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"It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)

Spike31  3 | 1485  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1231
@Bratwurst Boy

I'm just glad I was born a German...historical warts and all...cool people, cool country...meine Heimat!

You're alone in your opinion then, since public opinion polls show that most Germans are ashamed of being German. One day, when Germany is gone, you may find your new heimat in Poland. But first you'll have to learn our language and our culture. Alternatively, you can grow a beard and start studying quran. The choice is all yours my friend :-P
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1232
You're alone in your opinion then, since public opinion polls show that most Germans are ashamed of being German.

What poll would that be?

I have one survey for you: From all EU countries Germans like Germany best!


(next favorites down the line are Italy, Sweden and Spain...but the distance to Germany is extensive)

One day, when Germany is gone, you may find your new heimat in Poland.

When Germany is gone there won't be any Poland anymore either....start thinking man!

Another survey: Everybody loves Germany and Germany loves itself! :)


Yellow = positive
Red = negative

...and another survey...the most actual one:The Germans are happy! (Doesn't sound so much like a self-hating people, doesn't it)


"After an EU-wide survey nine of ten Germans identified themselves as happy. Far above the EU average." (Translation mine:)

Maybe it's high time to put the old faible that Germans hate themselves and their country to rest for good...

...and another survey...the most actual one:The Germans are happy! (Doesn't sound so much like a self-hating people, doesn't it)


"After an EU-wide survey nine of ten Germans identified themselves as happy. Far above the EU average." (Translation mine:)

Now your polls please...
Crow  154 | 9525  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1233
Germany becoming increasingly irrelevant within EU and on European continent. Vanishing slowly.

We have signals that USA pushing for support to France, while Russia push to support Spain. Both powers, USA and Russia have interest to reduce power and influence of Germany. So, what will we more and more see is clash between France and Spain for the dominance within EU. Its all prelude for the turning EU into the real state and one of world powers- one civilization. In such an EU there is no need for Germany anymore. Obviously EU will be `Latin/Romanic` language area, possible founded on balance and axis between France and Spain. Still, even such an EU will for long period be controlled from outside, from USA and Russia.

So, Germany would almost definitely crumble and dissolve on EU and CE parts. To shorten this for now, many new states will emerge in Europe. New World Order have its agenda and its like grinding machine. Non shall avoid it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1234
A link please....

You must get your insider info from somewhere...I would be most grateful if you would let us take part in your endless wisdom...but I need sources for that! :)
Crow  154 | 9525  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1235
I am the source. I telling you what happening. I live in Serbia and I can`t give you link to all info sources that have influence my stance.

Your real awakening will happen when you become aware that average citizen of Serbia have real info on whats happening in Europe. Think about it. Its one thing that I have info. Problem is that YOU don`t have any idea what really happening. It means that you have reduced insight into things and that makes you suitable object for manipulation. In other words, you are directed in direction that is suited to somebody.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1236
I am the source. I telling you what happening.

Well...then I have to tell you that the Moon is made up from blueberry joghurt...and I am the source! It's the truth..you will see!

Problem is that YOU don`t have any idea what really happening.

As long as you keep my Germans happy....you know we can get abit grumpy when not happy....you don't want that....again! :)
Crow  154 | 9525  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1237
Man, this with attempt to separate Catalonia form Spain was attempt to segment Spain. It was prevented. You think by EU? You better look whom Spain support most directly. Russia have interest in Serbia`s survivor and Spain support it. Spain tries to cope within EU. By supporting Spain, Russia slowing advance of France. USA entering on the side of France. That happening behind curtain. That is what really grinding Germany. Competition between Spain and France. Competition between USA and Russia to have control over EU via France and Spain. Interestingly, there are signals that Spain and Russia got Vatican on their side. But one can only speculate here, for now.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1238
Yes, it was prevented, by Madrid, fearing the loss of one of their most important, rich and successful regions, fearing their loss of status and power as nation state.

But I personally see the Catalonia fight as one of many following in the coming years...as the big nation states will dissolve slowly into a "Europe of Regions".

I think that's the future for the EU, for Europe...but nobody said it will be quick and easy.
Crow  154 | 9525  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1239
Europe of regions? And who would rule regions?

