The problem is that many East Germans have yet to fully understand its' principles.
"Understanding" isn't the problem...accepting is!
It's hard if not possible to accept a law which handles foreign criminals with super soft gloves and supports them at every the cost of the natives.
I tell you, that will change. That has to change when the rulers ever want peace in this country again. Yes, some of these laws will be changed! If not in the coming three years, then afterwards.
It doesn't even need an AfD chancellor for that. Every town can decide to handle their foreign criminals more firmly. Right now it's openly discussed in Frankfurt/Oder, where the Bürgermeister is part of "die Linke", also hardly a Neo-Nazi
The moment the AfD takes over towns and villages and cities, or goes into coalitions with a soon-to-be-Merkelless CDU (in three years) these laws WILL be changed!
All we need to do is wait. The refugee crisis drop off the radar in the coming years,
I hope so, I really do.
But that hope clashes somewhat with the prediction for the next years of millions of young african males sitting on their bags getting ready to leave their contintent, dreaming of Europe. Overpopulation going hand in hand with war, destruction and mismanagment...
What about that dark vision of the future?
The only realistic answer (beside all that "Fluchtursachen bekämpfen") will be a shut down EU...with a highly secured outer border...
Those who are still fundamentally decent voters will return to the fold, and those who don't are lost anyway.
That depends on the CDU. When the party finds it's way back to the old ways, meaning much more conservative/rightist than now, then many of the old voters will think it over again.
The main reason people vote for the AfD is because it's the one party which has kept the the political stands of this old CDU, before Merkel. So, for the west german Left there will be no really a difference.
But that won't be easy...I rather predict that a merkellless CDU will drop down fast and deep. Their process to find a new direction will take time and will be very painful. I doubt that the CDU will stay intact over it, not to mention that the AfD won't just meekly dissolve itself.
They are oath-bound to defent the constitution after all, and it is hardly credible if you deny the constitution.
But that too would need a change of a law somewhere... ;)