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Germany provoke Poland using Silesian question. Poland's attitude ?

Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
24 Jun 2011 /  #91
I was pointing out your mistake in using a statement like the Scots being of Irish decent as an analogy to point out Silesians aren't German.

Because the Silesian are as much German as Polish or Czech... Will you get it into your brain finally?

No I didn't, unlike you, I wouldn't try to comment on something I know little about.

Unluckily, you comment on something you do not know anything about.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Jun 2011 /  #92
Poles are Serbs ;) ;)

Any numbers to back that up, AS?
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
24 Jun 2011 /  #93
Since when you are Polish, Crow? ;)

Serbians are Polish elite since the middle age. Before that, Poles were Serbian elite
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
24 Jun 2011 /  #94
Any numbers to back that up, AS?

What numbers? Numbers "prove" that Polish Silesians are Poles and the Czech Silesian are Czech. Of course, German Oberschlesier are all German. What makes me rather surprised Seanus is you were at a Silesian wedding (hopefully it was in some sąsiedztwo = neighbourhood), you eat Silesian meal every day and you still cannot see the reality.

Just cross the Brynica river, say something in Silesian aloud and you'll have your numbers printed on your face ;-)
24 Jun 2011 /  #95
Serbians are Polish elite since the middle age. Before that, Poles were Serbian elite

Of course. Silly me.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Jun 2011 /  #96
AS, your English suggested that Silesia is 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 in terms of numbers between German, Polish and Czech. You are painting it far too black+white, AS. They are often hybrids like my parents in law. They are mixed. Both of their mothers were pure German. However, they spoke Polish to them. My mother in law speaks more Silesian than my father in law but they both see themselves as Silesian.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
24 Jun 2011 /  #97
Of course. Silly me.

I am surprised, Torq, that you didn't figure it out earlier ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
24 Jun 2011 /  #98
you know Nathane, in one moment of history, Ukrainians were Serbian elite, too
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Jun 2011 /  #99
Crow, are you aware of any forceful demands from the German side as it is a mute point here? The various separatist movement marches here don't garner too much support. Much ado about nothing!
Nathan  18 | 1349  
24 Jun 2011 /  #100
you know Nathane, in one moment of history, Ukrainians were Serbian elite, too

I know, Crow. But why only a moment? :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Jun 2011 /  #101
Tusk has neatly sidestepped the issue as it is a future hot potato. The Kashub should know a thing or two about not being really Polish :)
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
24 Jun 2011 /  #102
AS, your English suggested that Silesia is 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 in terms of numbers between German, Polish and Czech. You are painting it far too black+white, AS. They are often hybrids like my parents in law. They are mixed. Both of their mothers were pure German. However, they spoke Polish to them. My mother in law speaks more Silesian than my father in law but they both see themselves as Silesian.

I must then say sorry for my poor English, Sean. If you read some post of mine I wrote before, you could read different ethnic groups melted into Silesians long time ago. From the moment the concept of nationalism started ruling fates of nations, Silesians were forced to assume the nationality of the State currently at the power. This does not change the fact the Silesians remain the Silesians.

Your example, Sean, is very good. One of my friends living in lower Silesia is born of both German parents, still she cannot speak German at all and she identifies herself as a Pole. I know many people in Silesia with both grandparents being German; and such people cannot speak German, yet they visit their grandparents in the Heimat ;-)

Having partly Silesian family, you should be aware who's hanys and who's gorol the best, shouldn't you?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Jun 2011 /  #103
Well, it is easier having a Silesian family in law, yes :) However, it is not full-on by any extent. As I said before, it is stronger the closer to Katowice you go. I couldn't understand some things those 'Chorzowians' said ;) However, my wife also didn't understand the word 'dołza' when I wrote it to her the other day and she is much more Silesian than I will ever be, more by default than by language.

Your English is far from poor. Like native speakers, myself very much included, it can be loose but that's no shame.

