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What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland?

24 Jan 2017 /  #271
What seems to be quite interesting from day four of the Trump administration is the white house spokes person is having to take the media to task, Sean Spicer has his work cut out dealing with the misinformation effect, American media viewers under the democrats "allegedly are the most consistently misinformed media viewers worldwide?" It very much reminds me of when PIS took power in 2016 and the foreign media started to ask ' Is Poland a failing democracy' the answer to that question is absolutely not, Poland is committed to democracy, although there are media companies both Polish and foreign, owned by certain financiers which are Russophiles, who are not interested in Polish security or the promotion of Polish cultural values and tradition...
OP Wincig  2 | 225  
24 Jan 2017 /  #272
the promotion of Polish cultural values and tradition...

That's the key question. Should media at large be focused on the promotion of values, whatever they might be, or should they rather be trying to report facts as accurately as possible? I tend to go for the latter, even though I am aware that even full and accurate reporting does not guarantee unbiased coverage, since choosing or not to report a given story can itself lead to distortions. Having lived for over 3 years in Turkey (and not being Turk), I see this everyday in the selection of stories on Turkey reported by the western press
24 Jan 2017 /  #273
There's enough studies carried out on the ' misinformation effect' for us to conclude that people's long-term memory records events that we experience exactly as they happened, just like a DVR records episodes exactly as they first appeared on television. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, researchers have found that long-term memory is very prone to errors and can easily be altered and molded. The inaccuracy of long-term memory is enhanced by the misinformation effect, which occurs when misleading information is incorporated into one's memory after an event. If you have several sources singing off the same hymn sheet sooner or later you start to believe, it could be global warming is a scam, Poland is anti-democratic, all Poles are racists, all immigrants are rapists, Trump is dumb, or all Brits hate Europe. The sane mind understands and respects the aforementioned is 'misinformation' although there is a growing majority of ' angry folk' that don't process fact from fiction. The question being will your average person on the street need to get informed, or should the media be held accountable by a fact checking body?.
OP Wincig  2 | 225  
24 Jan 2017 /  #274
should the media be held accountable by a fact checking body?.

Ideally yes, but if I remember correctly, there were plenty of "fact checkers" online during the US elections debates pointing at the inaccuracies or outright lies aired by either candidates. Despite Trump being the clear winner in terms of "inaccuracies", that did not prevent him from being elected.
johnny reb  49 | 7921  
24 Jan 2017 /  #275
sooner or later you start to believe, Poland is anti-democratic, all Poles are racists, all immigrants are rapists, Trump is dumb, or all Brits hate Europe.

The reason for this is because of the "Liberal" media.
First you must understand how a liberal thinks.
At the most basic level, the Liberal is anti God.
He is an intellectually dishonest, unprincipled, mentally immature, spoiled child who is forever in search of a world without moral consequence.
That is why the Liberal makes "The State" his god.
The Liberal worships THE STATE.
The Liberal attempts to use his god (government) to eliminate all moral consequences for immoral behavior.
In the name of "Justice," the Liberal also pretends to make his god (The State) "level" all peoples so that the wise or the beautiful or the genius will have no advantage over the unwise.

The Liberal vainly imagines that freedom from moral consequence can be secured by a collectivist, totalitarian state.
That is why Liberals are having the huge meltdown to think a Christian President like Trump is not going to stoop to their immorality or their sugar coated Progressive Thinking to "enrich" our culture with. (Game Over)

Hopefully Trump will have influence on the youth of Poland to show how the European Liberal Socialists have been brainwashing them with how abortion is more than just "flushing out a mass of goo" and all the rest of the inaccuracies that have major consequences.

Trump just defunded "International Planned Parenthood" which sends a very loud message to the liberal media.
Lyzko  43 | 9681  
24 Jan 2017 /  #276
Is the "liberal " media really all that different from the conservative aka reactionary right (usually WRONG) media??

Both twist the truth, only apparently you people don't mind Hannity's, Savage's, Limbaugh's or O'Reilly's special bend:-)
johnny reb  49 | 7921  
25 Jan 2017 /  #277
you people don't mind Hannity's, Savage's, Limbaugh's or O'Reilly's

No because they are all Conservatives too.
Poland being a conservative Country mirrors conservative Trump in many ways.
Neither were influenced a whole lot when Merkel demanded for them to take more immigrants.
Did you see the latest on Trump signing executive orders that would restrict Muslim immigrants into the U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to sign several executive orders on Wednesday restricting immigration from Syria and six other Middle Eastern or African countries, according to several congressional aides and immigration experts briefed on the matter.

