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Good-change government raising minimum wage in Poland, cutting SB pensions

28 Nov 2016 /  #181
Not a PZPR member? Known for his family's AK background?

Clearly neither the lack of Party membership nor the father's former allegiance were a problem, given that both those factors were equally true for The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski, and his application to be allowed to prosecute dissidents during the commie era was accepted.

But then the supposed former allegiance of Daddy Kaczynski was no problem to him getting back into university, no problem for him being allowed to teach the children of the elite, no problem for him to be allowed to work in the American embassy, no problem for him to get a nice flat, no problem for his kids to be movie stars, no problem for him to be given a multi-million zloty villa in Zoliborz. Although of course there is a very obvious reason why an AK officer got that while AK enlisted men were being tortured.

You are still repeating the lie thast he volunteered "TO PROSECUTE DISSIDENTS".

He volunteered to prosecute criminals at a time when distributing unauthorised newspapers was a crime, a crime one of his fellow senior figures in the PiSlamic State actually prosecuted charges of.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Nov 2016 /  #182
Polish constitution is wrong

Some people think breaking the law is wrong but that big fat slob Rzepliński defies the law governing the TK, its procedures and quorums and has become a hero to all PiS-bashing slime,
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Nov 2016 /  #183
at a time when

But he did not actually prosecute anyone himself, did he? Why not? So his brother got rejected but he was accepted, so why didn't his career take off? Why did he join people like Macierewicz who set up the KOR dissident group to defend and assist persecuted workers? And that was back when nobody seriously even envisaged that communism would collapse and the USSR would be dissolved.

Above all, why is HB the only person in all of Poland banging on about this when none of his most virulent opponents riase such issues?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
30 Nov 2016 /  #184
at a time when

That tricky little linking phrase "at a time when" was to intended to incrimiante an individual by equating him with what one section of an institution did. But now you hopefully have realised that you're the only one of some 38 million people in Poland still banging on obout this obscure and unprovable point. It took some time for this to sink in, but better late then never. GO AND SIN NO MORE!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Mar 2017 /  #185
yet another "good change"

The PiS reform programme has been aimed at cleaning up the mess left my crooked and/or incompetent predecessors and sweeping away corruption wherever it occurs. The court system is a case in point. Judges regard themselves as an untouchable caste not bound by the rules of mere mortals, hence no-one has the right to take them to task for corruption and various irregularities. That includes the Gdańsk prosrecutor ignoring reports and refusing to investigate the AmberGold scam as well as a criminal corruption conspiracy in a Kraków court. High Court judge Gerdorf was involved in financial hanky-panky in the OFE (Open Retirement Fund) scandal, but since "hand washes hand", the charges were conveniently dropped. This is but the tip of the ice-berg. The broom of justice will continue sweeping away the corrupt cliques and coteries that have establised themselves in the judicial apparatus.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Mar 2017 /  #186
"good change"

Poland is the only country in Europe that can stand up to Germany, said Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of the governing Law and Justice (PiS) party.

"Sooner or later our perseverance will reap good results," Kaczyński told the wSieci weekly in an interview.
Kaczyński spoke about the recent re-election of former Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk to head the European Council for a 30-month term.
The Polish PiS government had proposed MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski as its candidate to run against Tusk.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Mar 2017 /  #187
Poland is the only country in Europe that can stand up to Germany

More of the delusions, Jarek?

I find it incredibly fascinating that he's picking fights with Germany while maintaining civil relations with Russia.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Mar 2017 /  #188
incredibly fascinating

One finds it incredibly fascinating, nay -- downright astonishing that you only see fit to deride Poland's strategist supreme, the most powerful and influential person in Poland, and also one of the most significant in Europe at this point in time.
jon357  72 | 23482  
20 Mar 2017 /  #189
also one of the most significant in Europe at this point in time.

