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John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy!

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
7 Dec 2010 /  #211
Mating and breeding (cigars and beers is fine). This goes for other races too. Everyone should stay with their own kind.

Why? who I **** is not your business...

Immigration should be tightly controlled.

Strange, cos the people in power said the same 300 years ago in America, but without it the US would still be under the crown.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
7 Dec 2010 /  #212
Strange, cos the people in power said the same 300 years ago in America, but without it the US would still be under the crown.

I think he meant if native Americans had kept tightly controlled immigration policies.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
7 Dec 2010 /  #213
I forgot about the government of Native Indian Americans. Those far right bastards really tried to expel anyone with slightly black skin...simultaneously at the same time as the botfly invasion, chief black crow hate white seagull declared war on the outsider mole borrower population. The moles fought tirelessly to defend their new found lands. but they were forced towards the sea where they could no longer dig....their fate was made, death by the sea. But one little mole, dug much earlier when the battle was commencing, he dug all his way to the west of America. years after mole hills were found all across the usa, they tried to flatten them, but nothing happened as the moles moved on. the moles eventually sucked america of all the worms, therefore making the place only good enough to have fatty animals graze on it....thats the true reason for the obesity reason in the US and also why the blood sucking black people have developed the ability to undress white women by shouting the words "Euan McGregor" at an egg.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
7 Dec 2010 /  #214
Who are you to say who people shouldn't have sex with?

who I **** is not your business...

Who are you guys to say others shouldn't have an opinion?

Classic double standard over here: A white says blacks and whites shouldn't mix and he gets tarred as a "racist!". But many older blacks feel this very same way but they get a pass, they never get called a racist for it. :s

Others = Irish, yes I have learned a lot

Them damn drunken Leprechauns. :p


The Left here has played political games and manipulated our immigration laws and quotas so as to permit more third world scum to enter while limiting others. They have done this counting on the scum to vote Democrat. It's why they refuse to fix our southern border now and we are being overrun. They are willing to destroy our country just so they can hold onto power.

Don't let this happen to Poland.

And if you live in Poland and wish to come to the US but are not permitted, thank a Liberal for giving your spot to their scummy third world friends.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
7 Dec 2010 /  #215
Who are you guys to say others shouldn't have an opinion?

Do you really feel the need to put a cam in my bedroom to see what colour of person i shag is???
Oh god, when were u last laid :D

But many older blacks feel this very same way but they get a pass, they never get called a racist for it. :s
Sorry but where are the older blacks on this forum who are arguing this point?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
7 Dec 2010 /  #216
This how they teach American history over there? Lol.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
7 Dec 2010 /  #217
Who are you guys to say others shouldn't have an opinion?

Show me where I said you shouldn't have an opinion, I didn't but you did say races should not Mate or breed.

Classic double standard over here

Classic twisting of words.

Them damn drunken Leprechauns. :p

Stronger words have been used in this context for Irish immigrants, in the States too.

Don't let this happen to Poland.

You seem to have no contact with Poland whatsoever, as it is apparent you know nothing about Poland. Yet you talk down a guy who was democratically elected and then true Polish wizardry got in to the Sejm (which I don't even understand but he must have got votes at some stage otherwise he wouldn't be there).

Why would you not try and learn about Poland instead of telling us what you think is happening?

This how they teach American history over there? Lol.

You should see the photos that come with it in the school books :)
kondzior  11 | 1027  
7 Dec 2010 /  #218
I don't see why anyone could have any problem with this guy.
It is not as if he was put into an office thanks to some moronic PC rule, demanding some fixed % quota of minority to be placed there.

No, he was voted by adult people who presumly knew what they have been doing. I am OK with that. Though I admit, at first it did sound weird.
Maybe  12 | 409  
7 Dec 2010 /  #219
Once again the thread has disintegrated into a racial semantics, conspiracy theories and paranoia. What a surprise.
smurf  38 | 1940  
7 Dec 2010 /  #220
I'm so shocked I won't be able to sleep tonight.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Dec 2010 /  #221
Once again the thread has disintegrated into a racial semantics, conspiracy theories and paranoia. What a surprise.

