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Hollywood's War with Poland.

Lyzko  44 | 9730  
26 Mar 2019 /  #121
All the familiar tropes!

While a preponderant number of Hollywood producers during the Golden Age of Movies WERE Jewish and did often portray African-Americans in particular in an awful way, the way many ethnic groups were portrayed, including the Jews, wasn't so wonderful either.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
26 Mar 2019 /  #122
Nice to have you back Dirk.
You speak well for all the Poles that live in Poland and America that I have ever met.
Some seem to think you have to live in Poland to be Polish.
Then there are those that live in Poland (ex-pats) that try to speak for Poland that are not Polish.
They are just fanatics who are obsessed with pushing their jewish propaganda agenda in Poland.
pawian  226 | 27817  
26 Mar 2019 /  #123
The yids are still talking about the Polish paper that printed an article titled how to spot a jew

You seem not to realise a huge difference between these too. Think hard and tell us when you see it. Can we count on your intelligence or shall I explain things right away?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Mar 2019 /  #124
Yes im aware there is a difference. Showing Jews as scheming usurers seeking to corrupt societies is an accurate representation. They've been up the same BS since ancient times. They even recently celebrated purim which is literally a celebration of a Jew named mordechai using a big tiddie jewess wife/sister/both to con the emperor in who's lands they living in so mordechai can kill his rival and later commit a genocide. But yet when I celebrate the final solution apparently it's not okay. Double standards. Showing poles as uneducated and backwards is not.
pawian  226 | 27817  
26 Mar 2019 /  #125
No. If Jews are still talking about the Polish paper that printed an article titled how to spot a jew, that`s because it reminds one of the horrible times of WW2 when Jews were trying to escape their fate but were tracked down by Polish szmalcowniks and other renegade Jews. Successful tracking meant death. Do you understand that you are sort of supporting szmalcowniks` acts today? .
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Mar 2019 /  #126
that`s because it reminds one of the horrible times of WW2 when Jews were trying to escape their fate but were tracked down by Polish szmalcowniks

Womp womp....

Hold on while I play the world's smallest violin

Do you understand that you are sort of supporting szmalcowniks` acts today? .


Poles should be aware of Jews (especially the crypto kind who adopted polish names) trying to Jew non-Jews. Luckily most poles are already aware of their m.o. sometimes they just need a reminder before Poland is flooded with 3 mil of them again and all our top institutions are run by them like in the USA. No thanks. They'd be bringing in LGBT crap and brown people soon as they got the chance to **** the place up.

Would distribution of a translation of the talmud into polish of all the things written about goyim cause less butthurt? There wouldn't be much difference...

Ah here's a good one from 1940s Poland regarding the Bolshevik and commie jooz
Shitonya Brits  
26 Mar 2019 /  #127
Your video is a manipulative piece of propaganda full of contradictions

It's not my video.

And if you did watch any of it then it's clear you didn't understand it.

Was it the language barrier you have or just an inability (nay, refusal!) to accept a viewpoint which isn't philosemetic?

as well as your perverted obsession with nudity, especially nipples.

Once again, you couldn't follow along (with either the topic of the video or this thread for that matter) or you resolutely won't face the facts presented.

And, unlike some posters on here (yourself in particular), I am not afflicted with fetishes so have no need to express them subversively through leftist advocacy and virtue signalling topics like the way you constantly do.

Again, the critique successfully pointed out that the topic of the Holocaust was used as an excuse to get around the anti-degeneracy policies the film studios were upset about.

They wanted to peddle sex and nudity and make money doing it regardless of the moral values upheld by the public at the time.

The Holocaust was the battering ram they needed and it worked for them.

it doesn`t mention Poland or Poles even once so it is not relevant to the thread at all.

No critical review of a movie has ever covered every single frame in a film and every word in a script.

