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LGBT hate speech to be banned in Poland

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Jul 2015 /  #1
In news that will delight normal people in Poland and certainly scare the few who insist on publishing endless hate speech online...

PO, along with left-wing Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) and Palikot Movement (RP) want to include gays and transgender people in a law that currently covers insults of an ethnic and national nature.

The daily Rzeczpospolita reports that work on the project has recently returned to the parliamentary sub-committee stage and could be enacted before the end of PO's parliamentary term in October.

The bill proposes up to three years in prison for insulting gays and lesbians and five years for the use of phyical threat.


PolishForums will certainly change for the better.
28 Jul 2015 /  #2
He will be wondering why religion was not included.

PolishForums will certainly change for the better.

Polish Forms is run out of the USA so don't wet all over yourself just yet.
Besides if Christianity is included what would jon and the rest of you have to bash ?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Jul 2015 /  #3
He will be wondering why religion was not included.

Already is. Not very familiar with Poland, are you?

Polish Forms is run out of the USA so don't wet all over yourself just yet.

Quite irrelevant. The Polish authorities have no problems prosecuting people for things they've written online regardless of the location of the server.

Besides if Christianity is included what would jon and the rest of you have to bash ?

There's a difference between criticising and open hate speech.
jon357  72 | 23490  
28 Jul 2015 /  #4
Quite irrelevant. The Polish authorities have no problems prosecuting people for things they've written online regardless of the location of the server.

And in any case some of the worst offenders are either based in Poland, elsewhere in the Union or have recoverable assets there. In any case, don't the Polish courts just collect the debts via the U.S. federal court system anyway? I'm sure that's happened before.
28 Jul 2015 /  #5
Though isn't illegal to criticise their wrongdoings and hopefully never will be.

Already is. Not very familiar with Poland, are you?

Can't have it both ways guys. lol
So it isn't illegal to criticize criticize religion wrong doings but it is o.k. to criticize homo's wrong doings. (Now I understand......NOT !)

Sounds about right for typical liberals.

I'm sure that's happened before.

That makes it binding if jon is sure.
How can anyone take this place seriously ?
jon357  72 | 23490  
28 Jul 2015 /  #6
Remember it has to be a. Accurate, b. Not hate speech, c. A criticism of something that people choose rather than are born with, i.e. skin colour, sexuality, gender and d. Hate speech against a minority

The new law is a very positive thing and in line with both the centuries' old tradition of tolerance, liberalism and equality in Poland as well as the norm within Europe as a whole.
28 Jul 2015 /  #7
The Polish authorities have no problems prosecuting people for things they've written online regardless of the location of the server.

And apparently the Polish police find it very easy to find out who has been making what they are foolish enough to think are anonymous threats/statements.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
28 Jul 2015 /  #8
Polish police find it very easy to find out who

They are quick at it too.
Malopolanin  3 | 132  
28 Jul 2015 /  #9
PO, along with left-wing Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) and Palikot Movement (RP) want to include gays and transgender people in a law that currently covers insults of an ethnic and national nature.

Straight people will not get protection?
jon357  72 | 23490  
28 Jul 2015 /  #10
Protection from what?
28 Jul 2015 /  #11
quick think of something Pan Jon, looks like PO are rushing it through before PiS win this October!
the PiS flappers thing didnt work, quite the opposite, you endowed them with a catchy slogan :D
jon357  72 | 23490  
28 Jul 2015 /  #12
Why would I need to think of something? Either quickly or slowly. The ruling party have thought of it already. And if the PiS flappers try to veto it, it will make them look even more foolish than they (and you) already do.

And of course if/when it goes through, at least they'll have done the right thing.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Jul 2015 /  #13
Protection from what?

From having to watch pervert parades and having pro-homo sex ed forced on their kids.

Protection from what?

BTW did you know a normal (or "straight" as you call them) performing artist has a hard time getting a job in the Teatr Wielki. The "crookeds" have it all sewn up. That is reportedly also the case in other Warsaw cultural circles. Only a gay may stay!
jon357  72 | 23490  
28 Jul 2015 /  #14
Except nobody is ever forced to attend a 'pervert parade' whatever that is or have anything 'forced on' their kids. Except perhaps on your fevered imagination...
28 Jul 2015 /  #15
hmm hmm will insulting any person, even one of heterosexual orientation with the word ''foolish',' be hate speech punishable by a custodial of 3 years too ? :D
Crow  154 | 9548  
28 Jul 2015 /  #16
To put cross on myself, does this mean that now one can`t tell `peder` or even more interestingly `pider` (how they say in Slovenia). It is same as one try to forbid word `gypsy` for example.
jon357  72 | 23490  
28 Jul 2015 /  #17
hmm hmm will insulting any person, even one of heterosexual orientation with the word ''foolish',' be hate speech punishable by a custodial of 3 years too ? :D

No, in a word.
28 Jul 2015 /  #18
you suggesting there's different laws for straight and gay people then jon? :D sounds like it, and calling me foolish is like looking yourself in the mirror aint it
Crow  154 | 9548  
28 Jul 2015 /  #19
and what about words like `pederèina` (sound as `pederchina`) what is used to describe a person`s character in pejorative sense? It is essentially same as that you say to somebody that is he `pièka` (sound as `pichka`) - actually when you want to say that one behave as female sex organ. Now, female sex organ is nice thing but, behavior of male in that sense is ugly thing. Don`t ask me why my language functioning this way. i think all Slavic languages must be similar here.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Jul 2015 /  #20
hate speech

Give an example of what in your view is hate speech.
jon357  72 | 23490  
28 Jul 2015 /  #21
Again, no. Unless you think the majority are suddenly an oppressed group or can think of examples of hate speech against heterosexuals by others on the grounds of their sexuality - which you can't.

