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John Godson (Poland's Parliament member) and his views on social issue.

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 Oct 2012 /  #1
Could you please tell me what are his views on issues such as abortion, ghay "marriages" etc. ? I am particularly interested in comments from people, who were so enthusiastic about him becoming a member of Parliament. Thank you.
24 Oct 2012 /  #2
I'm sure he would support you if you decided to get married to a man.
jon357  72 | 23560  
24 Oct 2012 /  #3
Who knows. I prefer Ruch Palikota myself. But good that John Godson got in. A breath of fresh air compared to creeps like Jaro and Macierewicz.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 Oct 2012 /  #4
I'm sure he would support you if you decided to get married to a man.

Why do you think so ?

But good that John Godson got in.

Please explain why.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
24 Oct 2012 /  #5
wbj.pl/article-60750-the-world-according-to-a-po-conservative.html - The world according to a PO conservative

- Warsaw Business Journal, 22nd October 2012

So what do all the foreigner squatters in Poland who boast all the time about having unrivaled insight into the country and people have to say about their hero and fellow foreigner John Godson?

I'm sure he would support you if you decided to get married to a man.

But good that John Godson got in. A breath of fresh air compared to creeps like Jaro and Macierewicz.

jon357  72 | 23560  
24 Oct 2012 /  #6
A strange comment. The Sejm has room for social conservatives too - just not too many of them.

foreigner squatters

Is that how you perceive the Poseł in question. Then again, I don't suppose you understand much about how things work here...
Bieganski  17 | 888  
25 Oct 2012 /  #7
A strange comment. Is that how you perceive the Poseł in question.

Those are Godson's own words given in an interview to a publicly accepted publisher of record. Strange? Yes, because his views are out of step with the modern EU. Godson is a social climber. He is a happy clapper by choice because that is what resonates with a larger cross segment in society rather than the marginalized gay community. But if the opposite were true you would definitely see Godson's fat derriere in a nothing more than a leather jockstrap gyrating on top of the lead float at a gay pride parade.

Then again, I don't suppose you understand much about how things work here...

You are the one that doesn't understand what is going on around you. Your first instinct was to blindly support him due to his minority status even though he is nothing more than a tawdry bigot and is effectively misusing his office to trample on the rights of other minorities based on his so-called "religious convictions". And yet it is you lot who complain all the time on here about Radio Maryja and its listeners. Godson is not only in the same boat as them he is an eager oarsman.

Europe and Poland don't need any extremists especially in political office; be they Jew, Christian or otherwise.
jon357  72 | 23560  
25 Oct 2012 /  #8
Godson is a social climber. He is a happy clapper by choice because that is what resonates with a larger cross segment in society rather than the marginalized gay community

Do you have even one shred of evidence to back that up, Puzzie? No. Thought not.

he is nothing more than a tawdry bigot

I think the good pastor is very far from being that. It shows what a poor opinion you have of Poslowie in our country.

True, I shouldn't have insulted good honest Polish peasantry

His comments about Pan Poseł Godson suggest that he isn't good. His multiple usernames suggest that he isn't honest, and as a non-European he isn't Polish. So only the peasant bit applies.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Oct 2012 /  #9
I think the good pastor is very far from being that. It shows what a poor opinion you have of Poslowie in our country.

I think it shows what kind of patriot he is - instead of loving his country, he loathes and resents much of it. Godson is very, very well known to be a good guy - I doubt he would discriminate on a personal level even if he doesn't agree with something.

You would have been more then welcome to work on my fields if it werent for the reds! :)

Funny to think how far east Poland used to stretch, really.
Barney  19 | 1795  
25 Oct 2012 /  #10
Still repeating that tired old lie, are we Puzzie?

Seems he is correct

Godson said these things he is a bigot
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Oct 2012 /  #11
Seems he is correct

He missed the "perhaps". Nowhere did it state a definite desire (as in "want") to do such a thing - thus Puzzie is wrong. As usual.

As for the second quote - that was a direct reference to post-WW2 Poland, which has seen Poland's image thoroughly damaged through idiotic associations with Nazi Germany - even though arguably, Poland exited WW2 in a better state - she went from a multi-ethnic state with huge internal issues to a mono-ethnic state with no such issues.

And today we have these gems.

At least in Poland, there's a correlation between racist views and education/work status. Can't comment for elsewhere (for instance - I could be wrong, but isn't the majority rural Catholic parts of Northern Ireland known for quite leftist views?).

As for Puzzie's tired old rubbish about me hating Poles - I work every day with them, I spend most of my free time with them and I'm making the effort to learn the language. Oh, and I like modern Polish history (though not to the obsessive extent that Harry does). Clearly, I must hate the country and the people.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
25 Oct 2012 /  #12
Do you have even one shred of evidence to back that up, Puzzie? No. Thought not.

There are both printed statements given in interviews as well as videos from Godson all over the internet claiming that "Gawd told him to go to Poland." and that Poland and Europe were the place of calling for his "pilgrimage".

How noble of him, eh? Yep, you must be so grateful he came to civilize the savages with his own spin on the story about the invisible sky wizard. Never mind that Christianity had been established and uninterrupted in Poland for over 1,000 years.

Either he is out of his mind or his supporters are for believing him.

