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"It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #331
There is very little we can do about this.

Typical cuck thinking. How about you don't take them in the first place and force them out? Block their buses from entering your town, surround the migrant camps, whatever is necessary to prevent further rape and pillaging by migrants of native Europeans. When some kebab seller stabbed a pole what happened? His shop was immediately destroyed and torched while polish cops looked on and a crowd of people cheered. When Muslims got frisky w some polish girls on the beach what happened? Polish men came and defended their honor. Most germans swedes etc won't do that because they're so cucked and scared they won't even fight for their own country and their own cultural identity. He'll they're even scares to protect their own women from overly grabby Muslims. That's just pathetic. The stuff migrants pull in Germany France uk etc would NEVER happen in Poland because we poles actually fight for our God, our country our culture.

Most of the culprits in Cologne went free because there was no substantial evidence against them, often the victims themselves did not recognize them,

Oh please there's thousands of cameras in every European city. It's the same bullsh1t as with the Abdul Afghani - the police are cucked and don't do jack **** about the migrants. If they acted upon the girls and her parents reports that he was violently threatening and harassing her, which I'm sure is a crime in Germany, then shed likely be alive today. It's the same story with the police in the United kaliphate where they knew about paki rape squads for decades and allowed a thousand kids to be molested (rotterham scandal) because they were too scared of being called racist. It's the same bs in Germanistan as United kaliphate as the Swedish and french emirates. Cucked politicians, cucked cops and a society that is too scared to stand up to the migrants destroying their country, plundering it's wealth and killing and raping the native people - all with merkels mays Macron etc blessing. Thank God atleast poles Czechs Slovaks and Hungarians still have a pair and don't allow this nonsense in their lands. That's why Poland has ZERO Islamic terror, ZERO mass rapes by migrants and isn't spending tens of billions to feed and house people who illegally entered. The eu talks about rule of law being in danger in Poland yet were not the ones who have tons of no go zones, our women don't have to be told not to wear skirts, our migrants aren't enrolled in rape prevention classes and there won't be any thousand women sexually assaulted in one night. That's because Poland still has common sense and a pair unlike germany and the rest of the multikulti loving eurocrat western European nations
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #332
Could you please stop your endlessly repeated Germany bashing? It get's tiresome...Thank you!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #333
Maybe once germany gets it's balls back and doesn't allow abduls from Afghanistan and other failured asylum seekers and economic migrants to keep pillaging their country and raping thousands of women, yes... till then I will continue criticizing Germany's suicidal policy of multiculturalism along with how cucked the society is. Again I write this for two reasons: one is I have family there like in UK and I worry they may become just another tragic statistic of cultural enrichment and second I have fond memories of these countries even just 10 years ago when it wasn't full of ninjas bank robbers and grabby turd worlders who dont want to do anything that doesn't involve rape, theft, arson or demanding more handouts.

The leader won't even wave a german flag man that is how bad it is....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #334
and doesn't allow abduls from Afghanistan and other failured asylum seekers and economic migrants to keep pillaging their country

Yeah well...that can take three years...do you plan to repeat your opinion 24/7 till then?

It really, really, really starts to grate on my nerves! I might even become a Merkel-supporter if you don't stop that, only to spite you...will you take that risk?

It's one thing for a German to heap abuse on his beloved Heimat...but a totally different thing for a foreigner, as you should very well know!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #335
do you plan to repeat your opinion 24/7 till then?

Yes, but not 24/7, just the mornings I post on here. Just as AfD, pegida and other anti migrant groups will. Right now migration is the most hotly discussed and debated topic in the EU right noe and has been since 2015 as it has negatively affected hundreds of millions of eu citizens like myself and my family which is precisely why parties and politicians that run mostly on an anti migrant platform are winning all over the EU. It's simple - people who have a pair and see their culture and country are worth fighting for don't want to give up their society to a bunch of third world rapefugees that just come for handouts. I'm afraid most Germans are not in that category and it's quite sad. That's why their society is decaying the way it is - no go zones, rapes, Islamic terror, only 2 kids speak german out of class of 25, etc. Yet Poland was always regarded as the backwards one yet our society has none of those problems. Seems our 'backwardness' and conservatism along with our desire to remain the rulers of our own land is precisely why we don't habe the no go zones, the Islamic terror, the rape prevention classes, no telling women not to wear skirts, etc.