As I say, foolish, and argumentative too.

An excellent piece of legislation and long overdue. Clever and well-timed as well.
28 Jul 2015 /  #22
>As I say, foolish, and argumentative too.
at least you dont hide it.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Jul 2015 /  #23
oppressed group

Anit-Cahtolic hate speech is posyhcologcially oppressive to devout Catholics. Does tearing up the Bible on stage, desecrating the crucifix or making n blasphemous remarks against the Chruch and the clergy in public qualify as hate speech or fall under freedom of artistic expression?
jon357  72 | 23490  
28 Jul 2015 /  #24
Those are covered by existing legislation, however neither are hate speech under any known legal definition. A 'blasphemous remark' is pretty vague too. A something that's a deeply held tenet of one religion is blasphemous to another.

In danger of going off topic though. This thread isn't about religion at all.

Excellent legislation though, and another nail in the coffin of Ciemnogrod.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
28 Jul 2015 /  #25
Maybe they can charge Polish citizens, but they have exactly zero, zilch, nada chance to prosecute someone in the USA for hate speech which targets Polish nationals. There is something called freedom of speech here, and nobody will take that away. It's naive to believe otherwise.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Jul 2015 /  #26
Excellent legislation

Vague superlatives but why no brass tack and nails? What exactly constitutes hate speech? Some speific examples?
What about a play titled "All Gays burn in hell"? Is that hate speech or freedom of artistic expression.
Calling homosexuals fags? Hate speech or freedom of speech?
Or writing an op-ed saying homos should be imprisoned or deported? Hate speech or freedom of expression?
Citing research showing that homos have a higher STD rate than heteros? Hate speech or documented medical evidence?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jul 2015 /  #27
What about a play titled "All Gays burn in hell"? Is that hate speech or freedom of artistic expression.

If it's a play, seems fair to me. I don't believe in censoring such things - it can open people's eyes.

I actually think there could be some artistic merit in it, particularly if it was from the point of view of typical blokersi. They are so woefully unrepresented in the arts that it's about time that someone did something from their point of view.

Or writing an op-ed saying homos should be imprisoned or deported? Hate speech or freedom of expression?

Hate speech, without a shadow of a doubt.

Citing research showing that homos have a higher STD rate than heteros? Hate speech or documented medical evidence?

No harm in citing research as long as the right of rebuttal is there.

Maybe they can charge Polish citizens, but they have exactly zero, zilch, nada chance to prosecute someone in the USA for hate speech which targets Polish nationals. There is something called freedom of speech here, and nobody will take that away. It's naive to believe otherwise.

Only a point, but if the prosecutor in Poland shows interest in the case and gets a European Arrest Warrant issued, it could make life very difficult for the person in question. You're right that the USA wouldn't show much interest in deporting the person (they show much more interest in getting people deported to the US for trivial things...) - but that person could easily get arrested in London and extradited to Poland for what they've said online.

Having said that, American citizens seem to be quite able to dish out vigilante-style justice online...
29 Jul 2015 /  #28
And apparently the Polish police find it very easy to find out who has been making what they are foolish enough to think are anonymous threats/statements.

@Harry - You are having flash backs to the days of communism and the KGB. Those days are over and nobody fears your idle threats of this happening. Just ask your buddy Pigsy.

The police have bigger things to deal with then holding a pansy as ses hand because someone called a crooked a queer or their girlfriend/wife a prostitute.

Get real !

There is something called freedom of speech here, and nobody will take that away. It's naive to believe otherwise.

Thank you TheOther

Having said that, American citizens seem to be quite able to dish out vigilante-style justice online...

I am glad it is just the Americans that are guilty of this. lol
F-ck delphiandomine its not like a punch in the nose, they are only politically incorrect words on a screen that the liberals find offensive.
I find LGBT's offensive, so what laws do I have to hide behind ?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
29 Jul 2015 /  #29
Only a point, but if the prosecutor in Poland shows interest in the case and gets a European Arrest Warrant issued, it could make life very difficult for the person in question.

Dunno, but to me that has a very strong taste of "1984". If a government doesn't like a certain school of thought (no matter what that is), all it takes to control the people is to make an opinion illegal? Shudder! Who decides what constitutes hate speech for example?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jul 2015 /  #30
@Harry - You are having flash backs to the days of communism and the KGB.

Actually, people have been prosecuted for this in Poland. Perhaps you'd do well to actually live here?

F-ck delphiandomine its not like a punch in the nose, they are only politically incorrect words on a screen that the liberals find offensive.

Dunno, conservatives seem to cry when someone insults God or their guns.

Dunno, but to me that has a very strong taste of "1984".

I think it's rather how the opinion is made that matters. Calling on someone to "kill all gays" is an obvious hate crime - but saying "homosexuality is immoral" isn't (in a private setting).

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