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Letter from the UN to Poland to Promote Abortions and End Traditional Family

Avalon  4 | 1063  
19 Nov 2015 /  #1
The UN has just sent an interesting letter to the Polish Government. It contains a few controversial suggestions and I would be interested to know what the members of the forum think:-

Poland should give children wider access to abortions, fight against "gender stereotypes" and imprison homophobes, a United Nations (UN) document has demanded. The document, which was produced by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, has provoked anger in Poland.

nothanks  - | 626  
19 Nov 2015 /  #2
Just posted on Facebook. Outrageous demands. Kiss our azz and see you in Saudi Arabia
19 Nov 2015 /  #3
I would be interested to know what the members of the forum think:-

I think that you should learn to be somewhat more selective about your sources and to read actual documents rather than rewrites in which a hack tries to make a story out of very very little.

Poland should give children wider access to abortions

The letter does not say that. Here is the full text regarding abortion:

the Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Expand the scope of the compulsory Family Life Education to provide a comprehensive, age-appropriate education on sexual and reproductive health, including information on family planning and contraceptives, the dangers of early pregnancy and the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases;


fight against "gender stereotypes"

The letter does not say that. The only time the letter even uses the phrase 'gender stereotypes' is as follows:

16.(a) (b)

imprison homophobes

Again, the letter doesn't say that. What it actually says is as follows:

17. (a) (b) (c)

It's very hard to see much in the letter to disagree with really. I'm sure that a hack who wanted to take another angle could easily use the letter to produce an article along the lines of "UN slams racist backward Poland" and hang it round quotes such as the following:

I could go on for quite some time with such quotes. Please do not! polishforums.com/feedback/e-excessively-73649/

Poland really should be thanking the UNHCR for pointing out the areas in which we can work harder to make our country an even better place.
smurf  38 | 1940  
19 Nov 2015 /  #4
ive children wider access to abortions

Children can't have abortions. What a stupid thing to write.

Harry wins.

gregy741  5 | 1226  
19 Nov 2015 /  #5
Children can't have abortions. What a stupid thing to write.

and why they cant?if they can get pregnant,they can have abortion,if law allow it,or even if it doesnt
19 Nov 2015 /  #6
if they can get pregnant,they can have abortion,if law allow it,or even if it doesnt

The point the UNHCR actually makes is that there is no "clear procedure for conducting legal abortion under current legislation" and that Poland needs to make sure there is "unimpeded access to sexual and reproductive health services" as well as "clear standards for a uniform and non-restrictive interpretation of the conditions for legal abortion and relevant procedures".

Please do not!

So you allow quote that are entirely false but forbid quotes that are entirely accurate and show that the false quotes are entirely false. That's an interesting stance.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
19 Nov 2015 /  #7
its not what he wrote.you got problem with following 2 sentences conversation i see
if there are not "clear procedures"then ones must be implemented-i agree.but its not what he said.
Levi  11 | 433  
19 Nov 2015 /  #8
Onu stimulates the birth rate in muslim countries like Pakistan, Afhganistan, and etc, and at the same time imposes abortin and child control in countries like Poland.

That says a lot about them.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
19 Nov 2015 /  #9
I think that you should learn to be somewhat more selective about your sources

I don't know where you have been Harry, but that is Avalon's choice of bedtime reading. It would be amusing if it weren't so sad.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
19 Nov 2015 /  #10
Time to dissolve that stupid UN prats, instead of helping those in need they promote some insane ideologies.
Give them finger!
Levi  11 | 433  
19 Nov 2015 /  #11
Time to dissolve that stupid UN prats, instead of helping those in need they promote some insane ideologies.

I Agree!
19 Nov 2015 /  #12
The UN can go to hell.
Who are these people and groups to say how a country runs itself?

Poland needs to have more children and the government should be aiding families who want more.