About normal for PF.

Thankfully, Godson will be doing a good job in the Sejm. He seems to have previous form for ignoring the council sessions and instead working with issues that affect his constituents - and I doubt he'll change now.
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Dec 2010 /  #222
Thankfully, Godson will be doing a good job in the Sejm.

And if he doesn't, he'll be voted out. No one watches you in the voting booth.
Maybe  12 | 409  
8 Dec 2010 /  #223
It isn't the people who vote who count; it is the people who count the votes, who count.
I feel dizzy
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
8 Dec 2010 /  #224
Obviously not, otherwise he wouldn't be calling them "liberal".

Well in my reading I kept seeing something called "liberal-conservative" whatever this is. Seems a contradiction in terms to me. And it's all pretty Left compared to our standards over here.

we support him because he was democratically elected by the people of the State in which we reside.

So you'll just blindly support any and every politician that gets elected whether or not you agree with their policies? Or just the blacks ones?

you're a right winger, thus you don't believe in democracy

Huh? It's the Left that hates democracy, silly.

Are these policies made for the good of Poland, the church or for himself?

Can't really say. But I will say that most black politicians over here put the wants of their brothas above the needs of all their constituents.

where are the older blacks on this forum who are arguing this point?

Classic twisting of words.

I was talking about here in the US. Thus the "over here":

Classic double standard over here:

And it's true. Blacks often get a pass for saying the same thing a white gets labeled a "racist" for saying.
This is all the kind of fun stuff you guys have to look forward to if Poland gets overrun with minorities.

Show me where I said you shouldn't have an opinion

Right here:

Who are you to say who people shouldn't have sex with?

you know nothing about Poland

I'm learning.

a guy who was democratically elected and then true Polish wizardry got in to the Sejm (which I don't even understand but he must have got votes at some stage otherwise he wouldn't be there).

It is not as if he was put into an office thanks to some moronic PC rule, demanding some fixed % quota of minority to be placed there.
No, he was voted by adult people who presumly knew what they have been doing. I am OK with that. Though I admit, at first it did sound weird.

There seems to be a great deal of mystery surrounding just how this guy got into office. Are you guys really sure there wasn't some underhanded funny business afoot? Are you sure?

Why would you not try and learn about Poland instead of telling us what you think is happening?

Tell it to the peeps here on PF who rant endlessly about American politics while knowing nothing about what really takes place over here.

Once again the thread has disintegrated into a racial semantics

This had to be expected.

See what fun and unity minorities bring! :D
Suddenly, anyone who opposes this guy or his policies is a "racist". We've been living it over here with Obama and others. Hopefully P-Land peeps will learn from our mistakes and not make the same ones.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Dec 2010 /  #225
Well in my reading I kept seeing something called "liberal-conservative" whatever this is. Seems a contradiction in terms to me. And it's all pretty Left compared to our
standards over here.

It's because Polish politics don't equate to traditional left-right politics. The leader of the opposition for instance is very socialist (pro welfare, pro trade unions, etc) - but he's also very socially conservative.

The Polish government is, as I've said several times, Thatcherist with fairly conservative social views.

So you'll just blindly support any and every politician that gets elected whether or not you agree with their policies? Or just the blacks ones?

I'll support their right to be there, even if I don't agree with them. It's called democracy.

Huh? It's the Left that hates democracy, silly.

Really? Why does Palin want to execute a journalist, then?

There seems to be a great deal of mystery surrounding just how this guy got into office. Are you guys really sure there wasn't some underhanded funny business afoot? Are you sure?

It was explained earlier.

Quite simple, if you take the time to learn how the Polish system works.

Not sure how there can be "underhanded funny business" when all this stuff was decided in 2007. For what it's worth, Godson isn't the only person this year to gain his seat despite not gaining enough votes to enter the Sejm in 2007.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
8 Dec 2010 /  #226
It's because Polish politics don't equate to traditional left-right politics. The leader of the opposition for instance is very socialist (pro welfare, pro trade unions, etc) - but he's also very socially conservative.

