2016 /  #100
[moved from]
Please :) Kaczynski is the prime illustration of this revised homophobic administration.

Put simply, nobody would give a flying **** that he is homosexual if the European norms on same sex rights were observed. Some might even vote for PIS because of his honesty if he came out - my mum for one, if she were Polish, and still alive.

Nobody loves a political liar. Ask Cameron, who is sweating tonight:))
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Apr 2016 /  #101
European norms

Fortunately, thanks to Britain who first negotiated national opt-out rights in the EU treaty (I believe on labour issues, Ireland /correct me Atch if I'm wrong/ on military neutraltiy) Poland has opted out of EU interference in family law including imposing normativisation of sexual deviation.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
9 Apr 2016 /  #102
@Pol3: where does your obsession re homosexuality come from? However, since Poland is no.1 recipient of EU's funds (over 50% are paid by Germany, France and Italy respectively), Poland will do as being told. Beggars are no choosers.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Apr 2016 /  #103
Neverhteless, Poland's family opt-out remains in force.To you sexual perversion is normal, but what right have you to impose your view on others. Quite a few people with your approach including most Christians.
jon357  72 | 23361  
9 Apr 2016 /  #104
Most Christians are not obsessed with that subject.

And certainly don't smear the internet with their scatological fantasies
smurf  38 | 1940  
9 Apr 2016 /  #105
Poland's homosexual head of state

Jarek isn't President dude
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Apr 2016 /  #106
arek isn't President dude

Scroll back and you'll see the suggestion was that lower case would make a "good" president of dubious orientation. Poland lacks the provision that one needs to be born in Poland to become president.

not obsessed

Only repsonding to those osbessed about normativising preversion.
jon357  72 | 23361  
9 Apr 2016 /  #107
There you go again, all this "perversion" talk. And the irony is that nationally, hearing nutters rant about "perversion" just makes people reflect on sexual minorities. The end result will be the opposite of what the ranters want.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
9 Apr 2016 /  #108
osbessed about normativising preversion.

drunk again old man.

If anyone is 'osbessed' it is you.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Apr 2016 /  #109
rant about

Rants about the 1.2% minority of "gays", gay couples, gay rights, gay bars, parades, lifestyles, etc. automatically depresses the aberration or perversion button amongst people who believe in normal, decent famileis. But never forget it was the homo-normativisers that started the rant in the first place.


Gay, pervert, homo, deviate not to mention pejorative slang tags are just words but documented research shows there is something gravely wrong with abnormal behaviour. In one of the biggest surveys of homosexuals in England, researchers from Cambridge University found that 12 per cent of lesbian women and almost 19 per cent of bisexual women reported mental health problems, compared with six per cent of heterosexual women. Meanwhile 11 per cent of gay men and 15 per cent of bisexual men reported problems, compared to five per cent of heterosexual men. All the pro-LGBT propaganda and the biggest, loudest pride parades in the world cannot drown out the results of objective scholarly research.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
9 Apr 2016 /  #110
Rants about the 1.2% minority of "gays", gay couples, gay rights, gay bars, parades, lifestyles, etc. automatically depresses the aberration or perversion button amongst people who believe in normal, decent famileis. But never forget it was the homo-normativisers that started the rant in the first place.

no, it was you. that is because you are utterly fascinated by 'gay' why don't you just admit it.
Jon might be 'out' but he never 'rants'.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Apr 2016 /  #111
he never 'rants'

Depends how one defines "ranting". Is providing scientifc evidence a "rant"? So let's just stick to a neutral term like "statement". Whenever a statement refers to gay as normal, that invites counteraction by those not interested in normativising it.

Someone could say who owns a pet is free to do with it what one wants. But some people might be upset to see a pet being starved or tortured even though it doesn't belong to them. So too many normal people are appalled at libertines degenerating human society and have every right to say so.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
9 Apr 2016 /  #112
have every right to say so.

hmmm OK old man you just keep justifying your obsession like that...:)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Apr 2016 /  #113
utterly fascinated

No, rather disgusted, appalled, outraged and utterly opposed to its normativisation. That would be a better choice of terms.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
9 Apr 2016 /  #114

there is no such word as 'normativisation' . Just saying.

'Normal' people don't hang about on internet forums getting off on ranting about homosexuality.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Apr 2016 /  #115
no such word as 'normativisation'

Au contraire, normative means relating to an ideal standard or model, or being based on what is considered to be the normal or proper way of doing something.

To normativise means to to consider something normative or normal and proper.
Hence the noun normativsation, the act of regarding something as normal and proper.
You may wish to normativse the abnormal, but don't expect everybody to agree.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
9 Apr 2016 /  #116
@Pol: live your life and let the others live theirs! ;). Homosexuals have as much the right to live and to be happy as you do and vice versa.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Apr 2016 /  #117
have as much the right

Has anybody said they don't? Kleptomaniacs, sadists ando zoophiles also have a right to live and nobody is denying that. But is their behaviour normal? Some may say it is, others will disagree.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
9 Apr 2016 /  #118
@Pol: how do homsosexuals bother you PERSONALLY? You know, I'm sure that "homos" don't give a d... about you so why are you so obsessed by them? You know, being obsessed by them gives them importance. Why don't you ignore them and live your life? You are smart, well read, very knowledgeable (I am impressed by your answers re Polish names) so why do you waste your time on people you don't like? You know, time flies very quickly and better to do something useful and interesting rather than wasting it....

Do you remember the American sitcom with a NY loud mouth black drycleaner George Jefferrson? I don't remember the name right now but I loved it (just like I loved "all in the family", with Archie Bunker while I was in school in the US). I remember George's mother) saying all the time that when she does not like someone she does not say anything about them and that's why she "never talks about Louise" (Louise is George's wife). Why don't you do same with people you don't like (I do it in real life) and trust me, you'll feel better.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Apr 2016 /  #119
how do homosexuals bother you

They don't, but I'm not concerned about personal likes or dislikes but about principles. Crucify me if you want, but I happen to follow the principles of the Catholic Church. Is that a cirme in your books? Then start a petition drive and street marches to persecute those who follow their faith.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
9 Apr 2016 /  #120
@Pol: I will not crucify you or anyone else. I'm a decent and responsible citizen living my life and letting others living theirs as long as they are no threat. What happens in a bedroom between consenting adults should not concern you... ;). Believe me, there are more interesting things to do....

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