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John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy!

jonni  16 | 2475  
5 Dec 2010 /  #61
I am not going to sit here and debate with you as to what is right and what is wrong.

This is after all a forum.

a small town called Bridport, in Dorset.The people gave up their homes to us.. I recall the Saturday farmers mkt, where farmer drove their sheep and cattle to sell. This is how I want to remember England

It sounds nice, however Dorset is a very far cry from industrial cities and large ports, which were always mixed. Your website mentions Liverpool, which has had a black population for 200 years. The chocolate box villages of the south look pretty, but aren't everyone's reality nor ever have been. It's hard to expect people from the industrial rust belts of the UK to relate to places like that - either now or then. Nor is somehow excluding people from somewhere on the basis of their colour going to preserve a society in aspic. Places change - the key thing is to manage that change, to make it the best for everybody, and not hold back or resent one group of people standing out from others by their skin colour - that's just storing up trouble.

The north, from the industrial revolution right through to the present day has always been a harder and less attractive place to live, and has always attracted immigrants first from Ireland, then from central and east Europe, and now from further afield. While others emigrate or move away from them for a better life.

Poland is much the same, except the pace of growth and political/economic conditions have been different. John Godson settled in £ódź - a city built on immigration.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Dec 2010 /  #62
I still recall the England that I knew in 1944 as an American GI..

So while Nazi occupied Poland had death camps killing millions of your ancestral people, you were fighting the Nazi Germans and then afterwards the Russians used Poland as a communist puppet state, suppressing the people, your own parents sound like they were economic emigrants, forced to leave in search of greener pastures and yet you have a problem with an African, who has not only integrated in to Polish society but has excelled to the point where it is a possibility that he will be elected by the Polish people into Government, why is that then?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
5 Dec 2010 /  #63
Please don't lead this to war time memories. Thank you.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Dec 2010 /  #64
If i were a Pole i wouldn't allow non-Poles to enter the Sejm.

Imagine all the Africans who might have been saying that a couple of years ago when white europeans ruled them.

I guess Schwarzenegger might be out of a job if you were American.

And how the heck can he represent Polish people?

The same way a white catholic Pole can represent a constiuency with a number of ethnic minorities. Perhaps better, cos he knows there's life outside of the village. Historically Poland allowed other ethnicites to become szlachta.

He'll make a wonderful politician though. Very able, as honest as they come, highly intelligent, a trained lawyer and a skilled networker.

Sorry, I don't understand... how can he make a wonderful politician if he's honest?

i'm happy to see a proud Pole (i assume you are Polish) after all the Polish people here on this forum who don't care if their country would be invaded with people from 3rd world.

That's what a lot of people in UK said when Poles started migrating there. Some blacks saw it as a racist attempt to rewhiten UK.

So, what about all the other ethnicities who have had children here and have been brought up as Polish citizens. OK for them to work here, obey the laws and pay taxes as long as it is too da white massa, huh?

In essence, HAVE YOU NOT JUST LEFT MULTICULTURAL SOCIETIES?? You know, on your own accord?

Yeah, to get away from all the Poles ;-)
jonni  16 | 2475  
5 Dec 2010 /  #65
Yeah, to get away from all the Poles ;-)

Perfect. We're all minorities somewhere.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Dec 2010 /  #66
All that the European immigrants built.

with the use of Black slave labour. Come on, US had offical segregation until 1960s. If they had had the equal society they claim to have then Black communities would have been able to educate and develop, but what there is now is at least part a hangover from those days.
Barney  19 | 1724  
5 Dec 2010 /  #67
Sejm's first black deputy
Guess what....Poland is a normal country with normal people....Shock horror.

If you don’t like it, well I guess you don’t trust Polish people to make their own decisions.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Dec 2010 /  #68
My Parents landed in America with $14.00 dollars in their pockets.

So what's the difference between some poor 'polacks' going somewhere to make a better life and some highly educated 'negroes' doing the same? Part of my family are Scots and have done pretty well in Canada since emigrating there... I'm sure there are a First nations folk who wish they hadn't.
nunczka  8 | 457  
5 Dec 2010 /  #69

I am not going to sit here and debate with you as to what is right and what is wrong.
This is after all a forum

Ok Jonni, Again, I repeat. I will not debate this subject anymore.. i am living on borrowed time and I have no desire to get involved in this discussion.

