Stupid aeroplane
What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland?
up the creek
17 Nov 2016 / #122
Quite frankly Crow, I highly doubt DJT has any knowledge of the 2010 crash. Unless of course it was discussed in meetings with Alex Jones, Stephen Bannon or Steve R. Pieczenik types. DJT brewed up a lot of hysteria in the run up to the election, only a fool would believe he could come good on all,he now has to pick and choose how to appease his supporters, on the domestic agenda. This is the reason he is talking about Nato members ' paying' fair share... Poland, UK are net contributors to Nato, so they will not come under the cosh, its the Germans and French who need to think about divvying up. Another situation is the Weimar battlegroup, Polish soldiers, German logistics and French medical. Its about time the Germans and French participated with boots on the ground in the proxy wars they vote for. Why is it always expected, American British and Polish soldiers be prepared to offer the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of freedom and democracy. If you are a member of Nato you have to be prepared to pay the dues financially, as well as supply the man/military power to defend your interests.
One of Trump`s impacts on Poland is formation of Polish territorial defense. Expenditures for army already increases. Business, business, business.
So, Trump won`t necessarily force wars abroad but rather military fittest and prompt technological and training upgrades. Upgrade thru increase of production and services.
So, Trump won`t necessarily force wars abroad but rather military fittest and prompt technological and training upgrades. Upgrade thru increase of production and services.
If I may say, after deeper contemplation,... pan Trump may have manly impact on Poland. I mean, man is famous by his promiscuous statements and eventually behavior. So, number and quality of erections in Poland may increase what again can positively impact Poland`s demographic situation.
When we are at it, good that Hillarka didn`t win. Many man in Poland would like to be a woman.
Don`t get me wrong. Similar is in my country, too.
Don`t get me wrong. Similar is in my country, too.
destroyed property
Has everyone forgotten how the mean-spirited and vindictive Clintonites ripped the "W" key off all the White House computer keyboards when George W Bush was about to take over?
Clinton`s? Evil and sick people. Creatures of eternal sh** and madness. If Clinton`s got a chance they would bomb even Poland. They would have found reason.
Trump: Clinton "caused tremendous death" as secretary of state
Michael Savage reminds audience of Bill Clinton's and Madeleine Albright's war crimes against Serbia
Trump: Clinton "caused tremendous death" as secretary of state
Michael Savage reminds audience of Bill Clinton's and Madeleine Albright's war crimes against Serbia
Trump's "victory" will merely embolden those already ultra-nationalist and racist forces within Europe aka Poland and Germany among others, to justify their radical policies, nothing more, nothing less!
Surely we all know immigration's been grossly mishandled, by Merkel for instance, but clearly we've seen that violence only begets violence and serves merely as a vent for the frustrated, that is, the weak and powerless:-)
Surely we all know immigration's been grossly mishandled, by Merkel for instance, but clearly we've seen that violence only begets violence and serves merely as a vent for the frustrated, that is, the weak and powerless:-)
But, Lyzko, what you want? War initiated by mere corporate struggle for profit or war initiated in order to settle historical scores? because war is constant reality in human history. There must be war.
Of course, at the end its always business. It must be. But must important is what securing existence of human society. See, that is war. On this level of human psyche, at least.
johnny reb 49 | 8082
18 Nov 2016 / #131
Clinton`s? Evil and sick people. Creatures of eternal sh** and madness. If Clinton`s got a chance they would bomb even Poland.
Guns don't kill people, the Clinton's do.
Trump's "victory" will merely embolden those already ultra-nationalist and racist forces within Europe aka Poland and Germany among others, to justify their radical policies, nothing more, nothing less!
Which many think is a good thing which is why President Trump got elected.
Keep Poland Polish which is a good thing.
Don't let the Progressive Liberals try to "enrich" your culture with their brainwashing tactics of their standards of ilk.
God is Great, Keep Poland Polish, Make America Great Again, Eliminate the Immoral Left.
Hail President Trump ! (Long over due)
Keep Poland Polish which is a good thing.
