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What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland?

10 Nov 2016 /  #61
Lets work together now to rid ISIS

Daesh is insignificant and being destroyed with little effort on the part if the West. From Polands viewpoint it's never been a threat at all.

Russia is a direct threat - and your president support it . So. **** You.
nothanks  - | 626  
10 Nov 2016 /  #62
Violence in reaction from both sides, just like BRExit.

Election Statistic
> 88% of black voters backed Hillary

Staggering. No other demographic eclipse 65% for either candidate. This illustrates how out of touch with the rest of the USA, the black community or at-least it's voting base currently is. No other statistic is surprising

Please stick to the topic
johnny reb  49 | 7913  
11 Nov 2016 /  #63
No other statistic is surprising

How about the 90 million eligible voters that refused to vote ?
Bernie's supporters were not happy with Hillary after WikiLeaks release her underhand tactics in the primaries to beat him.

From Polands viewpoint it's never been a threat at all.

Doesn't matter as Poland is a member of NATO.
Attack one member of NATO and you have attacked them all.

Russia is a direct threat

And NATO (NATO IS the U.S.A.) will be there if Russia attacks any NATO member.
In fact if it were not for NATO I doubt Russia would have stopped at Ukraine.

and your president support it

Sources please or is that just your personal opinion ?

So. **** You.

Not with someone with the name Peewee thank you.
Marsupial  - | 871  
11 Nov 2016 /  #64
He should mean less aggro from russia. I have no confidence of pis getting along with anybody though. They rather dig up bodies and do a poinless investigation instead of building Poland. They will probably screw this up.
mafketis  38 | 11071  
11 Nov 2016 /  #65
. I have no confidence of pis getting along with anybody though

They can't get along with anyone who isn't them in Poland, why would they be able to get long with anyone else in the world?

they = JK, there's some evidence of smarter, more capable people around but they're muzzled by the Big Brother.
Marsupial  - | 871  
11 Nov 2016 /  #66
3 more years if that eghhhh
Made in USA  
11 Nov 2016 /  #67
Why does everyone worry what they will get out of the deal? This is our country and we chose who we want for us, not for every country out there. Trump is the miracle we needed for a long time. We have so many foreigners in America and we feel threatened by them. Take a walk in Los Angeles. All you see is Muslims, Hindus. Mexicans. That's why its so dangerous walking there at night. Hellary loves to kill American babies and if she was elected, our country would become a third world country. We, the American people, are the one who chose Trump. For us. Because nobody helps our people.
Made in USA  - | 8  
11 Nov 2016 /  #68
Trump is clearly "większe zło", the greater of the two evils!

You know nothing about the evils Hillary does. She planned on thousands more Syrians coming to the US. We have enough people here, yet Barack brings more. Los Angeles is packed with Mexicans, Hindus, Syrians, Muslims, etc. Yet Hillary approves of killing unborn children. Even the pope says to forbid voting for that wench. She is sugar coating all her evil deeds and hiding behind that fake smile. Too bad some people are too stupid to see through her. But I am proud of my fellow Americans! yes, we did good!
OP Wincig  2 | 225  
11 Nov 2016 /  #69
Take a walk in Los Angeles. All you see is Muslims, Hindus. Mexicans.

That's because they are newcomers and therefore the only ones who walk.. Longtime Angelinos only travel by car !!
11 Nov 2016 /  #70
On the 8th Nov all the polls had Clinton ahead of Trump by 3-4 %, with this in mind one must conclude, the grand USA voted against Clinton and the continuation of the dynasty of elitist political class. Its going to be tough for Trump to implement all his campaign pledges. We will see some watered down version, the interesting part will be to see how Trump must 'toe the line' its no longer the Donald show, he is now Mr President elect. I for one believe the world is a safer place with Trump at the helm. All those NATO members who have NOT been paying their fare share, better get ready to pony up... On this front Brussels should be made accountable for the defense fund of the EU 26.
11 Nov 2016 /  #71
And NATO (NATO IS the U.S.A.) will be there if Russia attacks any NATO member.
In fact if it were not for NATO I doubt Russia would have stopped at Ukraine.

