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Poland's "historical path" is that of "fascism" (Jew attack alert)

G (undercover)  
2 Sep 2018 /  #1

Just another case of Polonophobic attack. And... surprise, surprise, It's Jew made again. If you pay attention, you will quickly discover that 80-90% of Polonophobic attacks in the media are Jew made actually.

One can wonder If it's pure racism or building the ground for multi billion compensation for "lost property" and "suffering".
Crow  154 | 9260  
2 Sep 2018 /  #2
Pressures on Poland and Polish western borders will only increase.

I read today about new protests in Germany. New Hitler closer and closer. You think they won`t turn their heads on Poland after internal `consolidation`?


photo from today`s protests in Germany

Visegrad and Serbia should be Poland`s first and vital priorities. Then, at least neutral relations with Russia and strong ties with USA. Good connections with China and Japan.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
2 Sep 2018 /  #3
Just another case of Polonophobic attack. And... surprise, surprise, It's Jew made again.

I've never heard or read of this new attack on Poland despite I live in Poland and read Polish press and social media and also watch Polish media.

building the ground for multi billion compensation for "lost property" and "suffering".

If we received a multi-billion compensation from Germany as intended by the present Polish government, we could pay this compensation to the Jewish people, so Poland's arse cbe saved.

Ceterum censeo Karthaginem delendam esse!
OP G (undercover)  
2 Sep 2018 /  #4
I've never heard or read

You've got it published in dozens of places:

we could pay this compensation to the Jewish people

Why don't you "democrats" speak for yourself ? I owe Jews nothing.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
2 Sep 2018 /  #5
If we received a multi-billion compensation from Germany as intended by the present Polish government

Yes - that's a vote winner.
For deluded clowns. I didn't have you down as such Ziemowit. In the meantime PiS concentrate on the populist impossible, Russian style, whereas in the real world, as to people's futures and the budget, time will tell as to this governments' economic "policies."

Maybe I misjudged you. My derision is aimed at such as the poster known as G.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
2 Sep 2018 /  #6
Just another case of Polonophobic attack.

I don't think that in this case you're right. It is yet another case of so called liberals/progressives or whatever you choose to call this neo-Marxist filth trying to attack anything that doesn't conform to their ideology.

It is not an accident he is an American Jew as most of them are liberals/progressives. It is not a surprise he is a professor on American university, where most of the professors there are neo-Marxist to some extend at least.

So, a fact that is a columnist in the New York Times Rag is just a cheery on the cake.

I wouldn't expect nothing else from the person like that.

So no, it is not Jewish anti-Polish slander - plenty of those out there- but an attack on Poland from the ideological progressive perspective by some red commie git not unlike Dough.

You should learn to differentiate rather than go into ha those Jews again mode. Lots of reasonable, not anti-Polish Jews out there, at least there are some. I suspect many are just being triggered just like you by some crap said there or here and blamed on Poles or the Jews.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
2 Sep 2018 /  #7
Ck. our latest pics from Chemnitz and I think, I hope, they'll serve at least as an eye-opener!
mafketis  38 | 10911  
2 Sep 2018 /  #8
What about a picture of the German whose death at migrant hands started everything? He was a half-Cuban involved in the antifascist movement.

And according to the Attonry general of Saxony (as of yesterday) there is no evidence that "hunts" have taken place against migrants and no photos or videos that suggest such actions either.

the latest protests have been peaceful and memorialize the Germans killed by the Merkeljugend (aka egg shells, the by product of her grand experiement)

Why has the international media spread so many lies about Chemnitz?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
2 Sep 2018 /  #9
Well - the Guardian opinion article is bang on. Basically it's not immigrants who refuse to be good Germans, it's the Saxons of East Germany. Quelle surprise. They are not the same peoples. All these "countries" such as Italy. Spain et al. are not homogenous and there will always be problems. Gilbert and Sullivan were being very naughty in "HMS Pinafore", and jingoistic as befitted the times, but it does make you shake your head at politics. The Krauts should have left those ungrateful Saxon/Prussians to stew. Or correct their nationalist ways. Never liked them.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
2 Sep 2018 /  #10
not immigrants who refuse to be good Germans, it's the Saxons of East Germany

So "good Germans" according to the Guardian don't get upset at citizens being killed by migrants with no legal or moral grounds for being in the country?

Put aside the nonsense about gangs "hunting" migrants (zero evidence according to the attorney general of Saxony).

You don't care about migrants with no legal or moral grounds for being in a country killing citizens? And you complain about the trivial inconveniences of Poland?

Tacitus  2 | 1246  
2 Sep 2018 /  #11
Or correct their nationalist ways.

Well, we tried, but this is nothing that can be solved quickly. The East Germans have lived under two xenophobic (the GDR was also very encouraging in this regard) dictatorships for 57 years. This is no legacy that can be stamped out quickly.

This wave of xenophobia is very concerning, because it is only a matter of time until other groups are targeted. Many claims against refugees could just as easily be used against e.g. Eastern Europeans.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
2 Sep 2018 /  #12
the Guardian opinion article

Is that the same red rag that took money from KGB during cold war? Why are you lying that you're not a commie?

he Saxons of East Germany.

