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John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy!

6 Dec 2010 /  #151
Obama is plenty black. Plenty.

You seem to support this guy, Zeti. Why? Are you a Leftist?

I'm not very deep into American political scene so I don't support anyone. The retoric of republicans sometimes annoys me, that's why I don't have a high opinion of them...
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
6 Dec 2010 /  #152
I'm not very deep into American political scene so I don't support anyone.

Sorry, I didn't mean that you support Obama. I meant you seem to support this Godson guy.
6 Dec 2010 /  #153
I meant you seem to support this Godson guy.

I don't have anything against him. I saw him once few years ago and he seemed to be very ok guy. But I don't know him much.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
6 Dec 2010 /  #154
But when I choose to agree with someone elses view, i am refered to as a racist..

Perhaps because some of his rhetoric was distinctly racist. Funny, coming from a Belgian (who can't even run a colony properly). You also invited people to call you a racist (and I haven't yet called you one).

No, i think that i mentionerd that there great black in this world also

Yes, but jarnowa has no problems with Blacks as long as they aren't in Europe. This is something I got the idea you agreed with.

But arent you the same/ you have never been to the states. But yet you critisize Jarnowa for doing exactly as you are doing.

I was referring to myself and your description of me.

Actually, my point is that you can't necessarily compare the Euro-Blacks and the US Blacks. Yours are homegrown and a lot of their attitudes and culture are from a US historical background.

A few decades ago Muhammed Ali, the boxer, came to Britain and did an interview. He was spouting all the Nation of Islam stuff and Black seperatism. One man asked him how he could speak so negatively when he, as an English coach at a boxing club, was promoting integration and harmony by getting the lads to train together. Ali said "The situation in Britain is different to America" because the historical and social aspects. This is what I felt you were missing when you suggested all was cool until 'the Blacks came'.

Now, yes, I agree, a sudden influx is not good for a number of reasons. i also agree that there is a problem that some people think the give and take should be one sided where cultural sensitivities are involved. But I am not saying that there should be no Blacks in Europe. You are agreeing with someone who is.

If someone comes to a country I expect them to play by the rules, work for the country and society they come to. If someone thinks Britain, US or Poland etc is a place to make a home they should be allowed to make it a home on the condition they contribute positively to that new home. Like your parents did, like my relatives have done and like this guy seems to be doing here.

What's the problem.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
6 Dec 2010 /  #155
A few decades ago Muhammed Ali, the boxer, came to Britain and did an interview. He was spouting all the Nation of Islam stuff and Black seperatism. One man asked him how he could speak so negatively when he, as an English coach at a boxing club, was promoting integration and harmony by getting the lads to train together. Ali said "The situation in Britain is different to America" because the historical and social aspects.

Nothing like aproving of a militant black racist... :s
Interesting how you elect to see this incident as a lesson on the differences between race issues in Europe and the US rather than condemning it for the blatant racism Ali was spewing.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
6 Dec 2010 /  #156
"The situation in Britain is different to America"

Ironic, given the British actually brought the slave trade to N America.. I always find it funny how Brits renounce American racism at every turn.. However, how many Pakistani do you see on their Olympic teams, rowing teams, member of Parliament, etc? Complete hypocrites they are.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
6 Dec 2010 /  #157
That's true, PP. They do seem to suffer from the Lib hypocrisy that way while looking down their noses at us.
And they still haven't learned their lesson about letting third world minorities overrun their nation, culture and society... They throw out the Welcome mat. :s
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
6 Dec 2010 /  #158
And they still haven't learned their lesson about letting third world minorities overrun their nation, culture and society

.. Right, much to their own detriment. Why people in the US (usually women) lap up whatever the British say, I'll never know.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
6 Dec 2010 /  #159
Nothing like aproving of a militant black racist... :s
Interesting how you elect to see this incident as a lesson on the differences between race issues in Europe and the US rather than condemning it for the blatant racism Ali was spewing.

I see it that an activist of a rather militant Black group managed to recognise the difference. I have not said I agreed with his politics.

Ironic, given the British actually brought the slave trade to N America..

But the States kept it long after the British had stopped. In fact, the British never had slaves in the British Isles (we had the working classes for that). But yes, I agree, it is a bit hypocritical.

I always find it funny how Brits renounce American racism at every turn.. However, how many Pakistani do you see on their Olympic teams, rowing teams, member of Parliament,

Well, not many I agree, but the boxer Amir Khan (he's beaten a few Americans recently) represented UK at Athens Olympics (funnily enough, his brother chose to represent Pakistan recently).

