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Poland 2050? What will happen?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Oct 2010 /  #1
Well, it's kinda like future history, innit? There have been many forecasts about Polish depopulation by mid-century to even as low as 20 million. Do you think that will happen? Or will Poland follow the lead of some West European countries where significant Thrid World immigration preventing the birth rate dropping?

Do you envisage any territorial changes? If Poland's currently superior GDP were to continue, by when would it approch the econ level of the West? Any other comments?
David_18  65 | 966  
8 Oct 2010 /  #2
There have been many forecasts about Polish depopulation by mid-century to even as low as 20 million.

Forcasts made by monkeys bribed with bananas maybe by some evul anti-polish communist?

Do you think that will happen?

No, i believe we will have a growth when our Gdp starts get closer to the ones in Germany and France etc etc... Poles rather live in Poland you know, but some of them rather go where the money is.

Or will Poland follow the lead of some West European countries where significant Thrid World immigration preventing the birth rate dropping?

How can a starving cow feed anyone else then her own little Calfs?

Do you envisage any territorial changes?

With the success of Poland the other countries that have been under Polish rule for centuries will realise that the only way to grow is to join back to it's true master Poland. And that would be Lithuania/Belarus/Ukraine! ;)

If Poland's currently superior GDP were to continue, by when would it approch the econ level of the West?

Max 20-30 years.
1jola  14 | 1875  
8 Oct 2010 /  #3
When the ragheads holocaust Israel, the Jews will head back home to Poland. That will fix the demographic problem.
George8600  10 | 630  
8 Oct 2010 /  #4
I have always LOVED depopulation. The fewer the better and the more significant the individual. The culture and nationalism become stronger, more job opportunities, more resources for the people both direct like food and housing, and indirect like healthcare and education, and there are practically no poverty or unemployment rates. The populations of most western countries are dropping, but the uneducated third world sh*tholes are breeding more than ever. Then we have the media pounding us with overpopulation material thinking it's an overall human problem because they're too p*ssies to "discriminate" against races who are the true cause of this problem. So in short immigration is cool now, but I don't want to have to deal with all their cheap immigrants in the future because they chose to follow a cockroach philosophy to have me deal with the resulting problem.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
8 Oct 2010 /  #5
With the success of Poland the other countries that have been under Polish rule for centuries will realise that the only way to grow is to join back to it's true master Poland. And that would be Lithuania/Belarus/Ukraine! ;)

Only when Poland comes to grips to itself and asks for Anschluß on Germany again (We won't call it partition this time)! ;)

When the ragheads holocaust Israel, the Jews will head back home to Poland. That will fix the demographic problem.

Yeah....in Germany too...we need a convenient scape goat again...
8 Oct 2010 /  #6
I have always LOVED depopulation.

You will, until such time as you come to draw your pension. That little Ponzi scheme is, sadly predicated on economic growth, itself in no small measure dependent on population growth.

Look at the rapidly deflating Russia and what is happening to its old population. A special case, Russia to be sure, but to say of the starving and/or freezing-to-death over 65s that their individual significance is in direct proportion to their numbers is just bizarre.
David_18  65 | 966  
8 Oct 2010 /  #7
Only when Poland comes to grips to itself and asks for Anschluß on Germany! ;)

Maybe you guys should "Anschluß" Austria first ;). I mean you already started ww1 and ww2. So why not push the repeat button and start ww3?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
8 Oct 2010 /  #8
Why WWIII...you yourself stated that countries should look at their more successfull "true masters!" and beg for entry??? Totally voluntarily!

What's good for the goose...

Of course if you were only joking you should say so! ;)
(But if you take the case of the EU you did kind of beg for entry - without one bullet fired)
David_18  65 | 966  
8 Oct 2010 /  #9
But if you take the case of the EU you did kind of beg for entry - without one bullet fired

No... They begged us ;)

Why WWIII...you yourself stated that countries should look at their more successfull "true masters!" and beg for entry??? Totally voluntarily!

Germany never was a master of Poland, just a occupier for 4-5 years ;)
1jola  14 | 1875  
8 Oct 2010 /  #10
In 2050, there will be no Poland. It will be called the Eastern Region, European Socialist Republic #16 or something like that. Sad. Nationalists like me are...so uncool these days.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
8 Oct 2010 /  #11
Germany never was a master of Poland, just a occupier for 4-5 years ;)

Okay...maybe Prussia rings a bell?

In 2050, there will be no Poland. It will be called the Eastern Region, European Socialist Republic #16 or something like that. Sad. Nationalists like me are...so uncool these days.

"Mitteleuropa" sounds nice! :)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
8 Oct 2010 /  #12
the Jews will head back home to Poland. That will fix the demographic problem.

That is an interessting theory!
Poland should intensify propaganda about how Jews were living in Poland before the partitions!
That should make SOME come back!

"Mitteleuropa" sounds nice! :)

Mittel sounds awefull
Middeleuropa! Middeleuropa! ;)

With the success of Poland the other countries that have been under Polish rule for centuries will realise that the only way to grow is to join back to it's true master Poland. And that would be Lithuania/Belarus/Ukraine! ;)

Before that happends we will have to send in propaganda films there and show that the most cruel opression was done by Nationa-Democrats which are today very unpopular and that Piłsudski had a plan for an united federation! And to apply such an idea is still possible! Also we will have to organize a coup'de attentate in Belarussia firlmy arranged so that the Russians won't get nasty! Hm We could let the Russians have monopoly on Vodka! But Poland will produce it's own version called "Gorzałka" with much older traditions mwuhahah :)

Okay...maybe Prussia rings a bell?

