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Hollywood's War with Poland.

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
17 Jun 2010 /  #91
moves are used to influence general population.

You know, those who only want to be entertained and without deeper interest won't be influenced at all because any movie is only superficially for them. It's just a nice evening for them. Any message wandering in through one ear...through the empty brain...leaving through the other ear.

Then there are those whose interest will be awakened and who will look for more, other sources.
For them any movie will soon be placed into perspective, having learned much more about the true events.

And then there are those who already have some knowledge and who will know how to evaluate a movie.

So actually you are trying to influence and convince people of the first group who are not interested in the events to begin with. Are they the "general population"? I don't think so!
ender  5 | 394  
17 Jun 2010 /  #92
And another film Rocky 7 3/4
I'm sure some of you have seen this already
OP Ironside  50 | 12333  
17 Jun 2010 /  #93
those who only want to be entertained and without deeper interest won't be influenced at all because any movie is only superficially for them

you are an optimist!

I try to have a proper discussion about the issue, with people who are above average (at last some) but I think that I must re-evaluate posters here.

I-S (I don't think is a war, but there is something going on, well, let's give a rest)
ender  5 | 394  
17 Jun 2010 /  #94
those who only want to be entertained and without deeper interest won't be influenced at all because any movie is only superficially for them

what you think about this:
Mass media, such as the cinema and television, have already shaped our society and people. They controlled how do people think about the government, what style of clothes is most fashionable, and how people behave to a certain extent.

OP Ironside  50 | 12333  
17 Jun 2010 /  #95
.only those who don't care in the first place!

which would be 60% or more ...

If only mods were Polish, this forum would make sense.

Don't exaggerate.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
17 Jun 2010 /  #96
Bleaching, dyeing, cosmetic surgery...They do it all the time! ;)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
17 Jun 2010 /  #97
Does anyone have an opinion of this film:

The majority of the film is set in the death camp at Auschwitz during the Holocaust and details how Nazi SS guards forced Jewish boxer Salamo Arouch to fight other internees to the death for their entertainment. Prior to Triumph of the Spirit, no major feature film had ever been shot on location at Auschwitz.

i saw this film when it was first released and the story is not forgotten easily.

i wonder if any Polish members of the forum have seen it ... and how does it fit in with hollywoods version of the past and actual facts
ender  5 | 394  
17 Jun 2010 /  #98

I havn't seen this film. But lack of information about prewar boxing carrier of Mr Salamo Arouch plus

Jacques "Jacko" Razon sued Arouch and the filmmakers for more than $20 million claiming that they had stolen his story and that Arouch had exaggerated his exploits.

provide to Antoni Czortek
so in my opinion he stole the story from "Jacko" and mixed it with "Kajtek" (Antoni Czortek) story.
BTW Looks like they had some fun in Auschwizt.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
17 Jun 2010 /  #99
Another 'historical' Hollywood film: Taras Bulba

This is a film of a novel by Gogol, a Ukrainian-born Russian. I don't think Hollywood made it all up themselves.
ender  5 | 394  
18 Jun 2010 /  #100
novel by Gogol, a Ukrainian-born Russian

1968 Russians, communists, hunting, Hollywood, ring the bell?
shake the chickpea in your skull, wont hurt you
POLENGGGs  2 | 150  
18 Jun 2010 /  #101
There is no war with Hollywood and Poland, hell.... most their employees can trace their ancestors to Poland.

More like Hollywood war with German Nazies, German communists, and what else.... Mendele, that film Boys from Brazil ; Mendele still alive!

not to mention Hollywood's war with Blacks, and not even mentioning religion esp. islam
ender  5 | 394  
18 Jun 2010 /  #102
How couldn't I notice it? I'm going to cut my dick and become Israeli or American (anybody knows difference?)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Jun 2010 /  #103
Mendele still alive!

Yes,hes in his 90s though,survived decades in robin island,has a mate called tutu ex wife was a bit of a ***** though....oh,sorry,do you mean MENGELE,Josef not Nelson....

Another 'historical' Hollywood film: Taras Bulba

its more anti zaparozhian Cossak than anti polish,I mean,god damn,Tony Curtiss as a Cossak!!!!

here goes another 'hysterical' Hollwood film Defiance

er,British film thank you very much(and its based on a bull sh*t story so what do you expect,its accurate to the lies the bielskis told....)

they integrate into American society and are virtually invisible.

