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Good-change government raising minimum wage in Poland, cutting SB pensions

27 Nov 2016 /  #151
Kaczyński was duly elected to the Sejm and holds the title of MP.

So why did he publicly announce that he is "the real actual leader" of Poland? And why didn't the supposed 'Prime Minister' or that cat Duda dare to correct him?

And more to the point, why should he be allowed to hold a position of public trust after his attempts to prosecute dissidents during the commie era?

Of course there's no point in asking why you're yet again allowed to get away with your trademarked off-topic ad hom trolling.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Nov 2016 /  #152
those who volunteered to prosecute them

Proivde a document signed by Kaczyński saiyng: "I hereby volutneeer to prosecutre dissidents." Maybe then some on PF will believe you. Until then: STUL PYSK!

unelected party leader

One can see you're bidding for the title of Liar Laureate 2, vice-Liar Laureate or Liar Laureate , jr (right now the original LL is probably thinking: "How dare he intrude on my domain? No-one lies better than me!").

Kaczyński was duly elected to the Sejm and holds the title of MP. Even his most
venomous detractors do not question that fact, but you do?!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Nov 2016 /  #153
cat Duda

How is it no-one recalls you ever saying Cat Kijowski, Catty Gronkowiec or Cat Tusk? Or calling the PO by its more appropriate title: Scamster Platform? Also you never referred to SB informer psuedo Liwin as Komoruski nor to Stasi paid informer Tusk as Oskar.

Apparently such hypocrisy is all one can expect from HB.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Nov 2016 /  #154
off-topic ad hom trolling

They also somehow don't stop your off-topic broken-record-style ad Kaczyński trolling for which there is not a stitch of evidence. Another 1% bit of HB truth or a

trademark 99% HB lie! One's got to hand it to you -- you are really determined, devoted and persevering when it comes to upholding your LL reputation.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
27 Nov 2016 /  #155
Kaczyński was duly elected to the Sejm and holds the title of MP.

Yes, and he has no business interfering in government policy as a back bencher. If he simply acted like an MP instead of the Queen of godannmed Sheba I woulnd't mind but his power clearly oversteps his electoral mandate.
27 Nov 2016 /  #156
there is not a stitch of evidence.

No matter how many times you insult anybody and no matter how many times you claim otherwise, we'll always have the words of The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski's own brother confirming that they both volunteered to prosecute dissidents during the commie era and that the only reason The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski didn't succeed in his aim was that his brother wasn't accepted into the organisation that prosecuted dissidents during the commie era.

How is it no-one recalls you ever

How is it nobody recalls you answering questions with anything other than off-topic ad hom trolling? Although I suppose you can't really admit that, for every obvious reasons, you don't want people who loyally served the commie regime to be punished.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Nov 2016 /  #157
No matter how many times

No matter how many times you repeat that bit of nonsense, you have yet to provide a facismile of the incriminating document or any other credible source. So it's only HB spouting off half-cocked again with more of his trademark hearsay and innunedo.
27 Nov 2016 /  #158
you have yet to provide a facismile of the incriminating document or any other credible source.

Keep telling yourself that repeating your lies will make them true, DDCS. Everybody else can look at this post: polishforums.com/news/poland-kukiz-petru-newly-emerging-political-74590/2/#msg1565098
where I write "Chairman Kaczynski volunteered to become a public prosecutor, to prosecute 'criminals', as his brother makes crystal clear on page 92 of the storming good Alfabet braci Kaczyńskich. "
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Nov 2016 /  #159
cat Duda

Is one of your cats called Duda? That's cute
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Nov 2016 /  #160
public prosecutor, to prosecute 'criminals'

That's what prosecutors do -- they prosecute criminals. That's a huge stretch of HB's sick imagination to bend that into "volunteering to prosecute dissdients". BTW did you ever wonder why they were turned down?

Besides, anyone can write a book. There are numerous books saying Wałęsa was a secret police snitch. Does that automaticlaly make it true?
The benefit of this exercise is that it further exposes and sheds even more light on HB's MO. A single remark out of a unverified source is twisted and expanded to fit his own political bias, and he's got the cheek to call that proof. Maybe some gullible dupes will actually believe him like his lower-case sidekick and head-over-heels admirer. But it is highly doubtful whetehr the latter's got too many more emulators on the forum. Most have seen through him long ago.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Nov 2016 /  #161
Kaczyński is both a duly elected party leader as well as a duly elected MP. let's see how HB tries to twist and bend those irrefutable facts to suit his private hate industry.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Nov 2016 /  #162
interfering in government policy

Can you cite the constitional passage or piece of legislation that orders winning parties how to run things or whom to consult in the pursuit of government affairs? Is there an aricle in the penal code limitng which MP has more or less input? Normally in any institution, company, organisation or government, wise managers listen to those who excel in their field, and K is known as a master strategist even to his mortal enemies.
27 Nov 2016 /  #163
That's what prosecutors do -- they prosecute criminals.

That's what members of the security services do: they neutralise risks to the security of the State. In the commie era criminals included people who distributed unauthorised newspapers, and were prosecuted for that, by now senior PiSlamic State personnel.

BTW did you ever wonder why they were turned down?

The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski wasn't turned down. He was judged suitable to prosecute anybody the commie leadership told him to. His brother was rejected, not him.

Besides, anyone can write a book.

This book was written in close cooperation with the Kaczynski brothers, they are quoted extensively in it.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Nov 2016 /  #164

So why didn't Jarosław land the apprenticeship?
If the book was written in cooperation with Kaczyński, that's all the more reason to believe he had nothing to hide. If he had thought of his activities the way you have twisted them, he would not have agreed to even as much as was written, knowing how the "total opposition" would have a heyday with it.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
28 Nov 2016 /  #165
Normally in any institution, company, organisation or government, wise managers listen to those who excel in their field, and K is known as a master strategist even to his mortal enemies.

