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meagan  - | 18  
23 Oct 2010 /  #61
Pinching pete,

It seems you really hate Polish?Were you snubbed by a Polish girl?

Polish?? They are GOd created being and so same with you,just so happen that they

are polish and you are not.if you are a polish and they're in your shoe,you will feel

how they struggle in the previous years and how they struggle thiese days to survive.

Their blood running thru their viens is the same blood running to your viens,not

unless you dont accept you are created by God.There's no ROYAL BLOOD.....

we share the same blood thru the blood of the one who created the world.

You should be thnakful that u were no born polish,you were saved from their sufferings for


LOve your neighbor as you love yourself.treat others the way you want to be treated.

Poor countries needs the rich countries and same with the rich countries who

needs the poor countries.
OP bimber94  7 | 254  
23 Oct 2010 /  #62
It's a question of what is meant by "cold shoulder"?

As an example, when you see someone drowning in a river, you turn your back on them and walk away. You haven't actually done anything, and yet you'd be responsible by default. That's precisely what at least the BBC* and other mass media bodies did to Poland in 1997. This meant that, as nobody was informed, aid in any form wasn't forthcoming. Thank you BBC*, etc.

* aka Benders Broadcasting Communism
Avalon  4 | 1063  
23 Oct 2010 /  #63
Watching CNN and Blomberg financial programmes over the past couple of days and they are all raving about the latest growth figures for Germany, predictions of 3.5% next year which they say will be the best in Europe. No mention of the fact that Poland never went into recession or that Polish growth is predicted to be exactly the same.

I think that the uS and the rest if the G20 still regard Poland as a non-entity.
23 Oct 2010 /  #64
G-20 - what a joke! Poland has higher GDP than Saudi Arabia, Argentina or South Africa
(all G-20 members) but is not allowed to join the group for an idiotic reason, that being
a member of EU, is already represented in the G-20 (EU is a member.) However, they don't
use the same lame excuse in case of France, Germany, Great Britain or Italy, who are also
EU members AND G-20 members at the same time.


One of the most obvious and irrefutable proofs that zoological anti-Polonism and hatred
of all things Polish are widespread in the World. That's because Poland has always stood
up for values like honour, truth, decency, freedom and goodness, and that has always
turned all the forces of evil against us. We are the Christ of Nations and satan is trying
to destroy and humiliate us, while he still has time before Christ's second coming.

We are well aware of the fact that the lords of this world hate Poland and are constantly
trying to humiliate us, every step of the way (for we are like a thorn in their dirty conscience),
but we just don't care:

We are Poles - the Royal Tribe of Piast,
Our land is the White Eagle's Nest and
Saint Virgin Mary is Our Queen!
You can love us or hate us - we don't care.

*up yours, World*
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 Oct 2010 /  #65
Christ, you are so paranoid, I hope you were just taking the ****!
23 Oct 2010 /  #66
Nope, it is all true about the G-20.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
23 Oct 2010 /  #67

Can you send me some of the stuff you are smoking?...I know its supposed to make you feel paranoid, but, what the hell!!!!!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
23 Oct 2010 /  #68
...One of the most obvious and irrefutable proofs that zoological anti-Polonism and hatred of all things Polish are widespread in the World.

"The eternal Pole"

*ducks and runs*
milky  13 | 1656  
23 Oct 2010 /  #69
hat's because Poland has always stood

So basically Poland is Jesus in the form of a country plunged between two super-powers.
Ksysia  25 | 428  
23 Oct 2010 /  #70
truth to be told, what's happening to Poland lately looks like God's punishment more than anything else.
but - He didn't wipe us out, so I guess we must have at least some virtue.
OP bimber94  7 | 254  
23 Oct 2010 /  #71
That sounds rather Muslim.
A J  4 | 1075  
23 Oct 2010 /  #72
We are the Christ of Nations and satan is trying

Dude, your boogieman really doesn't exist.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Oct 2010 /  #73
However, they don't use the same lame excuse in case of France, Germany, Great Britain or Italy, who are also EU members AND G-20 members at the same time.

That's because Poland isn't a major power in Europe, unlike the above four. It has potential to be a regional power, but Poland's diplomacy is rather...poor. In the case of Argentina, Saudi Arabia et al - they are regional powers.

One of the most obvious and irrefutable proofs that zoological anti-Polonism and hatred of all things Polish are widespread in the World.

Most people really couldn't care less about Poland and all things Polish. The days of the huge Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth are dead and gone - Poland is just a poor country to the east of Germany, where you can find cheap labour. Nothing more, nothing less.

