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Hungary Veto on Poland Sanctions may not happen

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Mar 2018 /  #61

You talk a lot of sh1t doug lets see if you repeat it to my face in the tri cities. Lets see how tough you are when you cant hide behind a keyboard.

My family propping up the commies bc we lived during that time and had to ensure our businesses could keep running? If thats the case then youre propping up PiS with your meager tax zlotys - thank you.

I guess that will be for the polish security services to decide. And such reports dont go to police but rather other security services, diplomatic missions, etc. Maybe youll finally get your residency revoked and will be sent back to UK for inciting hatred against poland and poles. Shouldve got your citizenship then ud be fine. Regardless of what happens, ill know ill have done my civic duty to report people who despise poland and polish people living on my motherlands soil.
Marino_Kat  1 | 113  
18 Mar 2018 /  #62
Can someone explain me what Poland does for Europe?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
18 Mar 2018 /  #63
and what does Greece do for Europe apart from sucking it including Poland (Poland paid 9 billion euros to help Greece if you didn't know) - pot kettle black?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
18 Mar 2018 /  #64
meager tax zlotys

First you say I can't speak Polish, then you suggest I pay very little tax. Must do better with the belittlements Dirk! In the meantime, Tri-City people are strongly anti-PIS, so much so that their politicians are not welcome here. Next gripe?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Mar 2018 /  #65
Poland and hungary dwa bratanki


You can see pl flags in the video, pis even bussed in thousands apparently to show support - 'God protect Poland and Hungary from.left wing ideology'


The man speaks the truth of the migrant invasion
Crow  154 | 9526  
18 Mar 2018 /  #66
(Poland paid 9 billion euros to help Greece if you didn't know) - pot kettle black?

Poland did that? That`s insane. Gave that money to Greece? To that mockery of state? To those haters of Slavs? I have no words. EU is jail to Poland and Poland`s politicians sold out Poland.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Mar 2018 /  #67

'Please document and react to all anti-Polish hostility, expressions, and opinions that harm us. Notify our embassies, consulates, etc of any slander affecting the good reputation of Poland'

You bet i will notify such parties (and encourage all other pf members to do the same - esp those living in poland/polish citizens) about a non citizen expat who constantly spews anti polish hatred publicly. Sorry but you cant expect me to sit idly by when you call an independence day march a wankfest, a day that commemorates our over 100 yr struggles for independence or calls poles backward, stupid, criminal, plebs, cant think for themselves and thats just from tge past few days and has nothing to do woth criticizing pis. If you said that to me in person id b1tch slap the sh1t out of you. I wont stand for someone to live in poland and a resident and badmouth the country and people lile that

Your potential 70 zloty an hour victims i mean students should also be aware of your anti polish views.
Marino_Kat  1 | 113  
18 Mar 2018 /  #68

We protect the border against Turkey. We lock migrants on islands and do what is necessary to do. Because of this migration through Balkan dropped by over 80%.

So i ask again, what does Poland do for the EU?

Greece asks since months for support, to speed up deportations ect.
Crow  154 | 9526  
18 Mar 2018 /  #69
You bet i will notify such parties

I notify this >

I will share with this community info on thing that greatly harming Poles and their interests. Its on you Poles here to see to institutions in Poland do they doing enough to prevent this >>> I finally founded links on cases that are well known here in Serbia due to migrant crisis, about Albanians mixing with Afgans and Arabs and pretending to be from those countries in order to sneak to the western Europe. Now imagine how it looks like when those same Afgan and Arab looking Albanians (Shguiptars) pretend to be Polish, provide Polish documents and invading western Europe. >>>>> Imagine how they ``improving`` opinion about Poles >>>>>

EXPOSED: Illegal (Albanian) migrants trained to 'act Polish' so they could sneak into Britain

ILLEGAL immigrants from Albania and Ukraine were trafficked into Britain by devious crooks who train them to act Polish.

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
18 Mar 2018 /  #70
the good reputation of Poland'

There is "no good reputation" to be slandered Dirk. Not while this government is in place anyhow. The whole of Europe is laughing at you. The person who said the nonsense about informing on your fellows is a well known nationalist and not taken seriously by anyone.

As before, any Pole who wishes to revisit communism is scum of the highest order, but that's part of the problem in fact. It appears that Poles don't really want to stay free, They actually seem to want government interference in their daily lives - or those that agree with PIS do anyway. And the marches held on November 11th (in Warsaw anyway) do damage the reputation of Poland, as Duda himself admitted.

A good Pole isn't proud of the hooligan behaviour and hate speech at those marches - but you seem to be. I think we should be told why? When you get it back, how do you like the truth?

Still amused, by the way.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
18 Mar 2018 /  #71
They actually seem to want government interference in their daily lives - or those that agree with PIS do anyway.

Welcome to Piłsudski's II republic the glory years return, a government that cares about the people and cares for people, while upholding the traditions culture religion and ethnic integrity of Poland.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
18 Mar 2018 /  #72
We protect the border against Turkey.

and suck Europe for help to cover your debts amassed throughout the years of irresponsible spending
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
18 Mar 2018 /  #73
a government that cares about the people and cares for people,

That will be the UK then, where the NHS had to pay 4,000 pounds a week for my brothers' medical treatment. In Poland however, the government prefers not to help those who need it the most, refusing to fund the health service to a serviceable degree, but are intent on buying votes by handing out unsustainable welfare, when raising the tax threshold would do the same job, only better.
Crow  154 | 9526  
18 Mar 2018 /  #74
Greeks don`t have fiscal discipline. I don`t understand that mind-set. They avoid to give tourists any bill when they buys in Greece. They don`t give a sh** for anything. While Greek state gets poorer and poorer, individual Greeks are full of money. Then, others have to pay to stabilize Greek state.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
18 Mar 2018 /  #75
That will be the UK then, where the NHS had to pay 4,000 pounds a week for my brothers' medical treatment.

