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"It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1471
Sure why not - just don't forget to point out the fact that the majority is blacks killing other blacks and therefore white tax payers tend to not be affected..In my city, the murder capital, its 80% blacks even though they're a minority...

Deflecting now I see... you pointing out that black americans are causing an extremely high murder rate in the USA doesn't change the fact that Germany, Sweden, etc leftists imported a bunch of rapefugees and terrorists...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1472
So...we have european rapes and mainly american thousands of gun murders...hmm...what is better now...lets reflect about this question for a minute...

Couldn't it be that YOU are deflecting from your very own yearly mass murder pointing at the muslim rapes in Europe?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1473
So...we have european

Not nearly as many as those caused by muslim migrants.... and besides, why would you willingly import and then defend rapists???

Furthermore, the VAST majority of terror attacks are caused by muslims - not white Europeans...

Why would you import such a problem and then defend it? If that's not shooting yourself in the foot and then blaming the gun, I don't know what is...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1474
Not nearly as many as those caused by muslim migrants

Wot? Do you know the numbers?

Why would you import such a problem and then defend it?

Where did I defend the rapists...in my opinion they have lost every right to our generosity, they would have to be kicked out immediately. Our law system works slowly and it will need some further nudging but it is getting there...

We already tightened the asylum laws alot...lots of changes have been made since 2015!

And now to your gun laws...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1475
Couldn't it be that YOU are deflecting from your very own yearly mass murder pointing at the muslim rapes in Europe?

Not at all. In fact, I hope the murder rate goes way up. Most of it is ghetto dwelling blacks killing other ghetto dwelling blacks. If I were trump I wouldn't build a wall around mexico - i'd build it around every ghetto and drop off a crate full of guns and ammo daily. Let them shoot it out. Idaf. Let section 8, welfare leeches and disability frauds for me to support...

And now to your gun laws...

A wonderful American right. Perhaps if the Swedes had similar laws they wouldn't be the rape capital of Europe and could defend themselves against the muslim rapefugees. Same with Germany. But instead when a man punches a Somali parasite or some Congoid for fondling his wife/kid then he gets arrested...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1476
Yes, that's true Johnny. I have a Swedish friend who lives in Stockholm....

Is this your friend in the mirror, maybe?

Some children talk to their imaginary friends for a long time..it is said it's a sign of their creativity...but when they can't stop reaching adulthood, then it becomes a problem though!

A wonderful American right.

...said the murdered victim of a gun shot with its last breath!

Perhaps if the Swedes had similar laws they wouldn't be the rape capital of Europe and could defend themselves against the muslim rapefugees.

I doubt that...the percentage of rapes in the US is similiar to Sweden (just see the picture again), guns don't seem to make a difference at all...

Same with Germany.

Again...after the statistics Germany's rape percentage is as low as in Russia...anti-muslim-immigration as it is..without gun laws as in the US.

Something in your logic doesn't add up!
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1477
Lets get back on topic here kids.
Before we go any further on this subject you need to read the Quran for yourselves.
Anyone claiming that there is a moderate form of Islam is either ignorant or a liar.
Mohammed and Allah did not allow a middle way.
Jihad is endless until the world is Islamic or die yourself that's it.
So, quit buying the bullshit of your leaders as if this were some Judeo Christian faith, Buddhism or Hinduism, based on love and peace.
It's not.
The Moon God of Ancient Arabia was a God of darkness, and his prophet demanded your death unless you convert to Islam and your nation voluntarily submits itself to Sharia law......murder, rape, and enslavement being its Sacraments with all women required to be owned by a man.

It's all there so read it for yourself so you can understand what you are up against and the propaganda being spewed by the E.U. leaders.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1478
Only he who is already an ardent believer can be converted to another religion at all, Johnny.

the propaganda being spewed by the E.U. leaders.

What propaganda would that be?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1479
I doubt that...the percentage of rapes in the US is similar to Sweden (just see the picture again), guns don't seem to make a difference at all...

Sweden's darker on the graphic you posted than USA... And again, most the rapes in USA are committed by blacks. If you subtracted the black population from USA, just as if you subtracted the muslim population from Sweden, Germany, etc. rapes, murders, terrorism would plummet.... If there were no blacks in Chicago, murders would decline by 80%. In Sweden if you got rid of the muslims rapes would decline by 58% Is that racist? Maybe, but it doesn't mean that it isn't fact....

In August 2018 SVT reported that rape statistics in Sweden show that 58% of men convicted of rape and attempted rape over the past five years were born outside of the European Union: Southern Africans, Northern Africans, Arabs, Middle Easterns, and Afghans.

