I'm actually very pro-Serbian. ................. Even I consider Hungarians (not Serbians) our brothers.
Interesting that we talking of this in thread dedicated to Our King, Jesus, no matter level of our loyalty to His absolutism.
Anyway, we forming our opinions on the base of experience and stimulation by influences, education and family heritage. Essentially.
But, when you compare, in this particular case Hungarian and/or Serbian contribution to Poles, you can easily note that comparison even isn`t possible. Both, Hungarians and Serbs, generally speaking, love Poles.
But, what was and is price of that love?
What Hungarians paid? They hated Russians when Poles hated Russians. Not a big deal. Russians are Orthodox. Truly, not hard to Hungarian to hate them. Plus, having been under Germanic influence, Hungarians have that sense how Slavs are low-people. One more reason to hate Russians.
So that they gave to Poles?
But they didn`t hate only Russians, not only Orthodox Slavs. When they, on the Germanic wings, expanded, they harmed neighboring Slavs a lot of. That way, they harmed Poland`s interests. Actually, they devastated Polish interests. See, just in last 5 years Hungary shows tendency to coordinate with local Slavs and together with them resist to German influences. Only in last 5 years. And that, thanks to Serbian resistance and thanks to Serbian connections.
Serbians? What did they pay for the Polish love?
Serbs gave everything. If Orthodox Russians were against Poles, Serbians, no matter Orthodox themselves, sided with Catholic Poles. But without hate on Russians but suffering deeply for being involved in inter-Slavic conflict. Serbian choices were hard and, in this inter-Slavic things, Serbian guidance wasn`t Christianity but deeper metha-ethnic Sarmatian connection. Poles and Serbs are Sarmatians, Russians are Scythians. Scythians themselves are Sarmatians, too, but Scythians were separated from rest of Sarmatians by nomadic way of life, while sedentary Sarmatians established prosperous civilization from Baltic to Balkan. Civilization that had its rules and wealth flow even before God had plans for Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Wealth flow destroyed by Romans, while Scythians of that time were solidar to sedentary Sarmatians..... but, it belong to another story.
So, where in Europe did you see that Protestants strategically side with Catholics, or the opposite? No, you don`t have such an example. Where Catholics sided with Orthodox and opposite? Nowhere. Only Serbians paid that price. Paid for Poles. And as I said, without hating Russian, but loving them. That, my dear, is price. Real price of love. See, true love is always tragic.
Not to speak about long Serbians resistance to Germanics, with whom Hungarians often sided against us. At the same time, our every resistance to Germanics, contributed to Poles.
Or you want me to speak of Serbian mediation between Poles and Russians, so that they mutually profit and that foreigners don`t profit on Slavic divisions? You don`t need to seek deep. Take just this example of Polish apples that by re-export via Serbia travel to Russia.
To all that add that Serbians looking on both- Poles and Russians, with doze of sadness that both of you within your ways of Christianity, didn`t made an effort to preserve Svetovid and old-Slavic (ie Sarmatian) faith. We looking how irresponsible are both of you. But we love you and our choices are known, our price paid and that way, we giving our best to provide equilibrium and bring balance among you. So that we all and our civilization may survive and one day even prosper.