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"It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
5 Sep 2018 /  #361
Every 5th person in Germany is a foreigner.

This is so depressing I dread visiting this forum.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
5 Sep 2018 /  #362
Every 5th person in Germany is a foreigner.

So what?

That isn't the problem...most of these foreigners are other Europeans....white...christian (more or less).What you really mean are brown skinned muslims from outside of Europe...and here helps a look to the true numbers again. I posted them somewhere in another thread already...Alltogether are that a few percent only for the whole of Germany. More than 90% are still neither dark skinned nor muslim (and don't plan to).

Yes, there are some towns in Germany where the numbers are much higher...where the common german child is the only one left in the Kindergarten...all true. But that is not because Germany has become an arab country over night but because of the building of a Ghetto. It's abit like China Town in New York...fresh newcomer prefer to live with others of their kind for support. That also means that they are poor...so the regions where they settle are poor and cheap...the better off natives who can afford it move out (and take their kids with them).

A natural development which exists since migration exists. But that isn't Germany!!!!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
5 Sep 2018 /  #363
Look at that Dirk and take a deep breath:


No european country has more than 9% muslims (Bulgaria doesn' count:)
And these are more or less all concentrated in a few big cities...which leaves most of Europe with barely any headscarfes at all....

Muslims in Europe
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Sep 2018 /  #364
Do you actually believe this garbage? Or are you just exaggerating here

Exaggerating? It is FACT that native Europeans are becoming minorities in their own capital and other cities . London already has more foreigners than native brits. Arabic is spoken more commonly than French in Marseilles. A german mother sent her kid to kindergarten only to realize 2 out of 25 kids understand let alone speak german. Yes this is a replacement of Europeans in their own lands with third worlders.

Violent crime has decreased according to this articke.

Well according to university of zurich and Germany's own interior minister, violent crime has gone up.and I trust those sources a hell of a lot more than Bloomberg.

Even bbc and german dw say that migrants are driving the increase in violent crime

The increase in crime was 92% attributable to migrants


You don't need a study though to realize that before Merkel threw the doors of Europe open to the third world there were no mass sexual assaults of 1000 women, there were rarely ever terror attacks but since 2015 there's been several, there wasn't nearly as many no go zones, etc.

None of the things you listed here are common occurences in France.

Really.... is that why the government had a several years long state of emergency? Couldn't habe anything to do with the riots where thousands of migrants torched cars, the over 100 French people massacred by middle.eastern migrants or any of the other murders, arsons, rioting committed mostly by foreigners, not Frenchmen.

I am fairly confident that the majority of the new arrivals since 2008 are not from the Third World.

Are you kidding me? Do you not see the enormous lines that countless media outlets showed of thousands of third worlders walking to Europe? Did you not see all the boats coming from Africa that are still arriving to this day? This is an invasion pure and simple. The same way us soldiers landed on Normandy in d day is the same way boatloads of africans land on European shores then walk right in to the first place they can get free stuff.

They do however have a lot to offer their host countries in the long, if they are properly integrated.

Right is that why they require rape prevention classes? Is that why after yesrs many of them are still unemployed, don't speak german and are totally content with merely taking advantage of german generosity all while criticizing the country and demanding it conform to Islamic customs?

10 years ago you read a lot about Eastern European criminals,

Have European criminals ever massacred 100 Parisians? Have they ever drove trucks into crowds of civilians? Have they detonated suicide vests in subways or airports or buses? Have they beheaded soldiers of their host nation right on the street? Have they assaulted 1000 women in a single night? Of course none of the above. That's because even the worst European criminals don't even come close to the things migrants especially Muslim migrants have done in Germany, France, UK, etc.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Sep 2018 /  #365
@Bratwurst Boy

Read the fine print. It doesn't include failed asylum seekers. Plus I'm sure many migrants weren't counted. German authorities couldn't even figure out Abdul dudes age so i doubt they even know the total amount of how many merkel burdens were let in. Plus some countries are too cucked to even conduct a census that asks demographic info like France, let alone even list the national origin of some criminal.