@johnny reb
The non-muslims who defend Islam and the migrants the most are the ones who have never picked up a Koran.... just as those who defend Zionists never read the Talmud...

What propaganda would that be?

The type that merkel says, i.e. 'islam belongs in germany'
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1480
I would say it's the same color....

If you subtracted the black population...

That's a huge "if", isn't it...if not impossible...after all they make up the USian population too.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1481
True. But then don't say things like

So...we have european rapes

when Europeans despite being the majority account for a minority of rapes, terror, etc.

Unlike the blacks in America, Merkel invited in this problem willingly and refuses to put a cap on new people coming in. She said herself that Germany has a responsibility to take these people in 'because of our history' and when a million flooded in she told everyone 'we can do this.' She also lied to the people that there were doctors and engineers coming and they'd fill the labor gap - when in fact 75% of migrants are unemployed and 99% of asylum seekers are, according to German government. Then when German tax paying citizens start voting for AfD, holding rallies against the islamization of Germany she goes on TV begging people not to vote for AfD and criticizing the 'far right.' Yet not a peep of criticism about the salafis openly walking the streets, recruiting people for jihad, the Saudi funded mega mosques, the no go zones, the skyrocketing rape, terror and violent crime, etc.

Then when Poland and the V4 says we don't want this crap in our country suddenly were not showing solidarity because we don't want to 'share the burden'
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1482
Yeah...Merkel is not getting off the hook for 2015 till she leaves office...I'm somewhat sure of that. Her opponents keeping that topic on the table, if she likes it or not...
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1483
I would say it's the same color....

You are just playing thick for the sake of argument I hope.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1484
the Saudi funded mega mosques, the no go zones, the skyrocketing rape, terror and violent crime, etc.

Oh gawd! Don't remind me....Germany's bootlicking of the Saudis makes me want to vomit!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1485
Yeah except the damage is already done. You can't undo the thousands of women sexually assaulted, you're not going to stop no-go zones from growing as these people multiply exponentially, the Saudi/Turkish mega mosques won't be demolished or at least put under surveillance.... Germany is too pussy to enact a policy like Austria, Poland, Australia, Hungary, Italy, etc. At least Italy and Hungary are trying their best to undo the damage the migrant crisis caused. Germayn and Sweden are embracing it and putting up PC commercials with a bunch of rainbow kids about 'sharing our country' and saying things like 'Islam belongs in Germany'

Like I've said before, Germany's new policy is Diversity Macht Frei....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1486
You are just playing thick for the sake of argument I hope.

Can I hope you do so too?

Germany is too pussy to enact a policy like Austria, Poland, Australia, Hungary, etc.

The masses of Poles in Germany will save us...

Please not another round of how doomed Germany is....it get's boring!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1487
The masses of Poles in Germany will save us...

No they don't care about Germany. They laugh at the multikulti policies whenever they're with their Polish friends and family. They're only there to make money so they can build their dream house in Poland and buy a German car. When reporters go to the streets in Poland and ask people whether Poland should accept 3rd world migrants several of them said no and give a reason something to the extent of 'I lived in the west and seen what a flood of third world migrants does to a country...'

Poles have been going ever since the PRL to work in Germany. Even Polish youth would go there during summer breaks to work on farms to make a few marks. But generally most don't feel an affinity for Germany. They look at it as simply a place to make money. Generally Poles don't become involved in the politics of whatever country they immigrate to. Even in the US most FOB and 1st gen poles don't vote - most because they're too busy and also because they tend to live in Chicago, NYC, etc which are dominated by dems so their vote won't count.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1488
They're only there to make money so they can build their dream house in Poland and buy a German car.

Well...they pay taxes here and buy german stuff in Germany, supporting Germany in every aspect, even making goals for our Weltmeister Mannschaft...what more care do you need?

And no, don't tell me... you, like Spikey, know of course lotsa Poles in Germany who told you so, right?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1489
Unlike the blacks in America, Merkel invited in this problem willingly

LOL that is quite ironic.
as I understood it, its not so much that Black people were invited to America, more that they were forcibly shipped in chains, lying in their own s'hit, for profit, and forced to work for nothing, picking cotton and so on.

Oh you really don't get irony do you?

If I were in charge I would ship out anyone who cant live without checks from their parents.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1490
But generally most don't feel an affinity for Germany. They look at it as simply a place to make money.

Oh wait...now I see the problem.

It is preferable for you thinking it's only them Germans being raped and knifed and soon-to-be-islamized. The vision of million of Poles being part of this Germany is to much for you, isn't it?

PS: Better look into a history book again...there are regions in Germany when you scratch a German you find a Pole...this mass immigration from Poland to Germany has been going on for centuries now.

