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What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland?

Lyzko  45 | 9751  
20 Nov 2016 /  #151
Germans say "Tramp" because they have no short "uh"-schwa sound:-) They're dead set AGAINST "Donahlt Tramp", by the way!
up the creek  
20 Nov 2016 /  #152
The Germans would be against DJT, as I understand they are also dead set against Frau Merkel.
Crow  154 | 9566  
20 Nov 2016 /  #153
After Trump finish with western Europe, he would be in Poland known as `Mr. Orgazmo` or `Pan Orgazmo`
johnny reb  49 | 8090  
20 Nov 2016 /  #154
How does one pronounce Trump in Polish?

That would be, "President Trump" in Polish.
Germany on the other hand is use to being head honcho in the European Union and not quite use to someone like President Trump not stooping to Liberal Political Correctness.

President Trump was very candid with his thoughts of Merkel which were spot on.
"What Merkel did to Germany is a shame, it's a sad, sad shame," he said in March.
He later described her as a "really great world leader" before adding, "but I was very disappointed in this move with the whole immigration thing."

That may have reddened Merkel's face even though the European Union (including Germany) would agree with President Trump.
She'll get over it.
20 Nov 2016 /  #155
Why does everyone worry what they will get out of the deal?

I think everyone has a right to worry. Have you forgotten the warmongering Bush/Blair combo and the non-existent nuclear weapons? That pair dragged the US, UK, Australia and Poland into the 2003 Iraq invasion.. which considerably contributed to destabilizing the Middle East.

Not that I'm suggesting that Trump will be doing anything along the same lines, it's far too early to say what promises he will/won't keep, but I think you are rather naive if you somehow think that Trump and his policies won't affect people/countries outside the US.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
20 Nov 2016 /  #156
Trump and his policies won't affect people/countries outside the US.

I hope the trumpster will focus on US domestic issues, make some kind of peace with the bear in the east and generaly keep his nose out of the rest of the world.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
20 Nov 2016 /  #157
I know that, upthecreek, I was merely being facetious, since as we know, foreign languages frequently make allowances for their own native pronunciation when conversing in a foreign language:-)

Merkel may indeed lose out to the PEGIDA or AfD, you're sadly correct!
20 Nov 2016 /  #158
generaly keep his nose out of the rest of the world.

We can only hope ;)
As for Poland, unless he drags the world into war, then I doubt he will have too much impact on Poland, unless his policies in some way affect the EU as a whole.

Having said that, you never know how things might turn out with him apparently being in bed with Putin ;)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
20 Nov 2016 /  #159
with him apparently being in bed with Putin

Well lets hope he doesn't resort to childish playground beaviour like the idiot below.

The coldest handshake: Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin photographed in brief frosty exchange at Peru summit - amid angry clash over Syria and Russian support for Trump


A president needs to remain professional first and foremost, otherwise wars could soon follow.

I think Barack was always at his best down the golf course

Obama plays 300th round of golf as president


So much wasted potential , he could have spent that time (as the first black american president) to help heal the racial divide in America , Martin Luther would turn in his grave.

I for one am disappointed at this wasted opportunity in history.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
20 Nov 2016 /  #160
A president needs to remain professional first and foremost, otherwise wars could soon follow.

What on earth were you expecting him to do? he's a dead duck president, he doesnt have the capability to do anything without Trumps agreement.

I for one am dissapointed at this wasted opportunity in history.

Agreed, but unless a President controls Congress and the Senate, he cannot achieve anything,
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
20 Nov 2016 /  #161
Agreed, but unless a President controls Congress and the Senate, he cannot achieve anything,

I would say he neded the support of neither of the above to march rally uplift and send out a message of reconcilliation and unity, he did none of this he played golf.
johnny reb  49 | 8090  
20 Nov 2016 /  #162
he did none of this he played golf.

He did what he knew best and will go down as the worst President ever.

unless a President controls Congress and the Senate, he cannot achieve anything,

obama signed more 'executive orders' then all the rest of our Presidents put together.
Neither Congress, the Senate nor the American people had squat to say about it.
Thankfully President Trump will undo all of them that were un Constitutional.

My personal opinion is that the world, "WE" are about to experience an economic crisis far worse than 2008.
A full blown collapse of the stock market and massive deflation which will effect the world.
This is going to cause major civil unrest no matter who is president.
The poor are about to get much poorer until the rich have to start feeding off themselves.
When that happens the rich will start a world war to get the economy going again, kill a 100 million people to stop global warming and all will be well again.
OP Wincig  2 | 225  
21 Nov 2016 /  #163
kill a 100 million people to stop global warming

How will killing 100 mios people stop global warming?
Crow  154 | 9566  
21 Nov 2016 /  #164
Imagine if this person came to be USA president and then made impact on Poland. See, God loves USA by granting victory to Trump.

Moving Like Hillary | Hillary Clinton Song Parody

Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
21 Nov 2016 /  #165
Further leaks on crooked Hill.

Hillary Blackmailed Serbia for $2mil


Enjoy Crow.
Crow  154 | 9566  
21 Nov 2016 /  #166
Enjoy Crow.

Indeed. Look, God knows how Serbia suffered from that twisted Clinton family. Suffered from military interventions, economic sanctions, anti-Serbian propaganda in mass media, etc.

In reality, those were Serbs who defending themselves, defended Europe and Poland with it.
OP Wincig  2 | 225  
22 Nov 2016 /  #167
anti-Serbian propaganda in mass media

Do you seriously believe that the entire US (or western) media just wrote whatever the Clintons told them to?

defended Europe and Poland with it.