You got a point here. If something didn`t change, Poles would soon start to think how is dissolution of Poland something good.
up the creek
18 Nov 2016 / #133
According to the media. Angela Merkel - warned that if Germany closed its border with Austria, the outcome might be an escalation of already rising tensions in the Balkans, claiming her open border averted military conflicts becoming necessary, Serbia should consider giving AM the peace prize...
Serbia should consider giving AM the peace prize...
No, she didn`t do any service to Serbia. She doing favors to herself and to some others in the region (we all know to whom).
I just think to myself that Angela very nicely knows that what was once pure propaganda about `Serbia in war`, can these days truly become reality and explode them in the face. Just few more provocations on the account of Serbia and western Europe & regional satellites would finally get what they pictured by their propaganda machinery- Serbians in army boots and re-established Slavic order in the region.
The nomination of General Flynn as national security advisor to D Trump is interesting and maybe a little worrying for Poland. He used to appear regularly as an analyst on RT and attended in 2015 a gala dinner in Moscow in honor of the channel, sitting at the same table as V Putin..
Sadly Johnny, your ideas seem hopelessly out of step with the march of today's society!
While perhaps there once was some saving grace in the homogeneity of a single culture within a single nation, the poor from predominantly non-white, non-Christian countries nowadays want a peace of the pie also.
Perhaps Canada should serve a model. When in Toronto some years back, I encountered a perfect symbiosis such as I have never witnessed, before or since; citizens of various shades and ethnicities speaking Canadian ENGLISH as their mother- in fact, only, or at least primary tongue, completely comfortable identifying with their Anglo-Canadianness to an extent I've yet to see in this country!
Maybe it was only on the surface, but its success looked convincing to this astute observer:-)
back on topic please
While perhaps there once was some saving grace in the homogeneity of a single culture within a single nation, the poor from predominantly non-white, non-Christian countries nowadays want a peace of the pie also.
Perhaps Canada should serve a model. When in Toronto some years back, I encountered a perfect symbiosis such as I have never witnessed, before or since; citizens of various shades and ethnicities speaking Canadian ENGLISH as their mother- in fact, only, or at least primary tongue, completely comfortable identifying with their Anglo-Canadianness to an extent I've yet to see in this country!
Maybe it was only on the surface, but its success looked convincing to this astute observer:-)
back on topic please
Trump's "victory" will merely embolden
...As well as put the globalists, one-worlders, nation-haters, foreign-lovers and anti-patriots in their place. It's about time! Haven't we had enough of that pathetic Soros, Michnik and Schultz-stlye self-styled "progressivism" and assorted codswallop?! The people have spoken and do not wnat to be told what to believe and what to do by a clique of lefty loons who claim only they know what's best for society.
When people say, "Those others have empathy fatigue.", one begins to wonder whether they ever had any empathy at all.
Tolerance is tough, but despite mismanaged immigration etc., there must be a better solution that what Trump and his followers propose!!
Tolerance is tough, but despite mismanaged immigration etc., there must be a better solution that what Trump and his followers propose!!
General Flynn
Flynn is tough on Islamic State and wants closer ties with Russia. He may be man of real changes or maybe he is just jealous that only Russia gets blessing from Pope for the fight against terrorism.
johnny reb 49 | 8082
18 Nov 2016 / #140
your ideas seem hopelessly out of step with the march of today's society
Presidents Trumps and my ideas are the same and he just got elected President of our Country's society which just goes to show you how wrong you are Again.
the poor from predominantly non-white, non-Christian countries nowadays want a peace of the pie also.
Well it only took the predominantly poor white Christians 250 years to create the pie so must be their/our way works.
Why can't the poor predominately non-white non-Christians seem to get there piece of pie without having their hands out with their palms up ?????
completely comfortable identifying with their Anglo-Canadianness to an extent I've yet to see in this country!
Canada's Socialism isn't working and that is why they are coming to America for their health care rather then waitig two years to get a needed operation in their own Country.
You are out of touch with todays reality Lyzko and should not be feeding the Polish people such lies.
President Trump already said that he will support any Country that supports the United States in which Poland does.
No matter how hard, which way or how loud you promote your Liberal Socialism to the Polish people here it will not work.
President Trump like the Polish people believes in hard work Iike my hopelessly out of step march that has made America the greatest Country on earth.