Also Muslims have far far higher birth rates than civilized Europeans who realized long ago that you shouldn't have kids you can't afford. But now that European citizens pay for Muslim migrants housing, food, medical all sorts of sh1t they're free to pop out more mini Merkel burdens. It's not uncommon for a Muslim family to have 5, 7 even 10 plus kids. Bin Laden had something like 40 siblings.

But let's say that those numbers are legit so be it. Look at how many problems they've caused despite being such a small percentage of the population. All those rapes, terror attacks, stabbings, arsons etc done by people who are less than 10% of the population.

Everyone says oh not all of them are bad. Sure so be it. But there is sure as hell a lot of bad ones amongst them. Otherwise they wouldn't be telling them to take rape prevention classes or tell local german girl a not to.wear skirts in certain areas. Can you think of any European white migrants that had to take rape prevention classes or where the host country told girls not wear skirts because poles/ukranians/Romanians/whoever can't control their urges? Of course not. That's because african and middle eastern migrants are unique, and not in a good way. They're a giant headache for every country that has millions of them - that's why the leaders want to redistribute them around to spread the misery around but other countries ruled by people with a shred of common sense who see and understsnd the reality understand what problems they bring so they don't want to take them in, shoot themselves in the foot and purposely bring additional problems of terrorism, rape, economic burden, lack of assimilation, etc into their country and put their constituents in danger - especially the v4 countries and increasingly Austria and now Italy doesn't want them either. Too bad no one wants all.the africans that landed in Italy so now Italians will habe to spend a ton of money deporting them.

What's even funnier like tacitus mentioned is even their own countries oftentimes don't want them back
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
5 Sep 2018 /  #366
Plus I'm sure many migrants weren't counted.

Well...of course....alot of them fall through the system. There is no way any country could keep the total control. But frankly those don't concern me as much. They don't cost me my money. They don't claim and don't get any support. They don't burden the state nor my purse. They are the poorest sods of them all, with no rights at all.

Look at how many problems they've caused despite being such a small percentage of the population.

I agree! I think quotas would be a good solution. Several towns have already independently decided not to take any newcomers (nearly all of them muslims) in anymore. I really think that could be a viable option for the future. That towns and villages and cities can decide for themselves when they take in how many. That should depend on the available housing and jobs. And it would also do alot to de-escalize the tension in many big cities. It seems one Muslim is a good normal citizen but lotsa Muslims make lotsa problems. That needs to be unraveled....a quota to keep their numbers down or to distribute them more evenly would be a practicable solution.

(But then there is Karlsruhe...right Tacitus:)

What's even funnier like tacitus mentioned is even their own countries oftentimes don't want them back

Masses of agressive, uneducated, violent, desperate young men....what's not to like?
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
5 Sep 2018 /  #367

Slovenian politician Zmago Jelincic on EU Immigrant Crisis


We can see from this clip where this economic migrant (not refugee, as a refugee is a person whose priority is to reach safety in the first neighboring country) clearly states their aim is only to reach Germany where they can live off more than generous social welfare programs without having to work.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
5 Sep 2018 /  #368
Tell us something new!

Even the german official authorities admit now that the percentage of true asylum deserving refugees between these masses of incoming people is low, lower, the lowest.

The problem is THE LAW! They learned already at home that they only have to reach german shores, utter the word "asyl" and they are in....thats THE LAW!!!!

There is a deep dislike in the broad west german public to change THE LAW...so we are stuck with them and their abuse of THE LAW for the time being.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Sep 2018 /  #369
er murderer is from Eastern Europe, ... All of them would be alive if not for those damn foreigners

Here's the thing, there is murderous scum in Europe already. There is absolutely no need to import more. EU citizens who are murderous scum are a problem for the EU, murderous Iraqi or Syrian scum.... shouldn't be and wouldn't be were it not for one feckless leader who has a track record of rash emotion-driven decisions.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
5 Sep 2018 /  #370
Yeah...humans. Like you and I....from the murdering, raping bastard burden to the really grateful, law abiding, talented, huge asset to the country....the whole mix is coming.

If Germany would do a better job at sorting them out and removing the bad apples it would be better for the whole basket.