You do understand that Trump has said that he would not up hold the NATO guarantee?
Made in USA  - | 8  
11 Nov 2016 /  #72
That would be a blessing to the US! that would be our brexit.
Crow  154 | 9489  
11 Nov 2016 /  #73
Here is most probable scenario what`s going on >>>

But first, I will remind you all here that I few months ago, here on this forum, said how Anglo axis (USA and Britain) started to split. So, its due different interests of financial elites when it comes to the `extreme operations`, in deals with Islamic league and Germany. Britain decided to follow, while from USA side- Clinton family and their sponsoring financial circles joined in operations. When whole thing started to expose all of USA to the real possibility of war with China and Russia, USA magnates that do not belong to Clinton`s circles, deflected from Clinton family and pledged to restore relations with Russia and China to normality.

Now, when think what would happen next, among else, just start to think in reverse. Follow deeds of Clinton`s. Think of every world`s and Europe`s crisis where Clinton family was involved since 1993 to 2001 and later during Barack Obama when Hillary Clinton was still involved. Major crisis happened in former Yugoslavia (Krajina, Bosnia, Kosovo), in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria. So, all what was from USA side initiated without consulting China and Russia, now, with Trump, would be corrected.

To those who follow politics, there are all signals in the air that support this kind of scenario.
Crow  154 | 9489  
11 Nov 2016 /  #74
Now, in case with my previous comment. Where is Poland in it. Sure I would tell you.

You would mistake if this situation analyze just from the angle of western European (Germany, Britain, France)-USA relations on Russia and China. Parallel with split in Anglo axis (Britain-USA) comes the split in Anglo-Franco-Germanic axis. With it, naturally, split in western European-USA and Islamic leagues coalition. Furthermore, it destabilized cohesive forces within NATO and finally in EU, as we see now shaking USA internal scene.

Poland? See, for the Polish patriots split with western European-USA ruling circles happened exactly at the moment when Poles most enthusiastically believed in NATO and EU. Exactly at the moment when Poland joined in NATO/EU, started plot against Yugoslavia (as I mentioned in my previous reply) and Polish patriots knew. It was not just attack on Russian sphere of influence, as it was presented in mass media of major NATO/EU countries, but it was also absolute ignorance of long term vital Polish interests from Baltic to Balkan. It was obvious because destruction of Serbian realm in South-Eastern Europe means in fact destruction of only strategically significant Slavic element in the region and giving Slavic territories, on the silver plate, to the outside interests (in this case to German and Islamic spheres of influences). So, Polish patriotic circles and free intelligentsia started their uneven strugle to at least try to protect Polish interests, within NATO and EU. In my deep opinion, in some future leaks of information we would learn that tragic death of Polish president Lech Kaczynski represent moment when major blow was dealt to Polish patriotic circles. Blow dealt by those who were at that time in official alliance with Poland.

Closely in connection to it, stays turning point in Vatican`s position on Serbians. In 1999 Pope John Paul II understood that destruction of Yugoslavia isn`t about destroying communism (neither it was about pushing Russia from there) but exactly about weakening and destroying Serbians- most crucial factor for Poland`s strategic survivor and consolidation). He also understood that is Poland ruled by anti-Polish elite. So he tried to affect Polish back then political scene, to prevent and stop NATO aggression on Yugoslavia/Serbia and especially he tried to deflect Poland from it. Still, back then Polish ruling circles effectively isolated personal Pope`s influence and influence of patriotic right winged Catholic Polish political parties, which even back in that time warned in Polish parliament (Jan Lopuzanski!) that NATO actually attacking Polish interests.
Ironside  50 | 12761  
11 Nov 2016 /  #75
Time to buy the popcorn and don't forget the best VIP lager

Try some Kozel.

From Polands viewpoint

You're not talking for Poland and that is only good thing I can say about your post.

This illustrates how out of touch with the rest of the USA, the black community or at-least it's voting base currently is.

Well, they're voted breed and conditioned by the Democratic Party for generations.

But I am proud of my fellow Americans!

Lyzko is your "fellow" American!

Why does everyone worry what they will get out of the deal?

Because USA is the world first power and all those who feel threaten and those who are in the USA sphere if influence are naturally interested due to enormous impact of American economy, politics and military NATO.


We, the American people, are the one who chose Trump. For us. Because nobody helps our people.

