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Germany provoke Poland using Silesian question. Poland's attitude ?

Crow  154 | 9561  
22 Jun 2011 /  #1
There are rumors that Germany using Silasian question to work against Poland. If that is correct, i ask- what is the stance of Poland? How would Polish politics respond?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Jun 2011 /  #2
How, Crow? It is internal movements that are trying to change things but it seems to be enough for the people to feel Silesian without any formal changes by politicians. I was at a pre-wedding traditional celebration here whereby people throw glass, porcelain and other materials on the ground for the couple-to-be to sweep up. It is a Silesian tradition, I believe, and nothing that politicians can do will change that. The people will lead the way!!
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
22 Jun 2011 /  #3
It is internal movements that are trying to change things but it seems to be enough for the people to feel Silesian without any formal changes by politicians.

you want me to think that Poland`s stimulation coming from inside, without real outside penetration? But how it could work? Why would Poland stimulate itself?

The people will lead the way!!

yes but, what people?
wersy  - | 6  
22 Jun 2011 /  #4
Poles have no problems with Germany nor Germany has any problem with the Poles. Poles also generally don't like what Russia is doing and don't fell any particular need to associate with the Serbs or any other Balkan "Slavs".

Get over it.
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
22 Jun 2011 /  #5
Poles have no problems with Germany nor Germany has any problem with the Poles.

so, no stimulation in your opinion. Thanks for opinion

Poles also generally don't like what Russia is doing

we Serbs also don`t like what Russia doing. We expect Russia to support dissolution of Germans state, not to strengthen it economically, behind back of Poles and Serbs.

not to mention great sexual appetites of Russia. Russian-German cunnilingus is famous thing

and don't fell any particular need to associate with the Serbs or any other Balkan "Slavs".

what you want to tell me actually? that my people isn`t my people? That`s what you want to tell me?

i know my people.
22 Jun 2011 /  #7
that my people isn`t my people?

Well, Poles are noted for not being genocidal rapist scum, so it looks like Poles are not your kind of people at all.
Palivec  - | 379  
22 Jun 2011 /  #8
There are rumors that Germany using Silasian question to work against Poland. If that is correct, i ask- what is the stance of Poland? How would Polish politics respond?

Only full scale war with Polands strongest ally, Serbia, can be the answer... :D
22 Jun 2011 /  #9
Stop trying to make it seem like Polish-German relations are bad.

Let's not forget that many Poles have volksdeutsch ancestors. Also, nowadays the intermarriage rate between Poles and Germans is so high so we're going to be seeing a lot of Polish-German mixed people in the future generations.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Jun 2011 /  #10
Crow, the presence of the Germans is not felt here at all. Silesians will dictate the tempo and I can assure you that it isn't that big of a deal outside of political circles. Silesians can be Silesian, enjoying their differences and various traditions/dialects etc etc. Germany will not change that. If Poland can't value regional variation then it isn't much of a country.

Silesian people, Crow. They are strong folks and won't have their territory tampered with.
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
22 Jun 2011 /  #11
Only full scale war with Polands strongest ally, Serbia, can be the answer... :D

no, i wouldn`t suggest open war. You must comprehend Germans as former Serbs. So, we need to talk to them, to convince them to love Poland, truly to love Poland and thru that love to save itself and come back to Mother Slavija. Only then we would win, only then we would be safe. only then they would be saved.

so how to talk? You know for that German radio DEUTSCHE WELLE? See, for start we need counter balance. What we (and what souls of former germanized Serbs- today`s Germans) need is radio VOICE OF POLAND that would be ready to say truth. Obvious truth.

But first, Poland`s politics have to stop to behave as frigid and Polish politicians should stop behave as politically impotent. Poland (and not only Poland) needs Polish patriots on key positions.

and we Serbs? We Serbians would strengthen arguments of Poland. We would open `Serbian question` on the European level. We would ask for the rights of Serbs. ALL Serbs. We would weaken position of the opposite side and we would clear path to Poland.

What is also very important, we Serbians would watch over Russians. Our lobby is strong in Russia and Russian patriots won`t mistake to move against Poland once again.

and, in any case, we Serbs would be side by side with Poland. We won`t died in silence.
22 Jun 2011 /  #12
You must comprehend Germans as former Serbs.

Yes, the point is, however, that they have faced up to their former genocidal ways, apologised and are attempting to move on. Serbs, on the other hand, have done none of that; well, apart from the 'committing genocide' bit.
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
22 Jun 2011 /  #13
Harry, Harry Harry,.... people here are tired of EU, NATO and Islamic league propaganda. Why you repeat that propaganda Harry? are you paid for that or you are simple deluded and brainwashed? hm Harry? brainwashed?

Look, you need extreme measures in order to save itself and that`s why is good that you coming to this forum Harry. very good Harry. Just continue to follow my posts and your brain would recuperate.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Jun 2011 /  #14
Merkel and Tusk are very close, Crow. I think Tusk even knows Merkel's deodorant and perfume collection very well by now :) They aren't going to fall out as Tusk is onside with the key aspects of the European agenda. Poland is looking for harmonious ties, both with Germany and Russia.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
22 Jun 2011 /  #15
C'mone here you!

*hugs Crowie*

See? You did it! Your germanizied ex-proto slavic sarmatian brother loves you! You won!!! :)

*takes Crowie by the hand and wanders together with him into the sunset*
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
22 Jun 2011 /  #16
Yes, It would be typical. Everytime Poland gets closest to Germany is when Germany soon goes ape **** & tries to destroy Poland.

Something is very animalistic about Germans.

