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Poland leads in child well-being -- UNICEF

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Jun 2016 /  #1
According to a 2007 UNICEF report on child well-being in rich countries, Poland is the second best of the 25 OECD countries surveyed in terms of "behaviours and risks" (healthy lifestyle, lack of violence), and third best for educational well-being. The same reports also finds that Poland has the lowest pecentage overweight young people (7.1%) and the lowest percentage of teenagers under 15 who had had sexual intercourse (15.1%).
smurf  38 | 1940  
10 Jun 2016 /  #2
According to a 2007 UNICEF

It's 2016 buddy

I can prove it, look:

But yea, don't bothering linking to the report you're talking about (available here google.pl/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjT6Im_r53NAhUMTSYKHWSQCakQFggiMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.unicef.org%2Fmedia%2Ffiles%2FChildPovertyReport.pdf&usg=AFQjCNH95zF6kImvyO9S5rlNiwLDYNqWOw&sig2=xWNFIZM6yBTyxp5BJ ll_RA), we'll just totally believe everything you say, coz, y'know you're a stand-up, trustworthy guy
Atch  21 | 4149  
10 Jun 2016 /  #3
Poland ranks overall 14 out of 21 nations surveyed which isn't great.

the lowest pecentage overweight young people

But is that because they're physically active or undernourished due to material deprivation? Poland scored very poorly in terms of childrens' material well being, ranking bottom out of the countries surveyed. Stats can always be quoted in such a way as to put something in a favourable or unfavourable light whilst not telling the whole story.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
10 Jun 2016 /  #4
But yea, don't bothering linking to the report you're talking about

very interesting report.thanks for sharing.

Poland is the second best of the 25 OECD countries surveyed in terms of "behaviours and risks" (healthy lifestyle, lack of violence)

good to see.safety is more important for child well being than iphone.polish children safe is for obvious reasons,its because Poland in mono cultural,traditional family orientated country.. multiculti means drugs, violence and sexual crimes against local population..its well known fact.
Atch  21 | 4149  
10 Jun 2016 /  #5
safety is more important for child well being

However if you look at 'health and safety' you will see that Poland scored badly, much worse than the UK.
jon357  72 | 22979  
10 Jun 2016 /  #6
According to a 2007 UNICEF report on child well-being in rich countries, Poland is the second best of the 25 OECD countries

That would be the same 2007 presumably when the Citizens' Platform took office, having ignominiously booted out the deeply unpopular Jaroslaw Kaczynski from his very brief term of office.

However if you look at 'health and safety' you will see that Poland scored badly, much worse than the UK.

I suspect a lot is swept under the carpet here; simply never coming to the attention of authorities and this is of course easier in a more rural society.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
10 Jun 2016 /  #7
However if you look at 'health and safety' you will see that Poland scored badly, much worse than the UK.


ahh.yes.. but i meant crime related safety."diamention 5" of this report.page 26
the one you talk about is regarding health and safety of infants and infants mortality, Infant survival and health ect. page 12 of this report
poland scored somewhat average here,and only 3 position lower than UK.now if you consider how much more money is spent in the UK on those health and social areas ,UK has poor results.i guess british NHS alone has budged like half of Polands national budget.
jon357  72 | 22979  
10 Jun 2016 /  #8
i guess british NHS alone has budged like half of Polands national budget.

And of course more thorough reporting and recording procedures, picking up on things that in Poland would be kept within a family, whether that family be decent people or not.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
10 Jun 2016 /  #9
but i checked,and its kinda shocked me- NHS budget(140 bilion pounds) is more than twice Of Polands entire national budget( 70 billion euro)
staggering money..
cant compare Polands health and safety to UK.and its actually poor performance by The UK considering amount of money spent. isnt?or Poland is effective somehow

ehh.UNICEF is corrupted s.it anyway
Atch  21 | 4149  
10 Jun 2016 /  #10
staggering money..

