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"It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 Sep 2018 /  #811
Yes every country relies on others and trade unions but that doesnt mean we need to erase our borders or sacrifice polish culture and identity to the eurocrats goal of an eu suprastate
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 Sep 2018 /  #812
That makes us people whod rather live in the 30s?

Over the top nationalism and supporting the idea of white supremacy do that.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
24 Sep 2018 /  #813
Yes every country relies on others and trade unions but that doesnt mean we need to erase our borders or sacrifice polish culture and identity


But what I don't get is why you instead of working on real existent problems and disputes (and oh boy the EU is full with this) you keep talking about some imaginary nightmare....NOBODY wants that what you fear. NOBODY is planning that.

It's similiar to saying...."I'm not leaving my home tomorrow because green aliens from Mars could land!"
Yes, it could happen but the chances are very, very, very VERY slim to non-existent. :)
Vesko Vukovic  - | 157  
24 Sep 2018 /  #814
I actually think it is impossible to make the EU to a mono-culture.

That is precisely the aim. The current European nations in the EU will be replaced through mass immigration of third worlders until a new race (different shades of brown) is achieved with perhaps a few pigments of yellow.






Godfather of the EU
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
24 Sep 2018 /  #815
The current European nations in the EU will be replaced through mass immigration of third worlders until a new race is achieved

The more logical evolutionary development would be that the third worlders all get in time as white as we Europeans have become. After all that was the way we developed...from dark brown Homo Sapiens to light Europeans.!

Imagine that...we get tons of new white Europeans...in a few decades or so...:)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 Sep 2018 /  #816
Germany ought to follow italys example

Deport deport deport!!!

Imagine that...we get tons of new white Europeans...in a few decades or so...:)

Thats bs dude... if that were true then the blacks that arrived centuries ago would be white today. Atleast back then black families were together. Today the majority of blacks grow up without a father and thats one of the main reason why there's so many problems in this community, as ben shapiro pointed out in a debate thats on youtube

@Vesko Vukovic

When i mentioned the kalergi plan here in the past everyone was like huh kalergi plan????
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
24 Sep 2018 /  #817
Thats bs dude...

Not more bs than the conspiracy theory before...come on! :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 Sep 2018 /  #818
If i said that a shifty eyed far left Jew says that europe must become multicultural, cannot be homogenous anymore and that jews will be the ones making that happen, youd probably say conspiracy theory maybe even call me an anti semite - but heres the clip with her saying those very things:

Barbara spectre on how jews will take a leading role in forcing europe to become multicultural
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
24 Sep 2018 /  #819
Europe IS already multi cultural, it always has been...it all started out with the Celts, the Germanics and the Slavs and kinda detoriated from that.

Already forgotten about our polish-german culture wars? We even have a self declared Sarmatian here on this board! :)

Good luck to make Europe "mono"! ;)
A worthy case to make Europe more "mono" would be the installment of a common lingua franca, but not even that can the EU achieve. The EU has, believe it or not 24 official and working languages!

It must be a bureaucratical nightmare...all the translators, all the papers in all languages...


And it is like with all arguments and ideas, just because one says so it doesn't mean it can happen.
To use this "shifty eyed" (whatever that is) Jews wishful thinking is absolutely no reason to accuse the EU of wanting to erase polish (or anybody's) identity and culture...

PS: Did you hear about the Berliner Stadtschloß? An interesting story....once a jewel of prussian architecture smack in the middle of Berlin, the seat of kings, it was heavily destroyed during WWII.

As the victor politics decided did the territory the ruins stand in fell to the newly build East Germany with it's new capital East Berlin. The revenge thirsty communists hated all things prussian and decided to raze the rest of it to the ground and to build a socialist symbol in it's place, the "Palast der Republik".

That thing stood there till the wall came down and the GDR was thrown into the bin of history as Prussia has been before.

Fast forward a few years and the discovery of poisoneus asbestos in this Palast der Republik and it's subsequent destruction an initiative was founded to rebuild the old Stadtschloß in it's place again.

The whole country discussed it hotly, but this initiative gained so many followers and raised so many Euros that the wish of many came true...the old prussian Stadtschloß was to be rebuild in it's righteous place, proudly in the middle of Berlin.

