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Jesus Christ is Now Officially the King of Poland

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Nov 2016 /  #61
Immigrant populations in general

Another sweeping generalisation. Emigrations vary -- another top-performing group are Orientals which reflects their traditonal upbringing marked by discipline, patience, determination and perseverence. The Muslim hordes flooding Europe at present are by and large extremely backward, greedy and lazy. Moreover, once the Djihad infrastructure is fully established, you know who they'll go after first and foremonst. Hint: it won't be those contemptuously referred to by some as heteros!
jon357  72 | 23482  
24 Nov 2016 /  #62
Another sweeping generalisation

And a very true one.

The Muslim hordes flooding Europe


the Djihad infrastructure

You might want to Google the concept of Jihad before writing such nonsense.

Interesting what Jesus (a leftist if ever there was one) would have to say.
24 Nov 2016 /  #63
Those born in or before 1964 are baby-boomers

Which is why I'm no more a baby-boomer than Jesus is officially the king of Poland.

now Christ's rule over Poland has been formally recognised.

No it hasn't, it has in no way been formally recognised. Poland is a secular nation and will remain one. If you want to live in a religious nation, go and live in one, fewer and fewer Poles every year even meet the bare minimum required of Catholics.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Nov 2016 /  #64
even meet the bare minimum

Broken record -- tra-la-la-la-la-la-la..... You are now on the losing side. Hippy pacifism, leftism, PC dictatorship and all the "progressive" pro-homo and pro-tranny causes you stand far are now eroding... Many young people have turned away from hedonistic MTV and animal-planet lifestyles and are taking a renewed interest in their nation's history, patriotism, paramilitary and re-enactment groups, military-uniformed secondary-school classes, as well as exploring their Catholic faith anew. If you don't see that it only means you have sheltered yourself amid the declining niche of lefty, atheist pub-cralwers and other hedonists. Some cannot see the forest for the trees. HB cannot see Poland for the KODites!
24 Nov 2016 /  #65
You are now on the losing side.

I'm on the side of Poland, the secular country, perhaps you have heard of it? Of course in our free Poland anybody can declare anybody or anything to be whatever they want it to be. If the Pastafarians want to declare the FSM to be the emperor of Poland, that's their right. The only thing I object to is taxpayer money being spent on last week's ceremony

Some cannot see the forest for the trees. HB cannot see Poland for the KODites!

Oh look, more off-topic ad hom trolling, but I suppose the mods are a bit busy right now.

Bet you I have paid more into the system in just one transaction than you have. in all your time in Poland.

How much is that bet? Over the last decade alone I've paid more than 800,000 in various taxes (not including the 23% VAT on purchases in Poland), what transaction would require you to pay in considerably more than a million in one go? Were you personally financing the coronation of Jesus as the king of Poland?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Nov 2016 /  #66
secular countr

Another HB lie! (Keep 'em coming to uphold your reputation!)That concept exists only in the addled brains of fanatical Christophobes. Remember that creepy bloke, something like Palikat, who wanted to have that concept enshrined in the consitution. Such terms as "secular state" or "separation of Church and state" are not found in the Polish constition. In fact only the constitutions of France and Slovenia explicitly use such terms. The Polish constitution defines the Church and state as sovereign entities which are able to cooperate for the common good.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Nov 2016 /  #67
Jesus (a leftist if ever there was one)

He did prefer the common people, the "salt of the earth" and the innocents to the erstewhile KOD-style elkites, the Pharisees and wealthy merchants. He would not fit in with today's leftists promoting "anything goes" morality, debauchery, perversionand sin, even arguing that there is no such thing as sin. If it feels good, go for it! - was deifntiely not among Jesus' teachings.
24 Nov 2016 /  #68
Now that Jesus is king of Poland and the monarchy has returned... Does that mean that every RC church is a royal residence? The Poles are so pragmatic it will do amazing things for Polish tourism. As an add-on if the monarch of the UK sits next to god and has his ear, as in preached in C of E and every good CE-er believes. Then why shouldn't Jesus be King of Poland? I am so proud to live in a country with a returning monarchy, all you lapsed RCC members who are questing your faith can now call yourself ' Royalists' its easier than ' agnostic'.
24 Nov 2016 /  #69
Another HB lie!

Fair enough, Po with two o's, if Poland is not a secular country perhaps you would be so kind as to tell us what the official religion of Poland is?

No doubt you won't answer that question but will instead reply with your trademark: off-topic ad hom trolling of precisely the type that is supposed to get posters banned.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
24 Nov 2016 /  #70
Simple enough Harr with two r's.
Poland accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
It's people like you, small case jon and Satan himself that want the youth of Poland to question it.
24 Nov 2016 /  #71
Poland accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

No, under the Polish constitution all regions are equal and nobody can ever be made to state what their religious beliefs, if any, are or be compelled to take part in any religious ceremony.

Article 25

1) Churches and other religious organizations shall have equal rights.

2) Public authorities in the Republic of Poland shall be impartial in matters of personal conviction, whether religious or philosophical, or in relation to outlooks on life, and shall ensure their freedom of expression within public life.