Actually that would be an insult to animals.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Jun 2011 /  #17
I think modern day Germany has operated more behind the scenes. I wouldn't say most are animalistic but foreign policy is still a key concern for them. Obviously, they still have some sentiment for Silesia but it's not for sale.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
22 Jun 2011 /  #18
no, i wouldn`t suggest open war. You must comprehend Germans as former Serbs

You mean that the warm people of Aachen, Cochem, Koblenz, Monschau...whose accents...outlook to life are the same as us Flemish would be somewhere resemble your genocidal outlook? Would you tell that the Maria Laach monastery has anything in common with your concentration camps?
pawian  226 | 27561  
22 Jun 2011 /  #19
Polish stance is: Merkel and Tusk are best friends:

poland germany friends
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
22 Jun 2011 /  #20
stop that EU, NATO, Islamic league propaganda, will you.

Polish stance is: Merkel and Tusk are best friends:

see? they for sure tried cunnilingus and coitus, even fellatio. Its maybe even ritual thing in those circles, something like during promotion of new Pope in old Vatican when Cardinals needed to be sure that Pope is male. You know what i mean
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Jun 2011 /  #21
Crow, what do you think certain German MP's are doing or are capable of doing? They have no say here as it's outwith their jurisdiction. I can't see there being any profit in this for them. Germans can freely come and see their former territory of Silesia. What needs to be changed?
OP Crow  154 | 9561  
22 Jun 2011 /  #22
Silesian people, Crow. They are strong folks and won't have their territory tampered with.

o? Silesians? Then it is good. It explains everything. Of course that Silesians care for their democratic rights in new powerful state of Poland that consolidates. We Serbs also dream of our rights in expanding state of Poland. Who knows, maybe one day, Silesian example can be useful for us Serbians.

Crow, the presence of the Germans is not felt here at all. Silesians will dictate the tempo and I can assure you that it isn't that big of a deal outside of political circles. Silesians can be Silesian, enjoying their differences and various traditions/dialects etc etc. Germany will not change that. If Poland can't value regional variation then it isn't much of a country.

of course, of course. We all need our place in emerging Commonwealth.

So, Germany just needs to fu** off and stay far from internal processes in Poland. If we Serbians and Yugoslavs in general were lucky, Germany wouldn`t interfere in our internal process and we could had chance to avoid bloody Civil War.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Jun 2011 /  #23
Doesn't Serbia have sth like that in the north of the country where you are, Novi Sad? Silesians preserve through doing and the 'hanys' have a very strong identity. I might be close to a 'kreuzberg' but 'goroly' are not favoured much here.

You can point to German meddling through Genscher (I hope BB doesn't notice this, lol) in the Balkans but I can't see any fooling around here, Crow. Even the Polish government give Silesian autonomy movements some voice. It's just people championing a cause but, to my knowledge and I'm quite sure I'm right, no rights are being trampled on here in Upper Silesia. I eat Silesian food, listen to Silesian language and have observed Silesian traditions. In Scotland, the police would have stopped the pre-wedding tradition which I observed but it's fine here. These people are true Slavs and I love them for it. The two fathers were lovely Silesian gentleman and nobody can strip them of that identity. They poured copious amounts of vodka and I was merely an unknown guest (my wife is the boss of the girl that is to be married on Sat). What can Germans do, Crow? These people will not have their ways knocked.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
22 Jun 2011 /  #24
(I hope BB doesn't notice this, lol)

My radar is still working!

But...true Silesians aren't slavs only. True Silesians are historically Poles/Germans/Czechs.
When you have "Slavs only" that aren't true Silesians but shipped Poles from the lost eastern lands.

But I fear both notions: "Genscher the meddler" and "no-German Silesia" are to deep set into your brain to change it for the truth ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Jun 2011 /  #25
They are still true Slavs, BB. I was referring to Slavic folk :) There are some Germans here as I hear the ramblings and see the grossebauch :) However, they are very much in the minority.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
22 Jun 2011 /  #26
They are still true Slavs, BB. I was referring to Slavic folk :)

No, you spoke of Silesians...
My family were Silesians...you are a Scot living in Poland. Silesia has changed greatly and violently but that shouldn't lead to omitting the past and the facts.

There are some Germans here as I hear the ramblings and see the grossebauch :) However, they are very much in the minority.

What Germans? Tourists, business types from Berlin? Or Silesians?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Jun 2011 /  #27
They were all Slavs there, BB. Only one girl was of German descent.

A bit of everything, BB. However, the German influence is now very weak here.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
22 Jun 2011 /  #28
They were all Slavs there, BB.

What is your problem Seanie...

However, the German influence is now very weak here.

You repeat yourself here....why? Who cares? All Slavs - no Germans...it makes one suspicious when you can't help yourself but mentioning that again and again.

Everybody who knows abit history knows that the precious silesian culture is dead. That it is now nearly homogenous polish, substituted with the refugees from what is now Ukraine.

That there are left real few true Silesians (and with that I mean the unique mix of three peoples NOT the Slavs only).

You keep harping on about it as if it is a good thing....
rock  - | 428  
22 Jun 2011 /  #29
Polish stance is: Merkel and Tusk are best friends:

If Tusk flirts with Merkel, this means Poland needs Germany very much :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Jun 2011 /  #30
They were all Slavs at that party, BB. That's just a fact!

That's not true, BB. Silesians have their own language which is partly Germanised but just Silesian. For example, I asked my wife a question in Silesian tonight and she didn't understand me. It was neither German nor Polish so what does that leave??

I'm just talking about the present reality as I see it here, BB. I don't frown when I see a German if that's what you think. They tend to be rather bellicose though ;)

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