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Poland leads nations in raising 90 million euros for Belarus opposition

David_18  65 | 966  
3 Feb 2011 /  #1
Opposition groups in Belarus will receive nearly 90 million euros ($124 million) in aid from 36 donor nations after Poland hosted a first-of-its-kind fundraising drive to support the movement against Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

"Perhaps the examples of Mr Ben Ali, Mr Mubarak and others will make President Lukashenko reflect that the path he has chosen is not the best one for himself personally," Sikorski said, referring to the ousted Tunisian leader and Egypt's embattled president.


Will the Belarusian people get inspired by what is happening in Egypt and overthrow Lukashenko?

And how come that the U.S ain't giving the Belarusians the same support like they did to the Poles in the 80's?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
3 Feb 2011 /  #2
Will the Belarusian people get inspired by what is happening in Egypt and overthrow Lukashenko?

The big question would be... would the army support him...?

If they didn,t then he would be history.... if they did..a lot of people would die...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Feb 2011 /  #3
It's all lip-service.

If Poland really cared about what was going on there, they'd give the Poles there a proper Polish passport, not the "Karta Polaka".
asik  2 | 220  
3 Feb 2011 /  #4
Poland really cares about it's citizens!

People with Karta Polaka are from countries of former Soviet Russian republics and in most these countries don't recognise dual citizenship, which means you cannot become citizen of another country because you loose your current citizenship- like it is in Bielorus.

Karta Polaka doesn't interfere with these (citizenship) rules and is a good way to recognise Poles unless they want to return to Poland for good, then they would be able to acquire any Polish documents while living in Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Feb 2011 /  #5
Poland really cares about it's citizens!

Hahahaha. Right - that's why they haven't even organised an evacuation of Polish citizens from Egypt yet!

People with Karta Polaka are from countries of former Soviet Russian republics and in most these countries don't recognise dual citizenship, which means you cannot become citizen of another country because you loose your current citizenship- like it is in Bielorus.

In Belarus, it's not recognised by the Belarusian authorities, but under Belarus law - there's nothing preventing it. Same as Poland and most other countries - you are simply recognised as a Belarusian citizen while in Belarus if you hold both a Belarus and other passport. It is, like most countries, illegal to declare yourself to the Belarusian authorities using a foreign ID document if you are a citizen of Belarus.

The Karta Polaka was a direct result of Brussels telling Warsaw to "think twice" in 1991 - Poland had to guarantee to take back anyone from the Soviet Union/FSU that crossed into the Schengen signatory countries in order to gain visa free access to the Schengen countries in 1992. Nothing more, nothing less - the Karta Polaka therefore allowed Poland to pretend that she cared about the citizens, while doing a good job of making sure that they could still be denied entry into Poland at any time they wished. There was, understandably, huge concern about mass illegal emigration through Poland - and this is more or less why Warsaw never gave citizenship to those Poles stuck "abroad".

After EU entry, this was highlighted even more - and the Karta Polaka was introduced as a way to ease the pain of visas suddenly being required for people who considered themselves ethnically Polish. For what it's worth, most of these Poles can't even speak Polish properly.

Karta Polaka doesn't interfere with these (citizenship) rules and is a good way to recognise Poles unless they want to return to Poland for good, then they would be able to acquire any Polish documents while living in Poland.

They aren't able to acquire Polish documents while living in Poland. The Karta Polaka sees to that - while they have certain rights, they don't have any right to settle/reside in Poland or the EU. The Wikipedia article is quite comprehensive on this subject - it's clear that the Karta Polaka still keeps out any undesirable "Poles" who might be a burden on the Polish State.

As I said - Poland doesn't care less about those stuck in the FSU.
asik  2 | 220  
3 Feb 2011 /  #6
Hahahaha. Right - that's why they haven't even organised an evacuation of Polish citizens from Egypt yet!

Why do you hate Poland so much? What's the point of your lies about Poland?

Here some short details about evacuation of Polish citizens from Egypt. The Polish plane LOT was sent there on 01/02/2011 at 7am; today is 03/02/2011

The preperations took place from 31 January, they waited ( other countries too) because it didn't look so bad at the start.

In Belarus, it's not recognised by the Belarusian authorities, but under Belarus law - there's nothing preventing it. Same as Poland and most other countries - you are simply recognised as a Belarusian citizen while in Belarus if you hold both a Belarus and other passport. It is, like most countries, illegal to declare yourself to the Belarusian authorities using a foreign ID document if you are a citizen of Belarus.