Article 53

6)No one shall be compelled to participate or not participate in religious practices.

7)No one may be compelled by organs of public authority to disclose his philosophy of life, religious convictions or belief.

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Nov 2016 /  #72
all regions are equal

But somhow your fetishised sacred cows -- "secular state" and "separation of Church and state" are conspicuously absent.
jon357  72 | 23482  
24 Nov 2016 /  #73
He did prefer the common people

If anything he as a historical individual had a fairly wide circle of acquaintances from all walks of life.


He'd have been there on the Polish pro-democracy marches.

He would not fit in with today's leftists promoting "anything goes" morality

He would be very much such a person

perhaps you would be so kind as to tell us what the official religion of Poland is?

Indeed, there is no official religion here; freedom to practise any religion or none is enshrined in law.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
24 Nov 2016 /  #74
No, under the Polish constitution all regions are equal

No Harr, once you accept the fact that "Christian Spiritual Law" trumps man's law in ALL cases, you will be able to understand that the people of Poland have accepted Jesus Christ's laws and not the laws that are convenient for you to spread your limp justifications.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Nov 2016 /  #75
He would be very much such a person

He never rescinded the 10 commandments but always lashed out against the money-changers (bankers), intellectual elites (Pharisees), rich and promiscuous. Eventhough Moses allowed men to divorce their wives, Jesus was not in favour. Your distorted Jesus is about as twisted as that of the Liberation Theology heretics who depicted Christ wih an assault rifle. Jesus was always for the poor, underprivileged and disadvantaged.
24 Nov 2016 /  #76
>renewed interest in their nation's history, patriotism, paramilitary and re-enactment groups

I did that. When I was ten years old. It was called the Scouts. I grew up eventually.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Nov 2016 /  #77

Re-enactment groups are serious affairs requiring costly gear and training. Hardly comparable to scouting's outdoor pursuits.
24 Nov 2016 /  #78
Depends on your income, Polonius3. I only had small amounts of pocket income when I was 10, and my equipment for running around playing hiding and hunting games in the woods were expensive (silly uniform, special hat, insignia). The training was harsh, all that saluting! It was a very serious affair for me too...when I was a child.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
27 Nov 2016 /  #79
It is fitting that a Polish king deliver Europe from Islam once more just like 300 years ago. DEUS VULT!
Crow  154 | 9525  
27 Nov 2016 /  #80
Good, good. With Our Lord Jesus Christ as King of Poland, I am sure that would Poland soon annul its Kosovo recognition. Really, no need for Poland now to pretend to support non-existent Islamic mafia state, that was by force and illegally established on Slavo-Serbian Christian ground. So that we humble Serbians can finally get some understanding and mercy from official Poland.
Crow  154 | 9525  
3 Dec 2016 /  #81
See, on the contrary to Poland, as I just learned, France banned statues of Holy Mother from public parks. Two counties heading in totally different directions.
Crow  154 | 9525  
3 Dec 2016 /  #82
Slavic world and at least in general Slavic friendly countries and countries heavily influenced by Slavs, like Hungary, Romania, Moldavia, Greece, also countries like Austria, Italy ... would stay Christian. Rest of Europe goes somewhere else.
yehudi  1 | 433  
14 Dec 2016 /  #83
I just found this discussion and I can't believe what I'm reading. Poland now has a Jewish king. It's about time. But how did this Israeli Jew get Polish citizenship?
smurf  38 | 1940  
14 Dec 2016 /  #84
It's about time

My thoughts exactly, Hail King Pan Jesus!

On Jan 1st there's a mass circumcision event taking place, King Pan Jesus had the snip and so shall you
Ironside  50 | 12928  
14 Dec 2016 /  #85
But how did this Israeli Jew get Polish citizenship?

Probably in the same way like thousands of his compatriots who seemingly don't see contradiction in applying for a Polish passport while maintaining that Poles are somehow anti-Semitic and goys. That EU bit must have done the trick.
Wincig  2 | 225  
14 Dec 2016 /  #86
France banned statues of Holy Mother from public parks.

And what is your source for this dear Crow? Serbia national TV?
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
14 Dec 2016 /  #87
No , he is just up to date with current events.

French town ordered to remove statue of Virgin Mary

Wincig  2 | 225  
14 Dec 2016 /  #88

You are right Dolno, but Crow wrote: "France banned statues of Holy Mother from public parks"; Note the "s" (statues and not a statue) which implies that this is a general rule, which it is not. The case you a referring to is a single case in one city and the court made the judgment because the installation of the statue had been funded by municipal funds without a proper vote/decision by the council. Very different, no?
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
14 Dec 2016 /  #89
l funds without a proper vote/decision by the council. Very different, no?

My understanding from reading he full french article was

" ordered to remove a statue of the Virgin Mary to comply with a national ban on religious symbols in public,"

Which I guess would apply to all religious statues on public land.

Hapilly this is not the case in Poland.
Crow  154 | 9525  
14 Dec 2016 /  #90
Exactly my understanding of situation. Its clear. Its trend in France.

France is finally there where Julius Caesar wanted Galia to be, while he himself for himself wanted something else- that what France once was. By the God, how they poisoned us.

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