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Poland is important in the global economy crisis?

nomaderol  5 | 726  
7 Jun 2010 /  #1
Let me blow storms in brains.

I have a theory.

Poland is most important country in the world now regarding this global economy crisis. No, Poland is not a big player. But, it is an arena.

Europe put themselves as union about economy (remember the first name: Europe Economy Union or something like that.) So, Europe is responsible to do somethings about economy, and economy crisis. But, Britain, Germany, France - like countries are old schools with rigid rules that dont let them play games in their inside first. So, one of newest EU countries is Poland which is a dynamic country. And, Poland is considered as an arena for international players from eu, russia, slavs, to usa, to jews who, i estimate, still control half of businessin poland.. add rich arab kingdoms, started to invest by mosques, and chinese tenders, etc. also a country with religions colors, especially church dividing the folks. Add atheist minds after soviet communism to all these colors.

All these colors can cause war starting inside poland and can spread everywhere or can lead a successful economy reform for world starting in poland again if poles and eu can do somethings good. No, i didnt chose poland. But, it seems international players chosed poland.

Poles are aware of such a critical picture or such a picture doesnt exist?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 Jun 2010 /  #2
Let's just hope folks will stop spending money they don't have...
OP nomaderol  5 | 726  
7 Jun 2010 /  #3
Yes, this doesnt cause economy crisis in poland.. but, poland is dependent on export, mainly to other eu countries who now becoming poorer and poorer.. and, dangerous thing is countries like britain, france, etc have big guns.. poors with big guns will want to play with guns as they feel crisis more..
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jan 2011 /  #4
Merged: Poland shakes off global recession

... Poland passed the Netherlands last year to become the sixth-biggest economy in the 27-nation European Union, according to exchange-rate adjusted figures from the World Bank ...

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Jan 2011 /  #5
Poland passed the Netherlands last year to become the sixth-biggest economy in the 27-nation European Union

So - it took 40 million Poles to overtake 16 million Dutchmen?

Or more accurately, one Dutchman is worth two point five Poles.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
2 Jan 2011 /  #6
Poland had a much longer climb than the Dutch who were fortunate enough not to have the Soviet Union as their oppressor. Check out number 4.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
2 Jan 2011 /  #7
That's true and Poles can be proud of their achievement.

But not to forget that Poland was and still is helped by their fellow EU member states greatly....yes, also the Dutch! ;)

(East Germany wouldn't be where it is now either without the Soli from West Germany)

So no ***** fighting please...
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
2 Jan 2011 /  #8
But not to forget that Poland was and still is helped by their fellow EU member states greatly..

Yea, but lots of post war help to the west came thru the Marshall Plan. Poland had to rebuild brick by brick often by hand. The Marshall Plan was a hell of a jump start which Poland was not the recipient of. Polands real base began rebuilding decades after EU's.

So no ***** fighting please...

These days I just arm wrestle.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
2 Jan 2011 /  #9
Finger hakeln is also an alternative...

Pinching Pete  - | 554  
2 Jan 2011 /  #10
The Marshall Plan was a hell of a jump start which Poland was not the recipient of.

.. Even though they were offered it ;-/
A J  4 | 1075  
2 Jan 2011 /  #11
Exactly why do we have to stand aside I wonder? I wasn't aware of the fact that we were standing in your way!
sobieski  106 | 2111  
2 Jan 2011 /  #12
Being Flemish I have no particular love for my northers neighbours :) but I do not think the Polonius-type of Poland has to learn the Dutch anything.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
2 Jan 2011 /  #13
Even though they were offered it ;-/

Don't be so simplistic; it just shows how needlessly biased you are. The history of these negotiations concerning the Marshall Plan was controlled by Polands' overlords, the Soviets.
bimber94  7 | 254  
2 Jan 2011 /  #14
The West offered Poland the Marshall Plan, and the red scum in Poland said words to the effect of: "nahh, we don't need it".
Stu  12 | 515  
2 Jan 2011 /  #15
Polands real base began rebuilding decades after EU's

With the help of EU-money (so Germany's, Belgium's, France's, Dutch) ... a kind of -allbeit belayed- kind of Marshall-plan.

Look at Wroclaw's railway station: build by the Germans and renovated by the EU. (And still the damn railway companies say they would like to be exempt from paying compensation for delayed trains for the next 4 years - g0ddamn incompetent bunch.) Not much Polish money invested there, if you ask me. Look at all the new motorways around Wroclaw: build by the Chinese if I am not mistaken and paid for by the EU. And the list goes on and on and on.