(and to be quite honest, I'd have thought that Poles would prefer being non-descript for once)
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
23 Oct 2010 /  #74
Im not some bleeding heart liberal

I would never insult you by calling you that. :)

what reason is that?

pay them more so they have a better standard of living

The coffee and chocolate industry phuck these people over

Look, the thing is that we want cheap stuff and the third worlders make stuff cheap. Somebody's gotta do it.
Was a time that working conditions were poor here too but now they have gone much too far the other way. Western workers have it soft now and they're paid too much. (look what's going on in France now) If you want to spread this around the world then that chocolate bar will cost $20 and those $60 sneakers will cost $400, as they would were they made here by our greedy lazy union workers. Over-regulation... generous entitlements and union demands all impose costs on manufacturers. The free market has moved its manufacturing elsewhere because it was being undermined at home by all this expensive regulation and entitlements.

And again, viewing it from out here it may seem unjust and sad, but the third worlders are happy to have any work at all. Take that away from them because you feel bad for them and they'll have it even worse.

There was a study done in India, one village was given a good education and contreception and it thrived (2 child family)..while a study was carried out on another village(average 6 children) who went out their daily lives and believed that breeding more kids to till the land was the way to go....

Like Africa, we can't be expected to civilize primitive and uncivilized peeps. It's not up to us to solve all their self-wrought problems. Tell them to keep their damn legs closed if they can't afford to support their kids. How hard is that? American frontiersmen managed to survive and thrive without any outside assistance or nannying goverment programs and regulations. Why can't folks elsewhere pull this off today?

Back on topic...


*up yours, World*

Lol. Maybe P-Land needs more pro-Poland militants defending her?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Oct 2010 /  #75
Food chain, whilst you want your cheap handbag, there will always be some 6 year old Indian kid sewing the lining into it!

We need to be more cognizant of local artisans and stop buying the mass produced junk. Give your local artisans and craftsmen a try!
23 Oct 2010 /  #76
Can you send me some of the stuff you are smoking?...I know its supposed to make you feel paranoid, but, what the hell!!!!!

I'm not sending you anything, Avalon. I think you're one of them.

"The eternal Pole"

That's me :)

That sounds rather Muslim.

You are in error.

Dude, your boogieman really doesn't exist.


Dude, there's a huge (and unpleasant) surprise in store for you.


That's because Poland isn't a major power in Europe, unlike the above four. It has potential to be a regional power, but Poland's diplomacy is rather...poor. In the case of Argentina, Saudi Arabia et al - they are regional powers.


G-20 is not a "regional powers group", but 20 major economies group...

...therefore Poland, having higher GDP than Argentina, Saudi Arabia and South Africa,
(members of G-20) should be a member of it. Simple as that.

Poland is just a poor country to the east of Germany, where you can find cheap labour. Nothing more, nothing less.

Your deep knowledge of Poland is truly admirable. *bows*
Filios1  8 | 1336  
23 Oct 2010 /  #77
Poland is just a poor country to the east of Germany, where you can find cheap labour

Is that why you are living in Poland? Couldn't make it back home, twat?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
23 Oct 2010 /  #78
We need to be more cognizant of local artisans and stop buying the mass produced junk. Give your local artisans and craftsmen a try!

I do just this. I always try to spend my money close to home. But I also am not willing to spend twice as much for the exact same thing when it can be gotten cheaper.

And I don't lie awake at night thinking of the poor kid who sewed my shoes. I think he's lucky to have the work and a meal that night.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Oct 2010 /  #79
I always try to spend my money close to home. But I also am not willing to spend twice as much for the exact same thing when it can be gotten cheaper.

People can import stuff and sell it a block away from where you live. If you are not patronizing local artisans, you are part of the problem and have no room to talk! Go to a crafting event and see if you can find some handmade items and buy them. Do an internet search to find locals in your area who sell what they make. That is how you cut down on massive imports from China and India. You also might find a higher quality product not loaded with formaldehyde or other toxic substances.
23 Oct 2010 /  #80
If you are not patronizing local artisans, you are part of the problem and have no room to talk!

The problem with local artisans is that they don't produce very useful every day objects we need. How many flower vases do you really need? I visit also those 'fair trade' stores with products from Latin America but it's nothing there I need. I also go on those internet sites selling artsy product by independent artists but those prices are ridiculous. So even if I want to support this cause, I won't be spending significant amount of money there.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
23 Oct 2010 /  #81
People can import stuff and sell it a block away from where you live.

