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Did George Soros want to destroy Poland with his economic shock therapy?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Dec 2017 /  #61
Remind me how many of the 9/11 terrorists came from the same country as Soros, or the same faith as Soros.

None of them. It's clear who the real threat is, and that is dodgy Middle Eastern regimes. Soros is the enemy of those states, hence why they willingly peddle such propaganda.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Dec 2017 /  #62
Remind me how many of the 9/11 terrorists came from the same country as Soros,

He's a Hungarian Jew. Exactly, Hungary is a very peaceful country. Israel on the other hand is bombing Palestinian schools and has dozens of UN resolutions against it for bombing colleges, markets, etc.

he didn't collaborate with the Nazis

No he just helped himself to his fellow Jews' stuff because someone would've taken it anyway. His words.
Taxpaying voter  
13 Dec 2017 /  #63
Fact: Gulf states are allied with Israel in the fight against extremism and terrorism.

Yes, states which Soros opposed and you actively propped up, such as Saudi Arabia, have convicted how many of the people who took part in the 9/11 attacks?

Gulf states are US security partners

Again, how many states which Soros opposed and you actively propped up have convicted how many people for taking part in terrorist attacks? From memory the reaction of a country the regime of which you actively propped up to terrorist attacks was to claim that the attacks were due to white people drinking alcohol. Does Soros, in your mind, fund those distillers?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Dec 2017 /  #64
states which Soros opposed

Like UK and the Bank of England??
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Dec 2017 /  #65
You would have done the same thing in his place, and you know it.
mafketis  38 | 11174  
13 Dec 2017 /  #66
Soros is the enemy of those states

Then why does he facilitate funneling those most likely to rebel and change things out of them?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Dec 2017 /  #67
You would have done the same thing in his place, and you know it.@ delphiandomine

No that's the thing - I've never stolen a thing in my life, from my own countrymen and people nonetheless... unlike Soros.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
13 Dec 2017 /  #68
Remind me how many of the 9/11 terrorists came from the same country as Soros, or the same faith as Soros.

At least five.

9/11 Dancing Israelis and Urban Moving Systems - ABC News 20/20 preview, June 21, 2002


The Notorious Banned FOX 9-11-2001 News Footage Israeli/Mossad Links


The Five Dancing Israelis - 9/11/2001 - Our Purpose Was To Document The Event

Bluzeki  - | 30  
13 Dec 2017 /  #69
The only good thing about Soros is that he's old and going to die soon.
I wonder if Antifa will mourn his death?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Dec 2017 /  #70
The only good thing about Soros is that he's old and going to die soon.

Ah, predictable Fox News watcher bashing Soros.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
14 Dec 2017 /  #71

Perhaps... Then again there's a video of Antifa complaining about not receiving Soros money on time. But ya his Soros migrant plan for Europe isn't gonna work for Poland and Hungary
Bluzeki  - | 30  
14 Dec 2017 /  #72
Indeed. There are too many of these fools, like the person above you crying about fox news being the problem. When its actually ppl like him that blindly follow Soros and anything left of their Marxist ideas.

Thankfully, the brave citizens of Poland are defending themselves from the scourge that is spreading across Europe.
cms  9 | 1253  
14 Dec 2017 /  #73
That looks quite like a video of some people protesting with a poorly overlaid track of "George Soros where's our money" !

People protest against Trump because that is their right and because he is a moron. Not because they are paid to do so. PiS on the other hand are busing their supporters into town to clap for him and presumably look for the nearest place for a comfortable toilet stop and cup of tea while their varicose veins are playing up.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
14 Dec 2017 /  #74
Our right to protest Soros too. It is polish security services And Mfa's right to raid his local offices. And yes, Soros does pay people to protest. There are adverts in every major us city in newspapers and craigslist to join his organizations for rallies and such. As we can see from Antifa videos it's mainly Bernie basement dwelling baristas as hillary so eloquently put it

Pis supporters, despite advocating the most popular party with 2x to 3x the support of 2nd place (aka last place) PO. were not paid. Bussed yes, as that is the easiest form of transport for thousands of people to come to a rally, speech, sporting event, hell people.even get bussed to the local casino from a stop not too far away. The fact they were bussed means nothing as it is simply more effieicnrt than thousands of people all driving to the Same speech from far away.