It's much more Right or Left over here. And financial and social issues are so intertwined anymore that I could never understand how someone can mix their politics like that.

I'll support their right to be there, even if I don't agree with them. It's called democracy.

I'll support their right to provided it's all done on the up and up ...and not someone playing some racial game and then calling peeps who oppose that racists.

You have to understand, when it comes to racial aspect of politics, we Americans have been dealing with that sort of crap for so long that we have become naturally suspicious. Those of us that pay attention and care, anyway.

Why does Palin want to execute a journalist

The guy is a terrorist with a computer and stolen secrets he acquired via treason. He's not even an American but an enemy combatant. No democracy involved. He wasn't elected by the people to disseminate our national secrets to the world.

Quite simple, if you take the time to learn how the Polish system works.

:s I agree with this part:

The system is really complicated or even mad.

For what it's worth, Godson isn't the only person this year to gain his seat despite not gaining enough votes to enter the Sejm

This is worth a lot, actually.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
8 Dec 2010 /  #227
By allowing a black to "represent" Poles, Poland starts to follow Western Europe.

Hes a decent, hard working and commited guy. Real help to the people. And last but not least a christian. I hope he will be fine. In western Europe the problem are 'niggers' and 'sand niggers'. He is none of them.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
8 Dec 2010 /  #228
black politicians so long as they are Righties

So, if they were Black seperatists and "Polska dla Black-ów" they'd be cool with you, then?

You have Black and Asian TV stars and music stars... are you suggesting we get them off the TV in case Africans say, "Hey, I can go to Poland and be on 'Dance With the Stars'"?

Mind you, I do recall a contestant being told on 'Idol' that the show was only for Polish people.

A) he's black (as the vast majority of black politicians are Leftists)

In UK there are a number of Black Conservatives (the leader of who is/was a personal friend of the kaczynskis). The first non-white member of the Britsh National Party was a Sikh (Ok, brown but still not white!)

Explain why Caucasian men should suffer thousands of extra competitors from 3rd world in their country just to please the 0.5% of Caucasian women who prefer coloureds?

Did your woman dump you for a Black guy?

They see that they are criminal scum and get pissed for the scummy ones giving them all a bad name, as folks tend to lump them all together.

Really? No! Does that happen? Surely not on these forums? Next you'll be telling me people do that with Poles too! Can't be true!

But many older blacks feel this very same way but they get a pass, they never get called a racist for it. :s
Sorry but where are the older blacks on this forum who are arguing this point?

You know, I think if people feel this way and live their personal life to their personal beliefs, then OK... it's when they start forcing other people to do the same that there's a problem.

They see that they are criminal scum and get pissed for the scummy ones giving them all a bad name, as folks tend to lump them all together.

Really? No! Does that happen? Surely not on these forums? Next you'll be telling me people do that with Poles too! Can't be true!

Suddenly, anyone who opposes this guy or his policies is a "racist".

Now, that's an interesting line... why would you oppose 'this guy' rather than just his policies?

Nobody has mentioned his policies, that's the point. The thread just bounced into 'no europeans in Poland' and 'watch out he'll bring all the others from Africa' without actually examining what he stands for. That's what people are calling racist.

I'll support their right to provided it's all done on the up and up ...and not someone playing some racial game and then calling peeps who oppose that racists.

The thing is that you have let your own experience of US politics 'colour' (can I say that word... maybe I should say 'ethnic'?) your reading of Polish politics. Many Africans, Caribbeans and Indian/Asians in UK come from a British colonial background and actually have very Conservative views because that is how they were brought up.
Czarnkow1940  5 | 94  
8 Dec 2010 /  #229
They'll now start thinking that maybe Poland is an interesting option for them.
Soon they will be coming. They feel powerful now as even a proud slavic country like Poland seems to give way to african neocolonialism.

