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Hollywood's War with Poland.

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Jun 2010 /  #61
"Life is beautiful",

Don't want to be a wise crack, but La Vita é Bella is about Italian Jews and has no connection whatsoever to Poland. He even doesn't go to a KZ in Poland, but in Italy. Yes! there were KZ's in Italy too.

Edit: but apart from that you're right. This thread is mighty boring and even annoying as well.


M-G (haec hactenus)
tygrys  2 | 290  
17 Jun 2010 /  #62
Don't want to be a wise crack, but La Vita é Bella is about Italian Jews and has no connection whatsoever to Poland

I know, I was talking about war movies in general about Germany.
Now Germans should be upset that it's portrayed as evil ba$tards
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Jun 2010 /  #63
Now Germans should be upset that it's portrayed as evil ba$tards

True, nearly all mad professors with super weapons planning for world domination have heavy German accents.
In the Osterman Weekend the killing psychopath was played by Rutger Hauer and is a Dutch. Did we Dutch get annoyed by this? Heck no, we all thought it was a great movie :)

This thread is proof that some Poles have cultivated complaining and whinging and whining to a cultural phenomena that is meeting with more and more irritation outside of PL. They really should stop doing that.


M-G (haec hactenus)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
17 Jun 2010 /  #64
Rutger Hauer is cool...

True, nearly all mad professors with super weapons planning for world domination have heavy German accents.


We make super duper Über-villains! *waits for third Hellboy movie*
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
17 Jun 2010 /  #65
Poland sees America as a land of opportunity, where money grows on trees etc.


Come on.

America as land of opportunity, yes. Money grows on trees, definitely NO.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
17 Jun 2010 /  #66

This thread is proof that some Poles have cultivated complaining and whinging and whining to a cultural phenomena that is meeting with more and more irritation outside of PL.

True and It's embarrassing. The fact is the Polish community in the United States is highly successful. Some people on this board depict us as some sort of downtrodden minority. I don't know where they get this stuff. Most Americans of Polish ancestry are part of the professional managerial class, they integrate into American society and are virtually invisible.
1jola  14 | 1875  
17 Jun 2010 /  #67
Watch the movie to pick it up in context and see why the clip is a terrible example of the the title here.

You are going to have to less mysterious and identify the film first or explain the context, then we'll talk.

How would Americans, or for that matter Europeans or Asians, have any idea what went on in the Warsaw ghetto besides from what they "learned' from Hollywood movies? What that scene shows is an impossibility, insulting to Poles, and you yourself have made some asinine comments about it, but I only suppose that is because I say otherwise.

If you see a scene of a Dutch doctor, van Dick, injecting Anne Frank with typhus, will your reaction be, good scene - this is exactly what happened. Or perhaps a Jewish doctor?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
17 Jun 2010 /  #68
How would Americans, or for that matter Europeans or Asians, have any idea what went on in the Warsaw ghetto besides from what they "learned' from Hollywood movies? .

This is true. Most people who have never been to Poland or know Poles get their impression of Poland/Poles from what they hear and see in the media and Hollywood movies. I mean its not like there is any reason for average people to think about the Poles unless someone from the propaganda organs of Hollywood or the media have gotten their attention and are focusing on the Poles.

This thread is proof that some Poles have cultivated complaining and whinging and whining to a cultural phenomena that is meeting with more and more irritation outside of PL. They really should stop doing that.

LOL. Oh please.

Nobody cares about this issue except people like you.

Poles complain like 20% as much as Jews, Blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, etc. have complained against propaganda against them and I'm sure you wouldn't say the same things about those groups. In fact you would probably say how wonderful it is that they keep complaining about perceived propaganda against them. Especially the Jews.

If you see a scene of a Dutch doctor, van Dick, injecting Anne Frank with typhus, will your reaction be, good scene - this is exactly what happened. Or perhaps a Jewish doctor?

Are you referring to one of those anti-Polish Holocaust movies where they have a character that is a terrible anti-semitic Polish doctor? I forget the name of that anti-Polish movie.
1jola  14 | 1875  
17 Jun 2010 /  #69
Haven't seen that, but it is normal for me as a Pole and a Varsovian, interested in the history of my city, to identify ********(oops,I said bullsh*t, how rude) when I see it. "Mistakes" like that scene I posted are deliberate. My question to M-G was how would he react to such obvious misrepresentations of basic facts (read lies)had it hit closer to home for him.
17 Jun 2010 /  #70
How would Americans, or for that matter Europeans or Asians, have any idea what went on in the Warsaw ghetto besides from what they "learned' from Hollywood movies?

So your stance is that they are too ignorant to know any better. Fine. But if they are so ignorant, how can they be expected to recognise a Polish army uniform? Sorry if that dilemma doesn't fit with what you want that film to mean.

What that scene shows is an impossibility, insulting to Poles, and you yourself have made some asinine comments about it, but I only suppose that is because I say otherwise.