Varicose veins? You must be talking about the zakodowani pensioners. Besides didn't ur parents ever teach you to respect your elders?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Dec 2017 /  #75
Bussed yes, as that is the easiest form of transport

They were bussed in from far, far away, because even PiS supporters in Warsaw wanted nothing to do with Trump's visit.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
14 Dec 2017 /  #76
even PiS supporters in Warsaw wanted nothing to do with Trump's visit.

Perhaps, but nonetheless they came out for the November 11 march without anyone asking them too.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Dec 2017 /  #77
Only 60,000 of them, and only once a year. They were predicting 150,000 beforehand, so that can only be called a failure.

By the way, several hundred of them are being investigated.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
14 Dec 2017 /  #78
Good they can make friends with the few dozen antifa losers that were promptly hogtied and put in back of a police van for trying to block the patriots' march. Failure? Right... 60k in just Warsaw alone by even the msm's estimate... other years it was well over 100k. in any case, PiS is still in charge, Poland is still Islamic terror free, and the majority of Polish have a conservative traditional worldview on things such as migrants, gay marriage, etc. as evidenced by the current situation in Poland and CBOS polls.

Also, I haven't heard of any such investigations. What I did hear our democratically elected government calling it a beautiful display of patriotism


As long as Poland's constitution remains as is, the Polish traditions, culture, and worldview endures, Christ remains King of Poland, 3/4 of Poles reject migration which helps us continue our ZERO Islamic terror attack record, well, then all is well...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Dec 2017 /  #79
60k in just Warsaw alone by even the msm's estimate

That was the police estimate.

What I did hear our democratically elected government calling it a beautiful display of patriotism


Sorry, you need to really keep up more with Polish news. The government changed their mind very very quickly once they realised how strong the international backlash was.

By the way, one of the PM's closest political advisors, the British-Israeli Jonny Daniels, is calling for the delegalisation of the ONR.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
14 Dec 2017 /  #80
the British Jonny Daniels, is calling for the delegalisation of the ONR.

So? No one cares what some Brit thinks of a patriotic nationalist Polish group. Some liberal Wroclaw politician tried to shut down NOP too and fine them for 'facist' speech and he failed miserably. If its not NOP/ONR, it'll be RN, if not RN another group. Also, NOP is registered as an official political party in the courts and National Electoral Commission so good luck with that one. NOP's been around since PRL days and is recognized as the successor to the Phalangists of the 30's

That was the police estimate.

Regardless, 60k is more of a march then PO or KOD could ever gather on a single day in just one city since 2015.

The government changed their mind very very quickly once they realised how strong the international backlash was.

Actually, I see far more reports criticizing EU and MSM for untruths about the Nov 11 Independece Day march. I recall many politicians calling it a beautiful patriotic sight and that Europe should emulate Polish citizens' strong morals, values, and desire to defend Europe. In fact, the new PM's first message was that he wants to 're-Christianize Europe' and 'remind them of the values, morals,....'
Ironside  50 | 12955  
14 Dec 2017 /  #81
the British-Israeli Jonny Daniels

Should be deported! Where from they pick up those shady characters.

That was the police estimate

There was about 100 000 people or more as in previous years. There is no reason for less people attending this year - anyway no matter - there are marches like this one hold in other Polish cities and towns.

The government changed their mind very very quickly

No they didn't. They just have stupid advisors.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Dec 2017 /  #82
No one cares what some Brit thinks of a patriotic nationalist Polish group.

You don't get the "close advisor to PM Morawiecki" part, do you? He's very influential, hence why even Jacek Międlar made a video about him. Actually, if you want to find out more from the nationalist perspective, here you go - youtube.com/watch?v=OAvfs2NiSNo

IS - about him being deported - I have no opinion on him. But he's an interesting character, not least because he's a former advisor to the Deputy Speaker of the Israeli government, and he has a lot of links to Americans too. And now he's one of the main advisors to the Polish PM, despite being British and not speaking a word of Polish.

Regardless, 60k is more of a march then PO or KOD could ever gather on a single day in just one city since 2015.

KOD were getting similar numbers a while ago. It's about the norm for a large political rally, though PiS haven't attempted a single rally since being elected despite several abortive attempts.

I recall many politicians calling it a beautiful patriotic sight

Keep up. They backtracked quickly once they realised just how badly it was seen internationally.
Ironside  50 | 12955  
14 Dec 2017 /  #83
But he's an interesting character

Indeed eager to delegalize ORN - should pack before he'll be kicked out.

