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John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy!

Seanus  25 | 27667  
7 Dec 2010 /  #181
For the record, quite a few Africans speak Polish very well. I've watched videos of them when interviewed as foreigners and they excel. The West has access to all the technology in the world to learn but yet some lag behind.

Good luck to the guy I say :)
jablko  - | 104  
7 Dec 2010 /  #182
The same old trash - don't you think a woman can choose who she wants to be with?

Sure they can. But if they catch HIV then the rest of society will have to pay for their monthly meds which cost quite a lot. And HIV ratio in Africa is what, 7%?
Polson  5 | 1767  
7 Dec 2010 /  #183
it's the dangerous message he sents to people from Africa who want to come to Europe.

Yeah, because people in Africa know everything about ethnicity groups in the Polish Sejm ;)

Don't say it's not about skin colour, it is. If he was Serbian, it would be much better. White and probably Catholic. Good boy.

So the fact that such 3rd world males are walking advertisements for mass immigration to Poland

You seem to forget that Poland have been a country of mass emigration for centuries.
And the Poles who emigrated must have taken jobs and fµcked women too. C'est la vie.

Why would you care anyway? You're not even Polish.
And stop talking about 'slavic pride'. People have a life.
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Dec 2010 /  #184
Again the polish future family.Who has the biggest smile?
jonni  16 | 2475  
7 Dec 2010 /  #185
the rest of society will have to pay for their monthly meds

Fair enough, that's how healthcare works - but don't you think Polish women are intelligent enough to choose their own partner and way up all risks?

You could just as well criticise people for eating too many pierogi, MacDonalds, Delicje, smalec etc and drinking too much non-diet coke - the rest of society will have to pay for the healthcare issues - expensive enough - that obesity necessitates.

Should fat people be allowed in the Sejm? What sort of message is that sending to the youth of Poland?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
7 Dec 2010 /  #186
It would be interesting to hear just exactly why Jonni is such an ardent supporter and defender of this guy. Is it only because the guy is black? Is it because he is a Leftist?

If it is because Jonni is a Leftist (he is) so he is blindly supporting a fellow Leftist then he should come out and say so. To omit this relevant, context-providing detail would be rather dishonest.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Dec 2010 /  #187
He was elected by the Polish people. End of story.

(for what it's worth, Godson is quite right wing in nature, being a member of PO and thus a Christian-Democrat by definition.)
Stu  12 | 515  
7 Dec 2010 /  #188
Polish men

You are Flemish, so why do you care?

They allow anyone to come to their country, take their jobs and f#ck their women!

Even you, prick. Well, not entirely, cause you haven't been able to date a Polish woman until now (ohh ... I'm sorry, one, but she ran away - for obvious reasons).

trener zolwia  1 | 939  
7 Dec 2010 /  #189
End of story.

Not the end of the story.

(for what it's worth, Godson is quite right wing in nature, being a member of PO and thus a Christian-Democrat by definition.)

Then why are the Lefties here his most ardent supporters/ defenders? Just because he's black?

Someone should post a link to the guy's policy positions so everyone can gauge just what this guy truly is.
SeanBM  51 | 8000  
7 Dec 2010 /  #190
If none of you know his policy positions, then why are the right here his most ardent lynch mob/attackers? Just because he's black?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
7 Dec 2010 /  #191
No. Because I have seen indications here that the guy is a Leftist. And, since most black politicians are Leftists.

It is just as wrong to support someone only because of their race as it is to oppose them only because of their race.


lynch mob/attackers

Umm, this should read: "critics", Mr. Shrill. :s I haven't seen anyone trying to lynch the guy or physically harm him in any way.
jonni  16 | 2475  
7 Dec 2010 /  #192
I have seen indications here that the guy is a Leftist.

What indications? He's a member of Platforma (incidentally the party I sometimes vote for) which is centre-right.
SeanBM  51 | 8000  
7 Dec 2010 /  #193
It is just as wrong to support someone only because of their race as it is to oppose them only because of their race.


Umm, this should read: "critics",

Nobody has criticised his politics, just his skin colour, some in the guise of his nationality.

haven't seen anyone trying to lynch the guy or physically harm him in any way.

Painting him as a criminal (by being black) who is opening the flood gates and therefore should not be allowed in to Poland, let alone do anything productive...

If he came here, didn't speak Polish, didn't integrate and became a menace to society, he's bad and should be sent back to Africa.

If he integrates, learns Polish and customs and gets votes from Polish people.... he is still bad and should be sent back to Africa.

It's a no win situation.

What indications?

I don't know.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
7 Dec 2010 /  #194
He's a member of Platforma (incidentally the party I sometimes vote for) which is centre-right.