It insults Poles if they wish to interpret that clip in the way that you want to. For all you know the bit before the film could be somebody saying "This is lie that the international Jewish banker conspiracy wants Americans to believe about Polish-Jewish relations during the war." Or it could be the context that I interpreted it. Or it could be the way that you interpreted it (with the obvious problem that anybody stupid enough to get their history from films won't recognise a Polish army uniform).
1jola  14 | 1875  
17 Jun 2010 /  #71
Which film is this, Harry?
Trevek  25 | 1699  
17 Jun 2010 /  #72
Yeah but the point is, in Gran Torino, there was an old school Polish American man living in an Old School Polish American neigborhood in Michigan.

And he is shown as a brave man, a decent man and, in fact, someone who accepts others not for their race but for who they are. he is also shown as changing and sacrificing his life to safeguard the future of the Hymong boy.

Likewise, in Monsters' Ball BBT's character is shown as someone who changes and overcomes his racism.
17 Jun 2010 /  #73
Which film is this, Harry?

I have as much idea as you do. The difference is that you interpret in a way that is insulting to Christian Poles while I say that it could actually show Christian and Jewish Poles working together or could just be a provocation.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Jun 2010 /  #74
I already wrote about the Osterman Weekend in which the killing psychopath is a Dutch. As far as I know I didn't think much of it, I just liked the movie. Dutch just shrug their shoulders and watch the film. The film later has been remade as The Hitcher, perhaps you know this one. I watched that one too and I must say that I hated the psychopath in the Hitcher much more than the one in the Osterman Weekend.

And as for Jews being portrayed in a bad way, have you seen Music Box? That was the closest to a movie in which Jews were portrayed badly. But it turned out a bit differently. If you haven't seen the movie, I won't tell how it turns out as it would be a spoiler. It's a good movie though.

Nobody cares about this issue except people like you.

This thread, and yourself prove otherwise. You mentioned the Big Lebowski. Well, that was one of the best movies I have ever seen...And NOT because the main character has a -ski name. That was actually of the least concern to me, but because of the great story the Coen Brothers have come up with.

I agree that Jews complain as much as the Poles and in that respect, as I have said before, I think that Poles and Jews are very much alike.


M-G (haec hactenus)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
17 Jun 2010 /  #75
I agree that Jews complain as much as the Poles and in that respect, as I have said before, I think that Poles and Jews are very much alike.

I can't believe I am agreeing with you, but I am. :)

Yes there are those afformentioned similarities that they have in the complaint department. lol

Truth be told, there are also many positive qualities that Jews and Poles share. Its a shame more Jews and Poles don't focus on them. Like their love of family, culture, independent mindedness, are strugglers/underdogs, etc.
OP Ironside  50 | 12333  
17 Jun 2010 /  #76
So? What's your point? You believe in movies now?

I don't believe in moves but many people do, specially these ignorant of others cultures like most of the Americans.
My point is that some of the moves are made with ant-polish bias!
Not only moves there is undercurrent which is nonchalantly anti-polish (based on lies and purposeful misinterpretation).

And it's good that Hollywood keeps those memories

but it not good when these memories are falsified.

Poland sees America as a land of opportunity, where money grows on trees etc. Now there we have a problem.

What problem? Its rather propaganda at work - American dream and Hollywood moves!Phew!

In the Osterman Weekend the killing psychopath was played by Rutger Hauer and is a Dutch.

What are you talking about ? I think that you only have your mind set on few issues and any arguments are met by the stonewall.

As for move - I think you are mistaken and even if you were right you compare oranges and apples here!
Completely fictional move and move based on historical events!?

This thread is proof that some Poles have cultivated complaining and whinging and whining to a cultural phenomena that is meeting with more and more irritation outside of PL.

who is whining ?Its your interpretation.

We make super duper Über-villains!

At last there is some historical base to it!

Most Americans of Polish ancestry are part of the professional managerial class, they integrate into American society and are virtually invisible.

Exactly, they are invisible in the USA politics.

downtrodden minority. I don't know where they get this stuff.

In the sixties there were reform of the voting districts and area settled by Polish community were divided and lost its impact on the local and state elections.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
17 Jun 2010 /  #77
The fact is the Polish community in the United States is highly successful

It's true.. a lot of Pole Americans are in academia too..they're usually engineering profs.

I always see a lot of native Poles like to be "offended". They remind me of blacks in the US often... always squawking about some imaginary slight. Hell, we all get slighted sometime or another. I don't hear any other European country p*ss and moan as much as Poles do. The Irish and Mexican get made fun of more than Poles in the US, but they dont' seem to get mad about it. There used to be this Guiness commerical where these Irish kids whoop and run down on St. Patricks day and crowd around this tree lit up with green lights and open packages of beer. It was hilarious. Nobody bi/tched about it.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Jun 2010 /  #78
Completely fictional move and move based on historical events!?