Defended Europe and Poland against whom?
Crow  154 | 9566  
22 Nov 2016 /  #168
With Trump, public in Poland may soon found out about many untold things in connection to war in former Yugoslavia.

Do you seriously believe that the entire US (or western) media just wrote whatever the Clintons told them to?

Clinton`s and Co. provided start of war, directly using NATO and EU, their resources and influence. In some cases mass media wrote what was directly told to them, in some other cases they just were mere witnesses of horrors that follow every dirty war but by default command blamed Serbians for everything and focused media attention on them, of course, avoiding to underline crimes of other sides in conflict (EU missionaries, NATO soldiers, Slovenian territorial defense, Croatian paramilitary troops, Bosnian and Arab mujaheedines), avoiding to say that Serbs didn`t start war, that only Serbians didn`t have ideological background for crimes on others (Bosnian Muslims and Croatia acted by their genocidal programs), that Serbians defended in extreme conditions against overwhelming foes while their civilians were exposed to bestial hunt and planed genocide, that only Serbians legally were right by Yugoslavian and constitutions of involved Yugoslavian republics, after all media avoided to give correct historical dimension of the situation.

Defended Europe and Poland against whom?

Defended western European/USA citizens from their own governments which for their political purposes turned Bosnia and Kosovo in nest and bastions of most extreme Islam who then escaped control and started to act by the Islamic league`s aims. Defended Poland indirectly from politics and deeds of Poland`s NATO and EU allies- leading NATO/EU countries.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
22 Nov 2016 /  #169
CNN is a factory of lies, I believe the time has come that even those employed there do not believe themselves anymore what they are broadcasting.

The same media that is demonizing and satanizing Donald Trump is exactly the same media that was demonizing and satanizing the Serbian nation during the 90's. It is the same media which is portraying Poles in a negative light in the West. Despite severe brainwashing I am glad the American people finally realized the truth and stood up to them by electing an anti-establishment candidate.


Defended Europe and Poland against whom?

Serbia was the first nation in Europe to on two occassions fight against radical Islamic terrorists that were funded, armed, trained and sent there by the Atlantic Alliance. Their first poligon or theatre of operations was in Bosnia and then in Kosovo where they attempted to create an Islamic state in the heart of Europe, which we are seeing now take shape in the Middle East. It is these two evils radical Islam and Atlantic Alliance that are now destroying Libya, Syria and Iraq and are responsible for murdering innocent people from Paris, Brussels, London to Munich.

Austrian Intel: "Tolerant" Bosnian Mufti Ceric Founded Terror Network in "Democratic" '90s Bosnia
nothanks  - | 626  
22 Nov 2016 /  #170
CNN is a factory of lies

They are currently discussing the video of the 200 people in a building throwing up Nazi salutes. And? Barack Obama defended BlackLivesMatter and continues to. What is Donald supposed to do hahah about 200 people meeting up.
nothanks  - | 626  
22 Nov 2016 /  #171
"Why are we gonna do with these people that elected Donald Trump"

Trump vs Pop Culture
22 Nov 2016 /  #172
Mugabe noted that "All through history, whites have done nothing but exploit other races. Whites are an oppressive, abusive, dishonest, criminal, and evil race as they themselves admit! We have decided, therefore, to exterminate every white man, woman, and child in Zimbabwe. We will purify our Black African nation... "

And people say Trump and Farage are nationalist racists !!
Crow  154 | 9566  
22 Nov 2016 /  #173
Robert Mugabe said that? How is that even possible? He looked as sane man to me? Can we get the link to that news, please.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Nov 2016 /  #174

Personally I find the Anglo pronunciation "Mirkle" rather hilarious. The second syllable is OK but the first should be pronounced like "mare" (female horse) not "mir". So it's MARE-kle.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
22 Nov 2016 /  #175
There was a once famous US-American Hollywood musical actress from the '30's, Una Merkel, yet no one seems to have picked up on the "connection". Trust me, we pronounce her name "Mirkel", not even "MirkELL" at thatLOL
Crow  154 | 9566  
22 Nov 2016 /  #176
So it's MARE-kle.

"Mirkel", not even "MirkELL"

No. Its Marlen. Behind the mask is nothing but Lili Marlen
nothanks  - | 626  
23 Nov 2016 /  #177
American media won't let off the "Alt-Right, Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, White Nationalist support Trump and his response (multiple statements against) isn't good enough"

Meanwhile on Sunday - 4 separate cities - 4 separate Cops were ambushed in the inner city.

One thing for sure: the Left is doubling down on Anti-White rhetoric and attempting to fuel ethnic unrest. The resounding message I have heard from Trump voters is: "the response to the election lose from the left justifies my vote for Trump"
OP Wincig  2 | 225  
23 Nov 2016 /  #178
He looked as sane man to me

Crow, are you out of mind? . Everyone knows Mugabe is a racist dictator of the worst kind.
OP Wincig  2 | 225  
23 Nov 2016 /  #179
When that happens the rich will start a world war to get the economy going again, kill a 100 million people to stop global warming and all will be well again.

Currently, temperatures in the Arctic are 20C above normal (-5 instead of -25). And if 2016 is confirmed as the hottest year ever, it will mean that 16 out of the 17 hottest years ever recorded would have been in this century
peterweg  37 | 2305  
23 Nov 2016 /  #180
Well it looks like Trump is dumping his 'promises' he gave to get votes and is morphing into a regular if rather stupid Republican.

Still remains to be seen how his policy to Putin will be, but so far so good.

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