The old capitalistic model of needing constant growth is broken and dysfunctional as the world is largely entering a post-scarcity phase. The new challenge is to figure out a way to make economies work with fewer and older people.
Europe is terribly overcrowded already, a smaller population means more elbow room and more nice nature. There's no need to keep jamming new worker bees into the hive....
The new challenge is to figure out a way to make economies work with fewer and older people.
For that we need the Digital Revolution to take up pace...right now Germany's and also Poland's economy are starved for laborers, they need them still to function...
There's no need to keep jamming new worker bees into the hive....
Agreed. Demographic decline is not a big deal at all, although there is the issue looming in Poland that there will be simply no-one to pay for those Ponzi scheme pensions that they're depending on. Germany has chosen immigration, and it appears that Poland is doing the same.
The new challenge is to figure out a way to make economies work with fewer and older people.
Meanwhile, the Polish mentality is that early retirement is something sacred and that women cannot possibly work beyond 60 despite their life expectancy reaching towards 80 now. I'm not sure they even want to figure out a way...
@Brat, The tragic irony of it all is that precisely those German-Jews imagined themselves so integrated into German society, many having won the Iron Cross in WWI, succeeded on their OWN merits as "Germans" (no affirmative action back then, let me tell you), often knew, spoke, understood no other tongue than German and loved their "Vaterland" as any of their gentile neighbors.
How horrid soon to discover it was almost all in vain.
Lyzko, Hitler was not immune to despising Jewish behavior and their caustic golem of Communism and Bolshevism, which he fought against. Those in 109 other countries prior felt the same about this behavior. If he had hated Jews, he never would have allowed many top Jewish officers to serve in his own military. His own trusted chauffeur was a Jew. Was Hitler an angel? NO! Surely you know that these elite Jews don't give a damn whether you live or die, just so long as you remain useful pawns towards their goals of hegemony and domination. Watch how fast you're labelled a "self hater" if you speak anything contrary to certified tribal narratives. They require you maintain a hair trigger on any sort of discussion of jewish group behavior and cry "anti-semitism" like a good parrot when the truth gets too close to the mark. You're the victim of a protection racket and don't even know it. Herzel knew that keeping anti-semitism alive by any means was an absolute necessity to maintaining Zionism otherwise it would collapse. We're all untermenschen to these schemers. None of us are part of the 0.01%.
Apparently you're not aware that the Jews en masse were blamed for the Kurt Eisner fiasco, although many of Germany's half-a million or so Jews often remained staunchly 'kaisertreu', others (a minority though) even tried to curry favor with Hitler, hence the infamous "Judenraete" just before the outbreak of war.
The old saying still applied: "Was man GLAUBT ist einerlei, in der RASSE liegt die Schweinerei!" With Hitler, compared with Stalin for instance, it was never the Jews' faith or creed which was the issue. Had that been the case, Jews would have mostly converted to Christianity, said a few words, been blessed by a cleric and end of story.
The ghastly reality was that no matter how hard even the most patriotic Jews attempted to "become German", they were NEVER "German enough" for the Nazis.
Sadly too, after WWII, certain respected and well-published historians, among them Andreas Hillgruber of Cologne University, sought to tacitly justify the Shoah by claiming that the German people were so terribly afraid of a repeat of 1918 and the Eisner Putsch in Bavaria, that their fear extended to associating ALL Jews with Communism, again, throwing the baby out with the bathwater...even if the waters were still clean.
it was never the Jews' faith or creed which was the issue. Had that been the case, Jews would have mostly converted to Christianity
You hit the nail on the head with this one. It did not matter for the Nazis whether or not you were a Christian, if your mother was a Jew, you were a Jew. Because it was not about religion, it was about race. A lot of famous Germans who were staunch patriots ho never considered themselves as Jews, were persecuted because of this. Case in point, Fritz Haber.
Haber, Ernst Lissauer ("Hymn of Hate" - "Bomben, Bomben nach Engeland.." Bombs, bombs, bombs a-way to Merry Old England..), Otto Weininger...numerous Jewish-born conflicted German Jews who almost seemed behind the Nazi cause, yet wound up in the same ashtray aka oven as some poor wretch from the shtettls of Poland.
And now Audi,VW,Mercedes nach Engeland, Just Don't mention de emission regulations
You have to admit thought, it looks cool, all right. 300 000 volkswagens dumped on the desert. And all of them were bought back from the owners. One of those 'only in America' moments :-)
"Deutsche Qualitaet" certainly got a black eye with that whole Volkswagen business. Dirty shame on the German automotive industry, complicity during WWII completely notwithstanding.
I'm not sure that is a thing about Qualität...they lied and duped and deceived to avoid the clima laws! It was a conscious decision by the top managers, not an accidental mechanical flaw.
The german car industry has only one chance to rescue themselves in my opinion, they should work hard to define the new generation of new green tech automobiles. They need to become the leaders in that regard again, not holding onto the old smokers. Flying cars, self-driving cars, green energy cars...the whole program. They depended on the past successes and models for to long.
Maybe this current disaster was the awakening they needed....
Flying cars, self-driving cars, green energy cars...the whole program.
Forget about flying cars, they're so passe. The newly acquired middle-eastern 'engineers' will help you to build a whole new flying carpets industry. Vorsprung durch technik
Maybe this current disaster was the awakening they needed....
Why didn't they sell those cars in some sh**holes where the drinking water is dirtier than the American sewers? Or, at least, donate and take a charitable deduction. If that would make their air dirtier than it already is, their life span will lose a day or two. Big deal, considering how much they enjoy killing each other or passing AIDS.
Why didn't they sell those cars in some sh**holes where the drinking water is dirtier than the American sewers?
World wide it's about 11 million cars...including Australia, India, China, Argentine, Brazil...I doubt they left a continent data about Africa...