But....THE LAW forbids it!!!! *throws dramatically arms against sky*
Ironside  50 | 12916  
5 Sep 2018 /  #371
You could also argue that

You could argue anything really. The point is that letting in millions of illegal aliens from all the corner of the world is just plain stupid. You can hardly justify that. That you even trying to do so speaks volumes about your deranged state of mind. You're just blinded by an ideology. No offense.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Sep 2018 /  #372
You could also argue that there are enough murderers already in Germany, we do not need any additional criminals from Eastern Europe.

Yes and if Germany hadn't supported EU membership for those countries then....

If Germany would do a better job at sorting them out and removing the bad apples

One interesting artcile suggested that Germany has an inherently masochistic migration policy. The idea of vetting migrants and only letting those in with a chance to assimilate and contribute to society seems like cheating - migration is supposed to be a burden or you're not doing it right (according to a certain type of German mentality).
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
5 Sep 2018 /  #373

Mass RAPE in Cologne Germany : Refugees STILL Welcome!


ZDF - Islam - Effects on Germany
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
5 Sep 2018 /  #374
One interesting artcile suggested that Germany has an inherently masochistic migration policy.

I don't know about that, I don't feel masochist in the slightest.

....what is sometimes so maddening to me personally are the ongoing tries to justify this mess with THE LAW....or THE VALUES...as if the West would fall down and explode if we watch and control who comes in and punish the criminals and kick them out.

As if it would make Germany a bad country if it becomes abit more like...say...Canada or so.

One of the main reason Europe is so split in this question is that barely any european country trusts "the Germans" with this problem..precisely because of this thinking. German current handling of immigration is neither normal nor longer acceptable. But more often than not you still read and hear in the german media that Europe must act like Germany, but Europe doesn't want to, and rightly so.

That is especially grating as a german "Sonderweg" was an absolute taboo for decades..and that also rightly so. But since 2015 we really try to force the rest of Europe to follow us on this path. Declaring all those Europeans who don't want to to "bad" Europeans, who betray the LAW and those holy VALUES.

As an Ossi I feel with you, we get told that daily too...

I can only ask for patience. It is highly doubtful that Merkel will **** on her own legacy as long as she sits in the chancellery. To admit such a dramatic failure is just to much to ask for. We will have to wait three more years..
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Sep 2018 /  #375
One of the main reason Europe is so split in this question

One of the main reasons that Europe is so split is because everyday people intuit the reality far better than the elites of the EU who are cut off and alienated from the mass of citizenry.

Mainstream muslim values and beliefs about the way societies should be ordered (and the relationship between parents and children, men and women, individuals and religions and religion and the state) are essentially incompatible with mainstream European values. They can't mix - one side has to give in and accept and follow the values of the other. You cannot simultaneously practice gender integration and gender segregation, you cannot simultaneously have government tangled up in and totally separate from religious institutions You cannot simultaneously see women as moral agents and insist that they she could cover their hair or faces in public.

I have no problem with muslim societies ordering themselves as they see fit, but that's why we have separate countries.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
5 Sep 2018 /  #376
...one good example for this madness:

Between a really necessary change of the law, which would enable Germany to send criminals back to northern Africa (Maghreb), which would really do alot for the tension and atmosphere in Germany, stand now only the Green Party and the Linke.

They argue that homosexual Arabs could be mistreated there and hence these countries can't be declared "safe".

(Germany won't send asylum claimants back to "unsafe" countries even as they lost their case and are only tolerated for god knows how long including support. A good and acceptable example for an unsafe country is Syria, where the war still goes on.)

But they don't seem to be so concerned with the homosexuals here in Germany who sometimes in certain areas no longer dare to hold hands because of these Arabs HERE! Which is especially grating as the LBGT rights has been for years one of their political mainstays.

That is not normal...that is not sane...that is no longer acceptable and they risk really the peace and stability of not only Germany but Europe! But...for what??? For a criminal low life which ****'s on our values and our generosity and our way of living???