I might even become a Merkel-supporter if you don't stop that, only to spite you...will you take that risk?

Go ahead. Vote twice if you want. It'll only invite more ninjas and terrorists to your country. Germany I feel is beyond repair anyway. Everyone knows turd worlders multiply like bunnies on ecstasy cut with viagra. It's your bed you'll have to sleep in it. With the no go zones, ninja women, attacks on Xmas markets, Saudi mosques, thousands of rapes and all
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #336
Yes, but not 24/7, just the mornings I post on here.

A compromise I can live with! :)

Seems our 'backwardness' and conservatism along with our desire to remain the rulers of our own land.....

Nah...it was the decades being isolated from the world behind the "Iron Curtain"...that's why East Germany still resembles much more Poland or Hungary than Western Germany....physically and mentally.

It would be most precise anyhow if you direct your scorn at western Germany and not the whole of Germany in one go. Bavaria (closer to Austria than to Berlin) and the East (closer to Visegrad than Brussels) are totally different...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #337
Nah...it was the decades being isolated from the world behind the "Iron Curtain"

Wtf are you talking about? Poland took in over 1 million ukranians alone since 2015 - decades after the ussr collapsed and wall fell down. And guess what? No problems with rape, terror, no go zones, assimilation, etc that's because we didn't take in a bunch of third worlders from a way different culture who live in countries where farm animals are still a regular form of transport and most homes don't have plumbing and most roads are made of dirt. That's because it's from WHERE you take in migrants, not even how much. Poland took in just as much as germany and far more than sweden. Yet you don't see Poland having tons of ukranians burning cars, you don't have belarussians raping thousands of women, you don't habe ukranians no go zones.

Now if only germany stuck to only taking in Europeans they wouldn't be in this predicament. Even the Turks, many of whom live in Dortmund, are nothing like the migrants that came recently. Most of them work, speak german and are assimilated and don't cause problems
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #338
Yeah and millions of eastern Europeans (lotsa Poles between them) came to Germany after the Soviet Empire fell and they could...so what?

The current multi-kulti mindset is a child of th 68er "revolution" of the free West, a development all behind the Iron Curtain missed...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #339
Yeah and millions of eastern Europeans (lotsa Poles between them) came to Germany after the Soviet Empire fell and they could...so what?

Absolutely. And did they cause thousands of rapes? Did they set up no go zones? Did the government have to force polish men to take rape prevention classes? Did poles demand tons of handouts or did they go there for work, not welfare? Did poles march down the street demanding Germans conform to them and Roman Catholicism? Did the government have to open up hundreds of centers to feed and house them? Even the eastern european criminal element stuck to their own and did not cause a fraction of the problems that the third world migrants have.

Of course none of the above. That's because poles aren't third world savages who respect women and come to work and assimilate, not demand the host country adopt to them and feed and house them.for generations... unlike the third worlders that have been coming the past few years
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #340
And did they cause thousands of rapes? Did they set up no go zones?

I'm not sure what you want to hear from me? Are you blaming ME??? Why are you angry at ME ffs???
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #341
I'm not angry at you, not at all dude were just debating and having a discussion. I'm upset that german leadership namely Merkel and people who support her like Tacitus have turned a wonderful peaceful country with very few problems and a great social system for the citizens into a country who now seems to only exist to kiss third world migrants collective asses. A country that use to pride itself on equality now has to have foreign men take rape prevention classes and women are told not to wear skirts in certain areas. It's sad in all honesty. This wouldve been totally unimagimable 10 20 yeard ago. Amd whats even sadder is that people like afd pegida who want germany to work for german citizens - including foreign citizens are constantly being blocked and now Merkel and cdu and greens even want them under surveillance. It is rather funny though how Merkel has to beg people not to vote for afd and yet they just went from obscurity to 3rd most popular and now beating the spd for 2nd

Question is, is there still hope? Will german cities still remain majority german in our lifetimes?
mafketis  38 | 11137  
4 Sep 2018 /  #342
They only do what we would do too in their shoes...they are fighting for their part of the cake, and why shouldn't they.