A couple things... Center-Right over there is full Left over here. And from reading your posts I know you to lean to the Left.
And correct me if I'm wrong (I'm sure you will) but in all your defending of the guy here I haven't seen you explain why nor mention his policy positions. You just attack his critics.


I think you will find that just as many peeps support black politicians in an effort to show how tolerant they are as those who oppose him just because he's black. One is not better nor worse than the other. But you guys seem to only have a problem with the latter peeps.

Nobody has criticised his politics

In the reading I've done here I have yet to see anyone express support for his policies, let alone post them.

just his skin colour, some in the guise of his nationality.

I doubt it's all about his skin color. It's what he represents...

opening the flood gates

Which is a genuine concern. Or should be.

Me, I have no problem with black politicians so long as they are Righties, or at least not Leftists. I would vote for one, although I don't recall having ever done so, only because all the black politicos around here are stinking racist Libs.

Things are different over here and having Rightie blacks in office (as the GOP gained a couple in our recent elections) helps for a number of reasons.
jonni  16 | 2475  
7 Dec 2010 /  #195
And correct me if I'm wrong (I'm sure you will) but in all your defending of the guy here I haven't seen you explain why nor mention his policy positions. You just attack his critics.

Weeel, that might be just a bit to do with the rabidly aggressive posts about a hard-working and community-minded Pole - an immigrant like me - solely on the basis of his skin colour and the perceived behaviour of other people with the same colour skin. One or too from you, as I remember.And the policy positions of Platforma are well enough known by those of us who live in Poland. If you want them spelling out, visit their website.

stinking racist Libs.

That sort of tone.
SeanBM  51 | 8000  
7 Dec 2010 /  #196
In the reading I've done here I have yet to see anyone express support for his policies, let alone post them.

Kind of jump on the band wagon there, aren't you.

So should people prove his policies now on page 7 of this thread?
He had to have gotten votes from Poles to get in and after all this you only ask about his policies now?
Guilty until proven otherwise?
Do you know who PO are?

I doubt it's all about his skin color. It's what he represents...

And what does he represent?

Which is a genuine concern. Or should be.

which in much of this thread is a rouse to spew racial hatred.

Just look in to Jarnowa's profile, go to any of his posts and try and find one that doesn't talk crap about blacks.

I have no problem with black politicians so long as they are Righties, or at least not Leftists.

LOL sometimes you are funny, I am not sure if you are aware of it though :)

Things are different over here

I have a question, are the blacks that are being complained about in America on this thread African or African/American? Are they first generation or 5th, 6th etc?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
7 Dec 2010 /  #197
after all this you only ask about his policies now?
Guilty until proven otherwise?

I said earlier that I wasn't familiar with him nor his policies. I assumed that the guy is a Leftie because A) he's black (as the vast majority of black politicians are Leftists), and B) the Lefties here support and defend him. Pretty simple. Sure I may be guilty of assuming but again, for all the promoting and defending of him here, no one is saying why they support him. Which leads us back to this...

Still no answers for this question...

Then why are the Lefties here his most ardent supporters/ defenders? Just because he's black?

jarnowa  4 | 499  
7 Dec 2010 /  #198
The same old trash - don't you think a woman can choose who she wants to be with?

Explain why Caucasian men should suffer thousands of extra competitors from 3rd world in their country just to please the 0.5% of Caucasian women who prefer coloureds?

A better idea is to give these women a one way ticket to Africa or India.
SeanBM  51 | 8000  
7 Dec 2010 /  #199
Still no answers for this question...

There is no answer because your only gripe is whether he is a lefty, that's all you care about.
Which is fair enough, you seem to enjoy that sort of thing but you are probably alone in that thinking on this thread.

Just read jarnowa's posts, he doesn't care about policies just skin colour, he is in to that sort of thing.

I have a question, are the blacks that are being complained about in America on this thread African or African/American? Are they first generation or 5th, 6th etc?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Dec 2010 /  #200
Someone should post a link to the guy's policy positions so everyone can gauge just what this guy truly is.

He follows the PO model of Thatcherite economics combined with Christian social teachings. You know, the same model that many Republicans follow in the US.

In the reading I've done here I have yet to see anyone express support for his policies, let alone post them.

His policies are generic Platforma Obywatelska policies. They've got a website, go read it.

Do you know who PO are?

Obviously not, otherwise he wouldn't be calling them "liberal".

I assumed that the guy is a Leftie because A) he's black (as the vast majority of black politicians are Leftists), and B) the Lefties here support and defend him.

Why assume? Just shows you know nothing about the topic.

And we support him because he was democratically elected by the people of the State in which we reside. For what it's worth, most "Lefties" on here are about as centrist as they come.

Then why are the Lefties here his most ardent supporters/ defenders? Just because he's black?

No, because he was elected by the people, to serve the people.

