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Jesus Christ is Now Officially the King of Poland

dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
22 Nov 2016 /  #1
Polish Bishops and President Duda Declare Christ King of Poland

In a ceremony at the Church of Divine Mercy in Krakow, Poland on Saturday, the Catholic Bishops of Poland in the presence of President Andrzei Duda and many Catholic pilgrims, officially recognized Jesus Christ as the King of Poland and called upon Him to rule over their nation, its people and their political leaders.

Crow  154 | 9260  
22 Nov 2016 /  #2
What majority of Poles say? Is this good move?
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
22 Nov 2016 /  #3
It draws a ine in the sand for those who might think that Poland is anything other than a Catholic nation.
Crow  154 | 9260  
22 Nov 2016 /  #4
Is that message to EU? If so, it is effective one
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
22 Nov 2016 /  #5
Very perceptive of you Crow.

Not sure how "effective" it will be in the EU, but it affirms the allmighty as being the stronger power in Poland
Crow  154 | 9260  
22 Nov 2016 /  #6
Well, in any case, I suppose, Muslims would now start to leave Poland. See, we in Serbia had similar situation year ago when pressure of migrants was maximal. Orthodox priest consecrated water in public water supply facility, in second largest city in Serbia- Novi Sad. Muslims refused to drink water

But EU didn`t like this
Lenka  5 | 3484  
22 Nov 2016 /  #7
[moved from]

Doesnt take away the fact that Christ has been installed as the king of Poland.

Has there been a vote on that because somehow I can't remember anything like that...
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
22 Nov 2016 /  #8
I suppose, Muslims would now start to leave Poland

There would be no reason for them to do so, Poland is tollerant to those of a different faith, all that we ask is for our Catholic faith to be respected and not ridiculed and attacked in the way a certain poster has today.

" Orthodox priest consecrated water in public water supply facility, in second largest city in Serbia- Novi Sad. Muslims refused to drink water"

We would not deny anyone water, we would not deliberatly do anything to alienate those who wish to live peacfully amogst us.
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
22 Nov 2016 /  #9
Has there been a vote on that because somehow I can't remember anything like that..

Not sure abou a vote but it is now a fact

In a ceremony at the Church of Divine Mercy in Krakow, Poland on Saturday, the Catholic Bishops of Poland in the presence of President Andrzei Duda and many Catholic pilgrims, officially recognized Jesus Christ as the King of Poland and called upon Him to rule over their nation, its people and their political leaders.

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Nov 2016 /  #10
Has there been a vote

The devout majority of Catholic Poland has supported the enthronement of Christ. It was a gesture of solemn, spiritual signifcance which is not legally binding on the athies, agnos, cynics, hedos and other misfits content to live in a purely animal world. It's their choice. One can only pity and feel sorry for those poor misguided souls.
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
22 Nov 2016 /  #11
The devout majority of Catholic Poland has supported the enthronement of Christ.

Lenka  5 | 3484  
22 Nov 2016 /  #12
Not sure abou a vote but it is now a fact

There was no vote but you are right it's now a fact that religious ppl can now look upon Christ as a king of Poland however it doesn't really change anything. In fact the only law still in power is the constitution stating that Poland is a secular country with freedom of religion.

And FYI that was voted on.

The devout majority of Catholic Poland has supported the enthronement of Christ.

We have no proof for that statement, only your opinion. I know quite a lot of Catholics that find it silly.
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
22 Nov 2016 /  #13
In fact the only law still in power is the constitution stating that Poland is a secular country with freedom of religion.

Why do I get the feeling that I am being attacked.

I have already stated my views and defended other religions as per the below.

"Crow "I suppose, Muslims would now start to leave Poland"

There would be no reason for them to do so, Poland is tollerant to those of a different faith, all that we ask is for our Catholic faith to be respected and not ridiculed and attacked in the way a certain poster has today.

" Orthodox priest consecrated water in public water supply facility, in second largest city in Serbia- Novi Sad. Muslims refused to drink water"

We would not deny anyone water, we would not deliberatly do anything to alienate those who wish to live peacfully amogst us."

Lenka Why do I feel it necessary to defend myself are you another bully ?
Lenka  5 | 3484  
22 Nov 2016 /  #14
Maybe because you claimed it was will of the ppl (which it wasn't as there was no vote) and that we should show respect which I'm not prepared to give any more than to any other religious celebration in any religion.
Crow  154 | 9260  
22 Nov 2016 /  #15
We Slavs just likes good jokes.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Nov 2016 /  #16
lot of Catholics

Judging from your posting profile, probably the onyl ones you rub elbows with are what are known as "cafeteria Catholics" who pick and choose from the Church's teachings only that which is nice, pleasant and convenient and reject the things that require deep commitment and sacrifice.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
22 Nov 2016 /  #17
Maybe you are right if you mean ppl being completely different than you. Ppl like you were the first reason why I started to turn away from the church. You see, for me religion was mostly about being good person, helping others as much as I can and leaving judgement for God as it's not my place to do it myself. Ppl and priests like you made me think I won't find it in the church.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Nov 2016 /  #18
turn away from the church

Despite that loss, somehow I believe the Church will survive. BTW htere is nothing in the 10 Commandments and 8 Beatitudes that tells people not to be kind and helpful.
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
22 Nov 2016 /  #19
Maybe because you claimed it was will of the ppl

Where did i make that specific claim, I just posted the fact that the cardinals and our president attended the ceremony.