Tacitus, can't you talk sense to them?
Crow  154 | 9463  
5 Sep 2018 /  #377
ZDF - Islam - Effects on Germany

Look brate, to put cross on myself, this is all good for Poland. Its ugly to say that way but its a fact. For now Germany and Germans have their own problems and they would less eye on Poland. For now.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
5 Sep 2018 /  #378
he homosexuals here in Germany who sometimes in certain areas no longer dare to hold hands because of these Arabs

Well, some good came from it after all. If they would do away this Berlin rainbow parade that would be another good result of Merkel's decision.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
5 Sep 2018 /  #379
Well, some good came from it after all.

Funny, you sound like some of them muslims when you say that...
Ironside  50 | 12916  
5 Sep 2018 /  #380
Well, if something is right or if its true it stays that way regardless who voice it. You know that your argument is an argument - at Hitlerum? Meaning it is not argument at all.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
5 Sep 2018 /  #381
It is...when people want to have fun at a parade, no matter how silly, they should be able to do so. Undisturbed... That for me means our way of living, which I want to defend...

If someone tries to forbid them their fun, I frankly don't care if it's coming from a muslim or a christian!

The main gripe I personally always had with this parade was the poor Grunewald
and the pissed at trees. Do you have an idea how destructive these litres of urine (more than 100.000 L) are for the nature????
Ironside  50 | 12916  
5 Sep 2018 /  #382
If someone tries to forbid them their fun

Even freedom has it boundaries. Those parades are just redundant political acts of radicalized people infused with some false and dangerous ideology not a fun.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
5 Sep 2018 /  #383
Those parades are just redundant political acts of radicalized people infused with some false and dangerous ideology not a fun.

Nobody is forcing you to take part, you know? :)

It isn't like the big parades of old, where we were "asked" to line the streets and pretend to wave happily...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Sep 2018 /  #384
. It seems one Muslim is a good normal citizen but lotsa Muslims make lotsa problems.

But why even take them in in the first place? Germany nor any other european country has no responsibility to provide food housing medical care etc to millions of thord world ecpnomic migrants. Unfortunately a bunch of liberals decided that Europe and the West has to be the savior of all third worlders.

Even Saudi Qatar uae etc don't want to take in fellow muslims. Instead they push radical Islam inside of Europe and liberals and eurocrats foolishly allow radical imams and Saudi funded mosques to sprout up like a herpes outbreak. It's pathetic. And then when countries like Poland resist that they're called racist, islamaphobe, etc.

People need to wake up and realize we don't need to help them. They are not our problem, not our citizens. They're not even from the same culture, religion or ethnicity. They're totally alien to European society. Let their own government's and their fellow Muslims and africans worry about them. We Europeans have enough to worry about and enough European citizens to look after. We don't need to import additional problems especially not those caused by 3rd worlders like rape, terror, etc.

Eastern European gangs are responsible for thousands of attempted and succesful burglarys,

Omg burglaries how scary. Of course we need to stop the burglaries but allow terror, mass sexual assaults, no go zones, murders to continue.

You're comparing eastern European burglars to Muslim terrorists rapists and murderers. Not even the same category.

That's why you can't answer of the questions I wrote above like when is the last time an eastern European massacred 100 Parisians, when is the last time an eastern European drove a truck into a crowd, when is the last time eastern Europeans committed a mass sexual assault of 1k women? NEVER, unlike Muslim migrants...

You are simply deflecting away from the Muslim migrant problem, quite poorly since the crimes eastern Europeans commit vs Muslims arent even in the same ballpark.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
5 Sep 2018 /  #385
But why even take them in in the first place?

Because they don't come as "muslims" in the first place. They come as people in need...

Germany nor any other european country has no responsibility to provide food housing medical care etc to millions of thord world ecpnomic migrants.

No we don't. But that thought is shared by the same kind of people who hold Germany and the whole West responsible for these hordes of economic migrants. So in consequence we HAVE to share our "unjustly" achieved wealth with them, not matter the costs.

It's a thought that is definitely not shared by the majority of Germans nor anywhere else in Europe. But it's a loud and often repeated thought...
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
5 Sep 2018 /  #386
It seems one Muslim is a good normal citizen but lotsa Muslims make lotsa problems.