Of course, it's not the original, but it's being rebuild with much love and passion. Next year it is being finished! :)


So, whenever you say the EU leads only to a loss of culture and identity I dare you to take a good long look around....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 Sep 2018 /  #820
Yes its been multicultural with different europeans for most of its history. And when muslims invaded europeans put aside rivalries for the time being and worked together to push them back so they wouldnt overrun the continent i.e. battle of vienna, reconquista, etc. Jan iii sobieski and charled the hammer martel must be rolling in their graves.... they saved europe after the muslims were killing people who refused to convert by force.

You know the Jewish star that nazis forced jews to wear? Well that actually originated in the muslim world. You see non Muslims were given 3 choice - convert, pay a tax and live as second class citizens or be killed. Those who chose to keep their religion and pay the jizya had to wear identifying marks - jews wore a star, christians a necklace. They also had to follow laws like if a muslim was walking down the street they had to cross the road so as not to spread their 'uncleanliness.'

Our ancestors fought and died to save europe from this. And here we are just handing out continent over to them - mot only that but giving them food, housing, money etc while they mock our laws and customs, force their beliefs upon us and even politicians go as far as say european citizens should learn arabic - not muslims learn the nativr language... but atleast theyre taking rape prevention classes right? Except interviews with migrants taking such classes show nothinf but contempt for the classes and the society.

A guy eben complains in front of his wife he should be allowed 3 more wives and who is the host country to say he cant?

Migrants and social workers discussing their opinions and perceptions of the rape prevention classes. The teachers say that the migrants need them to not treat women like sh1t and abide bt the host country rules and customs. The migrants say they dont give a sh1t amd theyre only taking the classes so theh dont get their benefits cut.

And no its not a right wing source... its actually a leftist one


Good luck to make Europe "mono"! ;)

W europe is lost as their leaders decided to change the demographics already. However we poles and many other e european countries prefer to remain the vast majority in our country and if were going to take in immigrants we only want other europeans or those from countries that have money, valuable skills, etc like from india or phillipines. Majority Poles do not want african or arab migrants and that is CBOS fact
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
24 Sep 2018 /  #821
Man Dirk, Germany has about 6% (6,1% in 2016) muslims overall (and barely any at all in the East)...and many of those who came as refugees during the last years will leave again...

In the whole of Europe the muslims make up not even 5% (4,9% in 2016) of the population. Meaning 95% of the Europeans are NOT Muslims!

We really have more pressing problems!!!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 Sep 2018 /  #822
Man Dirk, Germany has not even 5% muslims overall (and barely any at all in the East)

Yes exactly - only 5% 10% whatever it is and look how many problems theyve already caused. That 5% is enough to cause numerous terror attack, grope a thousand women in a single night, make people scared ro shop at xmas markets, cause stores to sell out of self defense gear because peoole are scared, police telling women not to jog alone and people to avoid contact with strangers if they dont want to gst stabbed...

Now imagine what it will be when they are 20% 30% etc of the society. All those problems youve faced will be 4x as often, 6 times as often... do you want 4x as many terror attacks? 6x as many sexual assaults? 5x as much money spent on migrants - thatd be 125 billion euro a year...

Because thats where germany is headed. Itll look just like france who in the 70s 80s said oh theyre only 5% of the country. Now theyrr a huge part of the population - the majority in certain cities like marseilles and very soon if not already the majority in paris metro. The white british are already a minority in their own capital. Its very sad in all honesty because kany cities ive visited even just 10 years ago are way different looking now. We poles don't want that the vast majority of poles dread the thought of poles being a minority in warsaw. We wont be cucked like that.

Muslims and africans have birth rates far, far higher than europeans. Most have not learned yet that you shouldn't have kids you cant afford. Its simple mathematics that in time they grow exponentially and the more of them merkel brings in today, the quicker the natives will be replaced and become strangers in their own land.

This is already occuring in the grade schools where in many classrooms german speaking children are the minority. I hear in netherlands and belgium thats even more prevalent, probably because they're smaller countries with smaller populations.