Germany is a high social trust state and that social trust is being destroyed by people gaming the system. Social trust is rare and precious and there's no way for a country to achieve prosperity without it and if Germany loses it then it's going to take a big economic hit and end up with a Balkan style economy.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #343
I'm upset that german leadership namely Merkel

You and a few million Germans...we could be allies, but your constant demeaning of MY homecountry makes that impossible.

Will german cities still remain majority german in our lifetimes?

In the East for sure. It's abit like in Poland, those few who are placed there are eager to leave for the west german big cities as quickly as they can! :) Our foreigner quota is abysmal low...

And honestly in the big cities like Berlin they fit much better. Take out the culprits and criminals and all is only half as bad. I get to choose, you know? When I want to I can enjoy multi-culti with my Döner in hand and if I want more of a homely feeling rather than the big wide world I could relocate to that beautiful nice village in Mecklenburg Vorpommern, directly by the Ostsee...where you will never see a head scarf, promised! :)

And then there are the towns and regions which bear the worst of the brunt (in NRW for example)...Ghettoes full of foreigners where all that happens what you describe. But that is not the whole of Germany and never will be! It's about big bad errors and the consequence of many years of neglect and a wrong policy. Can all that be rectified? I dunno....surely not quickly.

But I'm fairly sure the East won't repeat these errors!

Here a map about the foreigner concentration in Germany....the more blue the more foreigners:

Compare the eastern lands to NRW for example...or even worse Hamburg and Bremen...

Foreigner in Germany
Tacitus  2 | 1264  
4 Sep 2018 /  #344
the 25 billion is still 25 billion more than needs to be spent on economic migrants

Roughly half of them do have a legitimate claim for asylum, so make it half of that. 12bn is still money that could be spend elsewhere, but it is not really that much in the grand scheme of things. And since most of that money is spend in Germany for translators, food et al it serves as a small domestic stimulus. The government should do more to cut costs and decrease the time needed to process an application, but they are already doing this.

Dirk, your problem is that you have a completely perverted picture of Western Europe and Germany. You can't keep generalizing exceptions like this. Women are for example much less likely to become a victim in Germany than in the USA. And the vast majority of refugees are law-abiding people, it is just small percentage that causes problems. It is really frustrating to argue with you, because it is obvious how much you have been fed far right propaganda, but try and think a bit about what you write. This is the same as me claiming that the USA experiencing a civil war, because of mass shooting incidents. Arm sells are after all on an all-time high. Would this claim be a reasonable description of the current state of the EU.

PS: To be honest, one of the many shortcomings of the AfD is that they do not offer any solution. I just read their party program, and it does not offer anything substantial on how to decrease migration. And the proposals they do make would never get past Karlsruhe.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #345
And the proposals they do make would never get past Karlsruhe.

I think that is the thing..
Tacitus  2 | 1264  
4 Sep 2018 /  #346
@BB That reminds me of another stereotype many East Germans seem to have. They are for example convinced that Western Germany, and NRW in particular is more unsafe than other areas, when in truth East Germany is statistically unsafer than the rest of the country. There are no doubt poorer areas than others, but it is not like the whole of Berlin is like the Görlitzer Park. ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #347
Ouch! :)

But yeah...if stereotypes are thrown around I want to play too...and NRW has somehow gotten an ultra bad rap (by people who never went there of course:)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
4 Sep 2018 /  #348
But I'm fairly sure the East won't repeat these errors!

Can the re-unification be reversed and Eastern Germany be declared a sovereign state?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #349
Ach Iwo!

East Germany alone will never win a Weltmeisterschaft...

*hugs Tacitus*
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
4 Sep 2018 /  #350
But West Germany alone can do that ganz bestimmt
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #352
Maybe eastern germany should look to separate than? From what i observed east and west germany are quite different - socially, economically and now demographically too.

but your constant demeaning of MY homecountry makes that impossible.

