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Good-change government raising minimum wage in Poland, cutting SB pensions

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Jun 2016 /  #31
again announcing plans to do what they promised to do

Whatever they're doing they have won 40% public support. Your banklster guru the great Petru, self-styled leader of the opposition movement, is down to single digits.

At the moment he is on yet another snitching expedition to Brussels, turningn more and more Poles away from the KODists. But their ranks will not dwindle appreciably because now even more PZPR colonels, SB types and other PRL-era operatives will be joining to save their fat-cat pensions. They will like you even more when you tell them you work for a sister-party, CPGB.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
15 Jun 2016 /  #32
Indeed, and you want to impoverish them. Shame on you. It's always the wives who suffer...

Why would I fill pity for people who were traitors to their nation? Who all their lives enjoyed special treatment and privileges and a higher material status for selling out their own people and their country to an invader. Who committed many crimes and atrocities and who murdered people fighting for freedom?

What about wives and children of those they imprisoned , tortured or murdered?
Those whose lives they destroyed being willing tools of the evil totalitarian empire?
Do you care about them?
No, shame on you for siding with perpetrators and not their victims, with bad people trampling on unmarked graves of their victims just to defend luxurious lifestyle for their oppressors.

Their country is Poland - the land they were serving.

No, they were serving Soviet Union, their formation were commanded by Soviet generals and even as late as 80' received direct orders from Kremlin.
They never served Poland and Poland is no under obligation to pay them.

And all of them are innocent

Indeed innocent lambs phew!
I don't ask for them to be hanged or imprisoned.
I'm saying that they were serving Soviet Union not Poland so then Soviet Union should pay for their needs, not Poland - simple!

Chairman Kaczynski volunteered to prosecute dissidents during commie times. If these pensioners should be punished, the

OK typical Harryesque. Kaczynski is not former soviet secret police officer and your obsession with him border on insanity.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Jun 2016 /  #33
General Franco

Just as Poland saved Europe from the bolshevik hordes in 1920 so too
General Franco saved the country and possibly the entire continent from a Soviet takeover. Otherwise Europe would have been in a Soviet pincer situation -- USSR on one side and red-ruled Spain on the other. He used justifiably

tough tactics against the bolshies who were destroying non-compliant villages, burning churches, killing Spanish patriots and priests and raping nuns.
jon357  72 | 22979  
15 Jun 2016 /  #34
General Franco

Was a mass murderer who employed some of the worst torturers Europe has known - would you allow them to retain a pension or would you act as PiS would like to here?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Jun 2016 /  #35
act as PiS

The Stalinist (so-called "republican") torturers pf 1930s Spain should be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity or, at the very least, have their pensions downsized.

Luckily Gen. Franco stopped the red menace engulfing his country and spreading across hte continent.
15 Jun 2016 /  #36
Harry: Kaczyński prosecuted dissidents

Mods, is deliberately changing people's quotes still a banning offense? At no time did I say Chairman Kaczynski prosecuted dissidents and Po is simply lying and falsifying a quote (yet again) when he claims I did. Chairman Kaczynski volunteered to prosecute dissidents during the commie era but the system collapsed so quickly that he wasn't able to finish training to do that. If members of one organization that had members which persecuted dissidents should be punished, why shouldn't people who signed up for another organization to persecute dissidents, which is what Chairman Kaczynski did, also be punished?
jon357  72 | 22979  
15 Jun 2016 /  #37
The Stalinist (so-called "republican") torturers pf 1930s Spain should be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity

So basically you're saying that torturers are ok as long as they're fascist - which it is also fair to describe you as on the basis of political views expressed here.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, you really do come across here as having no redeeming features whatsoever.

I look forward to a future government in Poland, perhaps even one more right-wing and rabid than PiS cutting your pension and perhaps instituting criminal procedings for reasons we both know about buyt which for obvious reasons can't be discussed on here. For now.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
16 Jun 2016 /  #38
"cutting SB pensions"-o boy,we gonna see biggest KOD march to date if they do cut em.and lots of tears and screaming.

and cut that Boleks pension as well.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Jun 2016 /  #39
Chairman Kaczynski

Any link on the wild claim that Kaczyński supported the red regime by prosecuting anit-communist dissidents?
jon357  72 | 22979  
16 Jun 2016 /  #40
Any link on the wild claim tha

Any comments on your wild claim that fascist torturers should be praised?