America is a big country. I have accumilated enough of wealth to reside in any state that i want. I now live in Florida far removed from any minorities. So like ,who in the hell cares what Europe does. SOOO, In the mean time Nunczka is going out into the Gulf Of Mexico fishing.. TA TA you losers
jonni  16 | 2475  
5 Dec 2010 /  #70
Well, you did join in an existing debate - but have a great time fishing, and catch one for me!
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Dec 2010 /  #71
In the mean time Nunczka is going out into the Gulf Of Mexico fishing.. TA TA you losers

Ha, we'll fish like real Poles... break the ice first!
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
5 Dec 2010 /  #72
From here


What's any of this have to do with the topic?

like being called a slave?

Just stop you dishonest hypocrite whiner. That was a history lesson I found somewhere and the part you chopped off of my quote was where I said I can't vouch for the validity of the piece.

You're playing dirty. Really showing your true colors here, Sean. And they're ugly. Disappointing.

his family is probably American at least for 3 generations.

More than that. But it doesn't matter anyway.

To all,
Please don't get personal, otherwise posts will have to be moved. Thank you.

A little late for that, don't you think? You should remove all the posts about me. They're off topic.

You might as well include me as a racist, for I agree with Jarnowa. Europeans just dont realize the trouble that they are heading for..

Yep. Me too.

look what Multicultureism is doing to your country.. it is begining to look like America today.

Apparently they've yet to learn their lesson.

I have spoken to Polish people who have seen PF and are embarrassed at the hatred posted on here using their country as cover.

So all the truly ugly Poland-hating and Jew-hating on PF that reflects poorly on all Poles is just fine but you'll take a stand to defend a black? And fight dirty to do so...

if you were green and good at your job, that is all that matters and if your were black and bad at your job you shouldn't hold that position.

I agree. It should be this way. It's not. Just try getting rid of a black once they hold office. You'll be called a "racist" just for opposing his policies. We're dealing with just this ugly divisive racial politics tactic right now with Obama. The Left will tear our nation apart racially with their hollow cries just to protect him and cling to power. Ugly, ugly stuff.

That's actually an interesting comment. The vast majority of negative comments about Blacks/Jews/Arabs/Russians/Germans, etc come from people living abroad. Again, just based on the comments, it would appear that people in Poland don't really care. Granted, we don't really pull the "bigoted Pole living in Poland" demographic very well as it seems they're not big internet users. Nonetheless, the divide in the comments is very interesting.

Slow down here, folks. This is a public board with all comers welcome on all topics... until you decide you don't want to hear from foreigners. :s

Here's the deal: We're just trying to warn you what you're in for if you head down this road of no return. Because we live it and there is no turning back. So think hard and take advice from anywhere and everywhere. And heed the warnings. We care about Poland too and don't want to see happen to Her what has happened to America and the UK with all this forced multicultural, racial politics BS.

I don't know anything about this black politician, I haven't bothered to read up on him. But I do know that if a Leftist like Jonni so ardently supports and defends the guy that he himself must be pretty Far Left. That's reason enough to reject him. The last thing Poland needs is an entrenched black Leftist legislator. God help you then...
jarnowa  4 | 499  
5 Dec 2010 /  #73
Or "Polish" for deeper purposes, since that is where he has made his life, the languge he speaks day to day, where his wife and kids are from, and the society to which he has made a huge contribution.

Marrying a Polish woman doesn't make you a Pole, neither does speaking the language or making a "huge" contribution to society.


You make yourself look ridiculous again. They mainly choose Poland instead of other countries because of the nice weather and the quality of universities right? Nice clown you are.
jonni  16 | 2475  
5 Dec 2010 /  #74
Marrying a Polish woman doesn't make you a Pole, neither does speaking the language or making a "huge" contribution to society.

Becoming a Polish citizen does very definitely make him a Pole.

They mainly choose Poland instead of other countries because of the nice weather and the quality of universities right?

