More people equals more overall crimes, that is just common sense. But Dirk has already proven that he has no idea how statistics work, so I am not going to bother.
NOT AT ALL LOL - if that were true than NYC would have a higher murder rate than Chicago since it has more people, if that were true than Poland would have more murders than El Salvador because there's a greater population... and you're going to say I don't understand how stats work??? PLEASE ROFL!!!
It's clearly not Europeans creating the terror attacks, driving cars into crowds, raping scores of women, etc is it????
If you want to talk about statistics lets talk about stats released by the University of Zurich which stated that migrants were 92% responsible for the increase in crime. Or how about the stats explaining how 75% of migrants are unemployed and will be for 5 years if not longer??? Or how about the fact that basically every terror attack on EU soil has been caused by a Muslim migrant - only ONE was by a European, a British dude who ran a car into a crowd of Muslims in front of a mosque to give them a taste of their own medicine.
My fear is that the Euros will destroy Poland and Hungary. On the other hand, both can leave EU, so no problem.
Won't happen. Poles and Hungarians are too xenophobic to allow themselves to become cucked like Germany, France, Sweden, etc. That's why to this date there's been ZERO Islamic terror attacks in Poland. We aim to keep it that way.