That hold true with most non White nationalities.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Sep 2018 /  #387
It is all too easy to dehumanize people and call them "burdens", "parasites" and so on but they are people still.

Humans don't need rape prevention classes. Humans don't massacre 100 innocent people. Humans don't rape and kill teenage girls. These are animals, scum, parasites and a burden on European society. European would be better off without them and that's a fact. For germany alone it would mean 25 bil going back to the citizenry, girls don't have to worry about wearing skirts, women can attend nye parties and concerts without worrying about mass rape and we will have an immediate decrease in crime as it has been proven by german sources that migrants are 92% responsible for the increase in violent crime.

I think your problem is Dirk, that you are exclusively relying on information sources that cater to your biases and that you have very limited if any exposure to the reality of the situation

I could say the exact same thing about you as you seem to only look at pro migrant, Islam apologist sources. Facts don't have feelings and the facts are muslim and african migrants caused tons of terror, rape, murder, a state of emergency in Paris and are a huge drain on the economy. To say that they haven't is disregarding reality and the countless incidents of rape, terror, murder etc perpetrated by migrants.

But let's go to your earlier Bloomberg source - perhaps you should read this article by tjem


Rare statistical data on violence by asylum seekers confirm the far right's fears, but not its recipes.

Wam bam thank you maam....

Or how about Reuters?


Violent crime rose by about 10 percent in 2015 and 2016, a study showed. It attributed more than 90 percent of that to young male refugees.

Sadly they're still calling all these people refugees even though only a fraction are legit refugees and vast majoroty are economic migrants but that's another story.

Some key takeaways:

70% of prisoners in French jails are Muslim.

Migrants who accounted for less than 10% of the population were responsible for 30% of murders

The current wave of migrants into Germany and Europe tend to have rape rates around 5x the native German norm according to its own police statistics.

5x the rape stats vs native germans.... according to Germany's own police stats... let's see you argue now that nativr germans commit more rapes than migrants.

Let's hear you deny that migrants are responsible for the increase in violent crime now...
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
5 Sep 2018 /  #388
Again, why should probably innocent dark-skinned persons living in Chemnitz or wherever in Germany be somehow forced to pay for Merkel's missteps, however severe?

Many of the former might in fact even technically be German citizens (although not ethnic nationals).

Read an article about the significant advances of the far right in Sweden, particularly the section of Rinkelby in Stockholm and how numerous Somali-descended
youth having grown in Sweden and speak Swedish as their first primary language, complain that fellow "ethnic" Swedes still don't regard them as Swedish!!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Sep 2018 /  #389
So in consequence we HAVE to share our "unjustly" achieved wealth with them, not matter the costs.

Oh please unjustly achieved wealth? Poland wasn't on the map for even 2 decades before being decimated by the Soviet union and Nazi Germany. Then was a Soviet satellite nation and hence received zero Marshall plan dollars.

Who helped us? No one!!! We helped ourselves and rebuilt our country to where now were in the top 10 eu economies. They can do the same. Not our problem. Let them fix their own problems just as poles have. All they want is free sh1t but they don't want to get their hands dirty and fix their own affairs or take responsibility for their actions. And liberals in the West keep encouraging that by giving them money, food, housing, on top of direct aid to the country. Thank goodness that Trump is stopping that bs. No more American money going to third world countries' leaders.

Because they don't come as "muslims" in the first place. They come as people in need...

I hope you're joking.... It is a FACT the vast majority are young male economic migrants, not refugees, not families or women and children fleeing war. No, most of them are male economic migrants looking for free sh1t since the money they get for free in Germany is several times more than any salary they'd make back home further giving them zero incentive to assimilate, work and contribute
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Sep 2018 /  #390
Somali-descendedyouth having grown in Sweden and speak Swedish as their first primary language, complain

Do they eat traditional Swedish food? Dress like Swedes? Do young Somali-descended women engage in casual social interactions with non-related men? Are they areligious and apathetic about religious practice? Do they graduate universities at comprable rates as the rest of society? Do they have similar levels of violent crime?

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)Archived