So why do you think Mr Godson (or other new Poles) make their home here?
5 Dec 2010 /  #75
trener zolwia

What about Poles in Great Britain I asked nunczka and I ask you know. I guess neither of you is going to reply me...
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Dec 2010 /  #76
Marrying a Polish woman doesn't make you a Pole, neither does speaking the language or making a "huge" contribution to society.

So it's better to have some corrupt, system-working power-seeking gangster because he's a white, 'catholic' Pole than a bloody foreigner who wants to make a positive contribution to Polish people and Polish society?

That might explain a lot.

They mainly choose Poland instead of other countries because of the nice weather and the quality of universities right?

Yeah, those cold African days really get a guy down.

There are a group of Arab students coming over to my town to study... they end up here smack bang in the middle of January. What's the betting the first question will be, "Teacher, how do you ask for thick, wooly socks in Polish?"
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
5 Dec 2010 /  #77
What about Poles in Great Britain I asked nunczka and I ask you know. I guess neither of you is going to reply me...

What exactly is your question, Zeti? I don't understand.
5 Dec 2010 /  #78
Brits accuses Poles of ruining their country. Aggresive louts make bad opinion on Poland. Poles are consider as parasites (who abuses the social care) and rats in many countries. Can you relate this situation with your views on imigrants and ethnic miniorities? Don't you see anything in common? What your thoughts about it? Should Brits rid of all those Poles as a potential danger for society?
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Dec 2010 /  #79

Great website you have there. I'm honestly glad you shared it with us. Fascinating stuff.

However, I did notice something from your "growing up" page:

They struggled along with all other ethnic nationalities. There were Poles, Germans, Irish, Italians, Greeks, and Jews etc. We all lived in perfect harmony.

Isn't this a multicultural society? Oh, might I suggest it is because there aint no negroes there?

Now, my question to you is, as an American: Why did your parents move there?

I imagine (please tell me I'm wrong) it was because America was a symbol of possible wealth, a chance to be who you wanted to be and a chance to improve yourself. perhaps, it was also a chance to escape poverty and persecution somewhere else?

Isn't one of the great things about USA that anyone can strive to become who they want to be and has almost every chance of getting there if they work hard enough: Jews, Poles, Irish... even Hispanics and Negroes?

So why is it so objectionable to someone who grew up in a land founded on migrancy that a well-educated, allegedly-sincere, man should be denied his chance to serve the country which has given him a home... just because he's an immigrant?

You commented about 'the Blacks' destroying everything the white man had built... but perhaps you didn't grow up seeing how the Blacks who did the work, especially in the South, were treated. They did not have the chances of white immigrants (and born-Americans) to progress and educate themselves. Are you telling me, when you were in the army, in England, all the Black soldiers were treated the same? What would happen if they danced with a white girl in England, I wonder?

Likewise, Poland was for centuries a place of many cultures: Germans, Poles, Rusyn, Tartars, Jews, Scots... and many of these races/cultures were allowed voting rights in Poland (OK, at a certain level of society). Poland was a safehaven for 'heretics' from Holland and Scotland (hey, Warsaw even had a Scottish mayor!). Why should Poland spit on its own history?
jarnowa  4 | 499  
5 Dec 2010 /  #80
Oh and Jonni, i've noticed that you only focus on non-European immigrants of whom you assume they made a "huge" contribution to society. Never mind that in many cases their contribution isn't any higher than the average Pole of similar age, as long as it helps you to paint a positive picture.

Neither do you focus on the many non-European immigrants whose contribution is just average or far below average. It's clear to see why. By only focussing on ok blacks in Poland and then asking why i don't want africans to come to Europe, you just to try to make me look bad.

It would be the same if i would only focus on the criminal blacks in Poland (of which we've seen quite a few examples) and then asking you why you promote immigration.

So i don't think it makes sense to use this "son of God" to promote immigration again.

You should always look at the general picture and like Trener Zolwia pointed out, mass immigration was a complete failure in Western Europe. Even leftwing Angela Merkel admitted that multiculturalism has done more bad than good things to society.

So anything that promotes extra immigration from 3rd world is worth fighting against, including multicultural symbols in the Sejm.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Dec 2010 /  #81
Should Brits rid of all those Poles as a potential danger for society?