And what a coincidence that your dearest John Godson moved to Poland in 1993 - the same year the European Council announced that associate members from Central and Eastern Europe would be allowed to become members of the EU.

One would have thought that a Christian missionary like Godson would have bravely gone to places where Christianity is persecuted like Israel, Iran or North Korea to help keep the faith alive. Or why didn't he do his good works in places that truly need help like the poor in his native Nigeria or elsewhere in Africa or even Haiti, Ecuador or The Philippines?

Let's face it, none of the places I mentioned would ever give him a comfortable middle class existence with modern amenities.

Like I said he is a social climber and he is no different than multitude of others who have left his corrupt homeland for a better life in Europe.
Barney  19 | 1795  
25 Oct 2012 /  #13
in Poland, there's a correlation between racist views and education/work status.

I would like to see the statistical evidence for that, if such a correlation exists I would like to see it backed up with evidence for causation.

This is getting away from the silly views of Godson.

Why would anyone opposed to his views support him?
jon357  72 | 23560  
25 Oct 2012 /  #14
I'm also opposed to quite a few of William Hague's views, but would never deny that he is an asset to the political life of his country, just as Mr Godson is here.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
25 Oct 2012 /  #15
Yes. Noble. Just like the RC nuns who come from India to work here.

Sure. Right. Did these nuns have to come in to pick up and continue his noble work once he dropped it like a bad habit to pursue a political career for himself?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Oct 2012 /  #16
I would like to see the statistical evidence for that, if such a correlation exists I would like to see it backed up with evidence for causation.

Well, there was the ADL survey this year that showed a correlation there. Despite the dubious methodology, there's no denying that those of a lower income level residing in rural areas in Poland tend to hold more racist views. There's more dating from the time of the 2010 Presidential election, but I need to find it (not so easy now that gazeta.pl is behind a paywall for some content).

And of course, personal experience. I was there to see the "defenders of the cross" - and these were poor, uneducated people used and abused by politicians.

Why would anyone opposed to his views support him?

Because Godson doesn't allow it to interfere with his political work. He's done a splendid job in Lodz (think along the lines of what those advice centres do in Northern Ireland) with his constituents - and he has immense personal popularity as a result.
Barney  19 | 1795  
25 Oct 2012 /  #17
Because Godson doesn't allow it to interfere with his political work.

From the posted article

{He] recently voted for work to continue on a legislative bill which would further restrict abortion in Poland.

His religious views do influence his political work, nothing wrong with that but others have been slammed for allowing their moral views to influence their political work.

think along the lines of what those advice centres do in Northern Ireland

I really dont know what you are talking about there


Despite the dubious methodology, there's no denying that those of a lower income level residing in rural areas in Poland tend to hold more racist views.

Yeah you say that but I would like to see evidence
jon357  72 | 23560  
25 Oct 2012 /  #18
And of course he still functions as a pastor. Hugely popular in his constituency.
25 Oct 2012 /  #19
Hugely popular in his constituency.

I most certainly would be hugely surprised to see him lose his seat.
Would I vote for him myself? No. I might well think about it if the race was tight and voting for him would keep out PiS but then I'd be voting against PiS and not really for Godson.

Seems he is correct
From here
delphiandomine: Perhaps Poland would be a better place if we murdered 160,000 Radio Maryja listeners every year. Then again, we'd probably run out of people to murder after the first year.

Oh dear. Firstly Barney, that statement says nothing about delph wanting to do anything. Secondly, it says nothing about hundreds of thousands of people. I really had hoped that you'd learned your lesson when it comes to lying about posters here.
Barney  19 | 1795  
25 Oct 2012 /  #20
I really had hoped that you'd learned your lesson when it comes to lying about posters here

Harry you would call someone with dementia a liar cos they couldn't remember their name.
25 Oct 2012 /  #21
Thank you for your entirely on-topic comment. You might want to remember that when I point out that somebody is a liar, I also point out their lie. I've most certainly done that with you, repeatedly. In the example you refer to above, there would be no lie to point out.

Anyway, do you perhaps remember the name John Godson? He's the topic of this thread. Perhaps you could share with us your thoughts about him? Would you vote for him if you had the opportunity?
Barney  19 | 1795  
25 Oct 2012 /  #22
Anyway, do you perhaps remember the name John Godson? He's the topic of this thread

Yeah I know and I was wondering why you posted this off topic attack.

I really had hoped that you'd learned your lesson when it comes to lying about posters here.

Attempting to drive another thread off topic Harry??
25 Oct 2012 /  #23
Yeah I know and I was wondering why you posted this off topic attack.

So you know what the topic is but you still make a post which is in no way connected to it. Interesting.
As an observation, in this life we quite often get back what we give out: you posted a personal attack on Delph which featured a lie, and then you had it pointed out the board that you have form when it comes to lying in your posts.

Attempting to drive another thread off topic Harry??

No, I’m trying to get this thread back on topic, as can be shown from the post immediately above yours, where I say “Anyway, do you perhaps remember the name John Godson? He's the topic of this thread. Perhaps you could share with us your thoughts about him? Would you vote for him if you had the opportunity?”

And now, to try to bring this thread back to its stated topic: perhaps you could share with us your thoughts about John Godson? Would you vote for him if you had the opportunity?

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