I have confidence that most Germans are sane enough to stay away from the AfD, and what happens in the USA and the UK will serve as a good warning.
Seeing how it went from obscurity to the third most popular party and now recently even took over SPD for 2nd place - unlikely.
You can thank Merkel for pushing so many people to the right. If she didn't invite in a bunch of third worlders to Germany which affected the entirety of Europe and all the problems that were and continue to be caused by them everyday you wouldn't have Austria, Italy and now Germany with AfD all going to the right. Even the Sweden Democrats are expected to make huge gains in Sweden's election.
What Europe gave itself is AIDS. An incurable and terminal disease. Too late to talk about moods.
Indeed. It's worse than a cancer or AIDS though. It's more like a severe drug or alcohol addiction. Despite the obvious consequences, the left keeps importing more of these people, apologizing for their crimes and then when German citizens get upset when yet again migrants killed another native German Merkel and her fellow eurocrats get all upset that people are reacting to the migrants they don't want.
.the 30 years war, the 100 years war....WWI....WWII....
NEVER in Germany's history have they been threatened to be demographically replaced in their own lands. When you have only 2 kids out of 25 that speak German in a grade school class and its a similar story all over Germany that's a big indication of what the future holds. The Muslim clerics in the mosques and sharia courts in UK tell their fellow Muslims to breed like rats so they can overpopulate Europe and become the majority. Many imams speak of this openly that this will be their method to conquer Europe. But naturally liberal Europeans don't listen - just like they didn't listen when ISIS flat out said it was going to send in operatives hidden amongst the migrants. And how many terror attacks have been committed on European soil? I lost count..... and everyday you hear about another stabbing, another rape, another murder, another arson, more cars being torched, rioting, etc.
The only solution is to remove the kebab, if Germany is to remain German and for the German people anyway.... otherwise, like the mother said in her famous youtube video 'we feel like foreigners in our own land' - well soon you won't just feel like foreigners in your own land, you WILL be foreigners in your own land.
If you want to know what a country that's already experiencing this look at France where you have majority muslim populations in many areas and even entire cities like Marseilles. Look at London - British are a minority in their own capital! Look at Sweden - 25% people are foreigners. Is that the future you want for Europe? For your own country? Do you not want people of your own nationality to be the majority of your country, decide its laws and customs, keep its culture and identity alive? I sure as hell do - and most Poles do too. That's the problem with Germany - most of them either don't care or they've just flat out given up. Like I said before, cucked. And Trump is right - Germans are allowing their country to become a giant migrant camp and their culture is being changed very quickly, very violently and certainly not for the better. Question is will the German people finally stand up and do something about it?