Sure, sure ....

Because nobody helps our people.

Oh you poor victims you, cry me a river.

We have so many foreigners in America and we feel threatened by them.

You mean, YOU fell threatened by them.

Los Angeles

That is your example? LA was a gonner in more sense than one longer than you're alive.

That's why its so dangerous walking there at night.

No, that is more complex that that. Generally it is due to USA policies pursued for the last 50 years.


Jesus wept Crow, how many times you're going to post your mantra.
In order for Poland to leave NATO would have ample trusted allies in the region and full capacity to maintain an ability to use a nuclear weapon, including extensive space program. That won't happen tomorrow, so for the foreseeable future Poland will remain a member of NATO. Quit your moaning!
11 Nov 2016 /  #76
According to Rudy Guiliani, The Donald is committed to countries who have paid there fair share to the Nato pot, Poland is one of the top 5 contributors to Nato... Maybe the French and Germans should start to look at the debit/credit scorecard on Nato... The interesting part being the closest man to Trump in Europe is Nigel Farage, he has Trump's ear. The federalist elite in Brussels must wondering how Nigel Farage has risen to such heights after they booed him out of the chamber.
johnny reb  49 | 7913  
11 Nov 2016 /  #77
The Donald is committed to countries who have paid there fair share to the Nato pot, Poland is one of the top 5 contributors to Nato...

And America respects Poland for keeping their commitment and will continue to support Poland.

You do understand that Trump has said that he would not up hold the NATO guarantee?

Yes P'her, I do, very much so and I am impressed that you do too as most here are clueless what this means to Poland and the rest of western Europe.

Trump is telling Europe to pony up or he will dissolve NATO.
Poland is paying their fair share but country's like yours, Germany, has been reneging on the their commitment.
Germany agreed to pay 2% of your gross domestic product yet Germany has only been paying 1.2%.
Why should the U.S.A. be burdened by being 'forced' to pay for Europe's portion ?
Trump is between a rock and a hard spot because if N.A.T.O. is dissolved it would mean that Germany would have to build up their military to defend against ? Russia ? U.S.A. ? Iran ? Israel ?

It would open a can of worms.
France and Belgium (who were liberated by who's soldiers blood ?) is delighted to partner up with Germany to form a European Coalition. Finland wants a European Coalition also.

Poland then would be controlled by Germany worse then it is now with the banking.
Merkel and Obama are buddies while Trump and Putin are buddies which is making Western Europe a bit nervous.
If the U.S.A. were to withdraw it's 47,000 troops from German it would leave Germany all but naked militarily.

Me 'personally' feelings after listening to the Liberal Socialist third generation ungrateful European punks on this forum, that have no respect for the American soldier's, is to dissolve NATO taking a HUGE financial burden off the U.S. tax payer (ME) and let them start paying taxes to beef up their military (and maintain it) in the absence of NATO and put on a uniform of their country to shed some blood for the freedom that the United States has been providing for them so they understand that Freedom is not Free.

Just saying since today is Veteran's Day here in American...........SALUTE !
God Bless America
Lyzko  43 | 9680  
11 Nov 2016 /  #78
Trump, following in the leaden footsteps of that other "great" Republican loadstar, Ronald Reagan, following in the tradition of Gen. Smedley Butler who tried (unsuccessfully, thank heaven!) to oust FDR from office during the latter's first term, on the heels of the Robber Barons in large measure, is simply trying to fulfill the dangerous [Protestant] ethic of our Puritan forefathers, namely, that some of us are meant by the Allmighty to suffer, and so suffer we must. Others however, have been graced with the fruits of the bounty won by dint of their hard work, hence are entitled to prosperity.

You see, when you think in terms of "fair"/"unfair", this is all essentially Jewish and Catholic thinking; enjoy life here and now, because the afterlife may be uncertain vs. life is toil, suffering and unrelenting labor, happiness only given to those deserving few whom G_d has chosen for such lot:-)

Our President-elect, clearly a sworn enemy of the New Deal etc. in his heart supports the above philosophy, pernicious and venal as it is.

