Looking at Poland's history, Poland has, as we know, all too often been given a bad deal.
Polish people are responsible for Poland. Poland had been dominated by its neighbors because they were invited in by Poland's warring factions.
Looking further back, what had Poland done to the UK, for Churchill to stab Poland in the back at Yalta? it's understandable that a red scumbag like Stalin would harm Poland, but Roosevelt and Churchill for Chrissake!
Poland wasn't stabbed in the back. After the German occupation in the 1940's a large contingent of Poles were communist. That's why you became a communist country. The Russians would have never been able to subjugate the Poles without their consent.
The Polish people are still being badly treated, such as being kept in comparative poverty with such low wages, higher prices than in UK etc.
Who is responsible for this?
OK, so there was no independent Poland on the map during the great 19th-century immigration to the US and most of those who went were illiterate peasants
Those were my ancestors. I had 4 sets of great grandparents all form poland only one being non-polish (Greek). They were peasants. Hard working, proud, intelligent. They built a community. All their neighborhoods were so clean you could eat off the streets. They gravitated towards the skilled trades, butchers, electricians, plumbers, tool and die makers, machinists,etc.
But so where Slovaks, Ukrainians and Hungarians, and yet who has ever heard of Hungarian, Ukrainian or Slovak jokes? There must have been some but not on the scale of the 'Pollack joke'.
The groups that migrated to America: first English,Scot-Irish, Dutch, Scandinavian next German, Irish Catholic, than the Poles, Italians, mexicans. Ukrainians, Hungarians, Czechs Insignificant numbers. Polish jokes come from poles. Those illiterate peasants had a sense of humor.
Maybe Poles themselves are to blame for not being assertive enough. They are often at each others throats but towards foreigners or the host society as émigrés they tend to be meek, mild, complaisant and try to melt into the woodwork rather than stand up for their rights.
Meek? Not assertive? Every neighborhood had a huge Church. Built by the Polish community. Melt in the woodwork? Poles assimilate. They make money. Can't do that if you don't assimilate. The Polish diaspora is a success story. The Polish people in America are not a white underclass.