Oh, wait, I forget - you're a right winger, thus you don't believe in democracy :)
jarnowa  4 | 499  
7 Dec 2010 /  #201
Yeah, because people in Africa know everything about ethnicity groups in the Polish Sejm ;)

Don't say it's not about skin colour, it is. If he was Serbian, it would be much better. White and probably Catholic. Good boy.

So a Serbian in Sejm would also stimulate African immigration to Poland? You multicultural fanboys are getting funnier every day! :D

Why would you care anyway? You're not even Polish.

Because i care for the quality of life in EU and especially the parts of EU not yet suffering mass 3rd world immigration.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Dec 2010 /  #202
Because i care for the quality of life in EU and especially the parts of EU not yet suffering mass 3rd world immigration.

So start a political party and DO SOMETHING.

Complaining on here isn't going to stop "blacks" from coming.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
7 Dec 2010 /  #203
I have a question, are the blacks that are being complained about in America on this thread African or African/American? Are they first generation or 5th, 6th etc?

I don't know of what generation they are. Many foreign blacks come here and don't like our American Black variety. They see that they are criminal scum and get pissed for the scummy ones giving them all a bad name, as folks tend to lump them all together. But at the same time, there are plenty of scummy blacks in Africa too. So an influx of blacks, as some seem to fear, is a legitimate concern. I would join them in warning against it.

And people's experience with blacks is generally through which they view all racial issues.
Just because someone expresses concern about blacks and the many problems they bring doesn't necessarily mean the person is a cross buring KKK member.

I myself take much issue with blacks and don't think the races should mix, and I have been called a racist a number of times, even here on PF. But my being called that fails to account for my black neighbor with whom we borrow yard tool back and forth and enjoy a beer and a cigar together from time to time. I've never called him a n*gger nor have I tried to lynch him. But then, he's not a criminal, whitey-hater either. As well as the good Rightie black politicians I support...
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
7 Dec 2010 /  #204
If its just the political situation u are commenting on TZ, then can you tell me the policies of this Politician? Are these policies made for the good of Poland, the church or for himself?
jarnowa  4 | 499  
7 Dec 2010 /  #205
You are Flemish, so why do you care?

i care about my new country Poland by warning against multiculturalism. you want Poland to become another paradise for 3rd world scum.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
7 Dec 2010 /  #206
by warning against multiculturalism.

um to be quite honest, u hardly have a say. U care nothing about Poland, you care more about if a person is black or white.
SeanBM  51 | 8000  
7 Dec 2010 /  #207
They see that they are criminal scum and get pissed for the scummy ones giving them all a bad name, as folks tend to lump them all together.

I thought the best explanation of this was Chris Rock's - Black People Vs Niggaz
(contains strong language)

I cringe when I meet another Irishman who is complete scum, cringe factor 100.

I myself take much issue with blacks and don't think the races should mix, ... my black neighbor with whom we borrow yard tool back and forth and enjoy a beer and a cigar together from time to time.I've never called him a n*gger nor have I tried to lynch him. As well as the good Rightie black politicians I support...

Hypocrite :)

What do you actually mean by ''don't think the races should mix''?
Segregation? Shouldn't live in the same countries? Shouldn't mix drinks?

I have been to different countries in Africa and the majority of people I met were fine and some great.

I would be more against scumbags of any nationality, colour or creed than anything else.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
7 Dec 2010 /  #208
What do you actually mean by ''don't think the races should mix''?
Segregation? Shouldn't live in the same countries? Shouldn't mix drinks?

Mating and breeding (cigars and beers is fine). This goes for other races too. Everyone should stay with their own kind.

Shouldn't live in the same countries?

Immigration should be tightly controlled. Any great influx will cause problems. Especially if the newcomers are scummy and bring with them all the problems they created in their homeland. Haven't you folks learned anything from being overrun by Muslims and others in the UK?
jarnowa  4 | 499  
7 Dec 2010 /  #209
Who says he should be sent back to Africa? No one does.

But he shouldn't get any political power. I agree with Trener Zolwia that he's probably a leftist in disguise. He's likely to help push Poland in the wrong direction.

He will probably use his influence to make immigration from Nigeria easier, to soften inspection of African salesmen selling illegal stuff in Warsaw, etc. You can't expect this guy to serve Polish interests only. Let him be priest again, but keep him out of the Sejm.
SeanBM  51 | 8000  
7 Dec 2010 /  #210
Mating and breeding ... This goes for other races too. Everyone should stay with their own kind.

Who are you to say who people shouldn't have sex with?

Haven't you folks learned anything from being overrun by Muslims and others in the UK?

Others = Irish, yes I have learned a lot thanks.

keep him out of the Sejm.

Good job you aren't dictator of Poland but just a foreign fool on a forum.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy!Archived