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Pinching Pete  - | 554  
22 Oct 2010 /  #31
Poland is view in west as niger of Europe

Lol.. well why do you think that is? I think that an exaggeration too.. that is probably Romania.

Besides they used to say that about Ireland but not too much anymore.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
22 Oct 2010 /  #32
I strongly disagree with that!

Thats your right...Do you know how many people in the UK have been killed / lost their homes due to floods in recent years? Was it reported on Polish news, do I give a phuck if it wasnt, damn right I dont!

It's making people aware of the way Poland has and is being treated, as opposed to wallowing in self-pity

No, you are basking in self-pitty at the moment with this thread...

Hell yes, nothing a Pole likes to do more than bit.ch about no one respecting them.

Because of course that gains respect? ;0)

Poland is view in west as niger of Europe.

Nope! More like Pakis <jk>

that is probably Romania.

Pinching Pete  - | 554  
22 Oct 2010 /  #33
A German friend of mine, told me, that the Germans tend to see the Poles as sloppy and messy.

So what? Krauts say that about everybody.. they are clean freaks mostly, scrubbing out garbage cans all the time. Weird bullsh.t like that.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
22 Oct 2010 /  #34
Besides they used to say that about Ireland but not too much anymore.

It just goes to show what having a strong work ethic and willingness to work hard for very little money gets you. It's better to be a slacker who demands a huge salary. That way you don't get used.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
22 Oct 2010 /  #35
It just goes to show what having a strong work ethic and willingness to work hard

.. Either that or the EU funneling a shi.t load or money into your economy.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
22 Oct 2010 /  #36
It's better to be a slacker who demands a huge salary. That way you don't get used.

This is an odd ethic to have.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
22 Oct 2010 /  #37
Every place on earth known for hard workers who do not get paid much has this same problem. They get used. So, what good does it do being this way? It's like the guy at work who does everything perfectly. He gets even more work and pretty soon he is doing all the work in the office while everyone sits there socializing.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
22 Oct 2010 /  #38
It just goes to show what having a strong work ethic and willingness to work hard for very little money gets you.

Jeezzus Christ, stereotype? Yep they can undercut and do it cheaper..Not always the best! Ask anyone about driveways in the UK...

It's better to be a slacker who demands a huge salary.

You mean a professional who will give you exactly what you ask for?

Consumer society gone mad..false economy..pay $50 for a pair of shoes they last a couple of months pay $150 and they last a couple of years! Same if pay £3,000 for a kitchen and it last (looking nice) for about a six months before the door handles start to fall off and the door hinges buckle..pay £10,000 and it looks lovely after 4 years...Trust me Ive seen cheap and Ive seen quality..

every place on earth known for hard workers who do not get paid much has this same problem.

They work hard because they have no alternative...You think the first settlers in America sat behind desks shouting "sell sell sell" before going home in their Merc. to a 6 bed detched with their 2.4 kids and lovely wife? What do you think we should do about it? All hold hands and sing a nice song and hope that all these hard working people come to our country and work for less than we do so they can take away what we worked hard for?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
22 Oct 2010 /  #39
Consumer society gone mad..false economy..pay $50 for a pair of shoes they last a couple of months pay $150 and they last a couple of years! Same if pay £3,000 for a kitchen and it last (looking nice) for about a six months before the door handles start to fall off and the door hinges buckle..pay £10,000 and it looks lovely after 4 years...Trust me Ive seen cheap and Ive seen quality..

Well, ya, it would be nice if everyone took an across the board cut in paycheck. The recession would go away, then.
OP bimber94  7 | 254  
22 Oct 2010 /  #40
Was it reported on Polish news, do I give a phuck if it wasnt, damn right I dont!
you are basking in self-pitty at the moment with this thread...

It seems you missed the point. Although I'm unable to prove it here and now, every Pole I spoke to in UK in 1997 all agreed it very much seemed the Western mass media was ignoring Poland when international aid was sorely needed. And they only heard the news via the Church! Nowhere else.