The Big Lebowski based on historical events?
Bruce Almighty based on historical events?
Gran Torino based on historical events?
Monster's Ball based on historical events?

Stop nagging, boy.

who is whining ?

You are. Now stop whinging as well. It's getting annoying.

I always see a lot of native Poles like to be "offended". Nobody bi/tched about it.

See, that's what I am talking about.


M-G (haec hactenus)
OP Ironside  50 | 12333  
17 Jun 2010 /  #79
Stop nagging, boy.

What the **** are you about son? I'm watching match now, so I could miss some detail but I' right, nobody give a **** about some pure fiction move.

What osterman weekend has to do with the picture of Poles in Hollywood productions( films based on historical facts) ?
Your mind set is the major problem here sonny!

You are. Now stop whinging as well. It's getting annoying.

Me ??????????????????????I'm only discussing an issue as I see fit and my whining is only your imagination.
why don't you stop whining about thing that exist only in your imagination, twit.

See, that's what I am talking about.


I see, PP is moron with the intelligence of a starved halfwit.
To understand you should take well regarded Dutch or American hero and make a move about him to portray him opposite to his real deeds.

I-S (personally I don't care much but would like to discuss the phenomena, but everybody seems to deny that such phenomena exist)
ender  5 | 394  
17 Jun 2010 /  #80
I feel like I have to remind MG Hairry and Rogalski what are they talking about
I call this BIG LIE
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Jun 2010 /  #81

I skipped this match for the French match tonight. It's most amusing to see you infuriate again, but this is an issue that really doesn't need to be discussed. And trust me, if they would do that to a Dutch hero, hardly anybody in NL would give a darn.


@Ender: take a look at some Indonesian films and see how they portray the Dutch. I didn't hear Dutch nagging about it. And: it's your full right to call this a lie, but why discuss it with ppl who won't be able to change it anyway. All you get is a bunch of opinions who don't matter in the end anyway. Go tell it to Hollywood if you don't agree to this. Chances are that they will just laugh at you.


M-G (now go and have your beer and be a happy camper)
ender  5 | 394  
17 Jun 2010 /  #82
Another 'historical' Hollywood film: Taras Bulba
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
17 Jun 2010 /  #83
Another 'historical' Hollywood film

It's "entertainment".. you understand?? Not a thesis or something.
ender  5 | 394  
17 Jun 2010 /  #84
here goes another 'hysterical' Hollwood film Defiance
and what some Jew think about Poles
Robert Bielski, Tuvia Bielski's son, said:

"The Bielskis were not in Naliboki in May of '43,but even if it were true, which I know
it's not, the 128 people are in no way close to the millions of people that the Polish
people herded towards the Germans so they could be extinguished. I believe it's just a
consistent Polish anti-Semitism and the Poles are sloughing off their own crimes of being
an enemy of the Jews during World War II."
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Jun 2010 /  #85
Ender: there are several movies made by Hollywood dealing with Dutch history. Most of them (from the 60's or so) actually portray Hansje Brinkers, the boy who in American folklore saved NL from drowing by putting his finger in a hole in the Dyke. This is granted by the Americans as true event, while in fact this never happened. If I would be like you or Iron, I would go like: "disgrace! Outrage! Shame! Blasphemy!" and more of the kind. But I am not like you. I just laugh at so much stupidity and then I have a beer and think that life can be very nice and then you see pictures of Bonnie, the Bavaria Babe and you KNOW life is nice sometimes.


You do know that in Hollywood they alter some things for the sake of the story, do you?


M-G (that's entertainment)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
17 Jun 2010 /  #86
Btw....Indias Bollywood planned a huge blockbuster about Hitler:
"Dear friend Hitler"


Guess who protested??? ;)


"Hitler's love for India and how he indirectly contributed to Indian independence".

17 Jun 2010 /  #87
"It aims to take the viewer into close quarters with the enigmatic personality that Hitler was and give a glimpse into his insecurities, his charisma, his paranoia and his sheer genius,"

Sheer genius?

Hated Slavs, but made Croatia and Slovakia his allies, could have all the best food in Germany
but was fervent coprophagus, chose a religious minority as his main enemy and decided to
completely destroy it, brought his country into the war against Soviet Union and the USA
at the same time...

...yeah - feckin genius, all right :-))))
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Jun 2010 /  #88
I can just see that happening: just as everybody is gathered for the Wannsee conference music of bad sound quality fills the air and Heydrich starts singing how much he's in love with the coffee girl and dances across the tables and everybody wears colourful dresses.



M-G (haec hactenus)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
17 Jun 2010 /  #89
....well...my first thoughts have been how interesting it would look on screen if olive skinned, black eyed, black haired people (with points on their foreheads) play die hard Nazis! :):):)
OP Ironside  50 | 12333  
17 Jun 2010 /  #90
about Hitler:

he was good at propaganda and manipulations but a lousy head of state

If you don't want to discus then don't - simple !

For all those saying "its only entertainment" - moves are used to influence general population.

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