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What kind of Poland do most Poles want?

AdrianK9  6 | 364  
25 Mar 2016 /  #31
1. Polska dla Polakow!
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
25 Mar 2016 /  #32
....aka Deutschland fuer die Deutschen and similar rubbishLOL

In addition, just what constitutes "Poles" will have changed with multi-culturalism, intermarriage etc....

Poland for Poles??? Don't bet on it, friend!!
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
25 Mar 2016 /  #33
multi-culturalism, intermarriage

Unfortunately yes. However, many Poles including myself will not marry anyone outside their faith and ethnicity. It's not me being racist - I just want my children to grow up in a Polish home, raised on Catholicism, and celebrate things like Wigilia, Wielki Piatek, Trzeciego Maja, etc. in the same way that I have. My family is nearly entirely Polish with the exception of my dad's mother. However, she's lived in Poland all her life, speaks Polish, and raised her children - my father and my aunt - with Polish traditions.

From CIA World Factbook:

Ethnic groups: Polish 96.9%, Silesian 1.1%, German 0.2%, Ukrainian 0.1%, other and unspecified 1.7%
note: represents ethnicity declared first (2011 est.)

I hope that Poland remains at least 90%+ Polish. Thankfully, most Poles see what's happening next door in Germany and they don't want the same to happen to them. They don't want foreigners marching down the street demanding that crosses and other 'offensive' religious articles be removed, they don't want women to be fondled at concerts, they don't want their money going to housing refugees which end up being torched (dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3411748/The-Jungle-burns-Migrants-torch-Calais-camp-violent-protests-police-evict-hundreds-slum.html) (pamelageller.com/2015/10/video-muslim-migrants-burn-down-refugee-camp-take-selfies.html/) and they don't want their tax money to help economic migrants. A lot of the 'refugees' that came to Poland ended up going to Germany anyway because they know they'll get more money from the Germany government whereas in Poland they'll actually have to work and integrate into the society.

I believe that every nationality deserve it's own country whether it's the Israelis, the Palestinians, the Kurds, etc. Multiculturalism has not always been a good thing. Look at even the US, arguably the most multicultural country in the world. There's plenty of racial tension. You can't expect people to just live with others that have totally different customs, traditions, and religion and expect there to be no conflict.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
25 Mar 2016 /  #34
However, many Poles including myself will not marry anyone outside their faith and ethnicity.

Interesting. That's exactly what Jews and Muslims are often blamed for. Rightly so, I have to add...
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
25 Mar 2016 /  #35
What's wrong with marrying someone of your own nationality and religion? I want to be able to communicate with my wife in Polish, teach it to our kids, show them the country they come from, have them meet their ancestors, etc. It makes it much more difficult to have a child understand his or her heritage and faith if one parent is a Catholic from Poland and the other a Hindu from India or another country that has a way different culture.

I'd like to add:
A recent poll showed that 29% of Germans support an open-fire policy on the border to keep the refugees out.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
25 Mar 2016 /  #36
"What's wrong with marrying someone of your own nationality and religion? "
The problem with this is you would be going against EU liberal policy. By continuing your lineage by intermarrying your own kind you would be contributing to nationalism, as long as people feel connected to their own country / people they will never be Europeans thus not fully committed to the EU political regime.

When EU nations are interbred and mixed up there will no longer be a threat to the EU from individual member states.

Angela Merkel is a committed to this policy ,she is trying to speed up the process of dilution my bringing in millions of migrants who would rather support the EU state rather than any individual member nation.
Szalawa  2 | 239  
25 Mar 2016 /  #37
What's wrong with marrying someone of your own nationality and religion?

Nothing, has been done for centuries.

A recent poll showed that 29% of Germans support an open-fire policy on the border to keep the refugees out.

Should be called a "stand your ground policy" much more accurate.

It makes it much more difficult to have a child understand his or her heritage and faith if one parent is a Catholic from Poland and the other a Hindu from India or another country that has a way different culture.

As someone who is multi-ethnic non-religious I agree with you

Interesting. That's exactly what Jews and Muslims are often blamed for. Rightly so, I have to add...

Nothing to blame them for, they want to keep their traditions and ancestry, nothing wrong with that.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
25 Mar 2016 /  #38
What's wrong with marrying someone of your own nationality and religion?

Nothing wrong with that, but you came across as if you cannot even imagine to marry someone outside your faith or ethnicity. Maybe you will meet a beautiful Indian girl tomorrow and fall in love with her? Still you wouldn't marry her simply because she's not catholic and Polish? That's nonsense, and you know it, because it does not take into account the individual.

