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Hollywood's War with Poland.

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
24 Mar 2010 /  #31
BB you know Poles are over sensitive :)

Yes yes Poles pick their noses and do all types of terrible things according to Pole-haters/Germans like you.

MW you should really calm down...
Looks like your starting to get paranoid
asik  2 | 220  
24 Mar 2010 /  #32
Why Polish people, most of the time portrayed as bad ?

The answers are in questions:
1) Who owns most of the worlds news and lot of "Hollywood"? Who's media modul?
2) Who is Rupert Murdoch?

MediaWatch  10 | 942  
24 Mar 2010 /  #33
BB you know Poles are over sensitive :)

So you think Bratwurstboy would enjoy seeing his Germans repeatedly picking their noses in a movie and then having the other characters in the movie mock those Germans?

Bratwurstboy told me he would rather see his Germans being shown as evil then being dumb/having inferior intelligence. Although I don't think the German people following Hitler like robots was so smart, but that's another story for another time.

So for the record Grunwald, you have no problem with a movie repeatedly showing Germans picking their noses in front of people and seeing others ridicule them? Among many other things.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 Mar 2010 /  #34
they are ugly, they are dirty, did I miss something?

Yes, they are car thieves ... :)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
24 Mar 2010 /  #35

Truth be told, Rupert Murdoch's media empire, although not perfect, is probably the least anti-Polish of media, albeit I haven't seen every newspaper, movie, etc that comes from his NewsCorp company across the world.

In the US, one of is New York Post columnists actually spoke out against Anti-Polish slurs in some of his columns.

In the Fox show "Back to You" the producers apologized for some anti-Polish comments about Poles in WWII that were in the show.

There is good and bad in all media elements.

The leftist media have been the most problematic for Poles.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
24 Mar 2010 /  #36
So for the record Grunwald, you have no problem with a movie repeatedly showing Germans picking their noses in front of people and seeing others ridicule them?

Not at all, as I'm not a German LOL
If you had a grasp of history or even common sense you should know from which country I'm partly from :)
The other is from Norway

Bratwurstboy told me he would rather see his Germans being shown as evil then

Well they were evil bastards :)
The Nazi Germans and all the Preussische Schweins :)

Among many other things.

No I don't like anybody making an other country stupid. For instance Norway->Sweden and other way around. I laugh of the jokes etc I must confess, but deep inside me I dislike them. (the jokes)
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
24 Mar 2010 /  #37
i think Poland got its payback though, considering they've been ripping off Hollywood ideas and making various forms of entertainment out of them for years and years.
1jola  14 | 1875  
24 Mar 2010 /  #38
Remember "Inglorious Basterds"?

I'm surprised that executing POWs gets a cheer in today's Germany, but maybe old habits die hard.

I see Hary's reasoning though. If we talk about something else, then the subject will go away.
24 Mar 2010 /  #39
I see Hary's reasoning though. If we talk about something else, then the subject will go away.

Actually it was more that if Poles see how other nations are treated by Hollywood, they may feel that they have far less reason to complain about the war which Hollywood is supposedly fighting against them.

You need to understand what they were used for and how they were structured. They were a colonial paramilitary force.

They were paramilitary? For the sake of discussion let's go with that description: as they were 'paramilitary', they can not have been military; as they were not military, they can not have been troops. So they can not have been British troops.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 Mar 2010 /  #40
I'm surprised that executing POWs gets a cheer in today's Germany, but maybe old habits die hard.

Well, slaughtering German soldiers gets a cheer in some other countries, too. So why are you surprised that people who are watching a f*cked-up movie like 'Inglorious Basterds' are stupid enough to laugh about those scenes? Be it in Germany or elsewhere.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
24 Mar 2010 /  #41
Machine guns were not used, an armed car was not driven into the stadium, British troops did not do the shooting and fewer than 14 civilians died (12 to be exact; 14 was the number of suspected British intelligence operatives murdered by the IRA earlier in the day).

So you have found out that 1) a machine gun was used, 2) an armoured car was used (admittedly outside and not inside the stadium), 3) British troops did shoot and 4) kill 13 not 12 innocent civilians and injured 65 more 5) as they opened fire on innocent civilians watching a game in a stadium.

6) And 14 is not the number of suspected British intelligence operatives killed in the morning.

In all, 13 people were killed and 6 wounded, including suspected agents and those with no connection to politics, and two Auxiliaries. Four of the British casualties were military intelligence officers and another four were Secret Service or MI5 agents.

As for you trying to justify this slaughter of innocent lives and having no knowledge of the events is despicable of you Harry.

'Leading British politicians and the King made no secret of their horror at the behaviour of forces of the Crown.


Do stop your utterly pathetic whining.

After you posted that you quoted this: Hollywood's racist lies about Britain and the British, effectively disarming your previous retort.
25 Mar 2010 /  #42
As for you trying to justify this slaughter of innocent lives and having no knowledge of the events is despicable of you Harry.