I agree with everything you said we must stop John Godson he is a scum and he will let in all the other scum in to Poland.
nunczka  8 | 457  
8 Dec 2010 /  #230
I watched this thread from the very begining. I even added my thoughts. But I ended up as confused as ever. Why? are there so many different opinions? I noticed that the majority of so called racist are from the states as compared to the liberal Europeans. Could it be that we Americans have been exposed to the great number of blacks ( 13,500.000) that reside here, and have more experience with them than the Europeans? Does anyone really know how many blacks there are in present day Europe?

Can anybody come up with a sensible answer.. I for one am willing to listen.
Polson  5 | 1767  
8 Dec 2010 /  #231
Could it be that we Americans have been exposed the great number of blacks ( 13,500.000) that reside here

Well, they're not less American than you are. Should i remind you that the vast majority of today's Americans descend from immigrants? ;)

+ the fact that ONE black dude made it to the Sejm doesn't hide the fact that Poland is still developping and not the best place to settle for '3rd world' persons, as you call them (not you, nunczka).

There are big Black minorities in Western Europe, especially in France and England. Most of them do well.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
8 Dec 2010 /  #232
Can anybody come up with a sensible answer.. I for one am willing to listen.

Like i said above, the thing is that the US experience of Blacks is generally of a home-grown variety who came from a specific social system. In your own case, you speak of Blacks coming from the Southern US and bringing problems which then developed into bigger problems. This led to a push for civil rights etc and onward to Political Correctness etc.

As someone mentioned, this might give Europeans some kind of superiority complex because they can always point to US and the civil rights movement, segregation etc, but, in truth, few countries are totally lily-white in these matters.

In Europe, most Black communities have not been there that long, so these problems have not developed to quite a level (if at all). In UK the Black community, as well as the Indian/Pakistani has only really been any sizeable level since 1950's and 1960's and was made up of people coming to work. Many of these people shared a British style work ethic (like the Indians, Sikhs etc). It has taken a few decades for 'ethnic' politics to develop to the level it is now in UK. This is something which is probably very different in US.

Yes, there is a rising abuse of political correctness (imported from US, I'd say!) and I would argue it has led to a rise in far right-wing politics in UK and Europe (Germany, Holland etc) .

Some things to consider: most European countries experiencing LARGE immigration are ones with colonial pasts, where countries like Britain and France have been influential in those countries from where the migrants are travelling (so many speak the languages of these countries: Spanish, French, German, Dutch etc).

Poland does not have that history. This is why I am not sure that such a situation would arise as quickly if things are handled correctly. I also doubt that Poland will be as attractive a destination for many immigrants when they have UK, France, Spain and Germany.

The other history we have in Europe is the one in which you took part... WW2. Having had such a huge level of ethnic warfare in Europe (even recently, in the Balkans), many people are wary of anything resembling racism or ethnocentricity (good word, huh?). I suppose it is similar in the way many Americans beat themselves up with the Native American history/Slavery etc.

Perhaps another thing is that whereas US had a large population of Black Americans, migration can take a long time to build numbers, particularly when they have a long way to travel and little money to start with. An example (which kind of contradicts me): Pakistani population of UK after about 50 years is around 1 million. We managed around 1 million Poles in a couple of years... but most of these were/are not long term migrants in the sense that Caribbeans/Indian-Asians are.

Not sure if this goes part way to helping explain (in my view, anyway).
nunczka  8 | 457  
8 Dec 2010 /  #233
I suppose it is similar in the way many Americans beat themselves up with the Native American history/Slavery etc.

Again, you mention slavery. In my life time I never witnessed any slavery.. So I have no guilt complex. Everything that I own, I earned by my own labor.. Now do I feel and anamosity to blacks.. Damn right I do. Our Chicken **** Senate just awarded the black farmer $50,000.00 for some kind of stupid injustice that they endured a couple hundred yaers ago. What does that have to do with present day blacks. Now they are screaming for reperations for past injustice. Bull ****.. Not with my hard owned buck.