He's aiding and abetting the Great American Die Off, and it's coming sooner than we think!!
johnny reb  49 | 7913  
11 Nov 2016 /  #79
You sound a tad bit bitter that the pendulum is swing back to what America was founded on Lyzko.

to fulfill the dangerous [Protestant] ethic of our Puritan forefathers,

Those what you call "dangerous ethics" built the most powerful and successful Country the earth has ever known.
It's the Immoral Progressive Liberals that have destroyed all accountability, responsibility and success and turned America into a stinking Welfare State.

Others however, have been graced with the fruits of the bounty won by dint of their hard work, hence are entitled to prosperity.

I have heard this pity party before only worded differently and it wasn't President Trump, it was President Obama, "You didn't build that, someone else did !"

You damn right buddy, it was the sweat that ran down the crack of my ass, good decision making and living within my means "hence" entitles me to prosperity and you tell me why I should have to share that with somebody that lives beyond their means and makes bad choices ????? Cry me a river you jealous dweeb.

Shall I run across the street right now and pay my neighbors credit card debt off because he bought a new boat, that he could not afford, to ride around in all summer while I was working ?

when you think in terms of "fair"/"unfair"

FAIR ! A fair is a place you go to eat cotton candy and step in money poop.
In case you haven't heard old boy, life ain't fair.

Our President-elect, clearly a sworn enemy of the New Deal

President Trump understands that the New Deal is a 100 years out dated as the Industrial Revolution is long over.
He also understands if you can't read or write that you are not worth $15 an hour to put a pickle on a hamburger.
We all can't be Bill Gates.
Trump definitely does not bow to your socialist liberal brainwashing of everyone gets a trophy crap.
There are winners and losers in life and it is your job to do the best you can with what you have and not expect because someone has more than you that they are required to give you half of theirs.

The pendulum is swinging back my friend so get use to it.

He's aiding and abetting the Great American Die Off,

I sure hope so as it is LONG OVER DUE as we have been supporting the dead weight for about three generations now.

and it's coming sooner than we think!!

We are all prepped for it so bring it on.
Didn't you say that you would be moving to Canada if Trump won Lyzko ?

Now for the love of Mary can we PLEASE GET BACK ON TOPIC Lyzko.
Crow  154 | 9489  
11 Nov 2016 /  #80
so for the foreseeable future Poland will remain a member of NATO.

but I know that. Slavery isn`t eradicated on Earth
11 Nov 2016 /  #81
Getting back on topic, Trump will be for American troops in Poland, against EIS in Poland. He will find a way to do a deal with the Russians on Ukraine and Syria. Homeland security and Border control with get more powers of vetting incoming non US residents, these procedures will be used as a blueprint for the western world. Trump will also lower taxes across the board, encourage US multinationals to bring jobs back to America. He will renegotiate TTIP and create a unique trade agreement with the UK post Brexit, informing the rest of EU 26 they can have the same conditions as the UK if they opt out of the EU. Globalism Obama style is in the toilet, the world will be separated into three trading blocks in the coming decade, protectionism is the new order. Moje opinion.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
11 Nov 2016 /  #82
Trump will be for American troops in Poland,

No need Trump will defuse war war mongering liberal ideals of Obama.
Crow  154 | 9489  
11 Nov 2016 /  #83
Trump will be for American troops in Poland

No need Trump will defuse war war mongering liberal ideals of Obama.

you guys knows why Kennedy was assassinated? He was killed not because wanted peace with Soviets but because he reduced military spending, as result of his peace efforts.

So, Trump won`t repeat Kennedy`s mistake. Those financial circles behind Trump, which wants better relations with Russia, won`t move against its own interests and turn US army against themselves. No, they (Trump) would pledge for as much as possible compromises with Russia but they would increase military spending. Efforts for peace are one and, business is something else.
mafketis  38 | 11071  
11 Nov 2016 /  #84
? He was killed not because wanted peace with Soviets but because he reduced military spending, as result of his peace efforts.

Actually the idea that he was killed because he wanted to shut down the federal reserve is a lot more plausible (and represented a greater threat to the powerful than mere defense spending).

Not saying that's what happened, just that that makes more sense.
Lyzko  43 | 9680  
11 Nov 2016 /  #85

As per usual, and right on cue as always, your thinking aka NON-thinking's incorrect!!! How can someone soooo far right, be sooo far wrong, indeed CRIMINALLY negligent of his intrinsic responsibilities as a human?