In addition to Syria, Trump's orders are expected to temporarily restrict access to the United States for most refugees. Another order will block visas from being issued to those from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, said the aides and experts, who asked not to be identified.

Poland feels like America does and thinks these people should be going to the RICH Muslim countries like Saudi instead of invading Christian Countries.
Looks like Conservative Poland and Conservative Trump think a lot alike.
mafketis  38 | 11073  
25 Jan 2017 /  #278
Poland being a conservative Country mirrors conservative Trump in many ways.

One of the reasons Trump won the primary was that he _isn't_ a cultural conservative. The real cultural conservatives hated him for not ranting about abortion or homosexuality. He actually addressed the issues that enough people cared about (ie not abortion or gay wedding cakes) that he flattened the fossilized republican field.

Forget left-right, it's dead (well not dead but slipping into a coma).

The emerging new distinction is between Nationalists and Globalists. Trump is a nationalist (like Bernie Sanders or Podemos). Clinton (and Cruz and Rubio) were Globalists. Bernie voters turning into Trump voters makes sense when you look at it that way.

the Polish public is mostly nationalist by default though many of the hot-button issues in the US are irrelevant here.
nothanks  - | 626  
25 Jan 2017 /  #279
Holy crap, first 5 days in and Donald is already giving Merkel & Co a big middle finger. You want Refugees? Have them all!
Marsupial  - | 871  
25 Jan 2017 /  #280
He doesn't muck around!
nothanks  - | 626  
25 Jan 2017 /  #281
"One of the things I think this administration hasn't figured out yet is that there's only one television network that is seen in Beijing, Moscow, Seoul, Tokyo, Pyongyang, Baghdad, Tehran, and Damascus - and that's CNN. The perception of Donald Trump in capitals around the world is shaped, in many ways, by CNN. Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with that network is a mistake."

-CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker
25 Jan 2017 /  #282
calling people Nationalists or Globalists is slightly off mark. in reality what we have is people who are traditionalists or people who are all about themselves having lost their moral compass. last night I was out at a dinner in Warsaw the topic of conversation moved to politics re Brexit and Trump, then the curve ball was thrown as people around the table starting talking about Poland's future for survival should be part of a coalition with Russia. I liberally nearly fell off my chair, in front of me are decision makers in Warsaw lawyers and company CEO's talking about reversing history. Their view was old Europe is weak and has sold its self to the devil, we are a Christian country and need to uphold our values and be strong Russia and Putin have the same values as us. Now if people are openly talking like this in Warsaw, imagine what is like in Polska B.
johnny reb  49 | 7921  
25 Jan 2017 /  #283
Poland's future for survival should be part of a coalition with Russia.

I have heard that from my Polish Pen Pals also.

many of the hot-button issues in the US are irrelevant here.

I understand that as I was just making a comparison as to Poland standing their ground and staying independent regarding immigration.
Did you see what Trump is doing today even though one of the female Polish posters on here posted that Trump would never do it.

WASHINGTON - President Trump on Wednesday will order the construction of a Mexican border wall - the first in a series of actions this week to crack down on immigrants and bolster national security, including slashing the number of refugees who can resettle in the United States and blocking Syrians and others from "terror prone" nations from entering, at least temporarily.

The orders are among an array of national security directives Mr. Trump is considering issuing in the coming days, according to people who have seen the orders. They include designating the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.

Will this encourage Poland to beef up their borders to keep undesirables out that want to change Poland's culture and cause major problems like France, London, Belgium and Germany have.

What an excellent time for Poland to pressure Trump to ease up on Polish visa's into the U.S.A.

He doesn't muck around!

No he does not and the world is watching very closely as they know what is about to happen with Trump at the helm.
mafketis  38 | 11073  
25 Jan 2017 /  #284
calling people Nationalists or Globalists is slightly off mark

True, it's a bundle of issues on each side (nationalism, localism, social solidarity) vs (globalism, cosmopolitanism, diversity)

people around the table starting talking about Poland's future for survival should be part of a coalition with Russia

Well the current government is all about recreating the PRL (in style if not subtance) and an "alliance" with Russia is part of that. AS soon as they figure out a way to blame Smolensk on Germany then there will be demoludy again.

imagine what is like in Polska B.

Warsaw is Polska B. It was part of the Russian empire (the single biggest marker for Polska B-hood).
Atch  22 | 4300  
25 Jan 2017 /  #285
Poland is committed to democracy

Considering that those were your views when you trotted off to dinner you must indeed have been shocked when you heard your dinner companions opining:

Poland's future for survival should be part of a coalition with Russia

I'm not being facetious honestly but you must surely have heard that kind of attitude before, if you've been living in Poland all these years. It's never gone away, that attraction to the 'strong leader' vibe is part of the deeply rooted cultural difference between East and West, because make no mistake about it Poland may be geographically central Europe but politically it still bears all the hallmarks of the old Eastern Bloc.

an "alliance" with Russia is part of that

Did you read Adam Zamoyski's (sic) comment that PIS is not a lurch to the right, it's a return to Soviet style politics.

