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Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year

smurf  38 | 1940  
5 Jul 2013 /  #61
No, no fact

You are wrong, please do some research.

So are you saying that a baby in a womb

You really need to do more research.
A feotus and a baby are different things.
The first becomes the 2nd, but only after a period of gestation.
By what you are saying in your weak arguments, you think that having a miscarriage could be classed as manslaughter. Which is obviously quite silly.

Please learn more about the subject at hand before commenting.

If the Pope and saints are not role models

Why do you need role models, can't people decide how to live their lives themselves?

People are raised to to the altar because they led exemplary

That includes the Croatian nazi-lover I posted about yesterday?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jul 2013 /  #62
Why do you need role models

There are a few individualists, but most people have always had and continue to have role models. Nowadays they may be Hollywood celebs, sport or rock stars and other seasonal idols, millionaire tycoons, etc. That's the stuff the paper and online tabloids and gossip sites churn out day after day. It was enough to show a video on MTV of Madumma or some other slutty songstress walking down the street with one of thsoe silly plastic-topped, brown, paper cups of coffee, and soon that became the norm on Nowy Świat. The whole fashion idnustry gives payoffs to celebs to show up in their duds because the orders will start pouring in. Are such role models worthy of homo sapiens? You be the judge.

having sex with your HIV-infected partner

Who has such 'partners' doesn't need enemies! One doesn't acquire HIV infestions by working at the comptuer , watching the telly or praying in chruch, does one?
whyikit  6 | 102  
5 Jul 2013 /  #63
But you can from working through no fault of your own.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
5 Jul 2013 /  #64
the basic truth is John Paul II is not a saint - he did not enter the Kingdom of Heaven for good and will have to re-embody again for he did not fulfill his potential, this message was given to people by Jesus in the webpage his messanger runs :

jon357  72 | 22980  
5 Jul 2013 /  #65
That website just looks like some New Age rubbish from the Americas. A distortion of Ascended Master teachings designed to appeal to the uneducated masses.

Incidentally, among the more respectable Ascended Master believers, JPII has quite a following.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Jul 2013 /  #66
this message was given to people by Jesus in the webpage his messanger runs

gumishu  16 | 6182  
5 Jul 2013 /  #67

this is the exact article
jon357  72 | 22980  
5 Jul 2013 /  #68
A saint under another name is still a saint. And there is no consensus among devotees about the corporeal (or otherwise) nature of an AM.
f stop  24 | 2493  
5 Jul 2013 /  #69
They can't find a better miracle for him then that recovery from Parkinson's?
I'm sorry, but that's no miracle.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
5 Jul 2013 /  #70
Some of the comments on here are amazingly stupid, yet probably not surprising. I think that the only people who don't like JP II and don't think he deserves to be canonised are those that despise the Catholic Church. Since he was the leader of the Catholic Church, they don't like him. He was a great person. He was much respected by people of different faiths, as well as non believers. You know what they say out in the streets, 'haters gonna hate.'
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jul 2013 /  #71
But you can from working through no fault of your own.

Indeed, and who was it the started the spread to the heterosexual community? The bisexuals. They are the reason dentists now often work behind masks and wear rubber gloves.
6 Jul 2013 /  #72
Eew pol that is soo nasty bleugh, good that i didnt had my breakfast yet! :)
sobieski  106 | 2111  
6 Jul 2013 /  #73
They are the reason dentists now often work behind masks and wear rubber gloves.

I never knew dentists wear gloves and masks because of bisexual patients. I learn everyday something new on this forum :)
Seriously, speaking of an obsession....
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jul 2013 /  #74
dentists wear gloves and masks

They started using these thingts when the AIDS epidemic took off. If you like, you can a belive it was space aliens who spread the disease to the general population. That would fit in more with yoru ideological prejudices: 'If I'm for something, it must be good!'.
jon357  72 | 22980  
6 Jul 2013 /  #75
it was space aliens who spread the disease to the general population

No. It was ordinary people. BTW, dentists have always had the choice to wear gloves or not. Some do, some don't.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jul 2013 /  #76
dentists have always had the choice

Indeed, except the custom did not become widespread until the AIDS pandemic loomed. That means that the dentist is better protected but the same drills and other tools are used on high-risk and ordinary patients. In Poland is a HIV-positive patient requried to inform a dentist of this malady?
whyikit  6 | 102  
6 Jul 2013 /  #77
Funny how a dentist using latest gloves gives better protection against hiv but condoms dont in your view Polonius3....
6 Jul 2013 /  #79
Hahaha u make me laugh :P
Church doesnt allow sex with protection,
if you can see any type of correlation between sex without protection in the marriage and wearing gloves and a mask than lol omfg!!!