Not sure if you know anything about the Catholic faith, communist rule did its best to beat our faith out of our country, but the majority of us Catholics beleive that Christ is the ultimate being , we do not need laws or votes on this , as it is an accepted fact within our faith , we strive to be good in this mortal world but with the ultimate dream that we may be accepted into the kingdom of heaven, hence our beleif that Christ is our king.

The fact that our president (Who was voted for by the people) attended this ceremony serves to demonstrate that our faith touches the soul of those in the highest levels in Poland.
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
22 Nov 2016 /  #20
I can and leaving judgement for God as it's not my place to do it myself. Ppl and priests like you made me think I won't find it in the church.

Another hurt soul, I too was once challenged , and that challenge turned me away from my faith for many years, so I now better understand your position and I apologise for suggesting that you maybe a bully, time can be a great healer, us Catholics are not so bad honest.
22 Nov 2016 /  #21
the fact that Christ has been installed as the king of Poland

No such thing has happened. A bunch of old men can declare whatever they want: here in Poland we have the rule of law.

Where did i make that specific claim, I just posted the fact that the cardinals and our president attended the ceremony.

Let me help you out (funny how you baby-boomers have such problems with your memories, isn't it):

as such you should show some respect to the willl of the people and your new king.

I'd be more than happy to put my service of Poland up against yours, or at least I would if you had ever done even two minutes' work for Poland.

Has there been a vote on that because somehow I can't remember anything like that...

There hasn't been a vote and the Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski hasn't said it's happening, so both under Polish law and that of the PiSlamic State it hasn't happened.
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
22 Nov 2016 /  #22
put my service of Poland up against yours

Go on enlighten me.

" show some respect to the willl of the people and your new king"
The majority here are Catholic so not many would be offended nor disagree I never mentioned a vote, we all strive for the kingdom of heaven.

" I would if you had ever done even two minutes' work for Poland. "

Bet you I have paid more into the system in just one transaction than you have. in all your time in Poland. There isno need for you to start a ******* contest.

" PiSlamic State "

I can feel the hate within you, let it go you will feel better for it.

Do you realize that your use of PiS(lamic) could be very offensive to those of the Muslim faith.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Nov 2016 /  #23
we have the rule of law

WE, meaning who? Anglo expats who hate Poles, Poland and everything Polish and want to make Poland over in the image and likeness of Pommyland? You won't get many Poles to fall in love with Heinz Baked Beans (never enter a lift with a Brit!), driving on the wrong side of the street, milky tea (uggh!), pub crawling and rugby!
Ironside  50 | 12333  
23 Nov 2016 /  #24
There was no vote

Why you agonistics are such a pussies?
Really believe in that soviet propaganda that Catholics will be forcing people to attend masses, confection with a gun? You need to be dumb as an ashtray to buy into it. Plus that someone need to be completely ignorant as to Polish culture and tradition.

A bunch of old men can

First of all you're not spring chicken yourself.
Secondly, I have thought that your are liberal left, progressive modern dude. Alas, that blunt display of ageism goes against everything that a progressive liberal holds dear.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
23 Nov 2016 /  #25
I didn't need to do things such as joining Peace Corps in order to avoid serving, my generation had no draft to dodge,

Thank my generation for that instead of taking it for granted.

You are British aren't you Har.

Keep guessing,

Guess ! You already told us that you migrated from Australia to the U.K. Har.
No guessing about it unless you lied to us again.

(funny how you baby-boomers have such problems with your memories, isn't it):

You are a real comedic Har, do you realize that YOU are a boomer yourself ? LOL
Why do I even waste my time with such hateful argumentative inferior depressing simpletons like you knowing that you can't help yourself.
23 Nov 2016 /  #26
Gazeta is at it again... Virgin Mary, was declared honorary queen of Poland by King Jan Casimir 350 years ago.
Wincig  2 | 225  
23 Nov 2016 /  #27
Maybe they are taking their cue from the French surrealist Alfred Jarry and his play "Ubu Roi" . It is a parody of Shakespeare's Macbeth with bits of Hamlet and King Lear tossed in. "The action is in Poland, meaning anywhere" . Here is the plot.

Ubu kills Venceslas the King of Poland and all the nobles; " I have the honor to let you know that in order to make the kingdom richer I will kill all the nobles and steal their money". Ubu's henchman gets thrown into prison; he then escapes to Russia, where he gets the Tsar to declare war on Ubu. As Ubu fights the Tsar, his wife tries to steal money that Ubu has stashed in the palace. Ubu has, in the meantime, defeated the Russians, and has also been attacked by a bear. Ubu's wife pretends to be the angel Gabriel, in order to try to scare Ubu into forgiving her for her attempt to steal from him.
Atch  21 | 4149  
23 Nov 2016 /  #28
make Poland over in the image and likeness of Pommyland?

Mmm yes, the UK, Europe's most generous nation, in terms of the three giving behaviours, that is helping a stranger, giving one's time for free in voluntary activities, and donating money, whilst Poland continues to fall near the bottom of the league below countries like Kosovo. Yes, I would agree that it's more than time that Poland adopted some Pommy ways.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
23 Nov 2016 /  #29
The problem with Poland is that this country loves symbols. Bearing in mind that Jesus is King of the Universe, the enthronement of Christ as King of Poland is simply a petty act.

This enthronement leaves one with the impression that it is Poland which somehow wants to promote herself to the center of the Universe.
Atch  21 | 4149  
23 Nov 2016 /  #30
the enthronement of Christ as King of Poland

Yes, surely Christ is already King of Poland and every other country in the world too. Suggesting that he needs to be officially designated as such by mere mortals is a bit cheeky of them really isn't it? It seems that in Polska even God needs his 'dokumenty'!

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