Then his mortal enemies are as pathetic as he is. His one contribution to PiS's electoral victory was hiding from the public and has no real achievements before or since besides polarizing the public more than ever before with appeals to a PRL style safety net and weird death necrophilic obsessions.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Nov 2016 /  #166
necrophilic obsessions

You are becoming a worthy follower of the one and only HB.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
28 Nov 2016 /  #167
That's kind of an ad hominem. Care to address why the government turning into grave robbers is a 'good change'?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Nov 2016 /  #168
grave robbers

Through his sick, skewed and villifying rhetoric HB is known for turning both positive or neutral developments into something evil afd ugly sounding. You are clearly following in the footsteps of your new guru.

Since this affects someone else, in typical non-empathetic HB fashion you seem insensitive to the pain and desperation of loved ones dismayed at the pseudo-autopsies carried out by the Rooskies in 2010, by the misplaced body parts and extraneous matter (such as cigarette butts) found in some of the coffins.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
28 Nov 2016 /  #169
insensitive to the pain and desperation of loved ones dismayed at the pseudo-autopsies

Just as you are insensitive to the pain and desperation of those who don't want their loved ones' graves desecrated for cheap political gain.


You just can't think without demeaning other nationalities can you? How insenstive is that? You call yourself a christian?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Nov 2016 /  #170
demeaning other nationalities

Not everyone is a slavish advocate of Political Correctness, a leftist ploy to suppress freedom fo expression. Maybe you're on the RT payroll and required to defend Putinland.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
28 Nov 2016 /  #171
Not everyone is a slavish advocate of Political Correctness,

As long as you're not upset by the term "Polish death camps" to refer to camps that are within the borders of the current republic of Poland.
28 Nov 2016 /  #172
So why didn't Jarosław land the apprenticeship?

Read the quote that has been provided to you many times: The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski was accepted by the department which specialised in prosecuting dissidents. His late brother was rejected.

If the book was written in cooperation with Kaczyński, that's all the more reason to believe he had nothing to hide.

He believes he has nothing to hide. Other people might think that volunteering to prosecute dissidents is wrong, but The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski believes that he has never done anything wrong, that if he does something, it must be right. For example, other people would think that ordering one's minions to break the law and ignore the Polish constitution is wrong but to The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski it is not.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
28 Nov 2016 /  #173
he Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski was accepted by the department which specialised in prosecuting dissidents. His late brother was rejected.

Does that explain why the late brother was detained during martial law and JK wasn't? hmmmmmm

One long standing tactic among political establishments of all stripes is to promote people with skeletons in their closet that can be used to keep them in line. I wonder what JK's skeletons (or his closet) were....
28 Nov 2016 /  #174
I wonder what JK's skeletons (or his closet) were....

If you did wonder that, you'd be the only person who doesn't know about The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski and the closet. It's ironic really, he tries so hard to keep hidden something which is nothing to be ashamed about, i.e. his sexuality, but even his brother has been quite open about his past attempts to collaborate with the Commie regime by prosecuting dissidents, which really is something to be ashamed of.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Nov 2016 /  #175
Chairman Kaczynski was accepted by the department

So why didn't he start working there? Your bomabstic nitpicking and clutching at straws for the purpose of PiS-bashing may impress the few unenlightened posters who don't follow Polish affairs that closely. But the ultimate proof that your off-the-wall argument only proves the accuracy of your HB nickname is this. The frustrated, ranting, fuming and foaming-at-the-mouth "total oppositon" never misses an opportunity to deride or discredit Kaczyński and PiS, often with the most outrageous of charges. But no-one except HB has harped on this one obscure, minor point over and over over and over...

If it contained but the tiniest shred of truth, everyone knows they would have used it to the hilt. Unless, as the consummate know-all, HB claims to know something the whole oppositon do not?! One shouldn't put it past him. On zawsze wie lepiej!
28 Nov 2016 /  #176
So why didn't he start working there?

Because, as has been told to you many times and is clearly stated in the link you refuse to read, the brother of The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski wasn't judged to be suitable for prosecuting dissidents during the commie era.

Your bombastic nitpicking and clutching at straws for the purpose of PiS-bashing may impress the few unenlightened posters who don't follow Polish affairs that closely.

The off-topic ad hom trolling of DDCS and his refusal to discuss the facts firstly show that he knows full well that The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski volunteered to prosecute dissidents during the commie era (something DDCS thinks is just fine) and secondly show that the mods here have different rules for different posters.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
28 Nov 2016 /  #177
and secondly show that the mods here have different rules for different posters.

Indeed, if you wasn't on a special treatment you'd be permanently banned long time ago.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Nov 2016 /  #178
wasn't judged to be suitable

On what grounds? Not a PZPR member? Known for his family's AK background?
You are still repeating the lie thast he volunteered "TO PROSECUTE DISSIDENTS". In reality he applied for a traineeship/apprenticeship/internship or whatever they call it with the proseuctor's offoice. That much we know. No more, no less. The malicious overintepretations and insinuations are all the figments of HB's sick imagination.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Nov 2016 /  #179
Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski

One can see you are begging for a few more adjetcives. So be it. What about "that disgusting and generally despised badmouther Cat HB"?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Nov 2016 /  #180
prosecute dissidents

Why isn't that creepy Kijowski or the shadowy Petru or nervously false-smiling Schetnya beating PiS over the head with this. Is HB truly the only person in Poland privy to these "secrets" which he made up himself through malicous insinuations?

Makes one wonder? Megalomania? Arrogance? Or just plain HB?

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Good-change government raising minimum wage in Poland, cutting SB pensionsArchived