Sorry but comparing "occupation" by Poland on lands of 3 countries with Prussia occupying 1 country with the help of 2 other countries...
You couldn't even have the possiblity to claim ALL of nowadays Poland! Unless you will go back to Third reich or before Napoleon did his work
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
8 Oct 2010 /  #13
Mittel sounds awefull
Middeleuropa! Middeleuropa! ;)

Okay...I'm not nitpicking..."Middel" Europa it is! :)
(Most Germans speaking it like you write it anyhow)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
8 Oct 2010 /  #14
Okay...I'm not nitpicking..."Middel" Europa it is! :)

Was I a bit pushy? :S
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
8 Oct 2010 /  #15
Nah...I want that all my subjects are happy... :):):)
David_18  65 | 966  
8 Oct 2010 /  #16
Okay...maybe Prussia rings a bell?

I did know you would say that. But Prussia was never Germany ;),

And Prussia only had small parts of Poland. and Don't forget that Poland were masters over Prussia long before the prussians partioned Poland togheter with 2 other countries.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
8 Oct 2010 /  #17
But Prussia was never Germany ;),

Without Prussia there wouldn't had been a Germany...say Thank You to prussian Bismarck for that! ;)

Anyhow I think a Poland becoming voluntarily part of Germany again is as high as your vision:

With the success of Poland the other countries that have been under Polish rule for centuries will realise that the only way to grow is to join back to it's true master Poland. And that would be Lithuania/Belarus/Ukraine! ;)

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
8 Oct 2010 /  #18
Anyhow I think a Poland becoming voluntarily part of Germany again is as high as your vision:

Poland, Li/Be/Ukra
Not Prussia/Germany, Poland :)

Yes Poles are nice xD

Nah...I want that all my subjects are happy... :):):)

*Looks at his ID*
Oh my must have changed since I stood up ALL BOW TO THE NEW KING BB!
David_18  65 | 966  
8 Oct 2010 /  #19
Without Prussia there wouldn't had been a Germany...say Thank You to prussian Bismarck for that! ;)

I wish Poland annexed Prussia when it still had the chance.

Stupid liberal poles doh!!!

Anyhow I think a Poland becoming voluntarily part of Germany again is as high as your vision:

Fair enough, let us all dream away for a while into our utopia...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
8 Oct 2010 /  #20
Stupid liberal poles doh!!!

Ey! King, King , KING! Don't blame the Szlachta for everything! ! ! ;)
David_18  65 | 966  
8 Oct 2010 /  #21
Yea lets blame the saxon kings!!!!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
8 Oct 2010 /  #22
Fair enough, let us all dream away for a while into our utopia...

Okay... :)

*thinks Gruni is on speed today*
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
8 Oct 2010 /  #23
Yea lets blame the saxon kings!!!!

I thought we were talking about "Stary"
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Oct 2010 /  #24
A za króla Sasa -- jedz, pij i pupuszczaj pasa*...were the bywords of the two Saxon monarchs whose courts wallowed in luxury and debauchry whilst the peasantry starved. Then as now the blind, unbridled pursuit of material wealth, pleasure, convenience and luxury leads into a blind alley.

* When a Saxon king is at the fore, eat, drink and loosen your belt s'more.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
8 Oct 2010 /  #25
A za króla Sasa -- jedz, pij i pupuszczaj pasa*.

Yes yes, but we were talking about how lucky Prussia was since it wasn't strangled by Poland/Poles...
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
8 Oct 2010 /  #26
Poland 2050?

The date when Polonius will actually return to Poland....;p
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Oct 2010 /  #27
Was there ever such a real chance? Obviously, a Prussia incoproated by Poladn-Lithuania would have prevented the emergence of Germany as we know it. I believe the Saxon kings spent most of their time at their court in Dresden. But WW2 could have been prevented if Piłsudski had pre-emptively invaded Germany before it could re-arm and develop Nazi rule.
David_18  65 | 966  
8 Oct 2010 /  #28
I thought we were talking about "Stary"

Ah you're talking about the prussian homage!


Gosh it's a lovely painting. BB you should make a copy of this and hang on your walls at home as an reminder of your true master ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
8 Oct 2010 /  #29
BB you should make a copy of this and hang on your walls at home as an reminder of your true master ;)

Well....it has been awhile, hasn't it? ;)

Between that picture and now lay 3 partitions,a war and countless football matches, each time Poland got thrashed.

But WW2 could have been prevented if Piłsudski had pre-emptively invaded Germany before it could re-arm and develop Nazi rule.

Nah...german forces would had come to occupy Warsaw sooner or later anyhow. The relatively few polish forces would never have been able to hold down a people of 80 millions.

But then nobody would even try to help you to get your country back...you would get your righteous punishment after starting an agression (as it would then told in all history books).

Be glad nobody followed that "glorious" idea...you would still pay for it, even today!
David_18  65 | 966  
8 Oct 2010 /  #30
Be glad nobody followed that "glorious" idea...you would still pay for it, even today!

Just like Germany has to pay for it in every single history book, painted as the worst war criminals in the history! I salut you!!!

Well....it has been awhile, hasn't it? ;)

Indeed but it will be in the history book for ever!!! Nothing you can exterminate my dear germ!!!

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