NOT true!
Poland recognises dual citizenship, which means when you are in Poland you are treated like Polish citizen and you are required to have Polish documents with you but they have nothing againts the fact if you acquired citizenship of other country, like ie: Australia or UK etc. I am Polish dual citizen and I know how it works.

In Belorus (or in Russia),the law states: when you acquire other country citizenship you automatically loose your Belarusian/ Russian citizenship, which is completely different to the Polish law.

After EU entry, this was highlighted even more - and the Karta Polaka was introduced as a way to ease the pain of visas suddenly being required for people who considered themselves ethnically Polish. For what it's worth, most of these Poles can't even speak Polish properly.

You don't need to speak proper Polish if you were born Polish, it doesn't matter where in the world you live.

he Karta Polaka was a direct result of Brussels telling Warsaw to "think twice" in 1991 - Poland had to guarantee to take back anyone from the Soviet Union/FSU that crossed into the Schengen signatory countries in order to gain visa free access to the Schengen countries in 1992.

Maybe there was need to think twice before approving everyone's (who said I'm Polish) citizenship from former Soviet Union. We all know that KGB agency (Miss Chapman is a good example here) is well and working until today and anyone could and still can pose as a Polish citizen.
czar  1 | 143  
3 Feb 2011 /  #7
obama is a communist

And how come that the U.S ain't giving the Belarusians the same support like they did to the Poles in the 80's?

Wiedzmin_fan  - | 79  
3 Feb 2011 /  #8
Isn't that meddling?

Personally, I am not fond of Bat'ka, but many common folks seem to prefer him over the opposition. I have no doubt that the majority, in particularly older folks and those living in a countryside, voted for him.

So... why should the voices of a few (more educated, urban, etc) outweigh the voices of the majority? Is this not democracy?
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Feb 2011 /  #9
Poland leads nations in raising 90 million euros for Belarus opposition

How more idiotic can one get.Poland seems to want Russia on its door.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
3 Feb 2011 /  #10
Right cause the Russians will get a "STOP" from the Belarussian president if they rail their tanks over it...
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
3 Feb 2011 /  #11
And how come that the U.S ain't giving the Belarusians the same support like they did to the Poles in the 80's?

Obama is a Russian appease'nik, he simply doesn't care as long as his reelection chances improve. For that the unemployment rate in the US must drop, that is his only concern. Socialists of the world, unite! lol

How more idiotic can one get.Poland seems to want Russia on its door.

How more cowardly can you get southern? Change your screen name from southern to surrender. There was a time when other nations helped Poland to get rid of the communist disease, it's great Poland is now paying forward and helping someone else. Your attitude is sickening and cowardly, the perfect example of the "it's all about me" generation. Now roll over and bark like a Russian lap dog should...
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
3 Feb 2011 /  #12
Good stuff, one more push and this poor man's Hitler and a combination of cheap playboy will be consigned to the dustbin of history!
southern  73 | 7059  
3 Feb 2011 /  #13
Just a call from Medvedev to Merckel and everything will be fixed.In history you can be an idiot only 10 times.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Feb 2011 /  #14
Here some short details about evacuation of Polish citizens from Egypt. The Polish plane LOT was sent there on 01/02/2011 at 7am; today is 03/02/2011

Wow, one 737 was sent. There's still several thousand Polish citizens stuck there. Tokenism, that's all.

In Belorus (or in Russia),the law states: when you acquire other country citizenship you automatically loose your Belarusian/ Russian citizenship, which is completely different to the Polish law.


Belarus certainly doesn't agree that Belarusian citizenship is lost automatically. They simply behave the same as everyone else does - when in Belarus, you are Belarusian regardless of what other passport you hold. The law changed in 2002 - Belarusian citizenship can only be lost in very specific cases.

You don't need to speak proper Polish if you were born Polish, it doesn't matter where in the world you live.

Sadly, Poland doesn't agree - what with keeping those people on the Karta Polaka and humiliating them with comprehensive border checks. If they are really Polish, then Poland as a state is pretty much treating her own people as second class citizens.

Maybe there was need to think twice before approving everyone's (who said I'm Polish) citizenship from former Soviet Union. We all know that KGB agency (Miss Chapman is a good example here) is well and working until today and anyone could and still can pose as a
Polish citizen.