France. France will rule. French pyramid of power. Its desired. Its that old USA-French connection. Future EU under some other name will be Francophone area and also will include areas in North Africa. If Spain is ok with it. Now, Spain don`t have that power. Spain will get support. From outside of EU.

Essentially, we see that EU mistaken for moving against Russia. Germany led that process and now pays the price. And will yet to pay. This will Brexit is also consequence of clash between EU and Russia. Rats abandoning the ship that sinks.

As long as you keep my Germans happy

They will be happy. Not as Germans but will be happy. In few new states. Some within Francophonic EU and some within Slavophonic CE.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1240
In few new states.

....just call them regions and we can make a big step forward Crowie! :)

And who would rule regions?

How about they themselves?

That is the reason for that new development. Instead of one central HQ trying to rule over so many different regions where each has their own culture and history and needs and preferences the regions have their own govs.

It's already tried successfully...it's called federal system. Countries with strong federal laws are commonly more succesfull than states ruled by one centrum. After all the federal govs know much better what their regions needs and wants.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1241
Why do I have this feeling that I am back in Yalta watching the three guys designing Europe.
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1242
@Bratwurst Boy,

Fine and well that you're apparently "happy to be German", only in as far as such happiness continues to be filtered through a critical lense!

As with any nation, the US included, history let's NOBODY off the hook of culpability:-)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1243
Why do I have this feeling that I am back in Yalta watching the three guys designing Europe.

No design! No power to design either! But trying to see where the travel may lead us...Just a different kind of mind game to these armageddon plays after which we all are already doomed by (insert pet peeve).

Everyone studying history knows of meta-developments. Events to big and complex and moving so slowly that they are nearly impossible to grasp if you are living them. But from afar, from a historians point of view, with information spanning centuries they are becoming clear and consequential.

I just try to guess the future with the knowledge of history... :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1244
As with any nation, the US included, history let's NOBODY off the hook of culpability:-)

Isn't that a contradiction? History and culpability?

I have never in my life killed a jew, I swear! (And I don't plan to)...I think the better word for culpability is "responsibility". That something like that past never happens again.

And no, that has IMHO no influence in how someones sees his country. If he is proud and grateful or just glad...That is more like wishful thinking that a blemished past makes people less proud. I think there speaks the fear (mostly be former victims), that these events could be repeated if the descendants becomes "to proud". But in my opinion even 1945 most Germans regretted that they lost the war, and later even might be ashamed of the holocaust, not that they were Germans, that these people denouncing their german heritage in consequence had never been more than some fanatics on the margins.

Today being "not proud" has some different reason altogether...that is part of the anti-nationalist thinking of a rising number of young people which define themselves as globalists...with several passports, studies and jobs in different countries, multi-lingual etc...they don't want to wave any flag because they don't want them. Not because of some "shame".
Crow  154 | 9525  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1245
Forget Germany.

You just keep Serbia in you peripheral vision and follow developments. 2-4-10 next years are crucial for entire Europe and it will be decided around Serbian question. Soon we entering in era of re-claim. Plus, you have Serbian influences spreading allover the Eastern Europe. Only by looking at Serbia, you see CE will be formed. It just wait Serbia to consolidate. Look what Serbs already doing in Poland, in Russia. Serbs work with deep state there, with patriots, not only with officials or when officials ignoring them. Serbians are glue of Eastern and Central Europe. Serbian music everywhere. Polish US Cory Lewnadowsky talk to top Serbian magnates in Belgrade. Hungarian Orban, Czech, Slovakian presidents, all gravitate to Serbia.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1246
Events to big and complex and moving so slowly that they are nearly impossible to grasp if you are living them.

Like the Latino invasion here. It was slow and almost invisible until the day when I realized I had to ask "do you speak English" in my own country way too often.

Now, with the ship tilted to the point of no return, the only way to stay sane is by disconnecting. Hence, I no longer care what will happen to "America" just as I didn't care about that suicidal idiot who plunged to her death in Panama while taking selfies.

I hope the disconnect day will never come in your life.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1247
Like the Latino invasion here.