I wouldn't beat the drum so loudly, if I were you.

Don't forget that Poland currently is the biggest recipient of EU-grants.

Jee ... and if you have to be proud of the fact that only NOW a Ferrari dealership has opened ... holy crap! Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands and a lot of other countries (even Hungary, the Chech Republic and Rumania!) had them for years and years. Wow ... what an achievement ... :-S.

Cheap, Polonius ... cheap.

The West offered Poland the Marshall Plan, and the red scum in Poland said words to the effect of: "nahh, we don't need it".

So ... they were offered it and said no. Then don't complain 60-odd years later you didn't get it.
Raficoo  3 | 34  
2 Jan 2011 /  #16
So ... they were offered it and said no. Then don't complain 60-odd years later you didn't get it.


The history of these negotiations concerning the Marshall Plan was controlled by Polands' overlords, the Soviets.

FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
2 Jan 2011 /  #17
money from other countries. simple.
milky  13 | 1656  
2 Jan 2011 /  #18
The country escaped the international recession because it is in a permanent recession. You cant get robbed when your skint.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Jan 2011 /  #19
The country escaped the international recession because it is in a permanent recession.

And that's why you can't get a job, isn't it? Your knowledge of economics is rather...poor :)
sobieski  106 | 2111  
2 Jan 2011 /  #20
Why has the heading of the posting been changed? The Dutch have disappeared :))))
emha  - | 90  
2 Jan 2011 /  #21
The country escaped the international recession because it is in a permanent recession. You cant get robbed when your skint.

crazy nurse :)
A J  4 | 1075  
2 Jan 2011 /  #22
I see that you have changed the title of this thread. Thank you. I acknowledge that the Polish soldiers have liberated my country, and I can not help it that some of the Polish people are still bitter about the past. Let us look at today; the EU currently invests a lot of money in Poland, so I do not think we need this kind of hostility between our nations anymore, eventhough it's mild, or could be viewed as tongue-in-cheek.

I do not expect any gratitude, but I do not feel like we should make amends for the past either, because our generations simply can not be held accountable for all that has happened. I agree with Stu though, because it *is* cheap to blow your own trumpet at the expense of other people, especially when those people are actually helping you.

That said, I wish you people success, and hope to see a strong business partner in the near future, because this will also benefit us.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
2 Jan 2011 /  #23
Okay....and now again the same speech shortened to one word!


Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
2 Jan 2011 /  #24
money from other countries. simple.

right... like no other countries have received any money?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
2 Jan 2011 /  #25
Every single project in this country is funded by Europe, "atheistic Soviet (if I follow your line of thinking) money". Without Europe you would be literally nowhere at all. "World government". What a joke.

Without Europe you would be nothing. Thinking of your "glorious past" and still complaining everybody is against you.
Ever seen the European flag on the thousands of infrastructure projects in this country?
That's money coming from Brussels, in case you would have forgotten it.
grubas  12 | 1382  
2 Jan 2011 /  #26
You are nothing with or without Europe you foking belgian pedophile.Now shut your filthy mouth punk.

Let us look at today; the EU currently invests a lot of money in Poland, so I do not think we need this kind of hostility between our nations anymore, eventhough it's mild, or could be viewed as tongue-in-cheek.

Every EU project in PL is being financed with EU and Polish money.50/50.

I do not expect any gratitude,

Good because you should not.It's not like Poland gets anything for free.Poland opened the market for euro junk stimulating growth in other euro countries.And don't forget that every tenth EU citizen is POLISH.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Jan 2011 /  #27
You are nothing with or without Europe you foking belgian pedophile.Now shut your filthy mouth punk.

Ah, aren't you a great advert for Poland?

Every EU project in PL is being financed with EU and Polish money.50/50.

Wrong. Usual split is around 2/3rds EU, 1/3rd PL. And let's not forget - it's a hell of a lot of infrastructure that's being built.

Of course, if you want, you can give all the money back. We don't mind, really.
grubas  12 | 1382  
2 Jan 2011 /  #28
Ah, aren't you a great advert for Poland?

Why would I want to be?If that was up to me I would send all of you foraigners in PL back to
where you belong within 48 hours.

Of course, if you want, you can give all the money back. We don't mind, really.

Forget it.You are not getting anything back.
A J  4 | 1075  
2 Jan 2011 /  #29
You are entitled to your opinions Grubas, but I know for a fact that the Polish people make up about 5.5% of the European population.
emha  - | 90  
2 Jan 2011 /  #30

Poland 7.61 %

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