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Germany provoke Poland using Silesian question. Poland's attitude ?

Lyzko  45 | 9751  
25 Apr 2015 /  #121
Silesians are considered Germanic by other Poles, but Polish by the Germans:-)

Ahh, the cruel ironies ("lauter Treppenwitze") of history.
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
25 Apr 2015 /  #122
Silesians are considered Germanic by other Poles, but Polish by the Germans:-)

Why would you say that? Germans have a close relationship with Silesians. And Poland does allow for that relationship to grow by allowing dual language city / town signs. We are on a good way.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
27 Apr 2015 /  #123
Then I guess I'm not the wood way, he-he:-) Thanks for the correction!

See you didn't like the pun. Oh, well....

By the way however, apropos of the Polish-German dilemma, the late Guenter Grass considered himself a German, although according to today's geography, he of course was born in that-time Danzig, these days GdaƄsk, making him geopolitically a Pole:-))

One of his parents was a Kaszub, the other, German. Perhaps " The Tin Drum" was closer to the truth after allLOL

Sorry, mods!
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
26 Aug 2016 /  #124
Germany seams to be very persistent

Poland's German minority faces tough times in Silesia


Members of the German minority in Silesia are set to lose representation on local councils, and German as an auxiliary language will vanish from many administrative offices. Officials in Germany have expressed concern.

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