You speak of immigrants entering the Isles. HAH! Just what do you think is happening in America? Our southern borders are being invaded by Latinos.. The west coast is having problems with Asians being smuggled in. Muslims are penetrating our northern borders.. our east coast is fighting an influx of Haitians, Cubans, latin Americans and whatever.. So you go ahead and tell me about your immigration problem Thank God the America is a big country.. We have states with less than 1% blacks.. When it gets to a point where I feel threatened then I will move on.. But as for now, I am far removed from any blacks. They couldnt afford to move in my neighborhood. (Smirk)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
8 Dec 2010 /  #234

what you say is true, but I suppose when you have a community built on a history, it gets repeated. The amount of times I've heard Scots and Irish tell me I'm responsible for potato famines and Culloden... the fact people still march in UK to commemorate a battle in the 17th C and use it as an excuse for discriminating against others... How many comfortable young Jewish kids will tell you they are a 3rd, 4th, 5th generation Holocaust survivor because their great-grandparents were in the camps?

I'm not saying you have a need to feel guilty, I am suggesting that SOME people use it upon themselves, others exploit their need to do so.

Re: immigrants; I'm aware of US problems with immigration but you specifically mentioned Blacks (OK, Haitians are Black too, I know). I was just trying to shed some light on Europe, not trying to criticise US (as some of your fellow Statesiders think I was ;-))

By the way, do you drive a Gran Torino? (that's a joke)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Dec 2010 /  #235
I agree with everything you said we must stop John Godson he is a scum and he will let in all the other scum in to Poland.

Ah, you're betraying your Nazi sympathies now, aren't you?

Do us a favour and don't return to Poland - we don't need or want such morons here. Thankfully, you don't have Polish citizenship anyway, so you're just Plastic like the rest of them.
nunczka  8 | 457  
8 Dec 2010 /  #236
Again. debating with you is a lot of fun. I try for the life of me to understand why you champion blacks the way that you along with most Europeans do. But this is a question that i throw up my hands in despair.. I have no answer. But I grant all of you. This is your right to what ever makes you happy.. As for the guy in poland goes. I couldnt care less what the poles do. I am more concerned with the idiots in our government. I do not hate blacks. I have always stayed far away from them. I am very happy to associate with people of my choice. ( Caucasians).

You mentioned the rust belt in England. I can assure you the American rust belt is a sad situation. Most of opur manufacturing jobs have gone to other countries. In my mind the greed of the American worker and Unions are responsible..Tghey demanded more than the companies could afford. Thus, massive unemployment for all races.

You jest as to if I own a grand Torino.. No, but I could go and buy one any time i want. I am not filthy rich. But I owe my sucess to my immigrant father.. After WW2. America was on a roll. My Dad started a automotive machine shop and never had to look back. My brother and I inherited the business. No we never employed blacks ( Wink) I am sure that would be your next question.

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
8 Dec 2010 /  #237
Deputy Godson


Wife Whoopi Godson

Sto Lat!
Trevek  25 | 1699  
8 Dec 2010 /  #238
I try for the life of me to understand why you champion blacks the way that you along with most Europeans do.

Because when they've taken over I want them to remember I was their friend and be nice to me ;-)

They demanded more than the companies could afford. Thus, massive unemployment for all races.

And foreign sweat shops are so much cheaper! I was shocked to hear the all American Levi-Strauss jeans I wear are not made in US anymore. A bit like the historic English chocolate firm Cadbury's being made in Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Dec 2010 /  #239
I try for the life of me to understand why you champion blacks the way that you along with most Europeans do. But this is a question that i throw up my hands in despair.. I have no answer. But I grant all of you. This is your right to what ever makes you happy.. As for the guy in poland goes. I couldnt care less what the poles do. I am more concerned with the idiots in our government.

So, why are you posting on this forum if you don't care what Poles do?
Trevek  25 | 1699  
9 Dec 2010 /  #240
Wife Whoopi Godson

Ms Goldberg!

Wow, must be someone's worst nightmare... a Black pole with a Jewish name!

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy!Archived