Well, they're not happy and they demonstrate it - supposedly they are living in a democratic country.
Joker  2 | 2211  
2 Sep 2018 /  #13
Serbia should be Poland`s first and vital priorities

I fail to see where the OP mentioned anything about Serbia at all on this thread? Stop spamming, Crow!
mafketis  38 | 10911  
2 Sep 2018 /  #14
they're not happy and they demonstrate it

They're not happy about something they're not supposed to care about. That's the problem. What are a few dead Germans when there are millions more middle easterners and Africans that need to be brought to Germany?
Crow  154 | 9260  
2 Sep 2018 /  #15
I fail to see where the OP mentioned anything about Serbia at all on this thread? Stop spamming, Crow!

Where would Poland have been if Germany now isn`t destructed and forced to negotiate with USA and Russia about Serbia`s borders? Where would Poland have been if Trump didn`t get support from crucial powerful circles and won elections in USA?

You know when would Germany now find confidence to open Silesia`s question? Let me tell you. Not soon, if ever.

And don`t thank to NATO and don`t thank to Eu and don`t thank to Pope.
Joker  2 | 2211  
2 Sep 2018 /  #16
Thats 3 organizations that you will never hear me thanking! LOL I like you Crow, but sometimes you ramble on a bit. Sorry, about earlier:)
Crow  154 | 9260  
2 Sep 2018 /  #17
I just like to share infos that aren`t in focus of CNN, BBC, Deutsche Welle, Al Jazeera or Fox News. You too sorry, about earlier
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
3 Sep 2018 /  #18
They're not lies, Maf!

I spoke to a German acquaintance yesterday by phone and she along with a majority of other clear-thinking Germans are terrified of AfD and PEGIDA.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
3 Sep 2018 /  #19
She is being duped by the media and the political establishment into not caring about German deaths at migrants hands.... as are you! Where is your sympathy for the victims of the Merkeljugend???
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
3 Sep 2018 /  #20
It cuts both ways!

Merkel was wrong, yet why should the innocents suffer merely because of their fate of having the "wrong" skin color.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
3 Sep 2018 /  #21
Suffer how? The media trope about crowds 'hunting' migrants has been shown to be baseless... Neither of the migrants arrested for the death of Daniel Hellig had any legal (or moral) right to be in Germany.

Germany is very incompetent/reluctant to actually deport people no matter how much they deserve deportation (partly because liberal hysterics get the vapors). But one should have been removed to Bulgaria where he had originally applied for asylum and the other should have been deported back to his own country. If they had been removed from German (in accordance with the law) then Daniel Hellig would still be alive and the protests (and media hysteria) would have never happened.
Wincig  2 | 225  
3 Sep 2018 /  #22
deport people no matter how much they deserve deportation (partly because liberal hysterics get the vapors).

Of course, we all now that liberal hysterics getting the vapors is not the reason. The reason is Germany's past during WW2, when deportation was put to good use.. Shame about that past is also what drives Merkel's position on immigrants.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
3 Sep 2018 /  #23
Shame is not a good motivator or guide.
Whatever the reason, Germany's current chronic inability to deport people who should not be in Germany is a very good argument against letting vast numbers of people in with the justification "It doesn't matter how many are let in, those who don't deserve to stay will have to leave!" (yes that argument was seriously made).
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
3 Sep 2018 /  #24
Or was it "...will be asked to leave"?
Once a pussy protecting the gates, always a pussy.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
4 Sep 2018 /  #25
As I posted earlier in a different thread, Merkel is merely going typically overboard in that post-'68 German left-wing liberal way of allowing the pendulum to swing in the exact opposite direction from the NS-period, so paranoid are the Germans (thinking Germans, that is) of a return to the "bad" old days!
mafketis  38 | 10911  
4 Sep 2018 /  #26
Merkel is merely going typically overboard in that post-'68 German left-wing liberal way

It's a dead model that has nothing to offer people today. It needs to be buried so we can move on.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
4 Sep 2018 /  #27
Move on from where to where?

Dead model? In what way? Is not the instinct to right unequivocal wrongs in history intrinsically a positive thing, even if the execution is fatally flawed?

Her heart's in the right place, it's simply no longer pragmatic, that's all:-)
mafketis  38 | 10911  
4 Sep 2018 /  #28
Her heart's in the right place

Irrelevant. She's been in office too long. The under-over for usefulness as a national leader is 10 years (give or take two). She's well over the limit and an active detriment to her country and the EU.

no longer pragmatic

The things she cares about are simply not relevant in modern Europe anymore than the Maginot line or the long depression.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
4 Sep 2018 /  #29
Her heart's in the right place, it's simply no longer pragmatic, that's all:-)

What specifically is that "right" place? I naively think that the primary obligation of any leader is to assure the native population that the country is on the right track, as we call it, not to make themselves feel good. Their "hearts" and feelings are 100% irrelevant.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
4 Sep 2018 /  #30
e primary obligation of any leader is to assure the native population that the country is on the right track

And that's something no national leader really does well after 10 years (give or take two). The extremely, extremely rare cases where a leader is effective (and a positive for the country) over ten years does not invalidate that general point, Putin, Erodgan, Merkel are all well over the ten year limit.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland's "historical path" is that of "fascism" (Jew attack alert)Archived