Nothing to blame them for, they want to keep their traditions and ancestry, nothing wrong with that.

That behavior leads to the creation of ethnic ghettos/ no go zones with all the problems and racial tensions we can observe these days.
Szalawa  2 | 239  
25 Mar 2016 /  #39
That behavior leads to the creation of ethnic ghettos/ no go zones with all the problems and racial tensions we can observe these days.

Due to mass immigration, as multiculturalism does not work, but it is not like you can forcefully make people abandon their culture, traditions and religions.

Look at the Roma community in Europe, they have been in Europe for centuries
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
25 Mar 2016 /  #40
By continuing your lineage by intermarrying your own kind you would be contributing to nationalism, as long as people feel connected to their own country / people they will never be Europeans thus not fully committed to the EU political regime.

That is EXACTLY why I am against intermarriage. Thanks for pointing that out. My loyalties and my family's loyalties lie to Poland and Catholicism - NOT the EU and they never will. I am totally against a Europe that is 1 country comprised of the EU nations run by one government that totally dissolves individual European country's sovereignty. Nationalism and patriotism are two different things by the way. There are many patriots who stand up for their country without undermining other groups. Not everyone who loves their country is a racist. I don't have an issue with immigrants coming to Poland as long as they contribute to the society, don't mock or try to change the existing customs and traditions, and arrive legally. I am happy that there are many Vietnamese in Wroclaw as they contribute to the society by providing employment (many own restaurants), pay taxes, and most of them even speak Polish as they've been here for generations. However, nearly every single Vietnamese I've met is married to someone of their own race - not a Polish person. I am against Poland accepting the 'refugees' we're seeing in Europe now because we have seen from Poland's neighbors that they are not integrating or contributing to the society - they are disrespecting existing religious institutions and customs of the host nation, stating that the local women deserve 'real' men, living off of the generous welfare benefits, and committing crimes such as sexual assault, rape, vandalism, and arson.

Maybe you will meet a beautiful Indian girl tomorrow and fall in love with her? Still you wouldn't marry her simply because she's not catholic and Polish?

Date, yes. Marry, no since like the above example I do not want my children to be Polish Roman Catholics and not Polish-Indian, Catholic-Hindu, White-kind of Caramel colored.. I want my children to understand that they are Polish, born in Poland, raised on Polish traditions, and pray to God as Catholics. I will show them the family tree and family records in Krakow so they can understand their genealogy and hopefully carry it on. They can make their own decisions when they're older and hopefully they'll continue the same beautiful traditions that have been in my family since as far as we have been able to trace which is actually to around the 1200's from my father's side (granted there were a bit of gaps from 1300-1600) and 1700's from my mothers. We have had Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian, Lithuanian, and German influence throughout our family tree but it has always been concentrated in Eastern European lands and Catholicism. It's a bit difficult too to determine if certain family members were actually German, Russian, etc. because of the Partitions - whether they were actually Polish or took a more 'local native' name.

Many Poles feel this way too - I don't know if I can say for certainty that the majority do but I feel that would be true for older generations. My generation, not so much. Poles don't have as much issue marrying someone from one of the neighboring countries like Germany, Czech Republic, Lithuania or even in some cases Ukraine and Russia. However, it's because those nations are European and share similar religious beliefs.
Szalawa  2 | 239  
25 Mar 2016 /  #41
have had Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian, Lithuanian, and German influence throughout our family tree but it has always been concentrated in Eastern European lands and Catholicism

Similar story with me, I know my family tree quite well.

Poles don't have as much issue marrying someone from one of the neighboring countries like Germany, Czech Republic, Lithuania or even in some cases Ukraine and Russia

Yep, that's normal, hybrids around the borders. My family came from the borderlands, slow fusions of similar cultures work better
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
25 Mar 2016 /  #42
Exactly! When the Swedes invaded Poland and intermarried there was a lot of tension - but at least these cultures were fairly similar. You can't expect hundreds of thousands of individuals from other continents with totally different lifestyles, religions, and customs to suddenly enter Europe and everyone sings kumbaya together. It's not going to happen.

What upsets me the most is that these parasites come to Europe from Morocco, Syria, etc. because they're escaping war or poverty, the host country provides them with shelter and food while the liberals in the society welcome them and try to integrate them, yet they commit horrible crimes on the same people that accepted them and are trying to the help them. It's not even biting the hand that feeds you - it's chopping it off.
Crow  154 | 9463  
25 Mar 2016 /  #43
1. Polska dla Polakow!

ok but then >
2. Polska dla Racow
25 Mar 2016 /  #44
Reply to Polonius3 on 23-3-2016.