I am a nationalist and believe each nationality should be the rulers of their own lands - germany for Germans, Afghanistan for Afghanis etc. When I see Merkel refusing to wave a german flag and discarding it like a *** towel and german cops telling citizens that displaying their flag 'provokes' people well then naturally I am going to criticize such things.

Dirk, your problem is that you have a completely perverted picture of Western Europe and Germany.

Look I've been to germany UK France about a decade ago and as recently as last summer and I'll be going again next week to europe. The transformation of these countries from 10 years ago to today is extreme, and definitely not for the better.

are for example much less likely to become a victim in Germany than in the USA.

That's a deflection. We're not talking about the USA. The fact is ever since germany took in a million third worlders violent crime including rape has increased and even Germany's interior minister and university of zurich point that out. If you wouldn't of taken in those migrants you wouldn't habe all these no go zones, you wouldn't have the

And the vast majority of refugees are law-abiding people, it is just small percentage that causes problems.

I'm not talking about legit refugees. I'm talking about economic migrants, which is the vast majoroty of new comers not legit refugees like from syria which account for only a few perceny. Every single one of the economic migrants has committed crimes just by illegally crossing borders, hiring human smugglers, making bogus asylum claims, lying about their identity especially age not to mention the thousands of rapes, assaults, murders, arsons etc they've committed. If Merkel wouldn't have invited these people in you wouldn't of had those problems. There wouldn't of been a thousand women assaulted on nye alone. The girl Abdul killed would still be alive. The med student raped and strangled by a sudanese dude would have finished med school. The thousand women on just one nye party wouldnt have experienced the trauma of being sexually assaulted. Its simple, no third world migrants especially from Muslims countries, no problems with terrorism, thousands of rapes, no gos, etc as in Poland, Hungary, Czechy, Slovakia because the people didn't allow their countries to be flooded by third world migrants who come from societies where most people live in clay huts, still get around using farm animals and many are illiterate not to mention many are brainwashed by radical imams and then commit attacks. If you don't bring in Muslims you don't have Islamic terror or no gos it's that simple.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #353
I am going to criticize such things.

Then do that...put the blame where it belongs not at "Germany"!

Maybe eastern germany should look to separate than?

And miss our shot at being Weltmeister again???

Toni Kroos (Ossi) is good for one more winner goal!!!

'night all :)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
4 Sep 2018 /  #354
The problem is, that there are often no birth certificates available for refugees, this is a technical issue, not a legal one.

It's a stupidity issue. Only a very stupid country would let in anyone without documentation. If they can make it all the way to your border without an ID, they can go back home, get an ID and try again. So simple.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #355
Then do that...put the blame where it belongs not at "Germany"!

I write germany as it is far simpler than writing 'current pro migrant German leadership and people who support such leadership' each time.

I love germany don't get me wrong. I have family there and visit regularly. Hell the first rave I've ever been to was in Berlin. One of my first sexual experiences was in Germany. The first time I ever got drunk was in germany. I have nothing but fond memories but now when I go visit family and I see more foreigners than Germans and the vibe is nothing like it use to be it's saddening.

But those days are long gone. And it saddens me that germany has been transformed in such in negative way in such a short amount of time and hence I can only wonder how much worse it'll get in future decades.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #356
I write germany as it is far simpler than writing 'current pro migrant German leadership and people who support such leadership' each time.

How about:

"CpmGlapswsl" for shorters? :)

I love germany don't get me wrong.

Somehow I got that already...nobody is so angry about something he doesn't care for.

But..."Germany" is me also!

*have to run now, till tomorrow*
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
4 Sep 2018 /  #357
Criticizing needn't necessarily always be "bashing". in as far as it's done con- rather than destructively.
Germany, any country, surely merits criticism where deserved. On the other hand, when praise is well-deserved, then heaping accolades
is no more than right:-)
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Sep 2018 /  #359
Compare the eastern lands to NRW for example...or even worse Hamburg and Bremen...

Good map.

Seams that eastern Germans can thank to Russians for being less attractive for migrant invasion. Russians saved them. Soviet communists. Isn`t that cute.