Poland may not be a failing democracy but it's a struggling one. We've been having an interesting discussion about that on another thread.
johnny reb  49 | 7921  
25 Jan 2017 /  #286
Only "slightly" Off Topic.....AGAIN !
mafketis  38 | 11073  
25 Jan 2017 /  #287
Did you read Adam Zamoyski's (sic) comment that PIS is not a lurch to the right, it's a return to Soviet style politics

That's what I've been saying forever! Not so much Soviet style, but Soviet era. It's a return to the PRL for the benefit of the losers who couldn't make it under capitalism. In truest soviet style, their campaign (based on becoming a sane Christian Democratish party) was nothing like what they have delivered...

radio free europe

the more things change....
Ironside  50 | 12766  
25 Jan 2017 /  #288
Warsaw is Polska B. It was part of the Russian empire (the single biggest marker for Polska B-hood).

Hmm.. wrong. Can you read a map?

Well the current government is all about recreating the PRL (in style if not subtance)

That is manipulative BS you're selling here.
In Poland we have social system, state structures and all that matters for functioning of the state and society a matrix or more oft than not the same matter imported from the PRL.

Meaning that beside few cosmetic changes and an introduction of electing representatives by a popular vote - an oppressive nature of the PRL state remained the same.

After 1989 post-commies and company have been using that system to the betterment of themselves and their cronies and to detriment of the general populace. To put it bluntly PO didn't use the police or the court system to punish corruption and thievery because those guilty of after mentioned transgressions were they very accomplices and supporters.

the beef you seemly have with Pis is the very fact that they are trying to revive those punitive functions of the state. They cannot change the constitution so they're forced to work with the matter at hand which is in fact straight from PRL.

Making it look as if they would like to revert to the PRL by design is just a big lie.

calling people Nationalists or Globalists is slightly off mark.

Basically there are those who are to gain from mass migration, globalism and those who stand to loose. Anti-liberal push we observe is caused by the conviction of those left behind (economically) and who don't gain by an influx of foreigners that their are being taken for a ride by their own country that supposedly should act in their best interest.

I liberally nearly fell off my chair, in front of me are decision makers in Warsaw lawyers and company CEO's talking about reversing history.

No, you're in Poland and they are just talking. Fact is that Poles are being disgusted by the newest western heresy - cultural neo-Marxist (some call it regressive left). Coupled with a staggering inability or unwillingness of so many western politicians to act rationally without ideological bias.

That notion that somehow Russia an embodied tyranny is somehow a remedy for that is just a pure fantasy of people who are not used to think in terms of the political reality and statesmanship.
Ironside  50 | 12766  
25 Jan 2017 /  #289
Did you read Adam Zamoyski's (sic) comment that PIS is not a lurch to the right, it's a return to Soviet style politics.

I have been telling that for years. PiS is not the right wing or nationalist they're pretty left wing but without neo-cultural ideological bias that overtook other left wing parties and not only.

If you're for gender BS, feminist HS and Gay Privileges - you call PiS right wing.
So, I would think that in that regard at lest PiS and Trump will get together splendidly.
What is Soviet style politicks I wouldn't know. I suspect that either you nor A. Zamoyski know.
25 Jan 2017 /  #290
Trump policy might force Europe and Poland to increase army funds.
USA do not want to continue OTAN. But what alternative has to OTAN ? Is it Western Europe ?
I wish Poland and EUrope could cooperate more with Russia.

Russia has lot in common with Poland : conservatism.
But as well they have of course lot of bad blood too.
Maybe one day USA-Europe-Russia could start some unity against Islamic terror and their benefactors in middle east africa, asia.
nothanks  - | 626  
25 Jan 2017 /  #291
Maybe one day USA-Europe-Russia could start some unity against Islamic terror and their benefactors in middle east africa, asia.

This will surely occur. It's the biggest positive of the Trump-Putin friendship.

Trump is publicly shifting American angst from Russia to China. Let's be honest, USA always needs a rival otherwise it creates them [Middle East].
Ironside  50 | 12766  
25 Jan 2017 /  #292
Russia has lot in common with Poland : conservatism.

Russia was always peddling either being modern and progressive or conservative. Depending on the circumstances and aim of their propaganda.
Truth to be told they're neither conservative nor progressive they are incomparable with the western civilization people are being mislead and stupefied by superficial similarities of the Russian culture to that of the rest of Europe.