You may not like the critique because it uncovered some very uncomfortable truths for you. But you can't de-legitimise it by imposing your own impossible standards which could never be met. Trust me, if you just stick to the facts and not rely on your female thinking skills then you'll begin to understand things easier and clearer.

Speaking of facts, here is a crucial one which you could have discovered for yourself if you had bothered to take the time:

Sol Nazerman: The Moral Imperative of Specificity in The Pawnbroker


- "Nazerman, who in the film is Polish rather than German as in the novel, is a traumatized, Jewish man, a group of one, who lost everything with which he made meaning."

So there you have it: "Hollywood's War with Poland!"

Not only was Hollywood aware of Poland's existence.

Not only was Hollywood aware of the Holocaust.

But Hollywood went out of its way to make a degenerate film built around the subject of the Holocaust AND then went even further by recasting the main character as a Jew who had resided in Poland rather than Germany.

You also asked in a panic" "Would Jews deliberately decide on such a grotesquely misanthropic person to advertise their Holocaust agenda?"

The answer is yes!

Just read any of the endless threads on here about all the shakedown artists trying to blame occupied Poland for the Holocaust.

Many Jewish film producers and directors in Hollywood originally came from or had roots in Germany.

So it is fully expected that they would recast a "grotesquely misanthropic" Jew as being from Poland vice Germany. It feeds the narrative. Not only was this Jewish character a victim of the Holocaust but coming from Poland suggested it made him more prone to psychosis.

Indeed, many Jews who hailed from other countries (especially Germany) could watch the film sit back and comfortably say that no other Jew they know acts like this. But this particular Jew who had severe problems resided in Poland once upon a time.

It really is easy for people to blame an entire country like Poland and even an entire people like Poles. You should know, you do it yourself all the time.

Additionally, there have been many films and TV shows churned out by Hollywood from the 1960s and onward which routinely portrayed Polish characters as highly unfavourable and unfortunate caricatures. But I guess you never noticed because you were too busy laughing.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Mar 2019 /  #128
which routinely portrayed Polish characters as highly unfavourable and unfortunate caricatures.

Except it's not true. Most of the claims were made by racist Polonia groups eager to portray Jews as evil, based on old stereotypes from an older version of Poland (that no longer exists) which they got with their mother's milk.
Shitonya Brits  
26 Mar 2019 /  #129
Most of the claims were made by racist Polonia groups eager to portray Jews as evil

Really? Even after this admission:

While a preponderant number of Hollywood producers during the Golden Age of Movies WERE Jewish

which they got with their mother's milk.

That's the exact same shameful, racist anti-Polish remark which Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki swiftly and rightfully rebuked Israel for only last month.

So why are you repeating it here?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Mar 2019 /  #130
Facts are facts. No matter how much you repeat the often-told lie, the fact remains that such claims were never verified outside of fringe Soviet-backed Polonia circles eager to portray Jews as the genuine bad guys as opposed to the Poles oppressing their fellow Poles in Poland at the time. It's no coincidence that the hatred towards Jews started again in Polonia circles after 1968.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Mar 2019 /  #131
It's not just Polonia circles. When the isreali dude said poles suckle antisemitism with mother's milk he said it because there's truth behind it. Poles don't like jews - and for good reason. Then again, no one does. That's why they've been kicked out of over 100 different countries, cities, principalities, etc. over the course of more than 2,000 years. And still to this day they blame 'anti-semitism' instead of looking at themselves why people don't like them.

Except it's not true.

Have you seen the TV show two broke girls for example? The owner of the restaurant and the line cook are both made to be polish, and they're not portrayed in a favorable light.

There was this incident as well:


There use to literally be a play titled 'Polish Joke' in the 70s as well.

But sure... it's not true...
pawian  226 | 27817  
28 Mar 2019 /  #132
- "Nazerman, who in the film is Polish rather than German as in the novel,

I can see how, panic-striken, you desperately googled for quotes which could excuse your mentioning the video in this thread, after I suggested it is not relevant to Poland as you had claimed.