If you thing I'm basking in self-pity, that's your right too.
PS: 'pity' is spelt with one T and 'phuck' with an F ;-D
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
22 Oct 2010 /  #41
Every place on earth known for hard workers who do not get paid much has this same problem. They get used. So, what good does it do being this way?

Try not to be so cynical. :( I like it better when you're positive. :)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
22 Oct 2010 /  #42
Try not to be so cynical.

It's time to do some serious, philosophical considering of why things are the way they are.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
23 Oct 2010 /  #43
Although I'm unable to prove it here and now, every Pole I spoke to in UK in 1997 all agreed it very much seemed the Western mass media was ignoring Poland when international aid was sorely needed.

Well, Im sorry if people felt like that about it..But didnt these people have voices? We have local radio stations and regional TV stations, plus we have had large communities of Polish people in the UK for decades..Had they felt so strongly they could have made a noise about it and made people see what was happening....So, whilst you can blame the UK, you can blame them too - if you know anything about the British people, you will know we are very giving people and would have helped in what way we could - had we know!

By the way its huracan season, do Poles know how many people are going to die in those parts of the world and how many people are going to be left homeless and even more poverty stricken than they already are? Do they care? Or are they more concerned about their own day to day lives?

PS: 'pity' is spelt with one T and 'phuck' with an F ;-D

I dont know why but I always go for the double t in pity its a mental block! the ph as you know is done purposely ;0)

It's time to do some serious, philosophical considering of why things are the way they are.

Food chain, whilst you want your cheap handbag, there will always be some 6 year old Indian kid sewing the lining into it!
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
23 Oct 2010 /  #44
Everybody gets all boo-hoo about poor third world workers but the truth is many of them are indeed glad to have the work -any work. It lets them eat where otherwise they would not. Sure their working conditions suck but we judge them compared to our modern day conditions. That's hardly realistic. They're third worlders for a reason. And who wants to pay $200 for the $15 pocket book? We may as well make it here if we're gonna start overpaying peeps. They're called 'slave labor' for a reason!
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
23 Oct 2010 /  #45
Everybody gets all boo-hoo about poor third world workers but the truth is many of them are indeed glad to have the work -any work.

At a price - I dont buy from places like Primark in the UK for this reason.

It lets them eat where otherwise they would not.

Letting a child go to school and be educated will enable him to go on and be more productive and pay tax and let more people eat. (you're not looking at the long term!)

Sure their working conditions suck but we judge them compared to our modern day conditions.

Suck? 20 hour day for a child who is half starved? Even Dickens painted a better picture of kids!

They're third worlders for a reason.

Yep, because we want it now and we want it cheap! and Their governements dont give a shyte because of their caste system! (lower castes work in these places in India)

And who wants to pay $200 for the $15 pocket book?

If prices were regulated then we wouldnt know any different? The coffee and chocolate industry phuck these people over on a regular basis (Ive moved on to Africa now) with the price fixing on the stock market.

We may as well make it here if we're gonna start overpaying peeps.

We used to and it was better quality, people are more productive and quality control is higher.

They're called 'slave labor' for a reason!

We live in a world where the word "slave" shouldnt exist.

You know me well enough to know Im not some bleeding heart liberal, but if we dont like them landing on our shores, we should:

A) accept they are going want to escape to a better place
B) pay them more so they have a better standard of living and want to stay where they are
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
23 Oct 2010 /  #46
They're third worlders for a reason.

In your own words, in a 100 words or less, what reason is that?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
23 Oct 2010 /  #47
We all know that these countires have corrupt governments and these business take what they can get due to desperation, they are over populated and uneducated and this is just perpetuated with each generation...We dont need 100 words.