I agree with your list except for " An EU member as an equal partner with it's own Sovereign state." Better to leave this rotting European Union as soon as possible, before the EU take everything away from Poland.

Just look what has happened to Greece ! Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Mar 2016 /  #45
your list

Not my list. I simply shared something from a PolAm newspaper which does not mean I necessarily endorse it all. If anyone destroys the EU it will be Frau Merkel, specifically the consequences or her ill-conceived invite.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
26 Mar 2016 /  #46
Unfortunately, thanks to Merkel not only does it endanger the EU and the Schengen Zone but also she's irreparably damaged Germany's culture and demographics.

In 30 years, there's going to be millions more Muslims in Germany just from the ones that arrived in the past 5 years since they have way more kids than the local Germans. 3 kids for a Muslim family is considered a small family - many of them have 2-4 wives and like 6-10 kids.

In Holland already 50% of the school children are Muslim. Imagine what's going to happen when those kids grow up and then have their own children who they send to school, then that generation will too have it's own children that attend grade school, and before long 40-50 years have passed and now 3/4 kids are Muslim.

These populations are going to continue to grow at an exponential rate and it's only a matter of time before they outnumber Catholic Europeans in certain countries. Then, these Muslims are going to get political ambitions and start to run for public offices. Since the population will be so big, there's going to be tons of Muslim votes who are going to vote for their own kind. Then, you're going to see these politicians enact policies and laws that help their own kind out to the detriment of the white Christian European.

Perhaps one day, my grandchildren or great-grandchildren (if I live that long) will have geography lessons which include Belgistan and the Emirate of Holland.
Szalawa  2 | 239  
26 Mar 2016 /  #47
These populations are going to continue to grow at an exponential rate and it's only a matter of time before they outnumber Catholic Europeans in certain countries.

Don't need to study population ecology to understand that! :-) considering most ethnic Europeans are below the 2 child threshold
TheOther  6 | 3596  
26 Mar 2016 /  #48
Marry, no since like the above example I do not want my children to be Polish Roman Catholics and not Polish-Indian, Catholic-Hindu, White-kind of Caramel colored.

Due to mass immigration, as multiculturalism does not work

We were not talking about the current migrant crisis in Europe, Szalawa. AdrianK9 said that "many Poles including myself will not marry anyone outside their faith and ethnicity", which (in my opinion) is only showing his young age and lack of experience. Marrying outside your own culture or faith has nothing to do with multiculturalism in the modern sense. It's completely normal and has been done countless times before. Think about it: you fall in love with a woman and will tell her straight to her face "I'm sorry ... it's great to have a fu*ck buddy like you, but I will never ever marry you because you're black and not Polish". Seriously? Is she an object, or is she an individual that you fell in love with?
Szalawa  2 | 239  
26 Mar 2016 /  #49
marrying outside your own culture or faith has nothing to do with multiculturalism in the modern sense

I know, but I also know that the majority of people still do marry within the same faith and ethnicity as it is easier

but I will never ever marry you because you're black and not Polish"

I try to not start any relationships that I know wont work out....I remember the time an Afghan women wanted to date me, we were friends. She seemed to be moderate, but I know that the cultural implications are not in favor. That's the choice of those individuals: family, traditions, lineage etc. have its weight in considerations, especially if this is the person you wish to settle down with and start a family.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
26 Mar 2016 /  #50
young age and lack of experience

I have experienced plenty in the 27 years of my life (I'll be 28 in a few weeks). Anyway, I've experienced enough of life and dated enough women to know that I have more in common with someone of the same culture, faith, customs, traditions, and even mindset. I find that my personality and way of thinking even better matches than a Polish girl than a Mexican girl for example. Furthermore, I wish to raise my children as Polish Catholics and teach them the language, culture, history, etc. - that is much easier to do when your partner is also Polish.

Like Crow said, I'm fine with dating someone outside of my culture and religion too. However, I want to have children someday and want those children to be brought up a certain way and learn about their homeland, their ancestry, etc. That is a consideration I have to make when chosing a wife, as I'm sure the wife too would want her children brought up a certain way, taught certain customs, perhaps learn a 2nd language, etc. There's going to be less disagree on what language to teach the kid, what customs and traditions to celebrate and when, what religion to raise the child if two people are of the same nationality and faith than two totally different nationalities and faiths. It'd even be easier for a Pole and a Serbian to get married since they have similar traditions, similar customs, and a similar faith than say a Pole and a Japanese or Malaysian.

