I am aware of your gender. My comment stands.
What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland?
The dumber the posts, the more brain-dead the poster.
You misguided Eastern Europeans can stick your congrats up your ass!!
Congrats USA!
Better Trump than Hillary but overtly there is nothing to celebrate. Unless you think about pain that lefties feel as a result of the election :)
Trump is clearly "większe zło", the greater of the two evils!
While no candidate's ever perfect, Trump doesn't even try:-) He's an aged lifeguard-type, masquerading as a poorly-raised adolescent, a foul-mouthed boor, presently or soon to be leader of the free world.
You people have your head screwed on backwards.
While no candidate's ever perfect, Trump doesn't even try:-) He's an aged lifeguard-type, masquerading as a poorly-raised adolescent, a foul-mouthed boor, presently or soon to be leader of the free world.
You people have your head screwed on backwards.
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
9 Nov 2016 / #35
You misguided Eastern Europeans can stick your congrats up your ass!!
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić on Wednesday morning congratulated Donald Trump on his "great victory" in the U.S. presidential elections.
copy-paste removed
Serbs love Trump out of spite. The reason is Serbian defiance, small, tiny revenge, to see the political end of someone (Hillary Clinton) from whom they experienced discomfort - said Vučić.
dr. Vojislav Šešelj - President of Serbian Radical Party (SRS) had called upon all Serbian Americans to vote for Trump.
Putin says Russia now 'ready and willing' to restore full relations with the USA, congratulates Donald Trump on win
Meanwhile in the US...

Priceless... It's been quite a while since I enjoyed such lovely pics. :)
Harry and jon357 on life support apparatus.
By the God, Poles really aren`t aware how are they lucky because they have last bearers of venerable Sarmatian name- Serbians, on their side. Now we shall show how is the big heart of the old Western core. We shall retrieve our rightful place.
And where is Germany now in strategical sense? Where is their arrogance? Where is their power and then threat imposed on Poles and Poland?
Nowhere. For sure not there where they wanted to be.
Its because Germany once more mistaken and attacked Serbians, took part, as leading hawk, in plot against Yugoslavia, side by side with Turkey, Britain, Saudi Arabia, France. So where are they and where are their numerous satellites?
They all facing downfall, exposed in time. In vain was their attempt to defeat us. For justice shall be served, for ultimately, humanity can prosper only if honest on itself.
Nowhere. For sure not there where they wanted to be.
Its because Germany once more mistaken and attacked Serbians, took part, as leading hawk, in plot against Yugoslavia, side by side with Turkey, Britain, Saudi Arabia, France. So where are they and where are their numerous satellites?
They all facing downfall, exposed in time. In vain was their attempt to defeat us. For justice shall be served, for ultimately, humanity can prosper only if honest on itself.
johnny reb 49 | 8082
10 Nov 2016 / #38
You misguided Eastern Europeans can stick your congrats up your a$s!!
Now, is it really necessary to be so immature ?
Thank you Poland and Eastern Europeans for the congrats. Lets work together now to rid ISIS.
I repeat, if that were ALL he's doing, fine! Problme is, he's out for much, much more; getting stuff done which doesn't need to get done a la Reagan!
Poles are generally conservative, I gather, therefore are not surprisingly in favor of his tough-sounding, law-and-order style.
Poles are generally conservative, I gather, therefore are not surprisingly in favor of his tough-sounding, law-and-order style.
johnny reb 49 | 8082
10 Nov 2016 / #40
Poles are no non sense hard working conservative people.
They will fall in love with President Trump's no nonsense policies.
I repeat......Poles are no non sense hard working conservative people just like President Trump is.
They have much in common.
They will fall in love with President Trump's no nonsense policies.
I repeat......Poles are no non sense hard working conservative people just like President Trump is.
They have much in common.
I'd have to agree with you there.
As a Trump supporter since the beginning, I can't say Donald "will be good for Europe". The tone he painted during the campaign is one of an isolationist: America first and only getting involved if it benefits America in some aspect. Now that might sound broad.
But I definitely believe he is better for Europe than Hillary would be. imo Hillary would arm Poland but would have bigger demands in return than Bush/Obama did. Furthermore her destabilizing of Africa/ME and general warmongering aided if not created the Migrant Crisis. So in that regard, Trump winning is a big plus.
But Europe will now be forced to pay more of their share. He requires contribution into NATO and I believe Poland is currently upholding their requirements in this regard. imo Trump will be fair versus Hillary's pay to play with Saudi Arabia etc. And that is another plus for Trump winning.
The hope for Poland is a Trump/Putin relationship and less American involvement in our backyard will allow Putin to feel more at ease. Less pressure from NATO or EU breathing down the Russians necks.
But I definitely believe he is better for Europe than Hillary would be. imo Hillary would arm Poland but would have bigger demands in return than Bush/Obama did. Furthermore her destabilizing of Africa/ME and general warmongering aided if not created the Migrant Crisis. So in that regard, Trump winning is a big plus.
But Europe will now be forced to pay more of their share. He requires contribution into NATO and I believe Poland is currently upholding their requirements in this regard. imo Trump will be fair versus Hillary's pay to play with Saudi Arabia etc. And that is another plus for Trump winning.
The hope for Poland is a Trump/Putin relationship and less American involvement in our backyard will allow Putin to feel more at ease. Less pressure from NATO or EU breathing down the Russians necks.
Plato's idea - that people should be ruled by philosopher kings who 'know better' - was rejected.
Unfortunately, you're right.. Still, the Trump-Putin show will certainly be fun to enjoy watching!
Trump-Putin show
These two have capacity to reshape the Europe and world.