The problem is that you Progressive Liberal Democrats would complain if they found a cure for cancer.
Poland will learn too that a Donald Trump will NOT work for Poland:-)
Trade started. How I heard, USA gets Snouden and USA recognizes Russian historical rights in Ukraine.
You would understand me, when I say that I eagerly wait Trump-Putin deal on Serbia`s` Kosovo. See, Poland`s parallel question to Kosovo is Silesia. So, I think Poles would be alright. I think Serbians, too. Germany would have problems considering that their meddling was proven in both cases- on Kosovo (in former Yugoslavia in general) and in Silesia. Most probably that Trump-Putin talks on Kosovo in Silesia won`t mean trade on the account of Poles and Serbs but rather, main question, would be how should they pacify Germany, once again. No wonder that old which Merkel don`t like idea of Trump being USA president.
You would understand me, when I say that I eagerly wait Trump-Putin deal on Serbia`s` Kosovo. See, Poland`s parallel question to Kosovo is Silesia. So, I think Poles would be alright. I think Serbians, too. Germany would have problems considering that their meddling was proven in both cases- on Kosovo (in former Yugoslavia in general) and in Silesia. Most probably that Trump-Putin talks on Kosovo in Silesia won`t mean trade on the account of Poles and Serbs but rather, main question, would be how should they pacify Germany, once again. No wonder that old which Merkel don`t like idea of Trump being USA president.
You don't think that Merkel (and many others) not liking Trump as President has more to do with values he defends than with Serbia or Silesia?
You don't think that Merkel (and many others) not liking Trump as President has more to do with values he defends than with Serbia or Silesia?
Everything is possible Wincige. But, I am sure that German attempt to change and remodeling borders within Europe, particularly, on Slavic South and on Slavic West, attracting Russia`s attention and therefore USA attention. I assure you that one of reasons why USA reexamine its position on NATO coming from fact that USA became aware that isn`t ready to start world war with Russia (and China) because of German appetites.
See, Kosovo (former Yugoslavia) and Silesia are only European regions where, as I said, German involvement was confirmed. Then, should I remind you how was Russia humiliated on Kosovo, in Bosnia, Krajina. Not only that Russia retreated but, every Russia`s right to interfere was denied. Russia`s status of world power was put in question. No, Russia didn`t forget that. So Russia now intent to prove its status of world power.
With Silesia is different. I guess, Russia may use Silesian question to prove its good intention to Poland and to humiliate Germany. Plus, from behind of Silesian question, Russia may open question of Lusatia. I think Germany is sc*** now.
See, Kosovo (former Yugoslavia) and Silesia are only European regions where, as I said, German involvement was confirmed. Then, should I remind you how was Russia humiliated on Kosovo, in Bosnia, Krajina. Not only that Russia retreated but, every Russia`s right to interfere was denied. Russia`s status of world power was put in question. No, Russia didn`t forget that. So Russia now intent to prove its status of world power.
With Silesia is different. I guess, Russia may use Silesian question to prove its good intention to Poland and to humiliate Germany. Plus, from behind of Silesian question, Russia may open question of Lusatia. I think Germany is sc*** now.
I just learned, via my Slavo-Sarmatian connection that Donald Trump and Donald Tusk today had talks about Ukraine. Seams that real nature of talks won`t be available to public.
19 Nov 2016 / #146
The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public services they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. That's why our Administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more, by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens.
In the budget I will present to you, we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace as recommended by the commission headed by former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.
We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it.
A speech once presented by Bill Clinton about illegal immigrants, Trump has said nothing that hasn't been said before.
In the budget I will present to you, we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace as recommended by the commission headed by former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.
We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it.
A speech once presented by Bill Clinton about illegal immigrants, Trump has said nothing that hasn't been said before.
How does one pronounce Trump in Polish?
How does one pronounce Trump in Polish?
How does one pronounce Trump in Polish?
As if it were written Tramp in Polish (what I hear)
Up next we make our Frenchmen great again
As if it were written Tramp in Polish (what I hear)
From Trump to Tramp, just one letter.. A reminder that the Tarpeian rock is not far from the Capitol?
Up next we make our Frenchmen great again
Not sure I get it..