That is why I said: number 1 - Polska dla Polakow... I also stated I don't mind having foreigners come to the country and cited the Vietnamese in Wroclaw as an example. They contribute to the society (many own restaurants), pay taxes, and most of the ones I met even speak Polish. However, even this group married their own kind - the husband and wife would run the restaurant together.

However, having 'refugees' come in, march down the street with Sharia 4 Poland signs, torching tents and shelters provided for them by the government, tax payers, and charities, throwing out clothes and food like the ungrateful refugees in Calais because the thought the charity worker was trying to give them expired food and proceeded to break into their truck and start stealing stuff, vandalizing sings and pushing dumpsters into traffic disrupting people's daily lives, shouting that their God is the greatest, and groping and assaulting our Polish women is something that I will never support and is my number 1 concern for Poland right now since Germany is right next door and all these issues are happening there. Eventually, Germany and Sweden are going to be too full and these 'refugees' may start looking elsewhere. Germany is their first choice because the welfare system is so great that they can live off the government and not work but still have food, housing, and money and spend their days complaining about the German locals - kind of like the welfare, section 8'ers in Chicago complain about how the white man is holding them down even though it's the white man supporting their lazy non-working lifestyle. Eventually, they're going to look at 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. choices and I'm willing to bet that life in Poland is a lot better than Afghanistan or Iraq for the average person.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
26 Mar 2016 /  #51
the majority of people still do marry within the same faith and ethnicity as it is easier

Exactly! It's easier, because it's within your comfort zone. That doesn't mean though that you cannot think outside the box...

I've experienced enough of life and dated enough women

That's not what I meant, Adrian. As an adult, how many years have you actually lived away from home in another country? Have you ever worked abroad and spent significant time in a foreign culture? You'd need to be able to compare before you can claim with absolute certainty that you "will not marry anyone outside your faith and ethnicity". No offense, but I honestly believe that you have no experience whatsoever in that respect. In a long term relationship, color, faith or ethnicity (pick one) do not matter. It's simply about two people sharing their life together.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Mar 2016 /  #52
wo people sharing their life together

Looks good on paper, but.... There may occasionally be exceptions but by and large the more things a married couple have in common, the better chance of success. That inlcudes nationality, language, religion, worldview, attitudes towards family (children and child rearing, family size, inlaws and extended family), type and location of home, interests, hobbies, etc. One or two of those may diverge but ideally there should be more convergence than divergence. Whaddya think?
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
26 Mar 2016 /  #53
The other I have dual citizenship, speak 4 languages, have an international business degree, lived in 5 states in the US and have travelled to at least 30 countries in North America/Carribean, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East for both work and leisure. I have spent many summers in college backpacking through Europe and Latin America. I have lived in Poland, US, Germany and Mexico - amd by lived I mean rented a place not just stayed in a hotel or hostel for a while.

Forgot to add Holland to the list... I studied abroad at the University of Maastricht for a semester.

Although the majority of my travel has been in N. America and Europe, I have experienced more cultures and met more people from all walks of life in my short life than most average people will their entire life.

If I were dating someone, no culture and nationality wouldn't matter. However, as the saying goes you marry into the family and I think quite frankly it's simply easier and would has less tension than marrying into the same nationality or atleast a very similar one.

Look at all the threads with people freaking out about being turkish, indian, etc. And meeting their significant other's Polish parents and worrying if they'll accept their nationality, religion, or even not like them because of it. Even in a recent one, a Turkish girl wrote that her father is the patriotic type and hopefully in time he'll accept the Polish boyfriend. Yes, everyone gets nervous when meeting in laws but these issues and concerns about accepting culture and religion don't arise when two people are the same. Then there is the issue of raising the children: Muslim or Catholic, who if anyone will convert, do you celebrate Muhammed or Jesus or both, etc.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
26 Mar 2016 /  #54
the more things a married couple have in common, the better chance of success

If people would always stick to what they know and would never leave their comfort zone, the USA, Canada and Australia for example would have never become the countries they are now. Instead, we would have ended up with an incompatible conglomerate of ghettos divided along racial, ethnic and religious lines. I agree with you that a marriage has better chances, the more the partners have in common, but in my opinion that hasn't much to do with ethnicity or faith. Adrian was raised in the US, if I understood him correctly. So as a native English speaker who grew up in America, why is he so certain that only a catholic Polish girl will be marriage material for him? It's his choice, of course, but it still doesn't make sense to me. Sounds a bit like European men buying their brides in Thailand... :)
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
26 Mar 2016 /  #55
Yes I was raised in the US but I will be returning to Poland in the very near future. I actually just came from a 2 month trip to Wroclaw, Walbrzych, Konin, Poznan, Rychwal and Dortmund - where I found out my aunt lost her job of 10 years because the government confiscated the hotel she use to work at and turned it into a migrant shelter. She has to worry about finding a new job and paying the rent while the migrants get to live for free in a 4 star hotel and enjoy the pool.