Unfortunately, I can also use google and can provide you with two dozen other links which don`t mention the Polish origin of Nazerman at all. Again, like in other threads, you counted on our laziness or lack of time?

Of course, the film makers never intended to present Nazerman as a Polish Jew. If they did, they would have done it in a more explicit way, so that the audience hadn`t had any doubts about it. Why does Nazerin never allude, even with a single word, to his Polish background? Polish Jews knew the Polish language, I met and heard a few old men born and raised in pre-war Poland , and they just loved to insert Polish phrases into their Yiddish. Why didn`t the Pawnbroker`s director follow the fashion of Some like it Hot in which Sugar Kane vel Kowalczyk openly admits she is Polish?

Have you seen the TV show two broke girls for example

Womp womp ! :):)

Of course it isn`t nice, but has it ever occured to you that one of the reasons of such productions is yours and your sort`s general attitude? I mean your tragic intolerance, antisemitism, misogynism, racism, narrow-mindedness, hatred and discrimination of anybody and anything that doesn`t conform with your mythical Polish values and traditions, preferably those of pre-war Poland ( troubled with the same vices which haunt you today), but which are nothing more than pathetic obsessions. I call such vile people Pollacks, opposite to decent Am Poles. It is your own fault that you give fuel to haters so that they produce black propaganda about Polish people. And you don`t care that Poland and her Poles are also tarnished in the way. So, stop shedding crocodile tears how Pollacks are badly portrayed in Am media, just watch and learn because they are talking about you.
Shitonya Brits  
29 Mar 2019 /  #133
Unfortunately, I can also use google and can provide you with two dozen other links which don`t mention the Polish origin of Nazerman at all.

Well, then by all means please do link them.

And make sure they specifically mention Nazerman's country of origin as depicted in the film if, as you claim, he was not a resident in Poland.

While you are feverishly searching Google again for an answer which you will never find, I will also point out that occupied Poland is indeed the location of the Nazi concentration camp scenes shown in The Pawnbroker.

Auschwitz to be exact and this fact is featured prominently in the film.

Nazerman is shown with an inmate number tattooed on his arm. He also has a very dismissive, condescending and unhelpful dialogue with his employee who asked him about it.

For nearly a century now, Holocaust imagery has constantly featured tattooed numbers on prisoners' forearms.

However, Auschwitz was the only Nazi concentration camp which used tattooing to identify inmates.

Why you don't know this?

Don't you claim to live in Poland?

Aren't you the one who proudly posts photos on PolishForums showing off Holocaust indoctrination displays hung deliberately over the heads of children in classrooms?

Surely you of all posters should have instantly made the connection between a Holocaust survivor's tattooed inmate number and Auschwitz.

Because this oversight on your part is so serious, I have to ask again, why didn't you know this?

Why does Nazerin never allude, even with a single word, to his Polish background?

Nazerman explained this in the film:

- Sol Nazerman: "I do not believe in God, or art, or science, or newspapers, or politics, or philosophy."

- Jesus Ortiz: "Then, Mr. Teacher, ain't there nothing you do believe in?"

- Sol Nazerman: "Money."

There you go. He declared he didn't believe in anything. Only money.

And notice the other characters in his life.

They were blacks, Hispanics, queers, a British woman, and other Jews.

None were Polish.

The film showed that Nazerman lived in the suburbs with a store in New York City's Harlem neighbourhood which is in northwest Manhattan.

Most Poles in New York City settled in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens which are southeast of Harlem and on the other side of the East River.

Besides, Jews identify first and foremost as Jews anyway.

Look at reality, Jews have resided in countries all over Europe before, during and after WWII.

When the Holocaust and specific Nazi concentration camps are discussed even today, no one (not even the survivors or their descedents) ever describes them as simply being Hungarian, French, German, Dutch, Belgian, Greek, Italian, etc. It is always stated clearly and repeatedly that they were Jews deported from these countries. Never that they were nationals or citizens of these countries who were deported.