To see in their propaganda more than manipulation would be a folly.
One could with the same result and to no purpose look into Saudi Arabia or Iranian culture. Both shun gays, are conservative in a broad sense and tolerate no feminist nonsense.

USA do not want to continue OTAN

That is an unspecified gossip.

wish Poland and EUrope could cooperate more with Russia.

Firstly Russia would have to wise up a lot. As for the EU, I think that existence of that organization as we see it is numbered.

Maybe one day USA-Europe-Russia could start some unity against Islamic terror

Islamic terror is a nuisance but one that does a lot of more harm to Muslim countries that anybody else.

It's the biggest positive of the Trump-Putin friendship.

Hmm.. an alleged friendship. Plus we're talking politics and interests talk not sentiments.
Lyzko  43 | 9681  
25 Jan 2017 /  #293
Looks then as if Trump's closest European allies will be Theresa May (thus far, but who knows what tomorrow will bringLOL), Marine Le Pen, Umberto Bossi, Orban Viktor, Beata Szydło and (of course, the star of the show), Czar Vladimir in the flesh!!

Not the most impressive line up now, is it?
nothanks  - | 626  
25 Jan 2017 /  #294
Hmm.. an alleged friendship. Plus we're talking politics and interests talk not sentiments.

In modern American politics - being friendly with a Russian leader is a big deal. It is possibly the only issue both Democrats and Repubicans agree on: disliking Russia

Lyzko, they aren't Pro-EU but they are pro their own individual nations. As long as troops aren't marching to reclaim old land - this is good for the survival of Europe/White race.
Lyzko  43 | 9681  
25 Jan 2017 /  #295
Who says that the coffee will be adversely affected by adding a little cream (or at least, milk) --- IN REVERSE??

We've all been acculturated to believe that adding to a given race will only weaken or dilute the existing strain. Well, perhaps just the opposite is true.

Not being a geneticist however, I'm scarcely qualified to speak, but I can always conjecture:-))
Ironside  50 | 12766  
25 Jan 2017 /  #296
We've all been acculturated to believe that adding to a given race will only weaken or dilute the existing strain. Well, perhaps just the opposite is true.

Talk for yourself. I haven't been acculturated to believe no such a thing. Some admixture is often beneficial.

Who says that the coffee will be adversely affected by adding a little cream

the key word here is 'a little'. However for the least 20 years only 12% of immigrants to the USA called from Europe.
Lyzko  43 | 9681  
26 Jan 2017 /  #297
Our set, heretofore circumscribed notions of race, ethnicity, and civilization will have to be seriously re-thought, hadn't they!
nothanks  - | 626  
26 Jan 2017 /  #298
Who says that the coffee will be adversely affected by adding a little cream (or at least, milk) --- IN REVERSE??

Here is my opinion on the subject

- Aesthetically: Poles have a specific look. Many times I'm traveling thru the USA and I can spot a polak by the shape of their face and those beautiful deep eyes. To me it would be a shame to lose this but this is secondary to my second point

- Culturally: An individual with mixed heritage is multicultural. I have a family member like this: father German and mother Polish. No big deal right? Well which side will this child take when both nations are in dispute? The answer is: they will take the European Union side [this is the masterplan of EU leadership]. This child is neither German, nor Polish. It is European. My allegiance is clear: Poland and then Europe. But this child will be conflicted and won't necessarily put Polands interest at the front of the line. This is the problem. I also have a friend that is half Turkish. Now it gets even more complicated because Europe is at odds with Islam. They see Middle Eastern refugees and project it on themselves - because these refugees are also Muslim (like their parent). The beauty of Poland in 2017 is that compared to other Western nation - it is very united. But I understand the danger of balancing united and close minded

So you see, it dilutes allegiance. Not to mention people with mixed heritage are far less likely to speak the language, enjoy the food, understand the history etc etc. They are too busy finding time to enjoy both (or more) heritages in their ancestry. Poland shouldn't and frankly doesn't have the resources to handle such divisiveness.
Atch  22 | 4300  
26 Jan 2017 /  #299
What is Soviet style politicks I wouldn't know. I suspect that either you nor A. Zamoyski know.

I think Zamoyski would know a great deal more than either of us.
johnny reb  49 | 7921  
26 Jan 2017 /  #300
What was the topic now ????
Oh yes, "What impact will Trump's election have on Poland."
My guess would be that the U.S.A. may be increasing imports from Poland and increase the U.S.A. military presence in Poland.

In short, pumping USD's into Poland's economy.

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