To damn right... otherwise they breed and this happens: daniel4shrewsbury.co.uk
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
5 Dec 2010 /  #82
Brits accuses Poles of ruining their country.

I don't want to get into all that here. But I will say that the comparison is off a bit. Poland has a lot more in common with the UK than it does with Africa.

If Poland were to suffer an influx of poor blacks it would do more harm than some Poles going to the UK. With racial minorities comes all kind of ugly forced tolerance for multiculturalism... forced diversity... system-suckers, crimes and quotas, on and on. And racial PC bullying to enforce it all.

That this black politician is a Leftist is the truly scary part as you can be sure he'll open the door for all this Lib racial crap. Believe me, I know. We live it over here. And Poland would be doing itself a favor to think long and hard before heading down that road.

Even leftwing Angela Merkel admitted that multiculturalism has done more bad than good things to society.

Right, right, right.
This is just a foot in the door... camels nose into the tent...
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
5 Dec 2010 /  #83
Brits accuses Poles of ruining their country.

Um, like when did this happen?

Aggresive louts make bad opinion on Poland.

Yes they do :/

Poles are consider as parasites

jonni  16 | 2475  
5 Dec 2010 /  #84
Oh and Jonni, i've noticed that you only focus on non-European immigrants of whom you assume they made a "huge" contribution to society. Never mind that in many cases their contribution isn't any higher than the average Pole of similar age

The "average Pole of similar age" is a local politician invited to stand for the Sejm? Don't make me laugh.

you just to try to make me look bad.

You do that so well yourself.

Even leftwing Angela Merkel

Now you've truly flipped.
You didn't answer the question:

So why do you think Mr Godson (or other new Poles) make their home here?

jarnowa  4 | 499  
5 Dec 2010 /  #85
Trener Zolwia,

It would be fun to see the faces of all those Poles who gave their sympathy vote to this Nigerian only to find out that this was celebrated as a huge black triumph in Nigerian newspapers and tv stations, followed by a 800% increase of visa applications at the Polish embassy in Lagos and ultimately a flood of Nigerians coming "to study" at their daughter's university. :D
jonni  16 | 2475  
5 Dec 2010 /  #86
at their daughter's university

The paranoia drips from the screen.
jablko  - | 104  
5 Dec 2010 /  #87
it would be better if he was asian not black
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Dec 2010 /  #88
mass immigration was a complete failure in Western Europe. Even leftwing Angela Merkel admitted that multiculturalism has done more bad than good things to society.

But you need to consider how a lot of the mass-immigration started and why multiculturalism developed.

Places like Britain and France had colonies around the world. They had exported their culture (to put it nicely) and then the culture started coming home to the motherland of the empire. Funnily enough, after the war there was a move in UK to encourage Polish ex-servicemen and refugees to migrate to Canada, Africa, Australia etc, and yet a few years later UK was encouraging economic migration from the Caribbean and India.

But it was not against the law to discriminate ("No Dogs, Blacks or Irish").

Germany was allowing Turks in as 'gastarbeiter' but wouldn't give them full rights.

When people are expected to do all the work for less of the rights, they moan!

Hence the rise of equal-rights movements.

I'd argue the 'need' for multiculturalism came from trying to placate an angry section of society which felt it wasn't getting what everyone else was getting for no other reason than their ethnicity/faith etc.

If you don't start from that point then you don't need to promote multiculturalism.

Um, like when did this happen?

Well, there was that woman Gordon brown called 'bigotted'.

plenty of people in industries like building and driving have complained and there were a few protests earlier this year.

And then there's the swan lovers association...
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
5 Dec 2010 /  #89
It would be fun to see the faces of all those Poles who gave their sympathy vote to this Nigerian only to find out that this was celebrated as a huge black triumph in Nigerian newspapers and tv stations, followed by a 800% increase of visa applications at the Polish embassy in Lagos and ultimately a flood of Nigerians coming "to study" at their daughter's university.

Will happen. Unquestionably. Then there will be no turning back.
5 Dec 2010 /  #90

in dailymail ;)

than it does with Africa.

are sure? Just look how similar we are:

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy!Archived