And yet you want to deny elderly Poles their pension.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Jun 2016 /  #41
So basically you're saying that torturers are ok

Choosing the lesser of two evils is a common dilemma. In view of 9/11, the water-board enhanced interrogation, a quasi-torture technique used by the CIA on suspected Muslim terrorists, could be justified.

The extereme methdo Franco was forced to use are justified when the alternative was the attempted Sovietisation of Europe.
jon357  72 | 22979  
16 Jun 2016 /  #42

Evil is evil however you look at it, and Franco's torturers (working well into the 70s) that you attempted to justify are evil.

And you still want to hurt Poles by taking their pensions.

It seems you condemn totalitarianism only when it's from a political tendency that you dislike, but would be more than happy to see it in other forms.
Atch  21 | 4149  
16 Jun 2016 /  #43
(working well into the 70s)

Did they retire on their 80th birthdays on a full pension? :D
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Jun 2016 /  #44
to hurt Poles by taking their pensions.

Stalinist slime like those of the Michnik family can hardly be even called Poles -- alien ethnciity, alien ideology, traitors in teh service of a foreign enemy power. To prevent a rerun of 9/11 or the stalinisaiton of Europe extreme methods are justifiable.

You seem to think it is right for the Soldiairty worekrs whose masses toppled PRL and vicitsm of PRL reprisals now have to struggle to make ends meet while their oppressors, fat SB colonels and captains get mega-large pensions.

PiS want to restore some semblance of balance to that gross injustice.
jon357  72 | 22979  
16 Jun 2016 /  #45
Atch, Probably 65 if not earlier; certainly plenty are still alive.

alien ethnciity

That one phrase says so much about you - as I've said before and will say again posts like that suggest someone with no redeeming features whatsoever, an individual who claims to be a devout Christian but whose posts here are riddled with pure evil.

Interesting to see you advocating Socialism, even if it is unfortunately National Socialism.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Jun 2016 /  #46
so much about you

It says nothing about me becuase Judaeo-Bolshevism is the exact antithesis of my Catholic Patriotic profile. It does say loads about the Michnik family and similar traitors oppressing the Polish nation in the service of a foreign power.

pure evil.

So the truth, undeniable facts in your book are pure evil. That must be part and parcel of the PC mentality.
jon357  72 | 22979  
16 Jun 2016 /  #47
pure evil

No Po, your comments about Jewish people, women, handicapped children etc are pure evil.

That and pretending to be a Christian when your language on here makes it clear that the opposite is far more likely.

To come back to the topic, cutting people's old age pensions, especially when they are potentially in their dotage is close to the nadir of wickedness too. Basically yet another example of the small-minded vindictiveness that we've come to expect from the contemptible Kaczynski and the insane Macierewicz.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Jun 2016 /  #48
cutting people's old age pensions

My main comment about Jewish people is that they are winners with A1 survival tactics and Poles should try to be more like them. They stick togetehr, help one anoher and rejoice at the success of theri compatriots. By contrast, all too often Poles are at each other's throats and envy or try to downplay the successes of fellow-Poles.

Bringing the pensions of vicitmisers into line with those of their victims seems to be a belated act of justice. Or do you favour perpetuating that injustice? Considering the crimes perpetrated by the PRL regime against the Polish nation, by rights they should be stripped of their pensions altogether with the money used to aid their down-and-out victims.

Women or women of ill-repute. There is a difference you know!
16 Jun 2016 /  #49
Considering the crimes perpetrated by the PRL regime against the Polish nation, by rights they should be stripped of their pensions altogether

I don't think I'd have much of a problem with that for people who had been given a fair trial and convicted of a crime that was a crime when they committed it. But none of these elderly people have been convicted of anything and their actions at the time were no more crimes than those of Chairman Kaczynski when he volunteered to prosecute dissidents during the commie era.

