complain that fellow "ethnic" Swedes still don't regard them as Swedish!!
Because they're not and never will be. They are Somalis ethnically, at most they could be paper swedes if they have citizenship.
Read an article about the significant advances of the far right in Sweden
The far right, anti migrant, populists, etc are making significant advances all over Europe. Like I said before, merkel burden (again her words as she said other countries have to share the burden, so clearly she feels the migrants are a burden and not the cultural enrichers, doctors and engineers she called them earlier) was the best thing to happen for the far right.
And now even Steve bannon and a new group called the movement is going to help organize and unify all the right wing, anti migrant, populist groups from afd to pegida to nop to sweden democrats.
It's a shame though that the rise of the right was at the expense of all the terror, rape, economic burden, etc. There's only so much even the most moderate European will take. Even liberals who were supportive of merkels policies in 2014 2015 now are very much against what she's done. It's only natural when you see your fellow countrymen being raped, killed or when you send your kids to school and only 2 kids out of 25 speak the native language. It was far too many third world people in far too short of time. And now the right wing is going to take Europe back and put native Europeans first and foremost and reinstate national sovereignty and limit the eus power. It happened first in v4 nations, then spread to Austria and Italy. Even afd has gone from obscurity to the 2nd most popular party within basically 2 years. And now with eu elections coming up I guaruntee you'll see way more right wing anti migrant meps in the ep. The open borders of Europe, the raping and pillaging of European countries and people by third world economic migrants shall soon come to an end. Europeans have to act or else they'll become like british Londoners or frechmen in marseilles wbo are minorities in their own capitals and large cities. Europeans are more aware than ever what has happened as in many cases the migrant crisis affects them directly and they're sick of it. They don't want to feel like foreigners in their own lands - just like that mother explained in her Facebook video and that resonates more and more with Europeans.
This may even lead to the creation of an immigration policy like Australia has, which imo is the best policy in the western world, second only to the countries like Saudi Arabia, Japan, China, etc that basically don't allow any foreigner to get citizenship without a million hoops that proves they'll be an asset to the society.