Trump's a typically ultra-toxic blend of spoiled suburban 'culture' combined with that late-60's counter culture ( as revolutionary as it was truly revolting!!) plus the mega-egotism of the "Me-Generation" of the 70's which merely fed into Reaganism, the fourth and final coffin nail in which America The [Once] Beautiful was dead and buried forever, to which however, no one has yet written a fitting post-mortum:-)

Trump's ideology has given up on those questionable sixties' values of long-haired, unwashed hippiedom and become a cynical blend of Easy-Rider libertarianism combined with the marketing savvy of those ex-hippsters who later become rich businessmen, having let those "kumbaya values" languish, actually fester's more like it, whereby only their potty-mouths remain, and nothing much else.

With Crackpot-in Residence Donald J. (for Jackass) Trump, civility will be replaced by expediency and hard work by "Who can make a deal better?" along with the utterly mistaken belief that everything and anything goes in the United States.

Well, so far we've had the Dementiac-in -Chief (Reagan), the Idiot-in-Chief (W aka George Walker), finally, we've arrived at Bully-in-Chief (DJT).
This only goes to prove, folks, the Presidency IS truly an equal opportunity employer - whoever wishes to apply, just step right up. Deadheads of the world UNITE!! - All you have to lose are your brains!

Make no small mistake there, Johnny Reb, apropos the meaningless expression "jealous dweeb" or pantiwaiste pussy et al, little pandas in the zoo look oh so cute and sweet.....yet mess with 'em and you ain't long for this world. Analogy. We too have sharp, red claws buddy boy, and we also ain't afraid to use 'em when cornered!!!

Trump ought consider continued civil disobedience as a warning; don't toy with the electorate...OR ELSE!!
Crow  154 | 9489  
11 Nov 2016 /  #86

My conclusions about assassination of Kennedy coming from the book- Kennedy, drama in Dallas (I forgot author). I also had in mind how functioning modern capitalism (modern economy) in all its flows.

Still, who knows what killed Kennedy. Maybe revenge to clan because his father had business with Hitler. Or maybe some jealous husband arranged his assassination. Who knows
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
11 Nov 2016 /  #87
Those financial circles behind Trump,

Well here is the crux of the situation that we are in today, Trump does not need more money, he has never been in politics.

People who enter politics never usually had a career, they are usually flat broke and open to being corrupted by those with money, this is why Trump is causing so much worry for the money men, they might not be able to buy him like Obama and others before him, we live in interesting times.
Lyzko  43 | 9680  
11 Nov 2016 /  #88
Yo guys! Trump's in it for Trump and only Trump, so help him DOG, dontcha get it???
Crow  154 | 9489  
11 Nov 2016 /  #89
this is why Trump is causing so much worry for the money men, they might not be able to buy him

so they won`t try to buy him. They would just nicely tell him.
Lyzko  43 | 9680  
11 Nov 2016 /  #90
I've absolutely nothing against mass wealth per se. If someone's received a small fortune, either by working at some business throughout their life, or by investments and the like, I say, G_d bless 'em!

Having said that, I also (capitalist that I am) tend to side a bit with the old French proverb, "Have money, only do not speak of it."

Once upon a time, and not all that long ago either, there was the appearance, the illusion of parity in this country, where the industrial titan might find himself rubbing elbows with the "less fortunate"(LOL) plebs out there in the real world, lucky if they had one working bathroom much less a sprawling mansion:-)

It sustained our sense of self-worth to know that there was the proverbial Mr. & Mrs. August Van Cleef III in their summer place on Nantucket, old monied W.A.S.P.s, who basked in their own Ivy League cocoon of perpetual smugness. We envied, yet didn't dislike, that type, because somehow, we were brought up to believe that such was life and all was right with the world. Their "superior" manners and affected speech were a delight undisguised, helping to somehow cushion the admittedly huge gap in earnings.

Since Reagan, without whom a Trump wouldn't have been possible, the rules have changed as society has become a raw circus, where a jungle has replaced civilization, where cause and effect no longer seem to have any meaning.

There'll be a backlash to this anti-establishment tidal wave, but I surely cannot imagine what it will be (or bring)!

Please stick to the topic - Trump's impact on Poland

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