Exactly, but not only. This "Latino invasion" is only one facette of a much bigger global development...the world is changing. And this change might proof as profound like the "industrial revolution" in the 18th Century.

We wouldn't know and talk with each other without it...we would live totally different lives today. But of course the people living through it bag then had no idea, couldn't grasp it...

I hope the disconnect day will never come in your life.

Maybe my history-hobby is helping with that...I'm kind of disconnected already...rather an observer and an analyst like.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1248
And this change might proof as profound like the "industrial revolution" in the 18th Century.

The industrial revolution "happened" with the consent and to the benefit of those who made it happen. Everybody was better off for it.
The demographic invasions are deliberate, too, but for the benefit of very few and against the masses of the powerless, gullible, naive and brain-washed natives who now wonder what happened to their middle class standard of living. Huge difference.

Do you know that the American middle makes the same now as they made in 1973? They are waking up just now what the globalization of labor did to them with the factories leaving and the uneducated, useless Latino crap flowing in.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1249
The industrial revolution "happened" with the consent and to the benefit of those who made it happen. Everybody was better off for it.

No, it wasn't!

The illiterate farmer had no influence whatsoever. And in the beginning of the IR this population group was the majority. And in the beginning it wasn't a benefit for them either. People enslaved to the machines, working themselves to death, living in stinking rat holes...still hungry, dying often a prematurely death because of sickness or accidents, no rights...just slaves in anything but name.

And just think about a minute that for these people their world order was destroyed too...the old hierarchies...they left their fields and their ancient old ways on the land for the newly build cities.

Somehow I'm totally sure there had been many people ranting against these new times...losing control...old securities gone without the new ones in place...CHAOS everywhere.

What you call benefits...the rise of an educated middle class, the urbanization, the progress in technology and also in the societies...they couldn't know that as their lived through it.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1250
No, it wasn't!

OK, I stand corrected to some extent. The IR was, at least, an internal process and subject to the government regulations and policies. In theory at least, the voters could express their approval or disapproval. Or hit the streets.

Until Trump came along, the jobs leaving and the Latino garbage pouring in were both unchecked - almost like weather - and we all felt powerless in our own country. Then came Trump and the almost fanatical hate fueled and financed by the "swamp", the globalists, and the types like Soros.
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1251
. In theory at least, the voters could express their approval or disapproval.

The IR happened in the 18th (UK) and 19th (most of Europe) century, when the common people had no say in the governance of their country (that includes the UK). There were no safety or health regulations to speak of (those came only slowly in the late 19th century), and the misery of this time is reflected in many famous works of literature (most famously by Charles Dickens).

Karl Marx can btw. only be fully understood if you consider those circumstances (which is also why he is now mostly outdated).
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1252
There were no safety or health regulations to speak of

As painful as the beginnings were, it was progress that would eventually lead to a higher standard of living. Today, nobody, except the paid globalist hired wh***s and young idiots, would argue that jobs-out migrants-in "new world order" benefits the lower 80% of the voters. So, the best they can say is that both "trends" are unstoppable and irreversible.

That was Obongo's favorite argument, to which the fly-over Americans responded with one big middle finger in November 2016 and elected the best antidote to the moron before him. Trump.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1253
As painful as the beginnings were, it was progress that would eventually lead to a higher standard of living.

Thing is, THEY back then couldn't know that...no consolation for them. They couldn't know that the IR would lead to the US and New York and Bill Gates and the Internet and Rich and Bratwurst Boy on PF...

Right now you see the chaos and the unwelcomed, fearsome change, the end of our old world order only too...you can't know what globalization will bring mankind. And how could you...

In some points you could Trump compare with a farmers leader back then, ranting at the machines, promising to protect the farmers and fight these dastardly new things which threatens the lives of them all.

To vote for him is understandable but also as useless in the big scheme of things...in the worst case he will lead his followers into isolation and backwardness whereas elsewhere around him the IR takes up pace!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1254
you can't know what globalization will bring mankind.

Oh, yes, we know a lot, or at least enough. Globalization means throwing everybody into a blender where a 20-per-hour guy is supposed to compete with the 2-per Chinese slave with no rights and a nice camp awaiting the poor sob if he gets any bad ideas. When Nike moved to China, the prices didn't drop. But many American lost their jobs.