Poles already know all this as does our government. And we dont want any part of it. Its a matter of safety, putting the polish people first as poland is for poles first and foremost and quite simply self preservation.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 Sep 2018 /  #824
Truth hurts... tell me did i write anything that is incorrect? Obviously the more third worlders and muslims you have the more problems associated with those groups like terror, sexual assault, economic burden, etc.

And please dont say most of them are going home. 90 95% plus are not legit refugees but economic migrants. We can see from france that most of them that came decades ago stayed and multiplied like bunnies fed ecstasy cut with viagra. Thats why noe the french are a minority in many cities. Same with the british. And unless germany deports the ones that came and stops more from coming german natives will also eventually be a minority in berlin and other cities. And then theyll have even more terrorism, sexual assaults etc. It is fact that migrants are 92% responsible for the increase in violent crime. It is fact that 75% plus are unemployed and will ve for 5+ years. It is fact they come from countries where a big chunk of the population supports terrorism, suicide bombings, etc.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
24 Sep 2018 /  #825
...but still 95% white Europeans! :)

Most of them without any desire to become muslims or to lose their culture and identity!

If I were muslim in Europe I would actually fear for MY culture and identity...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 Sep 2018 /  #826
but still 95% white Europeans! :)

Yes... for now... but again look how many problems just 5% caused and two compare birth rates of muslims and sub saharans vs native Europeans. Its not uncommon for a muslim family to have 4 5 8 plus kids. Whereas 3 kids is a lot now for a european family. Furthermore europeans put off marraige and children later in life now. Its simple algebra and graphing. If population y equals mx + b, m (slope) being birth rate and b being the existing population, in time if the m, birth rate, is larger in time the population will be greater even if the b, existing population is smaller. So lets say for muslims itd be y = 3x + 50 million and with europeans its 1.5x + 450 million. In time, that 3x + 50 million will be greater.

If I were muslim in Europe I would actually fear for MY culture and identity...

Well depending on what country and city... in some you may have the government kissing your ass and putting you up in a more expensive apartment than youve ever had back in your country plus free money, dree food, free healthcare - all things youd probably not have back home bc if you did you wouldnt leave.

Or you could be in a country where there are few muslims and the government isnt going to give you a bunch of handouts like say poland for example. You would likely leave for one that does. And thats precisely what happened the moment denmark announced there were going to be drastic cuts in welfare for migrants. They immediately left for germany and sweden. Same thing happened in poland and czechy when a dew were taken in back in 2015.

And obviously they didnt stay in Greece hungary Italy etc even though the dublin regulation states that refugees are supposed to stay in the first SAFE country, not trek across 5 7 10 whatever till you get to the one that gives you the most welfare payments.

Yet that's exactly what happened and continues to happen. If germany did away with giving migrants a bunch of free stuff you wouldnt of had million, two million arrivals in 3 years.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
25 Sep 2018 /  #827
Yes... for now... but again look how many problems just 5% caused and two compare birth rates of muslims and sub saharans vs native Europeans

You read the news today too, didn't you? The one about no NGO ship left in the Med.

Europe is getting a handle on the illegals...it get's better, the govs are learning...Germany has tightened the screws and so have most other countries.

But what's worse is your basic belief that this can end only with one way. You have absolutely no trust in your folks...you really think that Brussels has the power to erase cultures and identities. You really belief that the muslim immigrants will take over Europe one day.

You seem to believe all Europeans stupid and/or brainwashed and weak and that only you and your followers are left to fight the fight...you couldn't be more wrong!

But I have to leave now...till tomorrow

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 Sep 2018 /  #828
You read the news today too, didn't you? The one about no NGO ship left in the Med.

I did. Its about damn time. If italy wouldnt of pressured panama it is highly likely the Aquarius migrant taxi would be operating today, tomorrow, etc bringing more in.

you really think that Brussels has the power to erase cultures and identities. You really belief that the muslim immigrants will take over Europe one day.

No, i know Brussels doesnt have the power to turn europe into a suprastate and replace individual cultures with a multikulti type of culture the us has or ussr had, but that doesnt mean they wont try.