So, judging by the prelude to this duo, among other things, I expect Poland to finally acquire UN Security Council non-permanent membership. Influence of western Europe as the obstacle to it is to be removed.
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
10 Nov 2016 / #45

Pošteno, Hitler i Göring su izmislili političko-demokratsku propagandu. Only English please
During Tump`s presidency in USA, Poland may use opportunity to annul its Kosovo recognition.
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
10 Nov 2016 / #47
In so many ways the 2015 Polish elections were precursors to what has just happened in the USA.
They say Trump is like Duda.
Duda became president of Poland in 2015.
Trump became president of America in 2016.
Jebeš mi sve if Poland is not years ahead of America.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
10 Nov 2016 / #48
You misguided Eastern Europeans can stick your congrats up your a$s!!
Are these your true colors showing through.
Maybe it is not Trump who will impact Poland.
The Libtard Kodist backlash against the will of the American electorate may cause instability, civil unrest and riot, which could have significant consequences across the world.
So brate Crnogorac3, you still believe in pana brata Duda? I personally wish to believe in him but everything is so slow with Poland. I don`t know should we believe in Duda. First he announced Intermarium then no other positive signal.
I don`t know. Contemplate on that more I will.
I don`t know. Contemplate on that more I will.
Jebeš mi sve if Poland is not years ahead of America.
After contemplating few more minutes, I have to agree with you on this. Its even quite possible that Poland influenced USA.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
10 Nov 2016 / #51
I appears our government have no concerns about the new leadership in America
Poland's ruling party hails Trump victory, opposition worried.
Poland's ruling party hails Trump victory, opposition worried.
Braveheart16 19 | 142
10 Nov 2016 / #52
To be honest I don't know what the fuss is all about...yes Trump is different and not a career politician.(do you need to be? He will have people to provide the political angle)...but you only need to think of some of the previous presidents in the USA, for example Ronald Regan....a 'B' rated ex actor.!!....Basically Trump has upset the establishment who with Clinton in power would have been happy to continue in the way they have over many years.. (by establishment I mean the media and other figures who clearly threw everything at Trump in an attempt to 'keep things as they are' ...in other words USA governments who appear to do a lot for Americans but don't appear to actually achieve anything substantial.)
As a casual observer it was very clear that the news reports coming out were slanted in favour of Clinton and seemed to try to rubbish Trump every step of the way.... What the establishment is afraid of is that Trump is different and as a businessman wants to make real changes not tow the line with the 'establishment'.....Of course it will not just be Trump calling the shots, as he will have a team of advisors who have a certain amount of clout in decision making. Maybe this is a refreshing change in USA politics and of course mistakes will be made from time to time like every other previous President of the USA.
As a casual observer it was very clear that the news reports coming out were slanted in favour of Clinton and seemed to try to rubbish Trump every step of the way.... What the establishment is afraid of is that Trump is different and as a businessman wants to make real changes not tow the line with the 'establishment'.....Of course it will not just be Trump calling the shots, as he will have a team of advisors who have a certain amount of clout in decision making. Maybe this is a refreshing change in USA politics and of course mistakes will be made from time to time like every other previous President of the USA.
Poland's ruling party hails Trump victory, opposition worried.
Same is in Serbia. See? You always have patriots and traitors. Sure, it doesn`t mean that we don`t need traitors in modern society. Sure we need them. How else we could understand the difference. Plus, among patriots we have people that didn`t fully embrace the light and whom walks thru areas of gray and sometime seven incline to darkness. So again we need traitors to be able to differ areas of gray from the area of dark. On the other side, there are patriots among traitors and even don`t know that yet. With time they too could find path to light.
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
10 Nov 2016 / #54
This truly "heartbreaking" story almost made me "shed a tear".
I repeat almost.
This truly "heartbreaking" story almost made me "shed a tear".
I repeat almost.
Afraid for his life out on the streeet burning refuse. We are laughing at the criminal failed left of America.
NATO collapsing. Visegrad Group to have bigger importance for Poland.
Trump's social halitosis
Polish TV tonight showed scenes of an anti-Trump march in the US by disgruntled Clinton backers. If you thought KOD marches were scummy, this one was an even motleyer collection of weirdos and riffraff. One placard in Fraktur lettering read "Mein Trumpf", another marcher proudly waved a red hammer & sickle flag and a LGBT rainbow banner was not far behind. The screaming, screeching protesters looked like a freak show featuring anarchists, female sexist pigs (aka femi-fascists), homo agitators and other rather unsavoury types.. There were very few "wholesome average Americans" in the lot.
anti-Trump march in the US by disgruntled Clinton backers. If you thought KOD marches
American answer to KOD! lol!
soon to be leader of the free world
US presidents are so hamstrung by checks and balances, restricted by government bureaucracy and surrounded by experts and advisers that their room for manoeuvre is quite limited. His cabinet selections show a thouhgtful and mature approach to his choice of associates -- obviously at the advice of those in the know. It is his entourage whot will gradually teach him the ropes, and his personal ambition to be good at everything he undertakes will do the rest. The frustrated clintonesque losers may feel the need to let off steam and demonise Trump, but the stature and dignity of the presidential office will probably help shape his official deportment, turning his flamboyant playboy and eccentric billionaire past into a bit of colourful history.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
10 Nov 2016 / #60
American answer to KOD! lol!
Don't you just love it America has come up Trumps with its own "Klueless Kod Klan" , good excuse to riot and rob the shops. hey It's France an Germany next, the Libtrard rout marches on.
Time to buy the popcorn and don't forget the best VIP lager.