You don't know what I do, Ms. Wal-Mart Shopper. Yes, I patronize local crafters, artisans and shops. I got to my local, family-owned hardware store rather than the big box home center chain, when I can. I buy holiday candy from the local candy maker down the street rather than from Wal-Mart... I buy gasoline at Sunoco -a locally owned company- because they don't use Iran or Chavez oil... I am always quite conscious as to how my money is spent and where it's going. Everyone should be.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Oct 2010 /  #82
The problem with local artisans is that they don't produce very useful every day objects we need

You can find clothing, handbags, stuff like that. It's almost impossible to go local for everything. Honeybees are becoming extinct in the US. In a few years we will be importing all our honey.

This thread is wandering
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Oct 2010 /  #83
G-20 - what a joke! Poland has higher GDP than Saudi Arabia

I find that hard to believe to be honest...Due the restrictions of becoming EUA citizen, Saudi has a very small population, amongst which a very large amouth of wealth is distributed..So I just dont get the whole GDP thing, can you post a link please.

Seem like you like double space typing..maybe adjust your settings when you want to spell check? Retard who has to spell check everything?

You should be thnakful that u were no born polish,you were saved from their sufferings for years.

Now I see, another foreigner, using an English name..I reckon muslim..due to the use of god in the post..

Admin suspend this person!!! Another muslim troll infecting this forum!

Is that why you are living in Poland? Couldn't make it back home, twat?

He probably followed a bit of twat over there :D (oh Im not sounding very lady like
there..hey..call a spade a spade!)

We need to be more cognizant of local artisans and stop buying the mass produced junk. Give your local artisans and craftsmen a try!

I do that when I can but I also buy Fair Trade..


Your outlook is phucked up...We dont have it soft in the west..we work long hours and hard..but we get paid what we are worth (most of the time)...Also I have no issue with coffee going up..for me its a treat as I dont drink it that often same as eating chocolate (neither are good for you)..What we need to do away with is the disposable society we live in..Its destroying the planet..And keeping people in poverty in certain countries..we replaced, quality with quantity...Just imagine...a washing machine that lasts 20 years but costs $1,500...would you pay it? Probably not..because you have the false economy lie that ingrained...
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
24 Oct 2010 /  #84

ZzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzzzz.. Yeah Kumbaya to you too. I was only making the point that if you give up the constant sulking and finger pointing you might actually build a country that isn't the constant subject of ridicule.. (or perceived subject of ridicule).

People don't give you respect.. you must earn it.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Oct 2010 /  #85
With regards to respect though, I instantly respect someone because thats how I was brought up...as soon as they default, they lose my respect...
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
24 Oct 2010 /  #86
as soon as they default, they lose my respect...

There ya' go.. respect isn't some birthright.. you can yell szlatchta all you want too. And clowns in the US do the same thing although at least they're embarrased after they do it.
milky  13 | 1656  
24 Oct 2010 /  #87
What we need to do away with is the disposable society we live in..Its destroying the planet

Have you seen this documentary on OV guide

The Engineering of Consent

The programme explores how those in power in post-war America used Freud's ideas about the unconscious mind to try and control the masses. Politicians and planners came to believe Freud's underlying...
grubas  12 | 1382  
24 Oct 2010 /  #88
No mention of the fact that Poland never went into recession or that Polish growth is predicted to be exactly the same.

That's not true.Poland was widely reported in the press as the only country to avoid economic slowdown.I read about it on Yahoo,Market Watch and Bloomberg to name just a few.

So basically Poland is Jesus in the form of a country plunged between two super-powers.

Germany a superpower?pffff.Aren't they still under American occupation?

That's because Poland isn't a major power in Europe, unlike the above four. It has potential to be a regional power, but Poland's diplomacy is rather...poor. In the case of Argentina, Saudi Arabia et al - they are regional powers.

Argies a regional power???Tell it to Brazilians.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
24 Oct 2010 /  #89
That's not true.Poland was widely reported in the press as the only country to avoid economic slowdown.I read about it

Yep. True. P-Land survived better than most. Because they aren't yet tied to the Euro. They should learn from this lesson and abandon that road.
convex  20 | 3928  
24 Oct 2010 /  #90
That's not true.Poland was widely reported in the press as the only country to avoid economic slowdown.I read about it on Yahoo,Market Watch and Bloomberg to name just a few.

Did you read that Belarus and Serbia also avoided slowdown?

Germany a superpower?pffff.Aren't they still under American occupation?

Economically and militarily it holds way more sway than Poland, just a fact.

Argies a regional power???Tell it to Brazilians.

Second most powerful country on the continent.

Yep. True. P-Land survived better than most. Because they aren't yet tied to the Euro. They should learn from this lesson and abandon that road.

Poland is tied to the Euro :) When the overwhelming majority of your trade is with euro countries, you're tied to it.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / WHY IS POLAND STILL GIVEN THE COLD SHOULDER?Archived