Untill they pick their noses....:)

Poland is an excellent backdrop for all Holocaust movies

er,is that backdrop or location (both historic and film set)?Lets see,i'll give you Shindlers list,all that crap with "goodbye jews..." read the book however and discover how many polish christians are praised in that,lots BTW. The Pianist,hardly a hollywood film mate,filmed in Poland,with a Polish Director,mostly Polish film crew and providing work for Polish set builders and students in Praga...Oh,and stuffed full of British actors and on the whole far from "anti polish",one old slag shouting get the jew,he's a jew when,if you know your own history you will realise is a volksdeautshe woman as szpeilman was living in the ethnic german quater at that time,dumbass.

I think of sharia law,

sister of Pamela and Ruppert Law.....(no sharia law in this country,unlike the US we dont allow barbaric "justice" involving death.)

But I LOVED "Allo Allo"!

So did an elderly Polish lady I once knew,she loved Herr Flick :O

What about British movie "Enigma"? Why the villain was Polish? That was really idiotic idea.

Why? why idiotic? Seeing as it basicaly copied the True story of the Polish traitor in Colditz,tried and executed by fellow Poles despite his reasons being his family were held by the Gestapo.....
19 Jun 2010 /  #104
I'm going to cut my dick and become Israeli or American

You'll have to find it first.
ender  5 | 394  
19 Jun 2010 /  #105
Would you like to help me. It's obvious you will find him twice bigger or smaller as it is up to you satisfaction after.
23 Jun 2010 /  #106
Life is beautiful isnt about Poland or even Polish Jew. Its about Italian Jew. In Schidler list there is almost nothing about Poles.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
23 Jun 2010 /  #107
unlike the US we dont allow barbaric "justice" involving death.)

Indeed, the criminal's anus is safer in prison than at large in homo GB.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
23 Jun 2010 /  #108
1968 Russians, communists, hunting, Hollywood, ring the bell?

I suppose that goes for Fiddler on the Roof and all the Dostoyevsky novels which were filmed too, huh?
ender  5 | 394  
23 Jun 2010 /  #109
That goes to EVERY Hollywood film where Poland or Pole is meant. Unless you give Hollywood title about Poland.
23 Sep 2011 /  #110
The book has been issued in Polish language this August .

Here is more about contemporary Hollywood Basterds by David Duke : youtube.com/watch?v=n4EfufBl1cU&feature=player_embedded

An excerption from an introduction of the book -

"Unknown war. Hollywood against Poland, 1939-1945 "deals with the description of the owners of 'dream factories' against Poland and Polish people. It is clear how much influence of the perception of the world had been formed by the "engineers of human souls"
All this coincided with the leading ideology, resulting in a brutal cocktail described "Judeo-Communism".
The author notes, for example, the FBI estimates that in 1934 the number of members of the Communist Party USA in the region of Los Angeles does not exceed the "paltry three dozen," and when the "section of Hollywood studios," was set up , in later years grew rapidly.

more about Jews in dream factory youtube.com/watch?v=K4tqzeisltY&feature=related

Some of them converted to boost their careers like E. Taylor in the jewish run dream factory , where a lot of directors and producers were Jewish not to mention polish jews from Metro Goldwyn Mayer .

"Certainly the most famous and perhaps the most beautiful baby born last week was a Jewish girl named Elisheba Rachel Taylor. For according to Jewish legal theory, every convert is 'a newborn child.' And last week 27-year-old Film Star Elizabeth Taylor became a Jew and acquired a ceremonial Jewish name: Elisheba, the Hebrew version of Elizabeth, and her own favorite Biblical heroine, Rachel, the "beautiful and well-favored" wife of Jacob (Genesis 29:17)."[/quote]
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
23 Sep 2011 /  #111
by David Duke

haha, LMAO...What,old Wiggy still at it? I guess his pointy haat is still at the dry cleaners.....creapy fekking lunatic that one,never trust a man with orange skin and nylon hair.....
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
24 Sep 2011 /  #112
David Duke is an intelligent and courageous man who stands up for the truth...And, BTW, he has great respect for Slavic peoples, as he got his doctorate from a university in the Ukraine.

I would advise anyone who has misapprehensions about Duke to read his website...He is a very compassionate and savvy fellow.
Shitonya Brits  
24 Mar 2019 /  #113
It is hugely amusing that you think Hollywood is aware of Poland's existence, let alone that Hollywood cares enough about Poland

Not amusing at all.

Coincidentally, there is a recent, very well made, and must-watch critique of the 1960's film "The Pawnbroker" and how Hollywood shamelessly exploited the topic of the Holocaust to circumvent America's anti-degeneracy censorship in film at the time.

It also exposes the tribalism, tensions and stereotypes deliberately scripted into the film between Jews, Catholics, different races, attitudes towards vice, and the mirage of trust in societies at the crossroads of heterogeneity.