Yes. But much as people complain about the NHS, it is generally pretty good. I know that in Poland palliative care, patient advocacy, rehab services etc can't compare. It takes money as well as a change in attitude to develop those things.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Jun 2016 /  #11
would be kept within a family

Quite. Family problems should be resolved within the family. Same with national issues. Only Targowica, PO, Petru and KOD enjoy airing dirty undies in public, broadcasting it to all and sundry and encouraging foreign intervention.
Atch  21 | 4149  
10 Jun 2016 /  #12
Family problems should be resolved within the family

Some families are not capable of doing that without support. How do you propose that a family deals with a teenager who is showing symptoms of schizophrenia or a ten year old who's started sniffing glue? How do you propose to assist a family of five living in a one room flat with a substance abusing adult in the household? Health services need to be involved in these situations.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
10 Jun 2016 /  #13
nd of course more thorough reporting and recording procedures, picking up on things that in Poland would be kept within a family, whether that family be decent people or not.

well..we were talking about health and safety of infant and their mortality rate.
i dont see,how would those issues be underreported and "kept whithin family" in Poland.
i can believe that thigs like bulgaries or theft can go underreported ,but mortality of infants?
unless,you think that polish infants are being buried in the woods without being registered on massive scale in Poland.silly
jon357  72 | 22979  
10 Jun 2016 /  #14
well..we were talking about health and safety of infant


i dont see,how would those issues be underreported

You don't see how child safety might be underreported? Perhaps you presume all those Poles the 'zły dotyk' posters on public transport are aimed at routinely confess their sins to the authorities...


And all too many 'home remedies', 'self-treating' by families, private doctors, inadequate reporting mechanisms - the list of reasons is very long, Greggs.

Plus all the unreported violence, all the dark things that go on and are never seen outside the home. Hey, Greggs, if you don't think these things happen on a large scale in Poland, perhaps you should campaign for the relevant paragraph in the criminal code that makes them illegal to be removed. After all, if you believe that a. such things don't happen much in Poland and b. Poland is as effective about monitoring child safety issues as a much more developed country, why not...
gregy741  5 | 1226  
10 Jun 2016 /  #15
Plus all the unreported violence, all the dark things that go on and are never seen outside the home. Hey, Greggs, if you don't think these things happen on a large scale in Poland,

i dunno..i only speak from my experience.i was born in small quiet and rich town in Poland,and it was extremely safe and top notch health service.2 hours wait for GP visit.

in London,once i had to wait 3 weeks for GP appointment
and i worked 2 years in charity with homeless and pathological people.so i guess am biased negatively towards UK in terms of health and safety cus of my personal experience which doesnt necessarily converts into average British life quality .

i mean,when you work and are surrounded with poorest people, one might subconsciously become biased.i guess if i worked as bank manager and lived in Chelsea i would tend to think different about British health system.

beside..crime against minors is MASSIVELY underreported in the UK.read children's commissioner sue berelowitz report.over 100k children rapes in the UK each year.only 5% are reported
jon357  72 | 22979  
10 Jun 2016 /  #16
i dunno..i only speak from my experience.i was born in small quiet and rich town in Poland,and it was extremely safe

Can you be sure about everyone else there? About those out in the villages where nobody sees what happens.

in London,once i had to wait 3 weeks for GP appointment

I think I'd rather wait to see a highly trained NHS GP in a group practice than someone who's so popular as a doctor that nobody is waitng to see him. For myself, back in the UK I've never had to wait for more than a day or so to get a GP appointment and in any case, most large cities have a drop-in centre now.

and i worked 2 years in charity with homeless and pathological people.so i guess am biased negatively towards UK

I think you'd find that someone who'd gone in the other direction from the UK to Poland would say much the same about social care for the homeless and mentally ill here. During that especially bad winter we had a few years ago, 70 homeless people had frozen to death in Warsaw alone by early December. Yes, homeless people and the mentally ill can sometimes be very hard work, however somebody working with them, annoying though that can be, is essential to an integrated society.

crime against minors is MASSIVELY underreported in the UK.read children's commissioner sue berelowitz report.over 100k children rapes in the UK each year.only 5% are reported

This is a field I have a lot of experience with and you will doubtless be reassured that since the report you mention and as a result of very hard work by the police, social services and the CPS, the number of reports of crimes against children (whether genuine or false allegations) has increased


I wonder how many are reported in Poland where there are no large scale campaigns to report such crimes, and nor is there any significant compensation or benefit to do so, that and pressure from within families not to break that family up by making a report.
smurf  38 | 1940  
10 Jun 2016 /  #17
thanks for sharing

Yuo're welcome

The OP didn't bother, it's a bad habit he has os saying sh!t and not backing it up, and y'know since it's a widely available report I decided to share it.