Why not? Well, that's for you to answer, if you can find the courage to do so.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
29 Mar 2019 /  #134
no one ever describes them as simply being Hungarian, French, German, Dutch, Belgian, Greek, Italian, etc.

Great point. It's like me being asked where I am from and me saying that I am a Catholic. Makes your head spin.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Mar 2019 /  #135
well in the extensive literature I have read on this topic, it clearly states (invariably) 'Dutch Jews' or 'French Jews'.
- maybe read a little more before making sweeping inaccurate statements.
Shitonya Brits  
29 Mar 2019 /  #136
it clearly states (invariably) 'Dutch Jews' or 'French Jews'.

And as I already pointed out, never simply Dutch, French, etc.

It's like me being asked where I am from and me saying that I am a Catholic.

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Mar 2019 /  #137
never simply Dutch, French, etc.

it was Hitler that did that to them , though. Prior to this, there were people in , for example, Vienna, or Berlin who barely knew they were Jewish..until they and their relatives started getting carted off and killed.

And it is nothing like someone asking where you are from and you saying 'Catholic'. don't be silly. It's an entirely different history. Jewishness is more than just a religion.

Like I said , reading is really informative. I do a lot of it..:):)
Shitonya Brits  
29 Mar 2019 /  #138
What a hot mess!

Actually, you are the one who really needs to not just read but comprehend a lot more before making your sweeping inaccurate statements.

Your post is overflowing with so many contradictions and misinformation.

You say "Hitler did it" but its the current year and how many generations have come and gone.

Jews have also lived apart in their own communities for centuries. You even admitted that "Jewishness is more than just a religion".

But that also killed your argument that prior to Hitler arriving on the scene people in Vienna and Berlin "barely new they were Jewish".

I don't see how you can say Jewishness is a real thing but somehow only Hitler could figure it out.

What you are not admitting is that most Jews dressed differently back then from the rest of society just like they do today. Going back and forth between a synagogue is usually a pretty big hint too. Oh, and having to record things like births, marriages, deaths, censuses, lawsuits, taxes, building permits, etc. also leave a long and reliable paper trail of who's who.

And Zionism (aka Jewish nationalism) erupted into a large, vocal and organized movement in the 19th century. It's founder Theodor Herzl resided in Vienna by the way.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
29 Mar 2019 /  #139
And it is nothing like someone asking where you are from and you saying 'Catholic'. don't be silly.

It's you who has the silliness issue.
Find me one known case of a Jew born and raised in Poland who said, "I am Polish" in response to "what is your nationality?" I was asked that question many times and not once would I say that I was a Christian.
pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Mar 2019 /  #140
And make sure they specifically mention Nazerman's country of origin as depicted in the film if, as you claim, he was not a resident in Poland.

I didn`t have to look up too long, checkthe Zoomscape: Architecture in Motion and Media by Mitchell Schwarzer:
Sol Nazerman, a German Jewish survivor of the Holocaust.

It is also in the book Cinema and the Shoah, and other, including the wiki entry
Sol Nazerman (Steiger), a German-Jewish university professor,

So, you have been caught manipulating again. Sol Nazerman isn`t as Polish in the film as you could wish.

But you will still invent the most horrenduous excuses to back up your obsessive agenda. Why do you babble like crazy about Auschwitz, tattoes ? etc.

occupied Poland is the location of the Nazi concentration camp scenes shown in The Pawnbroker Auschwitz is featured prominently in the film.

Do you mean that choosing the Auschwitz as the place of traumatic experiences of Nazerman means he is Polish ??? Not only Polish Jews were sent to Auschwitz, you should know about it. Jews from all over Europe were transported and gassed there.