But after all, Lenin was prepared in eastern Germany.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Sep 2018 /  #360
I have been visiting Paris several times during the last years, and it is a truly beautiful city.

Did you see the rows upon rows of tents all over Parisian streets? Did you get on a train and realize everyone is looking at you since you're one of the only white people on it? Did you see the soldiers patrolling tourist areas, which you'd never see 10 years ago? How about all the trash literally everywhere? How about the large groups of african or middle easterners who loiter in subways and train stations awaiting their next victim? Luckily you didnt experience any terror attacks or mass rioting complete with burning cars all over the road, which were the reasons for a state of emergency being called up several times.

France is farthest along in its multikulti transformation. In Marseilles, Arabic is spoken by more people than French. French citizens literally have had their country steadily invaded since the 70s and now it's to the point where seeing white Frenchmen in the cities is becoming rarer and rarer. The French are being replaced and becoming a minority in their own country. Every major French city is becoming less and less French. Only the countryside remains French but in the cities it's africans and middle easterners that are the dominant group.

France and Paris are beautiful but they'd be a lot more beautiful without the 700 plus no go zones (called SEZs), the trash everywhere, the rows of tents, the huge geoups of loitering migrants, etc

A place like the jungle in Calais and the tent cities didn't exist 10 years ago and eben then there were a lot of third worlders. Now it's simply boiled over and there's less and less French people, more and more africans and middle easterners.

You are imagening some sort of transformation that has not happened.

So the vast amount of third world migrants hasn't drastically increased? A thousand women weren't sexually assaulted on nye? Abdul never killed a german teen? A christmas market was never attacked by third world migrants? The stabbings by failed asylum seekers never occurred either. All imaginery....

Germany is today a safer place than it was 10 years ago.

While overall crime has gone down, violent crime has certainly increased and that's a fact. So have crimes committed by migrants as there are several times more migrants than 2008. In fact since end of 2014 early 2015 one estimate cites 350% more migrants.

Those countries are a very good example what happens if you use refugees as some sort of scapegoat

Poland is in a better situation than it ever has been in modern history. Our economy is booming like never before and unemployment which was consistently double digit is now down to below the EU average. Fdi has been pouring in.

And atleast in Poland people can go to the square without tons of soldiers standing guard like in Paris trying to prevent the next instance of spontaneous cultural enrichment.

Sure Poland has problems. But why should it knowingly add more problems by bringing in tons of third worlders who have committed tons of rapes, terror attacks, murders, etc right next door? Inviting in a bunch of young male with next to zero valuable skills in a modern economy, many are even illiterate especially the Afghans, is simply shooting yourself in the foot. Polish people and the government they elected was in part due to campaign promises to not bring in the third worlders the EU sought to redistribute to us. Funny how Merkel said these people enrich our culture, how there many doctors and engineers waiting to come yet in reality they want to get rid of these people and redistribute them all over europe. If they were such an asset and enriched the society then the EU and Merkel wouldn't be calling for them to be distributed to other countries - most of whom don't want additional third world migrants either.

, but how does that add up if American women are in more danger than Germans?

Atleast women can carry a gun to protect themselves and you'll never hear of a thousand women being sexually assaulted with only 2 3 dudes caught. If merkel wouldn't of allowed a deluge of young male economic migrants from the third world it would've never happened. Neither would have that german teen been killed. Yes rapes are high in the us and there's many reasons for that, most of which are unpreventable. However the huge spike in rapes in Germany, the nye assaults, the rape and strangulation of a med student, etc could have all been prevented if Merkel didn't invite a million third worlders into germany.

Every 5th person in Germany is a foreigner. Eventually Germans will become a minority in their own land. All thanks to the liberals open door policies. The eurocrats hate white Christian Europeans and their culture, the whole idea of sovereign european nations so they seek to dilute it by encouraging literally boatloads of third worlders to come in and replace the natives. This is a white genocide, or at least the replacement of white Europeans with third worlders in their own lands. Brits are already a minority in London. Now you have german kids who go to grade school and almost all the kids can't even speak german.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)Archived