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"Letter from Poland" (List z Polski) by the Netherlands TV -

asik  2 | 220  
2 Nov 2010 /  #1
Click "Katastrofa w Smolensku" a very interesting story in Polish and English - not only about Smolensk's tragedy: (or: TV interPOLONIA.com)

on YouTube documentary, subtites in Duch:
Some other links under the text, in comments:

kaznoad  - | 30  
4 Nov 2010 /  #2
The film does not represent the views of many - if not most Poles. It represents the views of a paranoid minority for whom conspiracy theories are the food of life. The last thing that enters the narrow minds of such people is that their own countrymen can behave in such an irresponsible and wreckless manner by trying to land a plane in thick fog and without suitable equipment either at the airport or on board the plane, against the explicit advise of the air port controllers. The unfortunate reality of the crash in Smolensk is that it was almost certainly entirely avoidable, but due to criminal wrecklessness on the part of some of those on board (and the black box cock pit voice recordings seem to confirm this probability), the pilots were instructed or pursuaded to land (by a person or persons on board the plane) against their will and despite being advised several times not to land.

Instead of looking for scape goats to blame for the accident such people as the narrator in this documentary would do well to investigate how to prevent such an accident ever happening again. It seems that if there were any procedures in place they certainly were not followed. Specifically they should concentrate on ensuring that new procedures are put in place and enforced preventing the President and chiefs of the armed forces from ever travelling together on the same plane again, and that the pilot has the final decision (free from any threat of subsequent disciplinary action) when it comes to the saftey of the plane and its passengers. It astounds me that even now, and despite all that has happened, this issue has hardly been discussed at all in Poland.
strzyga  2 | 990  
5 Nov 2010 /  #3
wreckless manner

not this time

(ok, I know the pun was not intended - I just couldn't help myself)
kaznoad  - | 30  
5 Nov 2010 /  #4
: o ) None intended, but now you have pointed it out - thanks!
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
13 Dec 2010 /  #5
Letter from Poland" (List z Polski) by the Netherlands TV

Taking into account everything that's happened, president and large part of Polish elite dead, Russians uncooperating, not allowing Polish investigators into Russia and the head of the team conveniently dying in a car accident, knowing what Putin is capable of killing Russian journalists and blowing up a apartment block to have a reason for war, you have to at least suspect this documentary is true.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Dec 2010 /  #6
The head of the investigation team died in a car accident? When? Are you believing the rubbish printed in those "Catholic" tabloids again?

By the way - even if the Russians did something to bring the plane down, the plane should never have been attempting a landing at Smolensk regardless. Explain that, sunshine.

I suppose you've been watching this too much - youtube.com/watch?v=hk3Dsr-lmUY&feature=player_embedded#at=104
landora  - | 194  
13 Dec 2010 /  #7
Taking into account everything that's happened, president and large part of Polish elite dead, Russians uncooperating, not allowing Polish investigators into Russia and the head of the team conveniently dying in a car accident, knowing what Putin is capable of killing Russian journalists and blowing up a apartment block to have a reason for war, you have to at least suspect this documentary is true.

Just one question: why would they risk so much by killing the president, instead of just patiently waiting till the election, which he had no chance of winning whatsoever. I could believe that Russians are evil, but I don't think they are such idiots!
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
13 Dec 2010 /  #8
Just one question: why would they risk so much by killing the president, instead of just patiently waiting till the election

And why did Putin risk so much blowing up that apartment block in Moscow? his own people just to re invade Chechnya? Putin was afraid Kaczynski or his twin brother might be elected president. It wasn't just them top PiS officials died, people who had power and influence in government or military, conservatives like Kaczynski that's why. Now look what happening without Kaczynski and others PiS is falling apart, split down the middle. Kaczynski was uniting Eastern European nations against Russian dominance in the region, Putin had a good reason. Loosing influence in what they believe to be their sphere of influence is important, Poland was against the Nordsteam pipeline, wanted American missile bases on its territory Czechs a radar station, Ukraine wanted NATO and EU, Georgia too, this all means being surrounded by nations who were not gonna be manipulated by Russia and Russia loosing money. 70% of Russian elite are former KGB agents, lies and murder are how they work to get what they want!!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Dec 2010 /  #9
And why did Putin risk so much blowing up that apartment block in Moscow? his own people just to re invade Chechnya?

That's internal Russian politics and nothing to do with NATO.

Putin was afraid Kaczynski or his twin brother might be elected president

Putin couldn't have cared less. What influence did Kaczynski have over Putin? He was a figurehead President in an economically poor European country with little to no influence at the top tables in the world. I know it's hard for people like you to understand, but Lech Kaczynski was nothing but mouth.

And given that the opinion polls at the time of his death had him consistently scoring about 15-20%, I don't think there was much fear of him being re-elected.

It wasn't just them top PiS officials died, people who had power and influence in government or military, conservatives like Kaczynski that's why.

Have you forgotten that the current Government and President are conservatives too? You know, PiS are/were socialists, not conservatives!

Now look what happening without Kaczynski and others PiS is falling apart, split down the middle.

That's all because Jaroslaw Kaczynski has thrown out individuals who were responsible for a lot of PiS's success. You're not living here, you don't read about Kaczynski's latest psychotic moves on a daily basis. The man has even resorted to placing a false gravestone for his brother on a family grave - removing all trace of the other relatives. That's not the actions of a sane, sensible man.

If Jaroslaw wasn't so paranoid, PiS would still be wholly intact today.

Kaczynski was uniting Eastern European nations against Russian dominance in the region, Putin had a good reason.

Actually, Kaczynski was doing a terrible job of that. He was ridiculed by people both home and abroad, he was doing a dreadful job of building regional cooperation and instead was trying to claim powers that he didn't have. For what it's worth, you're even using the term "Eastern Europe" to describe Poland - when Poland has publicly said that she is a central European country.

Loosing influence in what they believe to be their sphere of influence is important, Poland was against the Nordsteam pipeline, wanted American missile bases on its territory Czechs a radar station

Russia gave up worrying about the Baltic nations and Poland a long time ago.

The current government is against Nordstream, it wants American security guarantees and so on. Nothing different to what Lech Kaczynski wanted.

lies and murder are how they work to get what they want!!

It's pretty obvious that you're just a keyboard warrior with absolutely no idea of international relations. Russia chose economic, not political or military warfare a long time ago.

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