But yes if european birth rates remain a fraction of muslim amd sub saharan ones its only a matter of time before they outnumber europeans. Could be 50 years, could be 200. One thing is for certain - their population has drastically increased over the past few years. Cities that use to have a native majority like london or marseilles just a decade or two ago now have foreigners as the majority.

You seem to believe all Europeans stupid and/or brainwashed and weak and that only you and your followers are left to fight the fight...you couldn't be more wrong!

No not at all. Quite the opposite. Im very proud of poles, hungarians, Austrians, italians, czechs, slovaks amd evem quite a few germans, French and British for finally realizing whats going on and using their voting powers to chose candidates that will fight against this demographic change and huge influx of third worlders that the eurocrats like juncker, verhostadt, merkel, macron etc wish to force on their countries and making their voices heard that they dont want to become a country with a huge third world population. Such is a countrys sovereign right and such is democracy where people can elect leaders based on campaign promises. What is unfortunate is how the eu seeks to sanction countries because of how they voted and chose leaders who wont toe the eu line and dont want to take in a bunch of migrants. They talk about democracy being in trouble and rule of law yet theyre the ones who undermine democratically elected leaders and parties they dont like.
G (undercover)  
25 Sep 2018 /  #829
EU accession fixed that -not the Poles themselves suddenly deciding to be honest citizens.

So how EU "fixed" that in Poland while It could never fix it in Italy ?
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
25 Sep 2018 /  #830
There is only so much the EU can do when people insist on voting for corrupt politicians.

Which is why Italy is what it is today. And naturally, newer members benefit from closer scrutiny than more established ones.
Crow  154 | 9525  
25 Sep 2018 /  #831
Oh finally, finally that I see news titles such as this one

Duda from parallel universe have backbone
TheWizard  - | 217  
25 Sep 2018 /  #832
Crow, that's funny! Good one. Got any more?
Crow  154 | 9525  
25 Sep 2018 /  #833
Enjoy >

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 Sep 2018 /  #834
Man some of the eu ceremonies are downright weird esp the ones in switzerland
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 Sep 2018 /  #835
So how EU "fixed" that in Poland while It could never fix it in Italy ?

Not just Italy but also bulgaria, czechy, romania and countless others.

Polands first anti corruption buraeu was set up before accession. If you want to talk about corruption in poland look at the prl years, early 90s during the transition and the real estate dealings of several po members which are coming to light.

Besides, corruption is relative. Transparency international ranks the us far lower than poland and as one of the least corrupt nations. Yet i beg to differ. Corruption is way way worse in the us than poland, perhaps worse than almost anywhere in the eu. Only difference is our corruption is bureaucratised so it doesnt look like corruption. Yet i fail to see how ths dude or organization who donates millions to a campaign is any different from outright bribery or quid pro quo.
Crow  154 | 9525  
25 Sep 2018 /  #836
Man some of the eu ceremonies are downright weird esp the ones in switzerland

European continent is sad and sick place. That I can tell you. Not just Switzerland. Masters of Europe are totally sick and so they puled entire continent in malformation.

God, if exist or if exist some soul, force or energy or, I don`t know, some global conciseness,.. it must be different. This ISN`T humanity. Humanity can better, I am sure of it, I hope so.
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
25 Sep 2018 /  #837
The Federal Republic of Germany remains the no.1 economic engine of Europe, bar none. This is a fact and you can't argue with stats that aren't massaged.

For the zillionth time, Merkel's between a rock and a hard place and if she doesn't wake up to opponents like Seehofer, Soeder along with others, Germany'll

go the way of Sweden, possibly Hungary.

This is no laughing matter.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116  
25 Sep 2018 /  #838
No doubt about it,Germany are the economic powerhouse of Europe at the moment,but they are clever,they tweek the system to further their own advantage.....also,from Germans I know,despite their squeaky clean appearance,there is corruption in Germany.
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
25 Sep 2018 /  #839
You're tellin' me, bud!

The press though on both sides of the Pond tries to conceal it, but it's still hard to hide:-)
G (undercover)  
26 Sep 2018 /  #840
And naturally, newer members benefit from closer scrutiny than more established ones.

Which scrunity and how do they benefit from it ?

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)Archived