There was a study done in India, one village was given a good education and contreception and it thrived (2 child family)..while a study was carried out on another village(average 6 children) who went out their daily lives and believed that breeding more kids to till the land was the way to go....
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
23 Oct 2010 /  #48
In your own words, in a 100 words or less, what reason is that?


a.) Lack of.. and I mean a severe lack of organization. Everybody f.ucking about doing there own thing.

b.) Lack of basic reciprocity. If there is general well being.. it benefits everyone, etc, esp the rich. Not exactly rocket science.

c.) Lack of intelligence. Sorry but if you had it you would have realized a.) and b.)

No.. Poland is not 3rd world but it has weird tenets of it. Slavs in general prey on each other.. which of course screws everything up for everybody.
David_18  65 | 966  
23 Oct 2010 /  #49
This thread is just another "pitty me pitty me"

Kidding me right?

You should buy a polish history book and learn something about the country before accusing poles!

There you go! amazon.co.uk/Poland-history-Adam-Zamoyski/dp/0007282753

Hell yes, nothing a Pole likes to do more than bit.ch about no one respecting them.

Could't care less if people respects me or not, only thing that irritates me is the ignorance some people have.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
23 Oct 2010 /  #50
You should buy a polish history book and learn something about the country before accusing poles!

Look at this damn sentence right here.. You basically validate what everybody is saying.. YOU ARE TOO SENSITIVE ABOUT EVERYTHING. Jesus man, everybody gets laughed and messed with.. that's life.
espana  17 | 951  
23 Oct 2010 /  #51
You should buy a polish history book

empty books???? nahhh!!!
David_18  65 | 966  
23 Oct 2010 /  #52
Look at this damn sentence right here

Funny man, being ignorant wont help you ;)

Atleast you got this forum where you can flame the poles as you like. Ever confronted a pole about your opinions about poles in real life? or wait... I Don't want to hear your made up story.
convex  20 | 3928  
23 Oct 2010 /  #53
Kidding me right?

You should buy a polish history book and learn something about the country before accusing poles!

There you go!

It looks like a fairly successful country based on the history. Has defended itself over the course of 1000 years. So are you happy with where Poland is today? Do you think that 1000 years of history should be taken into account before judging someone in our lifetime?
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
23 Oct 2010 /  #54
Ask him how many years he's acually spent living in Poland?

I'm afraid to ask him anything.. Saying "hello" to him would probably offend him if I don't do it in the right tone and chime. He's what I hate about a lot of Poles.. Everybody's a king, nobody wears a crown.. that kind of thing.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 Oct 2010 /  #55
This is a strange post, i do remember the Germans helping out quite a lot at the time of the 1997 floods.
convex  20 | 3928  
23 Oct 2010 /  #56
It's a question of what is meant by "cold shoulder"?
David_18  65 | 966  
23 Oct 2010 /  #57
Yes! Why ? It's time for Poland to get a hot piece of ass!

Ehm wrong thread? xD

Do you think that 1000 years of history should be taken into account before judging someone in our lifetime?

Indeed in the end we are all individuals. But people especially brits ain't judging the individuals in Poland. They just see the "Pole" therefore i recommend people to read up some on the polish history and maybe learn a thing or two about the "poles".

Ask him how many years he's acually spent living in Poland?

Would my answer make any difference in this conversation?

Ohhh... I bow to you ohh magnificient super f.ucking brain...

Thanks, not often people bow for me. But i guess that's something i could get used too ;)
espana  17 | 951  
23 Oct 2010 /  #58
Has defended itself over the course of 1000 years


the white flag!!!!!!!!

  • scummy_poles.jpg

  • scummy.jpg
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
23 Oct 2010 /  #59
the white flag!!!!!!!!

Thats the French! ;0)

Would my answer make any difference in this conversation?

Considering you were brought up in a different country as well we all know on here, because you told everyone...then no not really because I already know you dont know the reality of Poland.

this is a Peanus post.

Just like the poster?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 Oct 2010 /  #60
God Espana, you are such a fool, I am surprised that you are still on this forum, I mean nobody takes you seriously(:

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