In Berlin you aren't even a real Berliner when you don't have a 'ski in your name...face it! :)
Spike31  3 | 1485  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1491
Then when Poland and the V4 says we don't want this crap in our country suddenly were not showing solidarity

And the official UE propaganda was trying to convince Poland and the V4 that this is for our own good, for the 'cultural enrichment'.

You are just playing thick for the sake of argument I hope.

He is just playing for the sake of trolling. My only concern is that he does all of that for free. Surely he should be compensated for the entertainment he provides. Court Jesters were always rewarded with good food and a coin for their funny tricks :-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1492
And no, don't tell me... you, like Spikey, know of course lotsa Poles in Germany who told you so, right?

Well I do have family living in Dortmund. Several of the women have moved back to Poland due to how unsafe the area has become lately. The muslims especially prey on Eastern European women as they tend to be better looking than the German ones.

Well...they pay taxes here and buy german stuff in Germany, supporting Germany in every aspect

Generally those things come with working in a country. If I moved for say Saudi Arabia or Israel for an assignment I'd have to pay taxes, buy local goods, etc. That doesn't mean I support or even like the country. And that doesn't change the fact that most Poles living in Germany do not support the Multikulti policies of the country. They're only there to make money - not support Merkel and the leftists in destroying Germany's culture, identity and hopefully erase its borders and cancel out Germany's existence as a sovereign nation.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1493
My only concern is that he does all of that for free.

My concern is that you are being paid for by some russian troll factory...but even these Putin-bots are usually alot smarter and don't even try to contradict their own posts.

But they too work mainly with "personal opinions" and "hearsay" because of a glaring lack of numbers and stats...spreading fake news...hmmmm....

Is it "Comrade Spike"?

That doesn't mean I support or even like the country.

Dirk...we are talking of MILLIONS of Poles over centuries...most of them have been assimiliated so much over time that they don't even identify with Poland anymore.

Look at a map of our countries...no natural borders...a flat plain...always changing borders...

The actual immigrating Poles are just the latest wave of an never ending "stream" (heh Roz) of Poles coming to Germany...and many of them will be here for the long run too.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1494
most of them have been assimiliated so much over time that they don't even identify with Poland anymore.

that's right, like my ex's grandmother from Dusseldorf - it seems unclear whether she was Polish or German...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1495
And I for sure have polish drops in my blood...and Tacitus too (so I gathered)....

We are Germoles! :)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1496
a bit like Britain and Ireland perhaps? apparently we are so mixed up that if every Brit who was entitled to an Irish passport, got one, and went back, Ireland would sink.

I have noticed that Septics view that very simplistically too, saying stuff like 'you guys hate the Irish. right?' ..(answer..er no, I don't "hate" half my family, you tool).
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1497
MILLIONS of Poles over centuries...most of them have been assimiliated so much over time that they don't even identify with Poland anymore.

Of course.. the difference is that Poles came to Germany to work, assimilate, contribute, etc. The migrants Germany recently took in did not - they crossed through numerous safe countries till they got to Germany, their desired welfare haven where 75%of migrants and 99% of asylum seekers are unemployed and German taxpayers have to spent 25 bil a year providing for them. And that number is only going to increase as their population undoubtedly increases since they have birthrates similar to rabbits
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1498
saying stuff like 'you guys hate the Irish. right?' ..(answer..er no, I don't "hate" half my family, you tool).

Europe 2018! :)

The migrants Germany recently took in did not -

...just don't hate Germany for it...it would be a kind of self-hate....and everything you believe and wish Germany will become.
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1499
Regarding statistics, it is also important to note that countries have different standards regarding rape and other things. Sweden for example classify more things as rape than many other countries. Russia has recently decriminalized "light" domestic violence, so if we go by their crime statistics, it will no doubt look better than by Western standards.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
22 Oct 2018 /  #1500
my family living in Dortmund. Several of the women have moved back to Poland due to how unsafe the area has become lately.

This is becoming more and more common. Since I'm in touch with a lot of Poles in the UK and around the Europe due to my line of work I've started seeing a bigger picture here.

The danger is real, especially for women. Here's a recent example that has leaked into German mass media. Thanks to a courageous Polish girl the worst outcome was avoided: derwesten.de/region/vergewaltigung-bielefeld-angriff-id215599645.html

Source is in German so you'll have use a translator

Regarding statistics, it is also important to note that countries have different standards regarding rape and other things

Tacitus, don't undermine the role of the holy statistics. That's the only reason @BratwurstBoy here may feel remotely relevant :-P

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)Archived