Want to quote the post in which I attempt to justify the massacre in any way shape of form? Or are you just pisssed off that you can't attack the truth of what I'm saying and so you instead attack something which I don't say.

So you have found out that.

I've found out no such thing (other than point 5). "During the Irish War of Independence on November 21, 1920 Croke Park was the scene of a massacre by the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC). The Police, supported by the British Auxiliary Division entered the ground, shooting indiscriminately into the crowd killing or fatally wounding 12 during a Dublin-Tipperary gaelic football match. The dead included 11 spectators and Tipperary's captain, Michael Hogan. Posthumously, the Hogan stand built in 1924 was named in his honour. These shootings, on the day which became known as Bloody Sunday, were a reprisal for the assassination of 14 British Intelligence officers, known as the Cairo Gang, by Michael Collins's 'squad' earlier that day."


1) Machine guns were not used to shoot anybody.
2) Armoured cars were not used to shoot anybody.
3) British Troops did not shoot anybody.
4) Yer man Neil Jordan showed all three of the above.
5) Yer man Neil Jordan is a lying little fuckker.
6) The point that yer man Neil Jordan is a lying little fuckker is the one which I was originally making.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
25 Mar 2010 /  #43
Want to quote the post in which I attempt to justify the massacre in any way shape of form?

There you go trying to "justify" this massacre again, despicable:

were a reprisal for the assassination of 14 British Intelligence officers, known as the Cairo Gang, by Michael Collins's 'squad' earlier that day."

I've found out no such thing

No surprise there as you lack knowledge about Ireland, of course you could have followed the links I provided but hell why back down when it is so obvious you know nothing.

1) Machine guns were not used to shoot anybody.

I never said they were, I said a machine gun was used.

2) Armoured cars were not used to shoot anybody.

Again I never said they were, I said it was used outside the grounds.

3) British Troops did not shoot anybody.

Yes they did, just because you have not got a clue what you are talking about is not a defence.
I suppose the Republic of Ireland is still part of Britain today because Ireland and Britain are known geographically as the "British Isles"?

5) Yer man Neil Jordan is a lying little fuckker.

I've found out no such thing (other than point 5).

Changing your argument shows your lack of knowledge.

6) The point that yer man Neil Jordan is a lying little fuckker is the one which I was originally making.

It is you who are the lying fuckker as this is a well documented case but you can't face that your too stubborn to admit when you are wrong.

Hollywood's racist lies about Britain and the British,

No comment no? for such a smart arse, know it all, you have problems verbalising your hair-brained views that you so willingly fall into and defend against irrifutable evidence.

British forces opened fire on the crowd at a Gaelic football

the Black and Tans took revenge the same afternoon, attacking spectators

Encyclopedia Britannica

British forces opened fire on the crowd at a Gaelic football match in Croke Park, killing fourteen Irish civilians.

Leading British politicians and the King made no secret of their horror at the behaviour of forces of the Crown. The mass murder of men, women and children, both spectators and football players, made international headlines, damaging British credibility. A combination of the loss of the Cairo Gang, which devastated British Intelligence in Ireland, and the public relations disaster that was 'Bloody Sunday', severely damaged the cause of British rule in Ireland and increased support for the republican ministry under Eamon de Valera.

in the afternoon Black and Tan troops opened fire on a Gaelic football crowd at Croke Park,

The Black and Tans (Irish: Dúchrónaigh) was one of two newly recruited bodies, composed largely of World War I veterans, employed by the Royal Irish Constabulary from 1920 to 1921 to suppress revolution in Ireland.


I could go on all day and these are just the top sites from google.

You are wrong Harry.
melsomelyb  - | 10  
25 Mar 2010 /  #44
At least you're okay with Bollywood, so don't make a song and dance about that.
1jola  14 | 1875  
16 Jun 2010 /  #45
As I have said, I do not see Hollywood having a crooked view of Poland specifically.

Looks like some film about the Warsaw Ghetto. Everything in this scene is wrong: Polish Army soldiers in the ghetto executing Jewish women(??!!), Polish Blue Police supervising the execution, and Jewish Ghetto Police helping out. WTF?


What ever happened to the Nazis? Wait, the Poles are the Nazis.
16 Jun 2010 /  #46
The one thing wrong is the thing you don't mention. Clearly those women are being executed for collaborating with the Nazis in the same way Alfred Nossig was. The Christian Poles are simply giving their Jewish countrymen a helping hand. The glaring error is that the executions took place in February and that does not look like Poland in mid-winter.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
16 Jun 2010 /  #47
I don't think Hollywood is anti Polish as much as it is anti European. It was built by Jews and Jews, generally have had an historically negative view of Europe as a place of witch hunts, oppression, inquisitions, pillaging and rampant anti semitism. They view it the way a minority views a country...the country is oppressive and evil unless you are a member of the majority. That is, unless you happen to be a minority that rules the country, which is a different story altogether.