A laughing stock in fact
mafketis  38 | 11127  
20 Mar 2017 /  #190
deride Poland's strategist supreme

You mean the one that embarrassed the country in front of the EU (alienating even Poland's closest allies?)

the most powerful and influential person in Poland

he's a backbencher! There's no way he should have the power and influence he does with no formal responsibility, it reeks of the PRL!

while maintaining civil relations with Russia.

he'd sell out Poland in a minute if it meant job security for himself.
jon357  72 | 23482  
20 Mar 2017 /  #191
it reeks of the PRL!

That appeals to his aging supporters
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Mar 2017 /  #192
he'd sell out

Like the doomed soldiers, he'd rather die than betray Poland. Don't forget it was people like Macierewicz and Kaczyński that first set up KOR to protect oppressed workers, not knowing what jail they would end up in or in which back alley the'd be attacked and possibly bludgeoned to death in by "unidnretified assailants" (nie znani sprawcy). You and your cronies keep referring to PRL which you have only read or heard about from 2nd- or 3rd-hand sources.
jon357  72 | 23482  
20 Mar 2017 /  #193
people like Macierewicz and Kaczyńsk

Look what they turned in to. Ghouls nibbling at the mouldy corpśe of 30s nationalism.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Mar 2017 /  #194
he'd rather die than betray Poland.

Is that why he willingly signed up to study to be a prosecutor in Communist Poland? Being a graduate of law, he would have been well aware that prosecutors were an extension of the Party and existed to preserve the "leading role of the PZPR".

Kaczyński that first set up KOR

Bloody hell Polly, that's a lie if there ever was one.


He's nowhere to be found in KOR.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Mar 2017 /  #195
what they turned in to

Like your fellow-PiS-bashers, your whole line of argumentation is focused on the results not the prime causes.
WHY DID PEOPLE VOTE FOR PiS, BREXIT AND TRUMP IN THE FIRST PLACE? If you can candidly answer that question you'll realise you're barking up the wrong tree! Or maybe you're no longer (or perhaps never were) capable of comprehending the process known as cause and effect. It wouldn't surprise anyone, after all.
jon357  72 | 23482  
20 Mar 2017 /  #196

The results of the PiS ghouls' activity is likely to be a huge backlash - even bigger than the one after their last brief term of office. This is likely to gel beautifully with the wider European backlash against nationalism.

Every thing they do invariably produces the opposite effect.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Mar 2017 /  #197
wider European backlash

You msut read the Kosher Courier with your horse-blinkers tightly in place, because you seem to be sheltered from what's actually happening all about. There is a European and American backlash all right but it is against anarcho-leftism, multi-culti, PC suppression of free speech, atheo-secularism, promisco-pansexualism and cosmopolitan globalism.

And you failed to explain why PiS, Brexit, LePen, Wilders and Trump.
jon357  72 | 23482  
21 Mar 2017 /  #198
"the Kosher Courier". The what?

anarcho-leftism, multi-culti, PC suppression of free speech, atheo-secularism, promisco-pansexualism and cosmopolitan globalism

That's pretty well your standard rant when challenged on the bad change government and as usual very little to do with the failed topic of the thread.

PiS, Brexit, LePen, Wilders and Trump.

One failing, one doomed, one about to lose, one a political pariah and the last likely to end up behind bars.
21 Mar 2017 /  #199

For precisely the same reason that some people voted 3 x Tak and why some people voted for Hitler: some people are stupid, some people are gullible and some people are stupid and gullible, as is shown by people believing and repeating the rubbish they hear on Radio Maybach.

Is that why he willingly signed up to study to be a prosecutor in Communist Poland?

That is the original sin which PIS's minions try so hard to remove from history.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Mar 2017 /  #200
end up behind bars

That's the fate that awaits Tusk if he shows up in Poland. The latest findings of the AmberGold investigation have shown Tusk knew about the pyramid scam well in advance but did nothing about it. He also knew of his son's involvement therein (OLT AIlrine). Do Poland have a father & son cell in their penal system?