Such a shame though that it's 9 years out of date :D

Family problems should be resolved within the family

Ah you're one of those rape doesn't exist in a marriage eh? Creepy

How do you propose that a family deals with a teenager who is showing symptoms of schizophrenia or a ten year old who's started sniffing glue?

Polly would send them to mass, there's nothing like a good auld mass Atch :D

Only Targowica, PO, Petru and KOD enjoy airing dirty undies in public, broadcasting it to all and sundry and encouraging foreign intervention.

Off topic nonsense
jon357  72 | 22979  
10 Jun 2016 /  #18
Quite. Family problems should be resolved within the family.

Right, so familial disfunction, sexual abuse, delinquency, alcohol abuse etc should be 'resolved within the family'.

Not hard to see that statement for the nonsense that it is.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
10 Jun 2016 /  #19
report you mention and as a result of very hard work by the police, social services and the CPS, the number of reports of crimes against children

yea..one just need to read rotherham case to learn about this "hard work by the police, social services and the CPS"
and now,those services are going under massive fund cuts by the conservatives.so imagine how things are now
such pathology and outraight criminal behaviour by authorities is unimaginable in Poland
jon357  72 | 22979  
10 Jun 2016 /  #20
yea..one just need to read rotherham case

Exactly! Very well publicised, on the news every night for ages, highly reported, prosecutions, firings, disbarring from public office and jailings - and a government Public Enquiry (two, even, if you consider the current Goddard Enquiry) to boot! You've proved my point that issues are dealt with there and brought out in the open - even you or anyone else anywherecan read all about it, both the official reports and the exhaustive discussions about the (now resolved) issue.

Now here in PL, how would we know what exploited minors out in the sticks are suffering since there is very little reporting and very little incentive to do so.

Yes, the Conservative cuts in the UK have made some things (especially supporting families - remember the Tory scum even abolished the government Sure Start centres) - this same effect is seen in Poland where both the current and previous regimes are essentially variations on the Tories and yes, in Poland the government have for years woefully underfundied support structures here.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
10 Jun 2016 /  #21
Exactly! Very well publicised, on the news every night for ages, highly reported, prosecutions, firings, disbarring from public office and jailings - and a government Public Enquiry

huh? after like years of hiding and allowing abuses cus they didnt want to offend Muslims.and after report was made,they tried to manipulate it and destroy evidence.

You've proved my point that issues

child abuse in the UK is not only underreported,but even reported cases are being hidden from the public eyes and evidence destroyed by the authorities.for political reasons.

see case of scotland yard forging reports about crimes committed by minorities ect.
children abuses cases are not only underreported but also hidden from public in the UK
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
10 Jun 2016 /  #22
reported cases are being hidden from the public eyes and evidence destroyed by the authorities.for political reasons.

he is right you know. Not so much to do with 'minorities' but 'elites'
jon357  72 | 22979  
10 Jun 2016 /  #23
huh? after like years of hiding and allowing abuses cus

A bit more complex than that, especially if you know the location (I do), have worked for the Local Education Authority in Rotherham (I have) and are aware of significant and enduring local political issues in that town (I am) - however yes, the very fact that you've posted about it here, and not for the first time, is very clear proff that it is all out in the open and dealt with very suddenly. Perhaps you'd like to hoik those who were convicted out of jail and try them again, for those who missed the extensive media coverage, the Public Enquiry and the questions in parliament the first time round...

but even reported cases are being hidden from the public eyes and evidence destroyed by the authorities.for political reasons.

No, this is simply untrue - and very worth mentioning that the number of cases (whether real or made up) that have been reported to the police have increased hugely in recent years as a result of vast and well-funded campaigning and an increased trust that the authorities will deal with people's complaints. Can Poland say that?

reported cases are being hidden from the public eyes

Details of complainants and details of cases that could identify a family are confidential under the Sexual Offences Act - such things are therefore very much out of the 'public eyes' for a reason.