Now, how about you tell us how many of the things promised for the first hundred days have been brought in as promised by the 18% regime?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Jun 2016 /  #50

If Macierewicz had been able to carry out the unmasking of commie stooges in 1992, we would be living in a far different, decommunised, fully free. democratic and sovereign Poland today. Instead, the post-PRL mafia put paid to such plans and created a vassalised, neo-colonial entity called III RP, controlled and exploited by foreign.interest gorups. But the time for IV RP has come, in fact Kaczyński used that term in statement he made yesterday, so not all is lost.
jon357  72 | 22979  
16 Jun 2016 /  #51
If Macierewicz had been able to carry out

He's never been able to carry out anything except making a fool out of himself. Even by PiS standards the guy is a total embarrassment.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Jun 2016 /  #52
2000 zloty per month.

FYI that's even more than the trade unions were demanding! That's what you get with a people-friendly government at the helm. PO were only about maintaining the status quo benefiting the post-communist mafia niche and to hell with the nation.
16 Jun 2016 /  #53
FYI that's even more than the trade unions were demanding!

And it's less than the rate that the 18% regime promised, before the elections, to bring in within the first hundred days of their regime.

That's what you get with a people-friendly government at the helm.

No, a people-friendly government would never completely fail to carry out a promise and then later announce other plans to bring in something which was worse for the people.

Anyway, how about you tell us how many of the things promised for the first hundred days have been brought in as promised by the 18% regime?

Kaczynski is not former soviet secret police officer

You're right, Chairman Kaczynski is certainly not that. However, after he finished university he began training as a public prosecutor; however, it soon became clear that the other side were going to win and so he swapped sides.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Jun 2016 /  #54
first hundred days of

Another broken-record nitpikc: 100 days. PO had 8 years and didn't do half of what PiS have in half a year's time to benefit the nation; everything was to serve their post-commie constituency.

You still haven't given us a link showing that Kaczyński wanted or planned to prosecute anti-communists. He himself was one so that wouldn't make much sense. Somehow no-one has ever heard you criticise ex-commies Balcerowicz, Rzepliński and many others.
jon357  72 | 22979  
16 Jun 2016 /  #55
how many of the things promised for the first hundred days have been brought in as promised by the 18% regime?

Zero. They've messed up spectacularly in a remarkably short time. On so many levels.

Taking people's old-age pensions is just an example of the small-minded poujadiste vindictiveness we have all come to expect.

Oh, and they want to give machine guns to far-right militias. Just sayin'
18 Jun 2016 /  #56
The SB types have fully earned their fatcat pensions. Wielding those truncheons, kicking people in the ribs and head and pulling off people's fingernails is no picnic. Or not letting them sleep for days on end meant the SB thugs also had to give up their beauty sleep and deal with their prisoners. Or what about stripping victims naked, standing them in front of an open window in winter and pouring water over them. Those 30-litre buckets are quite heavy, so the SB agents really head to sweat and exert themselves adn therefore fully deserve to have pensions 6-7 times greater than those of the people they tortured or drenched. Those poor, unfortunate SB OAPs. We all empathise with their plight, right?

Harry first hundred days...

Here we go again. In life it is impossible to always keep to a strict timetable, that's why contingency plans exist. Ther main thing is to assess the good changes after 8 years in power. By then the post-commie clique will have been swept away from the Polish experience.

Meanwhile you must have noticed by now that the more you rant, fume and badmouth the good-change government and the more snitching missions to Brussels Petru embarks on, the higher is the public support for PiS. The Polish nation apparently knows something you and Petru don't!
26 Jun 2016 /  #57
Merged: Another good change: Ziobro slashes legal fees in Poland

Poland's people-friendly government has introduced yet another good change. Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro has slashed legal fees. Annulment of marriage will now cost 360 zł (today up to 720 zł) and termination of parental rights 120 zł (now 480 zł).

mafketis  38 | 10911  
26 Jun 2016 /  #58
Annulment of marriage

You mean divorce?
terri  1 | 1661  
26 Jun 2016 /  #59
No, annulment is not divorce. To my way of thinking this is the first step in annuling (cancelling) a church marriage. One of the parties has to convince the church authorities that they were insane at the time of the marriage and were not sufficiently able to understand what they were doing.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
26 Jun 2016 /  #60
No, annulment is not divorce.

So people who have a marriage annulled aren't divorced?

this is the first step in annuling (cancelling) a church marriage

In other words annulment is the way that the RC church gives people divorces.

Let's not pretend there's anything but a name and/or technical bureacratic BS distinction between civil divorce and annulment.

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