A few more: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Asian#Sports

I don't know any American Pakistani sports people.


Well, we've had them since 19th C.

and a few Blacks and other ethnicities

19th C Black Lord... not bad when we didn't have a large black community.

Benjamin Disraeli was Jewish (19th C. Prime Minister)

Heck, we even had a woman as PM.

Complete hypocrites they are.

Oh come on, hypocrits, yes. But not 'complete'
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
6 Dec 2010 /  #160
to their own detriment. Why people in the US (usually women) lap up whatever the British say, I'll never know.

Libs. They just think wrong. Backwards. Right brain... All about their feelings without much logic...
nunczka  8 | 457  
6 Dec 2010 /  #161
That's true, PP. They do seem to suffer from the Lib hypocrisy that way while looking down their noses at us.
And they still haven't learned their lesson about letting third world minorities overrun their nation, culture and society... They throw out the Welcome mat.

A lot is true in what you said.. But lets be honest about it.Dont we in The states do the same thing. We know exactly what problems we have with the minorities, but yet we are devided on what to do about it. We have the liberals. Most who are wealthy. telling us that we should exist together.. but yet these same people who most are filthy rich, live in guarded estates far removed from the crime. I feel sorry for the little guy who cant move away from the violence.. We have a president who wont protect our southern border from drug dealers, while American lives are at stake. But yet he sends troops to the middle east to protect people that hate us.

No. Before we can tell others of the forthcoming problem.. We have to get our house in order.. We can only warn them, and hope they get the message,
Bolle  1 | 144  
6 Dec 2010 /  #162
The topic of blacks in polish politics reminds of Patrick Kibangou (PL citizen, from nigeria) who tried to run for a seat in the EU parliament. I remember seeing him talk on TV a few times and was not impressed at all: he had the word "partacz" written all over his face.


Hopefully Godson is different.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
6 Dec 2010 /  #163
We have the liberals.

Oh, sure, we have our own misguided and backwards Liberal problem here.

The topic of blacks in polish politics

Why do they want to? Why don't they go govern in their native lands with their native peoples?
I suspect they know that they are a bit of a novelty and use that to try and get elected, counting on the Polish peeps to feel some racial guilt. Also they count on Libs bullying others racially, trying to shame them into supporting the black candidate.

This is likely to only become even more common over there after they've seen Obama's success at this ...a thoroughly unqualified, mysterious outsider spouting vague platitudes, counting on America's feelings of racial guilt and our black-apologist Liberal Media to propel him into office... Worked like a dirty charm.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
6 Dec 2010 /  #164
Why do they want to?Why don't they go govern in their native lands with their native peoples?

Why don't you ask your German and Scottish ancestors why they left and went to a new country?
John Godson has done well in his adopted country, why is that so hard for you to accept?

counting on the Polish peeps to feel some racial guilt.

This is not America and as far as I am aware Polish people do not have anything to feel racially guilty for.

I think this is completely blown out of proportion by the way.

Here we have a guy, who has fully integrated into Polish society, Speaks Polish very well and has built himself up in his adopted country to be elected in to Government, in fair and free elections.

And yet some of you talk about him as if he were a gun touting, drug dealing murderer.
6 Dec 2010 /  #165
to be elected in to Government,

actually he wasn't elected. He is just to replace Hanna Zdanowska from PO who had been a deputy untill now when she won elections for a mayor of £ódź. John was radny in £ódź so far.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
6 Dec 2010 /  #166
He is just to replace Hanna Zdanowska from PO

On what was the decision based for John Godson to be the replacement?
6 Dec 2010 /  #167

Took the oath , but it was known that a councilor will not be long . Mrs Hanna Zdanowska won in the second round , and Godson to be a member.

Why? Because in 2007, ran for Parliament and was seventh on the list of PO result . The mandate of the candidates received only five best results . Then the European Parliament got a deputy Joanna Skrzydlewska , so its mandate took sixth Jaroslaw Stolarczyk , and when Zdanowska won the election for president, its place in parliament should be Godsonowi.

SeanBM  34 | 5786  
6 Dec 2010 /  #168
najlepszymi wynikami.

Do you know what the score was based on?
6 Dec 2010 /  #169
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Dec 2010 /  #170
On what was the decision based for John Godson to be the replacement?

The mad Polish system :P

For what it's worth, he was ranked 7th - so it's not like he was elected by the people. But then again, he did convincingly win in his district in the Rady - so perhaps 2011 will reveal if he's capable of getting elected on his own right.