Just wait til you are back you are in one hell of a shock, your brother is very lucky. Universal healthcare will come to Poland very shortly.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
18 Mar 2018 /  #76
but are intent on buying votes by handing out unsustainable welfare, when raising the tax threshold would do the same job, only better.

interesting - giveaway program is unsastainable and raising the tax threshold misteriously is sustainable - very very interesting indeed - maybe you think for your self but your ways of thinking are strange indeed
cms neuf  2 | 1813  
18 Mar 2018 /  #77
Poland does plenty for the EU - it is the Easternmost democracy (at least for the moment) and under a normal govt it would be the leader of the former Warsaw Pact countries. It is a large market for EU companies, a major manufacturer, a source if labor both skilled and unskilled, and generally a loyal and troubled free ally that was the first to warn against putin and does not cause unnecessary problems like arguing about the name of Macedonia.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
18 Mar 2018 /  #78
Universal healthcare will come to Poland very shortly.

I hope you're right Dolno. At the moment, whole swathes of people are not covered properly due to the expense and the health service simply abdicating responsibility, including children with disabilities, as far more treatment is outside of budgetary possibilities and health remit than in the UK. Disgusting in the modern age, and somewhat a carbon copy of the US's lack of duty of care to it's citizens (you started me off by the old chesnut that your politicians are somehow are wringing their hands on a Sunday night and thinking hard about how they can improve healthcare.)

Simple - fund the ****** properly with 12 percent of GDP. But they wont.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
18 Mar 2018 /  #79
the tax threshold misteriously is sustainable

Yes.... Poland's GDP shows that it's perfectly reasonable that a family with two children pay zero tax under a threshold of around 1,300 zl/month, plus social payments for being in work.

The present system "helps" those who have a problem getting up in the mornings.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
18 Mar 2018 /  #80
a family with two children pay zero tax under a threshold

Yes because at least one parent should be able to stay at home look after the kids and the home and family, thats how it was in the II republic and it helped make for a better society.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
18 Mar 2018 /  #81
Yes.... Poland's GDP shows that it's perfectly reasonable that a family with two children pay zero tax under a threshold of around 1,300 zl/month, plus social payments for being in work.

you realize that raising the tax threshold means the loss of income for the budget and quite a big chunk of it - so how this is reasonable and sustainable if the current giveaway programme is 'unsustainable'

also hardly any family can live off the 500+ alone - it does in practice does in a way encourage one parent to stay at home as the rise of income if they go to work for a minimum wage is not dramatic

Stick to the topic of the thread everyone please
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
18 Mar 2018 /  #82
the tax threshold means the loss of income for the budget

Raising the tax threshold encourages endeavour. Are you suggesting it wouldn't work here for some reason gumishu? The arithmetic that the 20 billion cost of the 500+ will be covered by VAT reform surely doesn't hold water long term?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Mar 2018 /  #83
Raising taxes decreases investments overall esp FDI not encourages it. Poland is one of the top 3 fdi destinations in the world and top in eu according to us news and world report in part because of its location, skilled low cost labor force amd favorable taxes.


The increase in taxes paid by foreign companies as more and more corps open facilities in poland plus the increased revenue from vat easily covers the 500 program
gumishu  15 | 6228  
18 Mar 2018 /  #84
The arithmetic that the 20 billion cost of the 500+ will be covered by VAT reform surely doesn't hold water long term?

it does hold water in the long term because these 20 billion a year were subject of VAT fraud in the times of PO and PO did little to avert it - then came PiS and suddenly it is not safe to perpetuate large scale VAT fraud in Poland - so yeah you are completely out of touch Dougpol
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
18 Mar 2018 /  #85
completely out of touch

So you're saying that a supposed saving of 20 million, sorry, billion, in potential fraud will pay indefinitely for childcare? Wow:) :) That's a one time saving only though, unless we're assuming that the same conditions and legislation would have held true indefintely. PIS only came up with this "fix" because there was a black hole in their budget plans - which there will be again, pretty sharpish I fear.

Raising taxes decreases investments

Who said anything about raising taxes? The tax threshold (the earnings at which families start paying tax) is set too low, in many analysts' opinions.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Mar 2018 /  #86
it does hold water in the long term because these 20 billion a year were subject of VAT fraud in the times of PO and PO did little to avert it - then came PiS

Nah, you're the one deliberately lying here. The receipts from VAT increased after the introduction of the JPK - which was planned by PO and continued almost unchanged by Morawiecki. PO set the original schedule (implementation in July 2016, full implementation from 2018) - which was exactly why PiS saw a rise in VAT receipts.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
19 Mar 2018 /  #87
that JPK was introduced this year pal - the increase in VAT revenues increased last year
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Mar 2018 /  #88
Lying again.


Law passed by the PO-PSL government and introduced for the biggest businesses on the 1st July 2016. As I said, PiS changed nothing much about the law.

Let's not forget that the numbers are artificially inflated by not making VAT returns quickly.

Is it so difficult to accept that it was a joint PO-PiS success?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
19 Mar 2018 /  #89
Law passed by the PO-PSL government and introduced for the biggest businesses on the 1st July 2016.

the biggest business were not VAT fraudsters simple as that - it was VAT mafias who use firmy-słupy - and it was a hard stance on VAT fraud that changed the circumstances for 2017
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
12 Sep 2018 /  #90
European Parliament has voted to trigger Article 7 against Hungary by 448 votes to 197 with 48 abstentions.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Hungary Veto on Poland Sanctions may not happenArchived