Nothing to do with it - it's everything to do with the EU simply not wanting a flood of "Polish" people into the EU - they know Poland can't cope with them, and the EU doesn't want them. Don't forget, these people have the FSU mentality - they might be ethnically Polish, but their mentality is very much in the East. I've seen and spoken to these people - they really have no respect for Poland, as witnessed by their behaviour at Medyka, Dorohusk, Terespol, Kroscienko and more.

Either way, it's a disgrace for Poland to give citizenship to Americans, Israelis, et al - without giving citizenship to the people of Belarus, Ukraine, etc who also can be claimed as Polish.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
3 Feb 2011 /  #15
but their mentality is very much in the East. I've seen and spoken to these people - they really have no respect for Poland, as witnessed by their behaviour at Medyka, Dorohusk, Terespol, Kroscienko and more.

What is it that they say and do?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Feb 2011 /  #16
Cigarette and vodka smuggling, mainly. They barely speak Polish - from what I've heard from friends in L'viv, the Polish language requirement is often ignored - in exchange for some monetary compensation.



Take a look at these two links - this is the (now no longer) train between Poland and Ukraine after the cigarette smugglers have been and gone.
czar  1 | 143  
3 Feb 2011 /  #17
Isn't that meddling?

its meddling already rigging elections

does belaruse value its nationality over its freedom
it does bring up the opportunity of a slavic union lead by poland and who would america and the EU back when or if poland chose to take back something from russia, an aggressive affront if you will, absurd i know.

*edit lead by whoever but in particular poland since were on PF amoung other things
**edit obama is an americansky jellyfish, just trying his hardest to not mess up makes bad leadership but thats off topic, i was wondering if this has anything to do with the proposd missle instalation sites or not, maybe also OT maybe nOT
grubas  12 | 1382  
3 Feb 2011 /  #18
Hahahaha. Right - that's why they haven't even organised an evacuation of Polish citizens from Egypt yet!

In any case I am not saying Poland cares about its citizens BUT if they are that stupid to go to Egypt then,well FUK them.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Feb 2011 /  #19
it does bring up the opportunity of a slavic union lead by poland and who would america and the EU back when or if poland chose to take back something from russia, an aggressive affront if you will, absurd i know.

I suspect if Poland attempted any invasion of Russia, she'd not only get her ass handed to her quickly, but would also be told very quickly by her NATO partners to quit it at once.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
4 Feb 2011 /  #20
I suspect if Poland attempted any invasion of Russia

Too silly to consider...In tanks alone , the Russians outnumber the Poles by a huge margin....
Ironside  50 | 12333  
4 Feb 2011 /  #21
What the heck ? It is a bloody joke doing a dirty job for others, sad but Poland is not really an independent country!
czar  1 | 143  
4 Feb 2011 /  #22
tanks?no that is how russia wants to fight, do tanks fight terrorism, anyway a peacful revolution has proven itself, especially as an alliance, russia is above all of that?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
4 Feb 2011 /  #23
And how come that the U.S ain't giving the Belarusians the same support like they did to the Poles in the 80's?

Because it's none of our business! This is a European matter.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
4 Feb 2011 /  #24
Belarussians probably want repression, sorry, strong government.
grubas  12 | 1382  
4 Feb 2011 /  #25
"Perhaps the examples of Mr Ben Ali, Mr Mubarak and others will make President Lukashenko reflect that the path he has chosen is not the best one for himself personally," Sikorski said, referring to the ousted Tunisian leader and Egypt's embattled president.

Polish crooks should be worrying about uprising in Poland not lecture Lukaszenko.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
4 Feb 2011 /  #26
Strong government always means repression?
Varsovian  91 | 634  
4 Feb 2011 /  #27
In Russia, yes. Make no mistake, Belarus is a fake Ruski state.
czar  1 | 143  
4 Feb 2011 /  #28
usa tanks are rusting in war on terror
russain tanks are rolling over grade schools
who is terrorizing who
usa and russia is unable to protect its people
OT again wildrover; you talk tanks not me;
im saying russia is why belaruse is in trouble
wildrover  98 | 4430  
4 Feb 2011 /  #29
All the former Soviet states had to struggle to get on their feet....some did better than others....

Belarus has not quite managed it yet...
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
4 Feb 2011 /  #30
usa tanks are rusting in war on terror

Don't worry, they are probably coated with some special finish that makes them rustproof.

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