We have a president who wont protect our southern border from drug dealers, while American lives are at stake. But yet he sends troops to the middle east to protect people that hate us.

Remind me what your old President did?

Obama is plenty black. Plenty.

And? He's still the President of the United States of America - probably the most powerful politican in the world. Why aren't you the President, then?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
7 Dec 2010 /  #171
The system is really complicated or even mad. The clue to it is that the Polish system of vote is proportional, so you don't elect one MP from a given constituency as it is in the UK [correct me here if I'm wrong]. You vote for a party list choosing between as many lists as there are in your constituency. You can select only one list and only one candidate on that list. If the PO is assigned, say, five places in that constituency [whatever party list is entitled to have its share in parlimentary seats in the Sejm and what this share will be is decided according to the total number of votes for the given party in the whole of the country], those five seats in parliament from that constituency go to the candidates who received the greatest number of votes on that party list. Mr. Godson scored in the seventh place in the election, so the fact that he is now becoming an MP from his constituency has occurred by accident, or by two "accidents", to be exact. There is no bye-elections in Poland as they are known in the UK, but we may say that Mr. Godson in a sense won "in advance" his potential bye-election during the principal election, by arriving seventh on his party list, which was very close to the winning candidates.

This system is much in favour for the party leadership who decide the numbering on the party lists for the election. It sometimes happens, although very rarely, that voters "change" that numbering by voting out someone who had been put on top of the list by the party headquaters.
nunczka  8 | 457  
7 Dec 2010 /  #172
I make no excuses for Bush.. He was a complete idiot. But yet he was elected because his advisary (AL Gore) was even a bigger idiot. America has a reputation for electing bad choices.
paulinska  9 | 86  
7 Dec 2010 /  #173
Zbigniew Brzeziński, - political scientist, advisor to US President Jimmy Carter.
Marian P. Opala, - Justice of the Oklahoma Supreme Court (RIP)

These are 2 very prominent, competent American Polish politicians who were born in Poland but went on to have successful political careers in the US. There are naturalised citizens all over the world that have had successful careers in different disciplines with great service to their new home (Teachers, footballers, entrepreneurs... etc).

Mr Godson is a Polish citizen (he lives & pays his taxes in PL), he therefore has every right to join the sejm. The guy has acquired this status on merit rather than PC BS, just like any other naturalised citizens.

Have faith people, give the guy a chance and then after that you can say all you want.

Just wait until you have an influx of lowlife blacks and all the issues they bring and then get back to us.

Yeah right, like Mr Godson runs Polish embassies outside the EU!. A simple fact about EU visa applications, You either qualify to get it or you don't.

Good Luck, Mr Godson!
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Dec 2010 /  #174
Polish family of the future.
nunczka  8 | 457  
7 Dec 2010 /  #175
Very much like what is happening in other countries,including America..
Could this the begining of the end?
Trevek  25 | 1699  
7 Dec 2010 /  #176
America has a reputation for electing bad choices.

America is certainly not alone there... No European superiority in that area!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
7 Dec 2010 /  #177
Could this the begining of the end?

... the end of what?
Polson  5 | 1767  
7 Dec 2010 /  #178
This John Godson looks cool to me. I'm glad he made it to the Sejm. Skin colour doesn't matter. Those who cares are idiots (and i'm being polite).
jarnowa  4 | 499  
7 Dec 2010 /  #179
People like you just miss the brains to understand what's wrong with this.

It's not his skin colour, it's the dangerous message he sents to people from Africa who want to come to Europe.

What message?
This message: "Look my black brothas, look what i've got! :D You can all have the same! Just come to Poland and you will easily get a Polish beauty too and probably also a nice job, just like me. Don't be afraid that Polish men are jealous, they are whussies who completely lost their slavic pride. They allow anyone to come to their country, take their jobs and f#ck their women! Spread the word brothas!"

So the fact that such 3rd world males are walking advertisements for mass immigration to Poland (and Europe in general) is the main problem. To have a Nigerian in Sejm is still ridiculous, but the message to 3rd world is a real threat to anyone who has seen what African immigration did to Western/Scandinavian countries.
jonni  16 | 2475  
7 Dec 2010 /  #180
you will easily get a Polish beauty too

f#ck their women!

The same old trash - don't you think a woman can choose who she wants to be with?

To have a Nigerian in Sejm is still ridiculous

He's a Polish citizen, who's done far more for Poland than you ever have.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy!Archived