PS. (in a hushed voice) it`s OK, keep going like that, our common goal is ERRA!( Expose Ridiculous Rightist Agenda.) We are doing fine by now. :):)
Shitonya Brits  
29 Mar 2019 /  #141
Sol Nazerman (Steiger), a German-Jewish universityprofessor

Oh, so which university and where specifically? :)

I am really looking forward to your prompt and honest answer on this one! :)

Do you mean that choosing the Auschwitz as the place of traumatic experiences of Nazerman means he is Polish ?

Uh oh, your argument is beginning to show even more and wider cracks in it.

How nice that you finally admitted that Poland was depicted in the film even though earlier you deliberately and falsely claimed it wasn't.

Don't forget that it was you who made the following fallacious statement:

it doesn`t mention Poland or Poles even once so it is not relevant to the thread at all.

The one academic article I previously provided (and which you immediately began to caterwaul over) had definitively stated that Nazerman was depicted in the film as Polish rather than German.

But note that I have been saying all along that Nazerman was Jewish but only a resident from Poland who subsequently moved to America.

I never said he was Polish. The character never did either.

Residency doesn't constitute ethnicity or citizenship. But even though the written source I shared about the film conflated residency with being Polish, it still nevertheless demonstrated the point that Hollywood was very much aware of Poland and confirmed how they misused and abused Polish history to circumvent anti-degeneracy policies at the time.
pawian  226 | 27817  
30 Mar 2019 /  #142
Provide the name and location of the university please! :)

If you, panic-stricken for the second time, have found something new after another series of frantic googling, tell us about it and have your well deserved fun. So, what is there about the university in the film that I didn`t catch ? :):)
Shitonya Brits  
30 Mar 2019 /  #143
You are the one who cited a reference that Sol Nazerman was a university professor.

So expound on this.

What is the name of the university? :)

In which country is it located? :)
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
30 Mar 2019 /  #144
Rod Steiger was in real life a gentile, by the way. Don't let his moniker fool you.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
30 Mar 2019 /  #145
You mean, pawian, that Polish customs must be observed, regardless of social background or education:-)
pawian  226 | 27817  
30 Mar 2019 /  #146
Yes, Łyzko. It is a personal tragedy for each true Pole who wants to move with the times but often can`t, patriotically bound by Polish customs and traditions. Those Poles are torn between two opposing poles, it`s unbearable. :(:(

Keep to the topic everyone, please
Shitonya Brits  
30 Mar 2019 /  #147
Sol Nazerman (Steiger), a German-Jewish university professor,

Yes, and bear in mind it was you who told blatant lies that Poland and Poles had nothing to do with The Pawnbroker film and therefore it was not relevant to this thread.

You also suddenly refused to provide any more details about the cursory information you found during your frantic Google searches.

But your unnerved silence and frenzied diversionary tactics to save face won't work.

That's why I'll be very happy to help you and provide the information which you are way too embarrassed to provide.

From the author of The Pawnbroker:


- So what if the onetime instructor at the University of Cracow could now be found behind the three gold balls of a pawnshop?

- "I don't know if you realize, Doc, but my brother-in-law here is a very educated man. Taught at a university in Poland at one time. Before the trouble, of course. Selig smiled over at Sol.

- Selig smiled over at Sol. "I've often said he should be a teacher." "Teachers are paid poorly," Sol said. "I would have difficulty meeting my obligations on a teacher's salary," he added with a malicious twist to his mouth.

So there you have it.

Your lies, denials, manipulations, misdirection, and bluster were all for not! :)

As I stated originally and have exhaustively and irrefutably proved, Poland was always part and parcel of The Pawnbroker.

Poland was both the battleground and target in Hollywood's long running war against it.

Interesting too how The Pawnbroker echoes many topics often addressed on PolishForums.

Not just the Holocaust, not just hackneyed Jews-can-do-no-wrong obsessions, not just out-of-touch British caricatures, etc., etc.