Anyway, ethnicity and faith does shape a lot of one's wordlview, values, morals, customs, and personality even. A Muslim women will have different views and such than a Catholic woman.

The US is a huge mix of migrants and although yes many do intermarry I would say much more people marry people of the same nationality. Mexicans with mexicans, poles with poles, jews with jews, etc. It's more the Americans that are irish, italian, croatian, native American and like 4 other nationalities, when you ask them what their nationality is, that are more inclined to intermarry.

Personally, I wish Europe would've remained the way it was before this whole migrant mess, but now it's past that so hopefully Poland, the Visegard 4, and the East European countries unite and resist EU hegemony and interference in their affairs.
7 Apr 2016 /  #56
Being a Racist is not the same as being a RACIALIST. The former hates something he intuits, [gut instinct], will do him or his people harm in the long term.

A RACIALIST is he who instinctively chooses his own; preferring to love his Nation and Race.
Mass Immigration and Miscegenation is planned destruction of Nations and a RACE. What is happening in White European Christian Race countries is deliberate and had been planned a very long time ago. > Check out; Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan < . Read and listen to the politicians in Western Europe and you will realize that they are either insane or working to a plan. They can't all be mentally sick at the same time. They all tell the same story, though. What's the plan? Destroy.

Destroy everything that makes a nation. Culture, History, Religion, Race = DNA. Mix it up so that no one can remember or knows who they are or what they had. No loyalty to any thing. Schizophrenia.

Miscegenated children are neither here nor there, and have known mental problems.
In the West White Nationalist Movements there is much disquiet and grasping at straws for dear life.
Desperate striving to reform native, national, historical self awareness and pride. Never having been taught, these White people are recreating religion: Paganism, Nordic gods, and "stuff". All anti Christian stories which do not attract the vast majority of people who don't care about becoming Vikings and going off to Valhalla with a sword. Also, recreating History and national White pride and using the Third Reich as the best example for people who are totally unimpressed. They also talk about running away to Eastern Europe! Poland will not be deluged with Somalis, but with Saxons!

Will they respect you, Polacks? Will they be kind to you in your own homeland? Doubt it, Sobieski!
What is a NATION? What components make up a cohesive White People State?
Individual Racial Memory - gravitating to a National Racial Memory = National - Tribal - FAMILY.
Geneaology = stories the whole community tells of its past.
Genetic genealogy - Ancestors - Origins - Family ties. The stories elders tell their young about their native roots/ make believe/ mysteries/ esoterica. Myths and Symbols that bind the tribes together, which translate into SELF IDENTITY. This is Racial Mysterium and the Spirit of the Ancestors.

"Remember who you came from." They live in you. You are what they lived for.
White European Racial Identity:
Memory, Haplogroup, DNA = memory - Intuition - Inclination - Learning - IQ - Creativity
Spirit of Europeans = Generosity, willingness to share and help, trust, openness, innovative.
Weakness = Pathologically do gooding. Will give every dead cat mouth to mouth resuscitation.
All other races, [black], will only help their own race, but mostly their tribe and first their kin. Never White People, from whom they expect everything for nothing.
jon357  72 | 23361  
7 Apr 2016 /  #57
What a load of old tripe. Copied and pasted from somewhere awful too.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
7 Apr 2016 /  #58
" Miscegenated children are neither here nor there, and have known mental problems. "

well it certainly sounds as though you would know about 'mental problems', dear.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Apr 2016 /  #59
Poland for Poles

Most Poles want a sovereign,patriotic, Catholic Poladn that resepects all nationalities and religions but is 97% ethnically Polish and 95% Catholic. Let the multi-culti experimenters have their fun and suffer the full conseuqneces of their folly. But LET POLAND BE POLAND!. ŻEBY POLSKA BYŁA POLSKĄ!
7 Apr 2016 /  #60
95% Catholic

Catholics go to church every Sunday: 80% of Poles don't bother to do that.

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