Whatever the case, the POO scamster regime will never again rear its ugly head and resume riupping off Poland. POO is history. According to Morawiecki, PiS can look forward to governing Poland into the 2030s.
jon357  72 | 23482  
21 Mar 2017 /  #201
That's the fate that awaits Tusk if he shows up in Poland

You know that's untrue. By the way, he is at home in Poland very frequently.

the POO scamster regime

There you go again...

According to Morawiecki

Which means it's definitely untrue.

Donald Tusk, Poland's best prime minister so far, would almost certainly win a presidential election if he stood tomorrow. His approval rating within Poland as president of the EU commission is pretty high too.
21 Mar 2017 /  #202
By the way, he is at home in Poland very frequently.

Yes, and he flies RyanAir too, no private planes and helicopters for him when he's travelling for personal needs, unlike the elitny of the PiSlamic State.

Polonius3: the POO scamster regime

There you go again...

Surely don't expect the rules here to apply to Po?! That's like expecting the "Good-change government" to apply its own logic to itself and so ban from office men who volunteered to prosecute dissidents under communism!
Wulkan  - | 3136  
21 Mar 2017 /  #203
Surely don't expect the rules here to apply to Po?

What rules? He didn't break any in that sentence according to your logic.
jon357  72 | 23482  
21 Mar 2017 /  #204
That's like expecting the "Good-change government" to apply its own logic to itself and so ban from office men who volunteered to prosecute dissidents under communism!

There would be very few left. For a party that pretends to be so keen on 'lustracja' they've certainly got a lot more skeletons in their cupboards than any other political organisation in Poland.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Mar 2017 /  #205
The what?

Also known as the Szechter Smut Sheet and GW (Gówniane Wieści)

best prime minister

For crooks, scmasters, ex-SB types nad clique members -- defintiely. But who cares anbotu that slime in the first place?! They're best flushed down the loo!
jon357  72 | 23482  
21 Mar 2017 /  #206

Very naughty of you Po. Perhaps if they'd given you the job you begged for you'd be praising them.

For crooks, scmasters, ex-SB types nad clique members

There you go again. Your stock PRL-style response to the reality that hurts you so much.

crooks, scmasters, ex-SB types nad clique member

PiS to a tee.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Mar 2017 /  #207
got a lot more skeletons

Name some. There's Piotrowicz and then there's Piotrowicz and, oh yes, also Piotrowicz. If you really scrape the bottom of the barrel you may dredge up 2 or 3 more, but that's no match for the scamster POO party, the refuge of the PZPR's red gestapo. They actually marched hand in hand with POO, KOD and Petru, and Kijowski publicly delcared Poles should be grateful to the SB for providing them with security.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
21 Mar 2017 /  #208
"the Kosher Courier". The what?

A large portion of his brain that isn't obsessing about men having sex with each other is devoted to the Jews...

This movie would probably make his brain explode...

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Mar 2017 /  #209
There you go again. Your stock PRL-style response to the reality that hurts you so much.

While we're talking about reality, seen the latest CBOS polls? Bear in mind that CBOS is controlled by the government:


Half of Poles believe that the situation in Poland is moving in the wrong direction, and just over one third (34%) - in good. 16 percent do not have an opinion. Survey - according to a March CBOS poll.

Up to 70% of voters that identify with centrist politics are now against PiS.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
21 Mar 2017 /  #210
Yes, and he flies RyanAir too, no private planes

Sure he had been using public funds while in Poland. Right now he is only a glorified butler.
@delphinium You still have no clue about Polish politics. Those polls tell you nothing. Polish public is always against government and those in charge, cause like American public they just don't trust them politicians. If there is some shy..t storm in a political hemisphere that dislike towards gov is growing for w while.

That is not way any indication how the voting preferences would go...

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Good-change government raising minimum wage in Poland, cutting SB pensionsArchived