KOD were getting similar numbers a while ago

Not really, they get close thought. Once... By the way that ha something to do with support for PiS. March 11 Nov is not pro gov rally and never has been.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Dec 2017 /  #84
Indeed eager to delegalize ORN - should pack before he'll be kicked out.

Well, either way, I can understand why nationalists in Poland are concerned at his presence. The fact that he hasn't bothered to learn Polish despite being here for at least 4 years from what I can tell - it's an insult.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
14 Dec 2017 /  #85
KOD were getting similar numbers a while ago

Nope. They never broke 60k. They had a huge rally in Wroclaw's square (I was present) and at most they were saying 10k.

nationalists in Poland are concerned at his presence

Nationlists never liked Zionists who stick their nose in Poland's affairs.

he has a lot of links to Americans too

As well as anti-Semetic priests

Some quotes from forward.com:

Daniels went on to castigate Poland's chief rabbi and major Jewish lay leaders for criticizing Trump.

Indeed, Rydzyk's meeting with Reed and Blackwell, who both served as senior members of Trump's presidential transition team, took place at a Warsaw Redemptorist event highlighting the role of Poles who saved Jews.

The men's presence at the event that Daniels brokered was reported effusively on Radio Maryja's TV channel; like much of the rest of the Polish media, the station portrayed their visit as a meeting with Trump envoys. But Blackwell told the Forward they were not there in that capacity.

A Polish diplomat who declined to be named because of his position explained, "These gentlemen were presented by Jonny Daniels as the only way to get to the Trump administration." Using Danielsto arrange these meetings, he said, "shows the world the Polish government is not nationalistic

Daniels said he had nothing to do with this meeting. But he was happy to take credit for bringing Rydzyk, Azari and several senior government officials together at his home last November for a Friday night Sabbath dinner

Rydzyk, Daniels told the Forward, is "absolutely not" an anti-Semite. "Truly not," he said

"I think Jonny Daniels is some kind of go-between" between Israel and Poland, said Grabowski, who believes that for reasons of realpolitik Israel has agreed to support the Polish government's narrative of Polish heroism during the Holocaust.

Ah for once it appears Poland is using a Jew instead of the other way around...

Daniels is unabashedly pragmatic. "At the end of the day, the majority of Poles voted for this government, and its popularity is rising," he said. Moreover, "This government has been willing and open in strengthening bonds with Israel. Few governments send top officials to Israel every single year."


Well delph, I'm quite glad to see you like a Trump supporting, Rydzyk apologist, promoter of PiS, and commenter on their popularity.

Well, either way, I can understand why nationalists in Poland are concerned at his presence

I'm not and it appears no one in the nationalist groups care all that much. NOP/ONR/RN isn't going away - that's for certain. They're focused more on keeping Poland free of Islamic terror attacks, promoting patriotism, teaching the next generation about Polish history, culture, etc. engaging with other groups from Europe like Jobbik, AfD, Pegida, Britain First, Legia Nord, Golden Dawn, Right Sector, Identitaire, etc.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Dec 2017 /  #86
Well delph, I'm quite glad to see you like a Trump supporting, Rydzyk apologist, promoter of PiS, and commenter on their popularity.

I'm intrigued by him more than anything. As you say, he's all of those things, yet he's calling for the delegalisation of the ONR and the nationalists hate his guts. I don't like him, I don't hate him, I just find him an interesting character and I'd like to meet him.

I'm not and it appears no one in the nationalist groups care all that much.

They care a lot. I follow the nationalist groups online, and they do not like him in the slightest.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
14 Dec 2017 /  #87
Of course they don't like him. However, they aren't worried that this guy is a threat to their survival. He's not the first one to try to delegalize or fine the Narodowcy. It won't happen though - far too many Poles want narodowcy to remain. Even if they view them as a bit radical, extreme, nationalistic, etc they are the ones promoting Polish patriotism more than anyone. They have enormous support in the military and among youth. They're not going anywhere and every Polish EUphile politician like the dude from Wroclaw that has tried to shut them down have failed miserably. He will too. Kaczynski and Morawiecki will remind him that the narodowcy are conservative and vote for the right wing parties and are a big part of PiS support base even if they disagree with certain things.

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