It also addresses a very relevant topic. Note the last remarks quoted above from Sol Nazerman talking about being a poorly paid teacher having difficulty meeting obligations on a teacher's salary. :)

Thanks to the diversity of opinions, perspectives and insightful information shared on PolishForums, it is now widely known that the pittance Sol Nazerman (albeit a fictional character) was making as a teacher in pre-war Poland is actually no different than that of the gone-bust expat English teachers and wage slave expat classroom assistants in Poland today who don't have what it takes to a generate a fantastic income or don't know how to negotiate a great salary.

It makes you wonder if Sol Nazerman had lived today in post-Soviet Poland would he also have taken up busking on the streets or washing cars in car parks to help make ends meet? :)

If he had stayed on in the PRL and became a privileged communist party member would he too now have had a big city apartment, a countryside dacha, and regular all-expense paid holidays under the guise of doing work? :)
pawian  226 | 27817  
30 Mar 2019 /  #148
So what if the onetime instructor at the University of Cracow could now be found behind the three gold balls of a pawnshop?

Hah, so that`s what you finally panicky googled when I repeated your video is irrelevant to the thread! But don`t you see it is still irrelevant because you are talking about the book, not the film! Audiences don`t have to know/read the book before watching a film. You still haven`t proved that the film shows a Jew from Poland.

Besides, your frantic attempts to defend your stance can be so easily looked through. You knew nothing about that Krakow professor or any Polish connections in the film when you wrote your first post here:


You entirely concentrated on degeneracy, your favourite hobby, and other things, you didn`t refer to Poland with a single word, here are your own words:

America's anti-degeneracy censorship, tribalism, tensions and stereotypes between Jews, Catholics, different races, attitudes towards vice, and the mirage of trust in societies at the crossroads of heterogeneity.

Stop twisting things around now,. it is useless. :)
Shitonya Brits  
30 Mar 2019 /  #149
But don`t you see it is still irrelevant because you are talking about the book, not the film!

It's your pedantry which is irrelevant!

Film adaptations of a book are never literal reproductions!

You don't get it and don't want to.

The Holocaust unfortunately is part of Poland's history.

The Pawnbroker was written around The Holocaust and a Jew who once resided in Poland and ended up at Auschwitz but survived.

Hollywood needed an excuse - any excuse - to circumvent the anti-degeneracy policies which were restricting their agenda and income growth.

The Pawnbroker gave them a wedge issue (the Holocaust) to use as cover for their true agenda (peddling nudity and sex).

This was explained in the original critique which you clearly didn't watch or obviously didn't understand or simply didn't like.

Whatever your reason the outcome is still the same: you are wrong.
pawian  226 | 27817  
30 Mar 2019 /  #150
the anti-degeneracy policies/ peddling nudity and sex

Mammia mia, here we go again. My my, why can`t you resist it? :)

Film adaptations of a book are never literal reproductions!

No, you don`t get what you have just said. :):)

Your logic is correct. Film adaptations of a book are never literal reproductions. Ergo: the Polish background of Nazerman which is revealed in the book isn`t reproduced in the film. Ergo - the film doesn` t clearly show he is Polish. What is more, it doesn`t include any Polish motives discernible to an average American viewer (The only Polish context mentioned in the film is Auschwitz. But that is definitely too little). Ergo - the critique of the film, so fervidly recommended and defended by you, isn`t connected with Poland. Ergo - it is irrelevant in this thread.

What is left after we subtract all ergos? Degeneracy, this one and only topic which really turns you on. That was the primary goal of yours - to share your perverted interest in nudity with us. I said it in my very first reply to you. And after me and other members protested against such dirty imposition, you desperately started looking for quotes about Polish context to cover your original intention.

You are a bad boy, indeed. :):)

Whatever your reason the outcome is still the same: you are wrong.

It is you who hates to be wrong, therefore you never are. :):):)

PS. Thanks, it was nice talking to you. ERRA forever! :) Posts went off-topic = topic closed.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Hollywood's War with Poland.Archived