The inevitability of globalization is a lie. It would lead to a stupid conclusion that if North America were one and the only continent, we, Americans, would suffer terribly and maybe even die. In fact, the highest growth occurred in the 19th century. The stagnation and misery started exactly when that moron Nixon opened the door to China in 1972. Since then the wages here have been as stagnant as the ocean levels in spite of another globalist big lie.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1255
Oh, yes, we know a lot, or at least enough.

I doubt that Rich....I really do!

In the best case globalization will lead us to pool our resources to leave that old used up planet (to hot, to withered) behind to have a sliver of a chance of survival for our race. (A future which already Stephen Hawking said will be actually our only one).


No country alone will have a chance of stemming that...it will need a global effort...if we want to survive! No sci-fi joke here...

In the case of this huge scheme how truly tiny are our annoyances with this illegal latino or that arab refugee! And how unhelpful is the fight against it...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1256
Again, we will have to agree to disagree. As always, I don't mind chatting with you. I will just add "space" to my short list of subjects to avoid.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1257

Till next time...*takes hat and leaves*
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
18 Oct 2018 /  #1258
@Bratwurst Boy, I never killed a Native American, nor did my family ever own slaves (even a housekeeper until the late '70s). Yet, as a thinking, enlightened American, I too am keenly aware of my nation's past and behave accordingly when in the presence of Native Americans or African-Americans!

Although this scarcely means I'm on tenterhooks twenty-four seven whenever I'm around the latter, it does mean however a heightened awareness and
a tendency to eschew racially-charged humor which in fact puts the other person down.

Germans today fall into several categories: the Merkelites who cringe if anyone as much as mentions that they're Jewish, the Holocaust etc., making extra

nice with embarrassed, s***t-eating grins and nervous gestures, looking extra ridiculous in the process. Then there are the "older generation" who went through the war or are now the former " '68'ers", facing the music, and not afraid to debate endlessly the reasons for Hitler 'till you puke. And finally, there are people such as yourselves, unabashedly, unashamedly German simply for being German's sake!

The generation of "We're the people of poets and thinkers.." is basically dead in the water.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
19 Oct 2018 /  #1259
...the Merkelites who cringe if anyone as much as mentions that they're Jewish, the Holocaust etc., making extra nice with embarrassed, s***t-eating grins

It's not only the Merkelites...the whole remembrance has become a kind of cold rituals mostly. The same moves and speeches once learned to be repeated when needed.

The faces frozen in a position to convey empathy and interest whereas the thoughts wander elsewhere. Nearly 70 years of these rituals do that to people. It will be worse as now the last of the true eye witnesses leave us and the whole events will now truly something for the history books only.

I don't know how to change it for the better though....

The generation of "We're the people of poets and thinkers.." is basically dead in the water.

Yeah....we realized that not all of our people are poets and thinkers! Even our footie team sucks currently! :)
Spike31  3 | 1485  
19 Oct 2018 /  #1260
@Bratwurst Boy

When Germany is gone there won't be any Poland anymore either....start thinking man!

That's simply not true. Poland has survived the madness of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia combined. Poland has survived partitions and remained true to itself. We're just simply much more resilient than you. And much more prepared for hard times to come. But you'll never understand the Polish soul. One has to have a drop of a Polish blood to understand that.

To be honest, judging form a historical perspective, there's no worse option for Poland than having Germans as our neighbour. So even having a radical muslim state behind our border is still less threatening to our sovereignty than neighbouring Germans when you look at our past "affairs" from a historical perspective.

I'm worried about the future of Poland and I believe that now it's our time to flourish. But if I was a German I would be deeply worried.

...and another survey...the most actual one:The Germans are happy!

Feeling happy because the economy is doing well and that the welfare state provides is not the same as a fact of feeling pride of being German and belonging to German nation. Those are two different things. And that's what happens in Germany. "Happiness" won't help you to win the cultural war that has started in your country. Only a strong patriotism would.

And patriotism in Germany equals nationalism equals fascism because you're not known around the world for being a moderate society :-P

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)Archived