Hollywood, in the past, has taken this view of Europe. It's just part of being American.
1jola  14 | 1875  
16 Jun 2010 /  #48
Clearly those women are being executed for collaborating with the Nazis

Do you know the film or you are just making that up? Polish army in uniform in Warsaw doing executions in the ghetto before 1943(ghetto intact)? Tell me more, because that is some fantasy I've never heard about, and why aren't they shooting the ghetto policemen, the worse scoudrels of all in the ghetto?

The glaring error is that the executions took place in February and that does not look like Poland in mid-winter.

Where are the Germans? Taking a siesta?
16 Jun 2010 /  #49
Polish army in uniform in Warsaw doing executions in the ghetto before 1943(ghetto intact)?

Jews were allowed in the Polish army so they could be wearing the uniforms they had kept at home. Those ghetto policemen are either ZOB member who joined the ghetto police to spy on it or are replacement police (the ghetto would have needed security after the existing police had fled or been executed).

Where are the Germans? Taking a siesta?

Same place they were when Nossig got his.
1jola  14 | 1875  
16 Jun 2010 /  #50
Jews were allowed in the Polish army so they could be wearing the uniforms they had kept at home.

And they dressed up all pretty so the girls would pee their pants. You are scraping the bottom of that cesspit you call brain.

Executions of collaborants like Nossig and others were carefully planned clandestine hits. You average American viewer sees Poles in place of Nazis executing Jews, simple as that. Is it a kneejerk reaction to contradit me to the point of total stupidity?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
16 Jun 2010 /  #51
Hollywood a pagan cesspool for the most part run by atheistic Jews...This all you need to know.

The other night I see a Quentin Tarrentino film 'Hostel' on local cable...Film about satanic abduction of white European girls for purposes of murder and snuff films...Now, this stuff happens regularly in Europe, no doubt.

But to see a S & M homo like Tarrentino making a film that glorifies it to an extent shows what Hollywood all about...Cesspit.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
16 Jun 2010 /  #52
And Tarrentino aint even a Jew...just some uneuropean Italian guy...
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
16 Jun 2010 /  #53
No, no...Tarrentino 'All American' in worst sense...Mother White 'Anglo' from the South, father Italian.

Tarrentino next in line down from another pervert, David Lynch...Lynch from Philadelphia, or at least lived here for a good while.
GUZY  5 | 8  
16 Jun 2010 /  #54
Monsters's Ball - Billy Bob Thorton plays a racist Polish-American
Gran Torino - Clint Eastwood plays a racist Polish-American
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
16 Jun 2010 /  #55
Gran Torino - Clint Eastwood plays a racist Polish-American

He isn't really a racist. You fail to see the irony in that film. Went right over your head.

Wow, I didn't know Tarrentino was half southern. That explains his odd sense of humor, even more than his mafia laden paternalige. Did he grow up in the south, or California?
OP Ironside  50 | 12333  
16 Jun 2010 /  #56
i think Poland got its payback though.

are you delusional ?
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Jun 2010 /  #57
Do you know the film or you are just making that up? Polish army in uniform in Warsaw doing executions in the ghetto before 1943(ghetto intact)?

Watch the movie to pick it up in context and see why the clip is a terrible example of the the title here.

But to see a S & M homo like Tarrentino making a film that glorifies it to an extent shows what Hollywood all about...Cesspit.

You forgot the child rapist...

Monsters's Ball - Billy Bob Thorton plays a racist Polish-American Gran Torino

Because of their last names? You know how many 'skis there are in the US? Have you ever seen a WW2 movie? It's like 20% -ski
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
16 Jun 2010 /  #58
Yeah but the point is, in Gran Torino, there was an old school Polish American man living in an Old School Polish American neigborhood in Michigan. It was obvious the dude was a Polish American dealing with ethnic change in his neighborhood. It went from Polish to Hmong.
16 Jun 2010 /  #59
You average American viewer sees Poles in place of Nazis executing Jews, simple as that.

I'm not an American, you are. Even if what you say is true, not my fault or problem that your countrymen think as they do.
tygrys  2 | 290  
17 Jun 2010 /  #60
The reason of common views about Poles and Poland in western public opinion.

So? What's your point? You believe in movies now? Can't tell the diff between movies and reality? It's true that there were concentration camps in Poland. Didn't you know that? Many movies were also made about Poland not in a negative way in itself, but as a war movie where Poles have suffered under the German occupation, such as "Schindler's list", "Life is beautiful", "The pianist" and many others. And it's good that Hollywood keeps those memories alive and makes the movie an entertainment, not like Polish movies that are so incredibly boring.

Poland sees America as a land of opportunity, where money grows on trees etc. Now there we have a problem.

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