If you want to get black pilled about the motives and agenda behind Hollywood's ongoing war against culture and values both in America and abroad you can see it here: youtube.com/watch?v=qYBt6J0mZgo
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
24 Mar 2019 /  #114
Just when I was beginning to like you........you expose yourself as being an American......probably not even of Polish descent....
Shitonya Brits  
24 Mar 2019 /  #115
Did you even watch this independently made youtube video?

What's there not to like about it?

It was relevant to this thread, factual and informative in its subject matter, and done with excellent editing and production quality.

I even provided a brief summary of the content so that those like yourself who are dependent on "trigger warnings" can choose to keep your mind closed and look away.

Granted, I didn't alert anyone to its nearly 40 minute run time. But if that is what tipped you over the edge then I recommend you seek professional counseling somewhere immediately because there is nothing I can do to help you.

Indeed, there are always plenty of freshly produced "feel good" 30-second kitten and puppy videos out there that you could watch which are not only commensurate with your attention span but will keep things "safe" and "real" for you.

And if you didn't watch the video then you shouldn't have had a need to respond to my post.

Anyway, the other PolishForums poster had claimed Hollywood doesn't care about Poland because it is completely oblivious to Poland's existence.

This comment was absurd and deliberately misleading.

The video critique I shared regarding the 1960-era film not only showed that Hollywood always had a well informed understanding of historical events in Poland such as the Holocaust but also had a total disregard of the sensitivities surrounding it and no qualms in misusing this particular tragedy as leverage to further advance their other unrelated agenda.
pawian  219 | 24792  
26 Mar 2019 /  #116
It was relevant to this thread, factual and informative in its subject matter, and done with excellent editing and production quality.

Of course not. Your video is a manipulative piece of propaganda full of contradictions as well as your perverted obsession with nudity, especially nipples. Besides, it doesn`t mention Poland or Poles even once so it is not relevant to the thread at all. You contradict yourself in a few places in the video, e.g. when you first say the film Pawnbroker was made by Jewish diaspora to spread pro Jewish and pro Holocaust propaganda and later you admit the main character is haunted with psychotic obsessions which bring him on the verge of utter madness. His attitude to other people: customers, assistant and even an accidental charity worker is undermined with intense hatred, distrust and disgust. Would Jews deliberately decide on such a grotesquely misanthropic person to advertise their Holocaust agenda?

Besides, you forgot to mention that after its release, Jews also rejected the movie in fear of fuelling antisemitism among audiences.

.you expose yourself as being an American......probably not even of Polish descent....

Of course not. He is a universal warrior fighting to save white Western civilisation.
Atch  21 | 4149  
26 Mar 2019 /  #117

Unlike your recent thread about the Nice Treaty. I'm still waiting for your proof of the catalogue of violence and discrimination against Poles in Ireland, also your stats for the 'many urban areas' of Ireland where foreigners outnumber natives.

Hollywood always had a well informed understanding of historical events in Poland

Hollywood has no understanding of historical events anywhere. The only thing they understand is the box office.

Most people outside Poland, other than the Polish diaspora (and not all of them by any means), don't think about Poland or Poles at all. Why would they? The truth of the matter is that most ordinary people think mainly about themselves and their own country first and then their closest neighbours, but only in relation to how affairs in neighbouring countries might impact their own lives.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Mar 2019 /  #118
probably not even of Polish descent....

He already claimed that people living in Poland that speak Polish and from Polish families aren't "True Poles".

He's just a fantasist who is obsessed with Jews and uses Poland to push his agenda. It's worth pointing out that he doesn't speak for Poland or Poles, he only speaks for himself.
jon357  72 | 22979  
26 Mar 2019 /  #119
It's worth pointing out that he doesn't speak for Poland or Poles,

Or in Polish, for that matter. It's easy to see how someone could get paranoid about a non-existent "Hollywood's War with Poland" when that level of weirdness is involved.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Mar 2019 /  #120
Jews, who control Hollywood by their own admission and further illustrated in a well known la times article (titled do Jews run hollywood? You bet they do!) have never liked Poles and never will especially now when Poland is standing up for itself and not letting itself be bufu'd like the us and much of w Europe. Best recent example I can give is the show two broke girls where the Polish woman is portrayed as backwards, stupid, etc and made fun of by other characters.

Now if poles made a show with a Jewish character as a scheming handrubbing money lender who seeks spiritual guidance from a man who removes baby foreskins using his mouth all hell would break lose. The yids are still talking about the Polish paper that printed an article titled how to spot a jew

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