Condoms are forbidden the same as the pill etc.. It is on the grounds of not trusting the Lord to do what is best for you.
jon357  72 | 22980  
6 Jul 2013 /  #80
It is on the grounds of not trusting the Lord to do what is best for you.

Proving the existence of deities would make that sentence more credible.
6 Jul 2013 /  #81
If u dont believe then thats fine u will rot in hell or go to a purgatory for a thousand years... But why take interest and post? Just to insult or offend i guess.. U hav a very limited mind afterall.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
6 Jul 2013 /  #82
Crikey...do you really believe this kind of stuff? Good we do not live in the times of the inquisition, you would with ease condemn a few people on this forum to be burnt at the stake. (including me :) )
jon357  72 | 22980  
6 Jul 2013 /  #83
u will rot in hell or go to a purgatory for a thousand years

It would be great if you could prove the existence of either of those.

Just to insult or offend i guess

Strange you equate disagreement with insults.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
6 Jul 2013 /  #84
Funny how a dentist using latest gloves gives better protection against hiv but condoms dont in your view Polonius3....

some afterthoughts on this one, Polonius?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jul 2013 /  #85
condoms dont in your view Polonius3

Got a quote from the incriminated poster saying condoms are ineffective. As you know, research has shown they are not 100% effective. They are banned by the Church, and you can accept or reject that but don't put words in other people's mouths. There is a huge difference between saying something is ineffective and that it is not 100% effective. In your lingo: Ineffectief and niet 100% effectief!
whyikit  6 | 102  
6 Jul 2013 /  #86
Correct very few things are 100% except taxes and death. However condoms and latex gloves are 99.97% I would prefer those odds to 0% as the RCC would like it.

In your world and RCC feel people who have been infected through no fault of their own should be condemned and ostracised. In my view that goes against what is Christian qnd did jesus not help the sick instead o condeming them?
6 Jul 2013 /  #87
Latex gloves and condoms are two different things, that are used to two completely different purposes :P
Life is not only about "getting laid".
You both are unbelievers, yet you somehow feel on a moralk high ground and want to change the RCC to your liking.
Your are both about 30-40, the Christianity is 2000 years old and still counting... :)

In an opinion of a Catholic, whatever is sent by the Lord, is sent for a purpose, if somebody sinned then it is a punishment, if somebody got it ( I am still talking about the HIV) by an accident, through a syringe etc, then it is till an act of God, maybe that person will do something beautiful with the remeaning time on Earth. Maybe he will convert to Christianity, or start talking to his parents again.

From my perspective and experience death is a very sad experience however it brings loads of good things such as forgiveness, coming back to the roots etc.

Everything that God does for us comes from his love to the humanity. We as mere humans sometimes cannot understand His actions.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
6 Jul 2013 /  #88
So in your eyes the overall majority of Catholics in Western Europe are sinners, because they think differently.
I have never heard a Belgian bishop talking about HIV/AIDS the way you do. In which century are you living?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jul 2013 /  #89
sinners, because they think differently.

Sinners are not people who think differently but who sin. The principles of Catholic teaching are clear. Nobody has to accept them. But if they don't, then they're Catholics in name only.

Why this concerns you so much is a mystery. You're not a Catholic so why are you constantly on about Catholicism.
It poses no threat to you or anyone else. On the other hand, the decadent 'anything-goes' permissivist revolutuion you so hotly promote affects everyone by undermining the family and leading to society's disintegration.

Over the course of history, decadence has always led to decay, decline and ultimate collapse. And that is an objective, empirically verifiable fact!
sobieski  106 | 2111  
6 Jul 2013 /  #90
the decadent 'anything-goes' permissivist revolutuion you so hotly promote

You make an awful lot of presumptions about me :)
Define permissive revolution. Meaning we going with our friends to the Warsaw Jazz concerts on the Rynek, and later for a beer or two?

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