If I were to name 'Exaro Nick' (the appalling individual who made allegations about various celebrities he'd never met leading to a 17 million pound investigation - yes, reports of abuse, even if a tissue of lies and fantasies are taken very seriously unfortunately; he's now refusing to co-operate with the police and is desperately trying to avoid a prosecution for perverting the course of justice) I could potentially be extradited to the UK and fined for publishing his identity. I'd be happy to supply anyone here with his name and address by PM, that's not illegal however it isn't much relevant to this thread either.

evidence destroyed by the authorities.for political reasons.

scotland yard forging reports

Conspiracy woo.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
10 Jun 2016 /  #24
Conspiracy woo.

it really isnt 'woo' Jon but fact.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Jun 2016 /  #25
ten year old who's started sniffing glue

The Board of Education (wooden paddle) can work wonders, as long as those lefty sissifiers allow kids to grow up without their patronising mamby-pamby milk-toast approach.
jon357  72 | 22979  
10 Jun 2016 /  #26
it really isnt 'woo' Jon but fact.

'Fact' more on the internet than in reality fortunately (or not, for the victims of the false allegations). All those highly publicised cases of false allegations (usually historic child sexual abuse) about celebrities they'd never met by people like the vastly obese and attention-seeking Exaro Nick, 'Jane' (who made a false allegation against Leon Brittan) and Esther Baker (who waived her anonymity, allegedly because TV appearance fees were worth a lot of money) have been investigated very very thoroughly and at great expense and with enormous publicity and proved to have no basis whatsoever in truth. Even Greggs has heard about them. The claims that there was some sort of abuse ring for celebrities and politicians at a London guest house were proved false and no evidence of a conspiracy by politicians exists - probably because it didn't happen. If you read the exact nature and extremely lurid details of the allegations (the media don't tend to print those details because it would open their outraged stories to ridicule) you would wonder why those complainants weren't just shown the door, as they would be in most countries.

So yes, I'd say that child protections and allegations of harm to children whether in the past or now (part of Unicef's remit, therefore all on topic) is taken very very seriously indeed. Sure, someone like Greggs can post a link to some scandal from the past, however the very fact that he is able to find such information extremely easily and in such volume is clear proof that despite allegations of cover-ups (some people's favourite word).

Anyway, this is veering off Poland since Gregy is trying the old 'but in America they lynch people' chestnut - we see that here sometimes where people claim that the bad things in Poland can't possibly exist (they certainly do exist) because he's read something online about bad things elsewhere.

And in Poland, it still all goes on, but there are those who say it should all be dealt with within the very family who are doing it...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
10 Jun 2016 /  #27
I dont agree Jon - if you think it is internet woo you are deluded.
jon357  72 | 22979  
10 Jun 2016 /  #28
I've a feeling we won't ever agree 100% on this one Roz and it's veering off the topic of Poland so best change the subject. BTW I do respect your point of view on this and think you appreciate mine - we discussed briefly by PM my interest in the celebrity cases - however all of the false allegations about guest houses in West London, former Prime Ministers, the head of the army sticking pins in children's bodies at 11 am on Remembrance Sunday in Wiltshire (while he was actually on TV in London standing next to the Queen) have been investigated very very thoroughly and disproved.

Unfortunately the internet (as we've seen with the Madeleine McCann disappearance and the host of conspiracy sites that have appeared since) is a place where someone can start a rumour, another person picks it up, some individuals make websites about cover-ups whether for good reasons or bad ones, other people pick up on it and in the end it all turns out to be something that someone once made up, usually to get attention or money.

Here in Poland (which we ought to discuss) there just isn't all this publicity about child welfare (whether imagined conspiracies involving the rich and famous or genuine abuse usually within the home) and despite the tsunami of false allegations in the UK and Australia (both where the same law firm behind a lot of it all operate) one good thing has happened - in the UK people do now report historic (or current) abuse and this is always dealt with. In Poland it isn't.

The Goddard Inquiry (which I'm involved with) is a vast thing - at least 13 different simultaneous investigtions into areas of child welfare with legal decisions about the facts of cases at the end of it all. It is really taken seriously there. In Poland, sadly no.
smurf  38 | 1940  
10 Jun 2016 /  #29
The Board of Education (wooden paddle) can work wonders

Isn't that just wonderful folks, Polly believes that child abuse is the best way to discipline children.

How very unsurprising
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
10 Jun 2016 /  #30
hush you mamby pamby lefty sissifier you!

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland leads in child well-being -- UNICEFArchived