Since the 2015 -16 flood of 'asylum seekers' as the EU calls them, reported rapes in Sweden alone have increased 1300%.
Some "news" are just to nice, arent' they...
In 2012, Sweden had 66 cases of reported rapes per 100,000 population, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå).[242] This was unequivocally the biggest number reported to the UNODC in 2012.[243] .........
However, widely differing legal systems, offence definitions, terminological variations, recording practices and statistical conventions makes any cross-national comparison on rape statistics difficult,[244][245][246][247]
I'm German and I can tell you that the Swedes are not that different to us, that's why this "news" of a rape-capital Stockholm was never really believed here. You must live far away to really fall for that.
In the same vein you could say the same of Berlin, and here I KNOW that would be a lie...sorry. You have to be very gullible to believe such things...