Homophobes? I have never met one.
To oppose weirdo marriage and stick to tradition family is not homophobe.
James mallone  - | 9  
19 Nov 2015 /  #13
Reference " end traditional family"

The polish family courts are already doing this all by themselves - and have been so doing for the last 50 years

The vast vast vast majority of child custody cases go to mummy

The majority of fathers are only allowed to see their kids a couple of weekends a month

In poland.... single mummies are queens and the polish family courts crown them every year

Result. .... thousands of kids who at best see their fathers for a couple of weekends a month

Poland is world class when it comes to destroying families. .. without any help from anyone else ...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Dec 2015 /  #14
Merged: Protesters want abortion pill banned

More than 24,000 Poles have petitioned the health minister to withdraw the ellaOne abortion pill from the market. Polish law protects life from conception and the marketing of that pill is a clear violation thereof. Former PM Kopacz lied when she introduced it claiming she was forced to do so by the EU. EU Health and Food Safety Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis clearly explained that no such requirement existed.

Rather than trying to ensure impunity via contraception and abortion pills, maybe it would be preferable to teach young girls not to sleep around like a bunch of sl*ts.

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
10 Dec 2015 /  #15
maybe it would be preferable to teach young girls not to sleep around like a bunch of sl*ts.

you are truly disgusting.
Maybe it would be preferable to teach young men to keep their pants buttoned, take some responsibility.
Or teach old men not to be disgusting old perverts and then try and cover it up with faux outrage.
10 Dec 2015 /  #16
Maybe it would be preferable to teach young men to keep their pants buttoned, take some responsibility.

Perhaps his message is that if young ladies kept their clothes on, young men would be more likely to sate their urges with each other? Or with perverted old men....
10 Dec 2015 /  #17
Abortion only in life-threating situations and/or if there's a risk of severe disability of the child or the mother. That's all you can expect to maybe go through in legislations. No ill-conditions occured=you have a baby. It's a human being not a Christmas tree you discard in February. Respect yourself and use protection or (Surprise!...NOT!) you will pay for your mistakes. This comes from an Agnostic.
smurf  38 | 1940  
10 Dec 2015 /  #18
More than 24,000 Poles

Wow, 1.58% of the population.

maybe it would be preferable to teach young girls not to sleep around like a bunch of sl*ts.

Off you go, put your money where you mouth is so.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Dec 2015 /  #19
Maybe it would be preferable

Hey, this is a free country. There is no law agaisnt urging young girls to sleep around. If that happens to be your view, do feel free to go and spread it!

Good luck!
Roger5  1 | 1432  
10 Dec 2015 /  #21
Woman has always led men astray, from Eve to the Magdalene, didn't you know that, roz?
terri  1 | 1661  
10 Dec 2015 /  #22
Surely, if MEN were MEN, they could not be led astray by good-looking, sexy, long-legged blondes.
10 Dec 2015 /  #23
"maybe it would be preferable to teach young girls not to sleep around like a bunch of sl*ts."

How about teaching young men not to behave like dogs in heat ?
Do they have no responsibility for their actions in your world view ?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Dec 2015 /  #24
Do they have no responsibility

They do and should have but even the most virtuous, shining knight often succumbs to those seductive come hither glances. .....Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.....
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
10 Dec 2015 /  #25
They do and should have but even the most virtuous, shining knight often succumbs to those seductive come hither glances

0h please, can we just stop this misogynist bullcarp please?
10 Dec 2015 /  #26
"They do and should have but even the most virtuous, shining knight often succumbs to those seductive come hither glances. .."

So you believe women to be the stronger eh ?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Jun 2016 /  #27
Merged: Most Poles favour total abortion ban except when woman's life is in danger

A survey carried out by pollster IBRIS has shown that 58% of Poles favour a total ban on abortion with the exception of situations where a woman's life is in danger. 30% oppose the total ban. A full ban on abortion enjoys the most support amongst the youngest respondents.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
7 Jun 2016 /  #28
A full ban on abortion enjoys the most support amongst the youngest respondents.

that is because they have so little life experience, they see everything in black and white.
smurf  38 | 1940  
7 Jun 2016 /  #29


I wouldn't trust those inbreds as far as I could throw them.
I bet they did a telephone poll of 1001 radio maryja listeners and then they call it a national survey

But sure yea, Pollo, don't bother linking to the original story, that's some good journalism practice from you.
Atch  22 | 4299  
7 Jun 2016 /  #30
58% of Poles

Not 58% of Poles, 58% of those surveyed. Not quite the same thing.

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