They melted together to try and form one fabric, yes. I know a guy from Cieszyn and he acknowledges the Czech movements from there and around Silesia.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
24 Jun 2011 /  #104
The problem the Silesians are facing, Sean, is they don't know which way to go themselves. You mentioned Marek Szołtysek once. The guy is respected as a Silesian Moses ;-) yet he believes the Silesian is a dialect, and this is not a popular view in Ruda Śląska, for instance. Based on my understanding of the Silesian mentality, they will just let the things happen.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Jun 2011 /  #105
Which way to go? You mean to separate or not? There is a certain laissez-faire mentality here, you are right. My answer has already been stated above in that they will only start speaking out if their identity is threatened. Again, just a standard human response. I often maintain also that such movements come from bored minds. I mean, what is stopping people from being Silesian here in Silesia? It can freely embrace its diversity.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
24 Jun 2011 /  #106
My answer has already been stated above in that they will only start speaking out if their identity is threatened. Again, just a standard human response. I often maintain also that such movements come from bored minds. I mean, what is stopping people from being Silesian here in Silesia? It can freely embrace its diversity

Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Jun 2011 /  #107
Crow, ever been to Silesia? You can learn much from people here and also highlanders :) Just to get you back on topic, you understand? ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
24 Jun 2011 /  #108
Crow, ever been to Silesia?

only when i traveled to Kwidzyn because of business :)


people, did you notice how is Germany opened for talks about eventual new split of Poland`s territories? Did you notice that attitude? Such an attitude of German state is clear, more and more open.

but, with whom Germany wants to talk? Well, who offers more

i am more and more sure that only closer Polish-Serbian ties guaranties future of both- Poles and Serbs.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
25 Jun 2011 /  #109
people, did you notice how is Germany opened for talks about eventual new split of Poland`s territories? Did you notice that attitude? Such an attitude of German state is clear, more and more open.

Not only chums but also allies - and there's no amount of Crow's sh*t stirring able to change that :-)

now back to your donkey, crow
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
25 Jun 2011 /  #110
i go, i go
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Jun 2011 /  #111
Crow, I'm still waiting for proof of that provocation ;) ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
29 Jul 2011 /  #112
Poland and Serbia are in deep sh** again. We are on the way to the new wave of `drang nach osten`

Tvg 9 Separatism Of Upper Silesia In Poland A New Kosovo


TVG-9 Separatism of Upper Silesia in Poland - A "New Kosovo" Is Being Prepared

rychlik  41 | 372  
6 Aug 2011 /  #113
The Krauts are sinister. We can never trust them.
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
6 Aug 2011 /  #114
I know/read Lech Kacyznski was born in Warsaw. But, his root is Silesian?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Aug 2011 /  #115
I don't think anything will change in the near future. Silesians can practise their various traditions and there is no need to make any changes.
6 Aug 2011 /  #116
shut up!
shut up, Crow with such zoological points of view about all-Slavic fraternity!! Poles, Silasians that prefer to be Silesians then Silesian-Poles and Serbs all are Slavic brothers. And Russians too!
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
25 Apr 2015 /  #117
The Krauts are sinister. We can never trust them.

Exactly. That was my point here.
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
25 Apr 2015 /  #118
Your point is that nobody can trust the Germans?
How do you feel about the fact that Germans are happy to admit about their country's wrong doing while your beloved Russians still deny the invasion of Poland in 1939. Is it part of your "brotherly love" to just ignore that historical fact? Do you want to discuss Katyn or do you start to shut up?
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
25 Apr 2015 /  #119
Kaliningrad should be given to Poland as compensation for Katyn. It was doing by that mad Georgian Stalin but, fact is that ethnic Russians were involved.

Your point is that nobody can trust the Germans?

we Slavs, if wise, won`t trust them.
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
25 Apr 2015 /  #120
we Slavs, if wise, won`t trust them.

Just a pity that all your "brothers" turn their back on you.......

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